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Minnesota Moore and the Emperors' Treasure

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Chapter 15 April 16, 2018 Zagreb

Dr. Moore and Messaline had pretty much caught up during the drive to and from Ravenna. Therefore, on the short flight to Zagreb they sat quietly in their first-class seats, read magazines and sipped complimentary Champagne.

“Thanks, Windar for the fund-raising,” thought Barb. “Perhaps I do owe you a something for all you’ve done recently. You are somewhat handsome in your professorial, pedantic way.” She chuckled to herself. “However, Geoffrey need not worry!”

Then Dr. Moore’s thoughts went to the girl sitting next to her. She noticed that Messaline was looking at her when she thought Barb didn’t know. Maybe Windar was right. Messa had never seemed interested in boys at the University. Barb had just put that down to her fanatical devotion to her work. Barb remembered her own workaholic approach at that age. Although she had always found time for some good, no-commitment sex.

Barbara had never been seriously attracted to girls. She noticed a particularly attractive or sexy girl now and then in high school and college. Once in a while, she might have fantasized what it would be like to have sex with a soft and sensuous woman. But she never came close to actually doing so.

As they began their descent to Zagreb airport, the pilot came on and warned that there was slight wind and turbulence expected and not to worry. Slight turbulence?? Barb thought someone was hitting the plane with Mjöllnir, Thor’s Hammer, over and over! The roller coaster ride continued until they touched down (bouncing twice!) and were taxiing. When the excitement was over, she realized that she and Messa were holding hands tightly and neither seemed anxious to let go. Nothing was said by either as they gathered their things and exited the plane.

Zagreb, the capital and largest city of Croatia is home to almost a million people. It’s history dates back to the settlement of Andautonia in Roman times. The Medieval city seems to have had its origin around 1094 when a Hungarian king established a diocese there named Zagreb. In 1102, after their own succession crisis, the Croatians accepted King Coleman (the “Book Lover”) of Hungary as King of Croatia and Dalmatia. For the next several centuries, the separate kingdom was ruled by Hungarian monarchs.

The Byzantine Empire temporally conquered the Dalmatian coast and part of Croatia (I said the history is complex) but the Hungarian King Béla III retook it in 1181.

The citizens of Split "returned to Hungarian lordship" soon after [Byzantine Emperor] Manuel's death [in 1180], according to the 13th-century Thomas the Archdeacon.

Upon Béla's invitation, Cistercian monks came from France and set up new Cistercian abbeys at Egres, Zirc, Szentgotthárd and Pilis between 1179 and 1184.

Bela was the effective ruler when Frederick Barbarossa came through Croatia and Hungary on the Third Crusade in 1189-90. Béla welcomed Frederick, and dispatched a troop to escort the crusaders across the Balkan Peninsula. At Frederick's request, Béla mediated a peace treaty between Frederick I and Isaac II [Byzantine Emperor], whose mutual distrust had almost caused war between the German crusaders and the Byzantines.

Dr. Moore and Messaline were greeted at the curb by the rest of the team along with a large van to take them all to the Esplanade Zagreb Hotel. They all got checked in and Dr. Moore gave them an hour to settle in. She was again impressed by the rooms. The Esplanade Suite was nice and roomy. Then they met in the very chic cocktail bar, Esplanade 1925.

Over glasses of wine Dr. Moore greeted them all as valued colleagues. They were all somewhat aware of the manuscript and the Treasure and she filled in the blanks.

First, she emphasized, as had Windar, the need for discretion. While this was an academic project which wouldn’t interest most laymen, the reputed fabulous value of the treasure could excite the wrong kind of interest. Only they and Windar (and of course, Geoffrey) knew of the manuscript and the connection to the treasure. “Don’t Tell Anyone Anything!” Dr. Moore instructed.

Barbara explained that their job in Zagreb was to research the monasteries of Hungary and Croatia in 1190. They needed to identify the one where Frederick stopped and where Nickolas was resident. The enthusiasm of the team members really lifted Barb’s spirits. This group would get the job done, she was sure. They then went to Zinfandel’s Restaurant in the Hotel for a fabulous meal. Though all the staff spoke English, Messaline’s fluency in Croatian (and her very sexy French manner) charmed the waiters and earned them exceptional service. They then went to bed to prepare for the work of the next day.

Barb suggested that she and Messa go back to the bar for one drink. There she thanked the girl for her help at Ravenna and at the dinner. Barb felt a special closeness to Messa and wanted her to feel welcome as the only non-American in the group. They had Sljivovica, a very strong Croatian plum brandy. Barb, who could usually handle liquor, felt a rush to her head after the earlier drinks and the wine with dinner.

They rode up an elevator together and as the door opened on Messalina’s floor, she turned to Barb, said ‘bonne nuit’ and gave her a quick but sensual kiss on the lips. Before Dr. Moore could react, the doors closed. Barb continued to her floor, blushing deeply.
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Therefore, on the short flight to Zagreb they sat quietly in their first-class seats, read magazines and sipped complimentary Champagne.

The expense account is inadequate ... at this rate it will be gone in no time ... I need to beg Dean Windar for moore :rolleyes:

They then went to Zinfandel’s Restaurant in the Hotel for a fabulous meal. Though all the staff spoke English, Messaline’s fluency in Croatian (and her very sexy French manner) charmed the waiters and earned them exceptional service.

It was probably her sexy manner over her linguistic fluency ... :p

They had Sljivovica, a very strong Croatian plum brandy. Barb, who could usually handle liquor, felt a rush to her head after the earlier drinks and the wine with dinner.

He says that about me? ... the girl who gets tipsy after two glasses of wine? .... :confused:

They rode up an elevator together and as the door opened on Messalina’s floor, she turned to Barb, said ‘bonne nuit’ and gave her a quick but sensual kiss on the lips. Before Dr. Moore could react, the doors closed. Barb continued to her floor, blushing deeply.

Blushing deeply? .... must be the plum brandy ... :devil:

First Class is Nice

lots of leg room for leggy women like Messa and me :p

Barbara sampling Esplanade 1925.

Before I got tipsy and silly :facepalm:

The end of the elevator ride

Uh oh ... where is this leading ... ? :tits:
The expense account is inadequate ... at this rate it will be gone in no time ... I need to beg Dean Windar for moore :rolleyes:
Windar told Barb the budget was €4,000 a day (hoping she would stay within €5,000 a day to last for almost 90 days including after-project wrap up). At the current level, it might not last 45 days!
Chapter 16 April 16 A Croatian Night

Dr. Moore went to her room confused. She decided that the solution was to talk to Geoffrey. Well, not talk really. With the long periods of physical separation, they had become quite adept as phone sex and sexting. Barb stripped to her panties and nothing else and sat on the big, plush hotel bed and fired up her laptop.
It only took a moment for Geoffrey to respond to the IM. “The old dear,” she thought. “He misses me.”
After very brief catching up and small talk they were deep into a sexual conversation. Or, actually Geoff was. While he wasn’t a poet, the old man was very quick and fluent at setting a sexual mood and following through with intimate, erotic descriptions (perhaps a legacy of decades of finding ways to mentally satisfy himself). Barb usually just listened (or read the texts) and enjoyed and became aroused and wet. Often, Geoff’s sensual texts could take her over the edge.

But not tonight. Try as he did, Barb just wasn’t responding. After a while, Geoff realized it and, in his refined gentlemanly way asked,
“What is wrong, Barb, dear? Have I said something to turn you off or am I pressing too hard?”
“No dear, not at all. I’m just not there tonight. Think I had too much liquor at dinner. I just need to nod off. Love you so much!!!”
“Love you more.” Geoff always said this. And Barb knew he meant it!
She closed up the laptop. Just then it occurred to her that she hadn’t told Geoffrey about Messa’s kiss. That was strange, she had told Geoffrey everything, especially sexual since their first night together. Was she ashamed? Was she hiding it? As she turned out the light and rolled over to sleep, she felt a twinge of guilt.

A couple hours later, Barbara awoke from a dream. As she drifted back to consciousness, she remembered the dream was about Messa. Kissing Messa. French kissing Messa. Barb was now wide awake, amazed at her dream and even more amazed to realize that her pussy was dripping wet! It had been many years since 35-year-old Barb had last had a wet dream. She hurried to the bathroom for some tissues.
Crawling back under the covers, she chided herself. “Messa is a dozen years younger than you and is your student. It is not ethical. This just cannot happen!”
Tucking herself back in, Barb forced her mind onto brother Nickolas and the world of the Medieval monastery. As she went through the monastic rituals of the day, the eight sacred offices,* she gradually calmed and finally resumed a quiet, undisturbed sleep until morning.

Dr. Moore was usually an early riser. For some reason, she overslept. By the time she got down to the restaurant the team already had a table and were digging into hearty fare. The last seat saved for her was between Messaline and Henry. With some little reluctance, she sat there.
* the eight sacred offices.
The daily life of a Medieval monk during the Middle Ages centered around the hours. The Book of Hours was the main prayer book and was divided into eight sections, or hours, that were meant to be read at specific times of the day. Each section contained prayers, psalms, hymns, and other readings intended to help the monk secure salvation for himself. Each day was divided into these eight sacred offices, beginning and ending with prayer services in the monastery church. The times specified for the recitation of divine office described the cycle of daily devotions. The times of these prayers were called by the following names:
Matins : the night office; the service recited at 2 am in the divine office
Lauds : the early morning service of divine office approx. 5am
Prime : The 6am service, first of the Little Hours of divine office.
Terce : the second of the Little Hours of divine office, recited at the third hour (9 am)
Sext : the third of the Little Hours of divine office, recited at the sixth hour (noon)
Nones : the fourth of the Little Hours of the divine office, recited at the ninth hour (3 pm)
Vespers : the evening service of divine office, recited before dark (4 - 5pm)
Compline : the last of the day services of divine office, recited before retiring (6pm)
ps kudos for mentioning the medieval kingdom of Hungary, a power which is usually overlooked by the English speaking world.
Indeed very few understand the singularity in central Europe of the Hungarian language - part of the Uralic primary language group, along with Finnish, the only non Indo-European based languages in Modern Europe. (I'm sure @Eulalia could correct and expand on this statement)
A contemporary miniature of Bela III
Bela III.jpg
14th Century dress - swearing a blood oath!
Of course their origins date to Attila the Hun (c450).
hunnic-tribes-had-been-in-europe-less-than-a-century-when-attila-was-born-photo-u1.jpg Their tactical advantage was that they were accurate with bows while riding as speed.
Attila was generally known by an uber-CF name, Flagellum Dei (“Scourge of God”) and appears under the name Etzel in the Nibelungenlied and under the name Atli in Icelandic sagas. His death in 453 is also the stuff of CF male dreams, he took to bride young Ildikó, and at the weeding feast (or actually in the bridal bed), he suffered some kind of hemorrhage and died.Morte_di_Attila,_Ferenc_Paczka.jpg
Messaline might recall the story of an earlier French girl who saved Paris from Attila:
In the late winter of 451, fresh from successful raids into Byzantine territory, he led his troops and allies across the Danube River and west toward Gaul. The Huns attacked and burned cities east of the Rhine, then headed northwest toward Lutetia. Here their advance was turned aside by the woman who would become Saint Genevieve, the patron saint of Paris.

"Hearing that King Attila of the Huns was laying waste to Gaul, the citizens of Paris were wild with fear. They thought that it would be best for them to leave the city and take all their merchandise and belongings to the security of safer places. Genevieve called together the women of the city and persuaded them to begin vigils, prayers and fasts in hopes that they could avert the impending catastrophe. The women agreed to her plan and for several days they remained in the baptistery of the church in prayer, fasting and wakefulness. As Genevieve urged, they continually cal ed on God. She also persuaded the men not to ship their goods out of the city. Now those cities that the Parisians would have chosen as their refuge were ravaged by the furious Huns. Paris itself was saved and through the protection of Christ remained inviolate" (Acta Sanctorum, vol. 1, p. 139).
Late19th_early_20th_Century-Chocolate.jpgA rather fanciful depiction on a box of French chocolates. Which reminds me of the movie Chocolat with another French girl Juliette Binoche juliette-binoche-5.jpgat 54!!!:very_hot::very_hot::very_hot:
Excuse me, I've gotten a bit distracted.
Editors note:
Today's post will be delayed. I have no idea how long. When I inquired, all I got was a rather rude, "F**k you! I'm trying to sleep it off!"
Chapter 17 April 17 A Croatian Morning

Messaline woke up as giddy as a schoolgirl. [Author’s note: Yes, I know it’s a sexist line today, but common in the 50’s when first written. And I refuse to change it. Messa is a schoolgirl with a giddy crush on her teacher. So there!]

Professor Moore must really like her! She’d singled Messa out last night to have a private, after dinner drink. As they had sat together, Dr. Moore praised her help in Venice and Ravenna, and said how very pleased she was to have Messa on the project.

For several years, Messaline had worshiped Dr. Moore from afar, for her spectacular work and achievement in Messa’s chosen field. When she had been able to study under the professor beginning two semesters ago, it had been a dream come true. Working that closely with the older woman, she had also developed sexual feelings for her. With her fanatical academic drive, Messa had never had the time or the nerve to pursue those feelings.

Then last night! Messaline had been intoxicated enough with the heady atmosphere of being part an incredible research project; the drinks before, during and after dinner had pushed her way over the limit! And then Dr. Moore had asked her to a private drink! She was over the moon!

Messaline hadn’t planned anything in the elevator. She had just turned to say good night. But when she saw Dr. Moore’s beautiful face just inches away, all the excitement and joy had overwhelmed her. She had to kiss her!

However, as Messaline went down early for breakfast, her stomach was tight with worry. Had she gone too far? Had she misread Professor Moore’s praise and special interest? Messa had done something like that once before, with terrible results.

In the summer after her college sophomore year, when she had just turned 18, Messaline had been thrilled to be chosen to take part in a major funded project at her University to review and catalog the Medieval manuscript collection. Her outstanding academic record had more than qualified her. During the summer she worked closely with the female professor in charge of the project. Although, at 38, the professor was two decades older than Messa, the impressionable girl developed a crush on her. The attention, the long hours together, the encouraging words of the professor all made Messa believe that there was a special feeling developing.

Half-way through the summer, she made a move. While sitting together at a table reviewing reports, Messaline got up the courage and kissed the professor on the lips, with very clear intention!

The teacher was outraged! She berated Messa, expressed her disgust at anything lesbian, and then stormed from the room. From that moment on, the professor never spoke another word to the student. A couple of days later, a dean called her in and said that the project was being cut back and she, as the youngest member, would be let go immediately.

Messaline soon learned what is was like in the closed confines of a University department. When there is a consensus against you, there was nowhere to turn and no way to defend yourself. Her junior/senior combined year, teachers barely noticed her and she was never offered a special assignment or opportunity. It was a long, lonely eighteen months.

Since then, Messaline had thrown herself into her work, avoiding any romantic entanglement. Entering the double PhD. program at Minnesota University had given her a fresh start. She was respected and encouraged by the faculty and was very happy with the quality of the staff.

Had she now made another mistake? Dr. Moore hadn’t said anything and didn’t seem offended. No, Messa refused to worry. She was going to work closely with her hero.

Messaline arrived first in the hotel coffee shop. Given the jet lag, they had agreed to assemble late, at 9 AM. Using her Croatian fluency and natural charm (not to mention natural beauty), she arranged for a private table for 5 in a bay window overlooking the hotel gardens. She ordered a central platter of Marenda, a traditional Zagreb brunch, featuring sliced meat and cheese.. The previous evening, she had spoken with each member of the team and gotten their breakfast wishes. She instructed the waiters to bring these as each person arrived. That way they could chose their own, or sample the Croatian fare.

Messaline became more and more nervous waiting for Dr. Moore. The others wandered in, one by one, until all were there except their leader. Messa managed to keep the seat to her right open for Professor Moore. To her left was David and beside him Susan. David seemed to only wish to talk to Susan. Messa suspected he had a crush on her. Henry was on the other side of Moore’s seat, next to Susan.

Finally, Barbara appeared looking bright and greeting the team warmly. Messa wondered if her greeting to her was less warm than the others; perhaps she had just imagined it. Dr. Moore sat beside her and inquired as to her health and then turned to Henry with a question about the ground penetrating radar. For the next twenty-five minutes of the breakfast, she did not say another word to Messa.

As the minutes went by and the intentional ignoring by her idol became more obvious, Messaline had to fight back tears. With the pairs on each side of her talking to each other, the girl was completely out of the milieu. She soon stopped trying to engage anyone and just pushed her food around her plate. Merde! Merde! Merde! She’d done it again! She’d ruined everything!

As the meal finished, Dr. Moore turned to the day’s work and assigning tasks. The various libraries and Universities in Zagreb would be combed for information on monasteries in the 12th century. She specially assigned Susan to research Brother Nickolas. If his background could be uncovered, his monastery would be as well. David was to concentrate on the records of the classical period and Diocletian’s palace. Henry would look into any modern survey mapping that had been done in the area of Split as well as what modern historians had said about Diocletian, Frederick and the Treasure. Barb herself would search the Medieval records on the Third Crusade passing through the area to pinpoint the route that Barbarossa would have taken.

As Barb dismissed the group, Messa barely managed to speak up in a choked voice. Was there an assignment for her? Professor Moore was taken aback with the question, but quickly assigned her research into the Hungarian king of the time, Béla III and the Byzantine Emperor, Isaac II. The team then went together through the lobby to the elevators to hit the ground running.

Messaline made an excuse to stay behind and thank the waiters for the service. When the others were out of sight, she went out the door to the gardens and stood there sobbing bitterly.
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A Marenda (or Mirenda) is a meat and cheese lovers heaven.
Untitled4.jpgOn the platter are such Croatian specialties: kulen is a hot and spicy salami made in the Slavonia region that gets shipped all across the country everyday. Paski sir is a cheese famously made from sheep’s milk on the island of Pag, where the sheep graze on nothing more than grass, various herbs and aromatic plants.

cured-meats.jpg.optimal.jpgIstrian Pancetta (ham) and Kobasice (sausages)
prosciutto.jpg.optimal.jpgCroatia makes some of the most sought after prosciutto in the world. This dry cured ham is unique due to the cold northern wind, known as the bura, that is critical in the drying process.
mirenda.jpg.optimal.jpgAnchovies and Dalmatian Ham with Cheese. Plates are always left empty (except Messa's)
Messaline soon learned what is was like in the closed confines of a University department.

Ain't that the truth !!!! :oops:

Using his Croatian fluency and natural charm (not to mention natural beauty), he arranged for a private table for 5 in a bay window overlooking the hotel gardens.

Is there a gender error in this sentence? :rolleyes:

Poignantly written episode! :clapping:
Croatia makes some of the most sought after prosciutto in the world. This dry cured ham is unique due to the cold northern wind, known as the bura, that is critical in the drying process.

Tree, must be getting the better of me ... for a moment, at first glance, I thought those were Gunner's male parts. :confused::eek:
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