I would never let a pretty Lady rot on the groundI can smell flowers … am I dead or alive? Have I gone to heaven? Or just tossed on the ground and left to rot?
Sheared, big chested slave on the way to the cross doesn't get much attention there...Via Crucis
What a beautiful forest glade setting, why Barb and Eul look quite decorative don’t they?
Ooh what an adorable loincloth! Must be from the new season catalogue, she’s the model!Via Crucis
Wow! I love her!Via Crucis
Awwww that sexy loincloth has gone !!Via Crucis
For those who like Valentina's plastic
Wow!!! Thank you very much!Via Crucis
For those who like Valentina's plastic
I like that amazing strong girl very much ... in her unbearable sufferingRose
Oooh she's lovely. I hope she suffers a lot soon.Zhenzhu
Oh god yes!!!Zhenzhu on the Cross
One is relieved the soldier decided the condemned woman should not be allowed a loincloth. Lana deserves to spend her last hours without the dignity of any clothing...Lana on the Hill