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Minnesota Moore and the Emperors' Treasure

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Messa had arranged an excellent breakfast and Barb had given her no credit. Perhaps she should have given a little compliment?
messa pensive 12.jpg "It could ... "

She felt such love for her! ...
... “Dear, dear Messa! Mon cher! Je t'aime!” And she kissed her full on the lips.

That's quick ... Is she sure that it's real love or only ... compassion ?

... lovemaking!

What a "crazy" word ! Lovemaking ... lovemachine ... :D

... in two hours of ...

french version :
... total don de leurs corps , se découvrant l'une l'autre comme deux filles impatientes devant leur cadeaux , caressant , embrassant chaque endroit du corps de l'autre pour atteindre la grande extase que l'on nomme "orgasme" ... Quoi de plus accompli que cette première fois qui n'est que la répétition d'une longue suite de nouvelles découvertes , laissant chaque fois leurs deux corps plein de satisfaction, pleins de "l'autre" , dans un feu d'artifice que l'on nomme "la petite mort" ...
english version :
... total donation of their bodies, discovering each other as two eager girls in front of their gifts, stroking, embracing every place of the body of the other to reach the great ecstasy that is called "orgasm "... What is more accomplished than this first time that is only the repetition of a long sequence of new discoveries, leaving each time their two bodies full of satisfaction, full of "the other ", in a firework that is called "the little death "...

Just some of my thoughts ...
View attachment 714416 "It could ... "

That's quick ... Is she sure that it's real love or only ... compassion ?

What a "crazy" word ! Lovemaking ... lovemachine ... :D

... in two hours of ...

french version :
... total don de leurs corps , se découvrant l'une l'autre comme deux filles impatientes devant leur cadeaux , caressant , embrassant chaque endroit du corps de l'autre pour atteindre la grande extase que l'on nomme "orgasme" ... Quoi de plus accompli que cette première fois qui n'est que la répétition d'une longue suite de nouvelles découvertes , laissant chaque fois leurs deux corps plein de satisfaction, pleins de "l'autre" , dans un feu d'artifice que l'on nomme "la petite mort" ...
english version :
... total donation of their bodies, discovering each other as two eager girls in front of their gifts, stroking, embracing every place of the body of the other to reach the great ecstasy that is called "orgasm "... What is more accomplished than this first time that is only the repetition of a long sequence of new discoveries, leaving each time their two bodies full of satisfaction, full of "the other ", in a firework that is called "the little death "...

Just some of my thoughts ...
The English version is beautiful and hot! I bet the French original is even more so!:very_hot::very_hot::very_hot:
Chapter 22 April 19, 2018 Later That Night

David was hungry around midnight (he was always hungry – the team called him the bottomless pit; Henry joked that David’s stomach was where the Emperors’ Treasure was hidden) and went down to the gift shop for a snack. He rode up the elevator, got off on his floor and walked to his room. Just after he passed Professor Moore’s room the door opened and Messaline backed out. He turned to greet her, but she was looking back to the room and in that instant Dr. Moore appeared and the two kissed passionately on the lips. Messa said good night and turned to toward the elevators without noticing David. But Barb did.

Barbara motioned silently for David to come in her room. He did and she closed the door and faced him with a guilty expression. David tried to concentrate on his professor’s face, but the fact that she was only wearing a thin silk robe, untied, and with apparently nothing on underneath did distract him.

“David, I’m sorry you had to see that,” said Dr. Moore, “I really don’t want this spread through the team.”

“That’s OK, Professor. I guess it’s your private business. And Messa’s, of course.” David said it nicely, but there was the slightest hint of a sneer in her face and voice. And his eyes kept drifting down.

“Good, Good. It’s just that I don’t want the team getting all involved in gossip and imagining favoritism or anything.” Dr. Moore was clearly flustered. She hadn’t ever had to deal with anything like this before and had some residual regret over the professor/student aspect. Most disconcerting was that she was almost naked and here was another of her students leering at her. Was she a professor, or a sex object? She drew the robe around her and tied the belt.

“Oh, no problem, Professor.” He seemed to put an emphasis on the title, professor. “We’re all out here in a strange country and, I guess, have the usual urges.” He winked as he stared at her body as Barb held the robe tightly closed with her arms. David seemed thoughtful for a moment and added, “I’ve had my eye on Susan for a long time but haven’t known how to approach her – or if she’d be interested in me…?”

“Well, I could talk to her, see what she’s thinking, maybe drop a hint.” Barbara blurted out and immediately regretted it. She knew she shouldn’t compound an affair with one student with facilitating another liaison. It felt so “High School.”

“You could? That would be great, professor! And don’t you worry, I won’t breath a word to any one on the team about your secret with Messa!” David winked broadly and left closing the door behind him.

Damn! Barb thought. How did I get myself into that? Now I have be a matchmaker!

As she changed to her sleep shirt and crawled in the very disheveled bed, Barb’s thoughts soon returned to her tête-à-tête with Messa. It had been surprisingly nice. Very, yery nice!

Looking at the clock, she realized it was too late for a call with Geoffrey - the old dear was probably long asleep. She just texted him, “Good Night, I love you.” She could call him tomorrow evening and talk about Messa. Maybe you should worry, Geoffrey, she thought with a smile as she turned off the light. In just a few moments, her phone gave a soft beep. She looked at the text. “Good Night Gentle Friend. I love you more.” He had been waiting for her text!

As Barb drifted off to sleep, her mind delighting in two loves.
The English version is beautiful and hot! I bet the French original is even more so!:very_hot::very_hot::very_hot:
The english version is only the translation of the french'one , but, viewing the numerous "like" received, I doubt that it was pleasing ... Anyway, the next time I'll shun to add my "grain de sel" (comment) ...
The english version is only the translation of the french'one , but, viewing the numerous "like" received, I doubt that it was pleasing ... Anyway, the next time I'll shun to add my "grain de sel" (comment) ...
Please don't stop! Your "grain de sel" is excellent seasoning for the dish!
As Barb drifted off to sleep, her mind delighting in two loves.

Assume your choices, Barb ! It's true that we could love two persons in the same time and if it's hurting your mind, take me only like a sex'partner ...
In my side, I've already Judith (but she's not jealous) and I doubt that in the future I could leave her for you ...
Our love has no future , so, take these moments of pleasure without "castle in Spain" ...
The english version is only the translation of the french'one , but, viewing the numerous "like" received, I doubt that it was pleasing ... Anyway, the next time I'll shun to add my "grain de sel" (comment) ...
I'm with PP. Please continue to add your comments. French can't help but be sexy. To my barbaric English-only ears, French is a beautiful, musical language. I had a nice little moment there, reading your passage and imagining the scene as a French art film in which the two women are making love while a whispery voice-over narrates your comment. And as the two women finish each other off in ecstasy, the breathy narrator whispers "La putee mooooore . . ."
There will be a brief hiatus from posting chapters. This will allow posting of a little background material.

For those interested in Early Medieval Hungarian History, the core source is:
Gesta Hungarorum, or The Deeds of the Hungarians, is the first extant Hungarian book about history. Its genre is not chronicle, but gesta, meaning "deeds" or "acts", which is a medieval entertaining literature. It was written by an unidentified author who has traditionally been called Anonymus in scholarly works. According to most historians, the work was completed between around 1200 and 1230. The Gesta exists in a sole manuscript from the second part of the 13th century, which was for centuries held in Vienna. It is now part of the collection of Széchényi National Library in Budapest.
A translation:
It remains "the most famous, the most obscure, the most exasperating and most misleading of all the early Hungarian texts.’ - C.A. Macartney, The Medieval Hungarian Historians: A Critical and Analytical Guide, Cambridge, 1953, p. 59.
Are you implying it's impossible to be both? :confused: I guess that's why I left academia before becoming a professor...
A sleep shirt ? Why ? Messa sleeps nude, of course ! It's easier to masturbate ..
A sex objet ? Do you mean ? ...

:oops: ....... perhaps later, with Messa ?:oops::D
Ah, come on guys. Dr. Moore has worked damn hard to be accepted in the "old-boy" network of Academia. You just want to focus on her physical attractions, not her mental accomplishments. Reminds me of the problems Jessica Rabbit had in "Who framed Roger Rabbit."
Jessica Rabbit : You don't know how hard it is being a woman looking the way I do.
Eddie Valiant : You don't know how hard it is being a man looking at a woman looking the way you do.
Jessica Rabbit : I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
Chapter 23 April 19, 2018 On to Sarajevo

Breakfast next morning was a lively affair, owing to again being hosted by a vivacious and charming Messaline. Henry and Susan were clearly amused at her change in mood and David and Barb each pretended surprise, but all were sincerely happy that their youngest colleague was back in form.
Afterwards they loaded all the luggage and themselves in the large and luxurious van which Dr. Moore has engaged, with driver, to take them on the 5-hour drive to Sarajevo, Capital of Bosnia- Herzegovina.
Barb took the seat next to Susan, justifying to herself the need to give the other female member of the team, some of her personal attention.
Dr. Moore and Susan H. had worked together longest of any on the team. At 29, Susan was also the oldest, though her petite size and sweet pixie face made her look much younger. She was working to finish up the last research for her Modern European History dissertation on the breakup of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Dr. Moore, as her dissertation advisor, was always amazed at Susan’s obsession for thoroughness (even by Barb’s own fanatical standards). She really could have completed her thesis ten months ago, but she insisted on working day and night to fill in the smallest holes.
Susan came from an academic family, much like Dr. Moore. Both her parents were University professors. Surprisingly they were both Scientists yet Susan had always gravitated to the Humanities. A European trip guided by one of her parent’s colleagues at the University after her Junior year in High School stirred up a sleeping fascination with European History to which the girl devoted the next dozen years of her life.
Barb and Susan chatted casually about her dissertation and about the project and Susan’s research for it. As they moved to Sarajevo, ground zero of the Yugoslav Wars following the breakup of Yugoslavia, Susan’s deep knowledge of modern Balkan history would be invaluable. At Dr. Moore’s invitation, she proceeded to review the history of Bosnia and Sarajevo.
Bosnia is the direct result of one of the great events of Western history in the last 1,000 years. Beginning in 1300, Islamic Turkmen raiders swept out of a small principality in north-western Anatolia in central Asia Minor, to conquer the lands being lost by the shrinking Byzantine Empire. The dynasty of rulers founded by Osman I, were known as Ottomans after him, and soon the empire they conquered was given the same name.
In the mid-14th century, the Ottomans invaded south east Europe and began building an Empire in the Balkans. With the conquest of Constantinople and the death of the Byzantine Empire, Ottoman rule extended unchecked through all of the southern and central Balkans.
For the next three centuries, there was Ottoman domination in the Balkans. The extent of their control varied, reaching its Zenith in 1683 at the Siege of Vienna. By the early and middle 18th century, European military systems were evolving beyond those of the Turkish Empire and regular defeats were suffered, slowly pushing back the borders of the Empire. Small, semi-independent Balkan states emerged.
The arrow-like projection of Bosnia into the center of Croatia was a relic of the Ottoman/Islamic established presence south of the border, and the enduring Christian resilience to the north. In the late 19th and early 20th century, the administrative capital of Bosnia and its sister state Herzegovina, was the city of Sarajevo. The population was an explosive mixture of German/Austrian rulers, some Croatian Catholics, a Muslim majority and a fervently nationalistic Serbian Orthodox minority. Out of this fire came the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir presumptive* to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and his wife, Sophie, by a Serbian national fanatic. This action triggered a series of events, mainly diplomatic blunders, leading to the outbreak of what was then known as the Great War (later World War I).
After the war, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (Land of Southern Slavs) was formed from Croatian, Slovene, Bosnian, and Serbian territory. After the disruption of WWII and Nazi occupation, the Socialist State of Yugoslavia was formed. The fatal flaw of Yugoslavia was the religious history. While almost all were ethnic Slavs, Roman Catholic (Croatia and Slovenia), Serbian Orthodox, and Muslim populations maintained deep-seated hatred of each other from centuries of conflict and bloodshed.
At the end of the 80’s, after the death of strongman, Marshal Tito (Roman Catholic from Croatia – the smallest grouping in the polyglot state), Yugoslavia broke up in a series of independence declarations and brutal civil wars involving open genocide. In the end, the current states of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Macedonia emerged, very bloodied.
Bosnia and especially Sarajevo were at the center of the divide between Serbs and Muslims. It was there that the bloodiest and most heinous actions took place. The fighting dragged from April 1992 until December 1995 with over 100,000 dead, mostly ethnic Bosnians, in acts of blatant, brutal and horrific genocide.
Susan had tears in her eyes as she detailed some of the deaths and atrocity perpetrated. Barbara felt a deep warmth for her student and seemed to realize for the first time how much she cared for her. She certainly was grateful that they had Susan along. Her extensive knowledge would be of great help.

Unable to think of a way out of her promise to David, Dr. Moore asked Susan tentatively about her social life. Susan willingly shared. She hadn’t had any relationship for over a year and a half. Was she looking? Always, she laughed. With a shy smile and a charming blush, she confessed to Barb that she was rather inexperienced with boys. She hadn’t dated in high school (she was afraid of going too far) and had been too busy with her studies since then to have more than a few brief and non-committal relationships. Now, approaching thirty, she feared her intense studying and perfectionist attitude made her unattractive to boys.
Barbara was surprised that such a pretty and nice girl as Susan would think she was unattractive. But then she remembered her own insecurities and shyness when young and related to the fact that many boys were intimidated by a smart, driven woman.
Barb asked what she thought of the two men in the group and Susan said, eagerly, they were nice but hadn’t shown any interest. Barb bit her lip and crossed the last bridge, “I think David might be interested in you,” she whispered conspiratorially.
Susan giggled and blushed. “That would be nice,” she said. “Very nice!”
“I’ll see if I can help,” said Dr. Moore.

Dr. Moore spent the rest of the ride moving from one team member to the next. She spent the least time with Messa. They spoke professionally, but the looks exchanged were very unprofessional.
Lastly, Dr. Moore sat with David. When she confided Susan’s positive reception of his interest he grinned broadly. “Thank you, Barbara,” he said, a bit too familiar, “I’ll follow up as soon as possible!” Barb felt a twinge of shame in her stomach, but she ignored it.
A little after 1 PM, the van pulled into Sarajevo. The team was captivated by its idyllic mountain setting. They knew that its diverse heritage makes Sarajevo one of Europe’s most intriguing cities. And yet, it is its indomitable spirit that makes it truly special.
The van took them to their hotel, the City Hotel - Sarajevo in Baščaršija, the city’s cultural and historic heart.
Barb announced that they would check in, get settled and meet at 3pm on the open-air rooftop lounge.

*For those who have always wondered about heir apparent versus heir presumptive: An heir apparent is first in line to inherit and cannot be displaced by a new born heir (example oldest son [nowadays often, oldest child]). An heir presumptive is also first in line but can be displaced by a new birth (example nephew is first in line, but if monarch subsequently has a child, they would move to the front of the succession)
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