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Milking Slave Girls

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Late to the game but as a woman

Ive always loved the humiliation aspect.

Life as a hucow and a crucified slut were bound to meet in a sweet chorus of dirty sexual ecstasy.

Plus "cow" and "heifer" as well as "worm" are my favourite animals to be called by mocking leering spectators and soldiers as I am crucified by my Roman conquerors!
She is given drugs that will make her lactate and then milked like an animal. The milking machine pumping away at her breasts, sucking the milk out through her distended nipples will cause her some considerable discomfort making it a very degrading and unpleasant experience for her.

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No! Never add drugs! Let the equipment draw whatever pure milk she can give...
milk 070.jpg
No! Never add drugs! Let the equipment draw whatever pure milk she can give...
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Just to be pedantic, I don’t think girls naturally produce milk unless pregnant or there is a medical problem, but lactation can be induced if a girl is given the right hormones, she could even be a virgin. Perhaps virgins' milk could be seen as a delicacy, something to put on your cornflakes :D
Just to be pedantic, I don’t think girls naturally produce milk unless pregnant or there is a medical problem, but lactation can be induced if a girl is given the right hormones, she could even be a virgin. Perhaps virgins' milk could be seen as a delicacy, something to put on your cornflakes :D
Actually is is possible for girls (and grown women) to produce milk with the right kind of breast stimulation. It is easier if she's had children previously though
It's not impossible for men to produce some milk, so I'm told, though I'd take that with a pinch of salt - or maybe sugar!
the sucking of the female nipple determines the stimulation of the nerve endings of the breast where there are receptors that stimulate the secretion of hormones such as oxytocin and prolactin, which promote milk production. Ingredients needed for milk slave: 1) recent pregnancy 2) better big breasts 3) hard and protruding nipples 4) abundant doses of oxytocin and prolactin every day, 2-3 times to day.
Apply the suction cups to the breasts and keep the suction active for two - three hours. The slave goes crazy with pain and pleasure and you will have top quality milk
Not something I have ever come across ... clearly a failure on my part :doh:
My partner Cyndi had three children before we got together as a couple, and she produced a lot of milk as she was breastfeeding all three for a few years - far longer than is regarded usual for many people, and she was still able to produce milk until just a few years ago (her youngest daughter is 33 now!)

Although she is no longer able to lactate these days (she is 54 now, so this may be menopause related)
My partner Cyndi had three children before we got together as a couple, and she produced a lot of milk as she was breastfeeding all three for a few years - far longer than is regarded usual for many people, and she was still able to produce milk until just a few years ago (her youngest daughter is 33 now!)

Although she is no longer able to lactate these days (she is 54 now, so this may be menopause related)
To be honest it isn’t something I have a huge knowledge about. I do remember reading that males can sometimes lactate and I know some newborn babies can.

I suppose I drank the stuff as a baby but the contrary to what this thread is about, the idea of drinking it as an adult really isn’t something that appeals to me :)
Something I have been told before many times, unfortunately experience doesn’t always confirm it. Eating escargot comes to mind :vomiton22je:
So have you ever drunk breast milk from the source? If so and you didn't like it then fair enough I guess. I've done it and I love it but we all have different tastes I suppose (I enjoy Marmite too LOL :D)
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