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Reminded me of the biggest groaner I heard in '14: If Mary gave birth to Jesus, and Jesus was the the "Lamb of God", ... did Mary have a little lamb? :doh:
You are a sick bastard L.T. ...I appreciate that

Reminded me of the biggest groaner I heard in '14: If Mary gave birth to Jesus, and Jesus was the the "Lamb of God", ... did Mary have a little lamb? :doh:
You are a sick bastard L.T. ...I appreciate that


I must be one, too (a sick bastard, not a little lamb) cos I thought that was quite funny :D
The sheep in the Carding Mill Valley near Church Stretton, Shropshire, are a right menace. If you sit down to eat your lunch they sneek in and try to steal your sandwiches. They are not a bit afraid of humans.:(
Sitting on the grass next to my GF, as we ate our sarnies, one snuck in a would have stolen my small paring knife. I had to swat its nose to chase it away.
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And she was only bringing the kids some late Christmas presents :rolleyes:
I read about this story on another news site, and in that story was the funniest part, it took 23 firefighters to free her. I wonder if the 23 firefighters showed up because they heard about the victim being a nude woman:devil:. Some of the comments to that story were funny, one said that since she was his ex girlfriend Santa brought her back because he was a bad boy....this is what happens when you are a bad boy, Santa gives you back your ex.
papers tomorrow:


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It boggles my mind that there are people in this world that have no sense of humor, that take themselves so seriously, that they would kill because they are offended by satire. These cowards who killed these unarmed people, should be hunted down, and put down like a rabid animal, no mercy shown. It just makes me so angry, the absolute insanity of it all. If your faith is so fragile that a few cartoons about your religion offends you, and you have to resort to killing, brother, you have no faith in your religion.
My thoughts and prayers are with the victims family, and all of France. Today I am a Frenchmen.
Het Contactorgaan Moslims en Overheid (CMO) roept moskeebesturen op om tijdens het vrijdaggebed stil te staan bij de aanslag in Parijs op de redactie van het weekblad Charlie Hebdo. ''Imams zullen hun afschuw uitspreken over deze gruwelijkheid'', aldus het CMO donderdag.

De organisatie is ''diep geschokt door de barbaarse en laffe aanslag. Het is een misdaad tegen de mensheid en een aanval op onze democratie, vrede en vrijheid''. Het CMO roept de achterban op deel te nemen aan wat het noemt, steunbetuigingsactiviteiten zoals vreedzame manifesten in verschillende steden.
Het Contactorgaan Moslims en Overheid (CMO) roept moskeebesturen op om tijdens het vrijdaggebed stil te staan bij de aanslag in Parijs op de redactie van het weekblad Charlie Hebdo. ''Imams zullen hun afschuw uitspreken over deze gruwelijkheid'', aldus het CMO donderdag.

De organisatie is ''diep geschokt door de barbaarse en laffe aanslag. Het is een misdaad tegen de mensheid en een aanval op onze democratie, vrede en vrijheid''. Het CMO roept de achterban op deel te nemen aan wat het noemt, steunbetuigingsactiviteiten zoals vreedzame manifesten in verschillende steden.

English translation:

The Contact Committee for Muslims and Government (CMO) calls mosque leaders to take a firm stand during Friday prayers against the attack in Paris on the editorial board of the weekly Charlie Hebdo . '' Imams will express their abhorrence of this atrocity , '' says the CMO Thursday.

The organization is '' deeply shocked by the barbaric and cowardly attack . It is a crime against humanity and an attack on our democracy, peace and freedom . '' The CMO calls upon supporters to participate in support of activities such as peaceful demonstrations in different cities.
Well, in first, I want to thank in the name of all French people for all this solidarity !
Really, it's touching !:)

In a second part, I wanted to show you my soul, in these bad days for my country and I think that's the reaction of the majority here, in France !

Tears went in first
But what else ?
It's not worthy to stay crying
For us, French people,
Is not only a word !

We had made our Revolution
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

I'll add .... LOVE

Nude to my cross,
Exhausted by sufferings,
I want to be proud
Fighting, determined
In front of the misfortune

Like this nude statue
Like this nude woman
Showing her body like a gift
But staying in freedom

The freedom to give herself
The freedom to select her fate

Through the adversity
Our country will stay up
Our country will select his fate
Our country will always be in...


Your Messa ...

PS : I wanted to thank SkatingJesus to have posted this pic on deviantart : he's french, like me ...


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