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Only 46 days in our Met Office reckoning - mind, with the gales blowing up again outside,
we might call this season Fall.

Incidentally, yesterday, the Octave of the Epiphany,
marked the absolute end of the Season of the Nativity in the western church calendar -
and as 13th January is also the feast-day of the delightfully named Bishop Hilarius of Poitiers
(actually quite an important figure in the early church in Gaul),
the term that used to begin on that day is still called Hilary Term
in the English Law-Courts and the Universities of Oxford and Durham
(but Lent Term in gloomy Cambridge :p)
And the day before, Monday after Epiphany, was Plough Monday,
the day farm-workers went back to work after the Christmas break,
and began ploughing through the mud...
Today was 'Martin Luther King, Jr." Day in the U.S. I was 12 years old when he was murdered. Many cities in America erupted in riots but not St. Louis.

47 years ago an imperfect man was silenced. I say 'imperfect' not to degrade Dr. King but to praise him. He reached hearts and minds that needed to be reached and expressed goals and dreams that as a white child of the Midwest were a given.

As you probably know I am a political conservative. This means to me get the government out of the way and do not assume because by the color of one's skin they cannot succeed nor should we not do what we can to let the 'rising tide lift all boats'.

I have no profound conclusion to this...

...just thoughts and friends...

Today was 'Martin Luther King, Jr." Day in the U.S. I was 12 years old when he was murdered. Many cities in America erupted in riots but not St. Louis.

47 years ago an imperfect man was silenced. I say 'imperfect' not to degrade Dr. King but to praise him. He reached hearts and minds that needed to be reached and expressed goals and dreams that as a white child of the Midwest were a given.

As you probably know I am a political conservative. This means to me get the government out of the way and do not assume because by the color of one's skin they cannot succeed nor should we not do what we can to let the 'rising tide lift all boats'.

I have no profound conclusion to this...

...just thoughts and friends...

he was assassinated on 04 April. a black day then. But it was ever worse. If you had the people said back then that extent will reach the monitoring. You would not have believed it.
I had just learned to read. So there was still a Martin Luther. I could not be explained when the German Martin Luther had been so long dead to me. And then a negro Martin Luther? Sorry, negro was normal for me as a child.
For this paper, I learned that there was a Martin Luther in the United States.
I was born in 1959 not 1969 (an error in profile, I can not change.).
You're a Aministrator. Can you correct for me?
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Feb 20/21 - St Agnes Eve - when a girl could see her future husband in a dream if she performed certain rites - she would go to bed without any supper, undress herself so that she was completely naked and lie on her bed with her hands under the pillow and looking up to the heavens and not to look behind.
Keats's long poem will be very familiar to many...

St. Agnes’ Eve—Ah, bitter chill it was!
The owl, for all his feathers, was a-cold;
The hare limp’d trembling through the frozen grass,
And silent was the flock in woolly fold...

a couple of artistic explorations of the theme

eve-of-st-agnes--a-scene-alexander-raju.jpg st agnes eve.jpg

and one of the young 4th century martyr


It's also the start of the Chinese 'Great Cold Fortnight' (brrrrrrrrr!)
and the sun enters Aquarius....​
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good night to everyone I'm in hospital..................recovering and revalidation and they ask me for Temperaturen............it are nice girls and of course I'll do that............................with LOL
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