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Minnesota Moore and the Emperors' Treasure

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At the end of the 80’s, after the death of strongman, Marshal Tito (Roman Catholic from Croatia – the smallest grouping in the polyglot state

Yes , but we can recognize that Marshal Tito was keeping all these different communities into a great state ...
In Europe, he was often considered like a dictator , but a dictator like him is certainly preferable to what it was happening after his death !
Yes , but we can recognize that Marshal Tito was keeping all these different communities into a great state ...
In Europe, he was often considered like a dictator , but a dictator like him is certainly preferable to what it was happening after his death !
There is much debate on that. But I tend to agree with you.
And Messa’s, of course.” David said it nicely, but there was the slightest hint of a sneer in her face and voice.

Gender confusion in this sentence? :confused:

He winked as he stared at her body as Barb held the robe tightly closed with her arms.

I do hate it when guys wink at me ... :mad:

Damn! Barb thought. How did I get myself into that?

And there wasn't even any fine print to ignore ... :doh:

Dr. Moore tries to maintain her dignity while talking with David.

What dignity ... after nearly six years on CF, I have precious little of that left ... :oops:

A sleep shirt ? Why ? Messa sleeps nude, of course !

We'd be shocked to learn that she didn't ... :devil:

A sex objet ? Do you mean ? ...


Well, I never .... :rolleyes:
The arrow-like projection of Bosnia into the center of Croatia was a relic of the Ottoman/Islamic established presence south of the border, and the enduring Christian resilience to the north.

Very phallic sounding ... :p

the fact that many boys were intimidated by a smart, driven woman.

Many? ... how about "all" .... ;)

Lastly, Dr. Moore sat with David. When she confided Susan’s positive reception of his interest he grinned broadly. “Thank you, Barbara,” he said, a bit too familiar, “I’ll follow up as soon as possible!” Barb felt a twinge of shame in her stomach, but she ignored it.

I am beginning to think this could be "Days of Our Lives", or at the very least some kind pf academic soap opera. Who's hoping to get in bed with whom? Tune in tomorrow, same time, same place ... :popcorn:
Very phallic sounding ... :p

Many? ... how about "all" .... ;)

I am beginning to think this could be "Days of Our Lives", or at the very least some kind pf academic soap opera. Who's hoping to get in bed with whom? Tune in tomorrow, same time, same place ... :popcorn:
"The Seductiveness of Pedagogical Research" or "The Passion and the Tenure!"
Chapter 24 April 19, 2018 Planning on the Roof

The team gathered at 3 around a low table in the warm afternoon sun under a clear sky. The open-air rooftop lounge of the City Hotel offered a spectacular panoramic view of Baščaršija.

When the waiter came to take their orders, Henry complained in his typical loud voice, “No alcohol here? What kind of a lounge is this?”

“A very, nice, refined one, Henry,” chided Dr. Moore. “This whole hotel is alcohol and tobacco free, as are most in Sarajevo. Bosnia is majority Muslim and alcohol is available, but frowned on. And speaking just for me, after too many cocktails and Champagne in Zagreb, a day of temperance will feel good.”

Several others agreed and Henry was somewhat mollified. Barb had Messaline order coffee and sweets in Bosnian. As usual the waiter seemed happy at being spoken to in a flawless native tongue (Or was it because he seemed to be admiring Messa’s flawless figure?).

Barbara smiled at Messa and she returned the private smile. They both were well acquainted with Henry’s outbursts. He was big and big tempered. He would burst out without thinking sometimes and then quickly calm down. Messa had told Barb that the French have a phrase for it: "soupe au lait." Though his size tended to intimidate people (he had played linebacker in his college days with the Wisconsin Badgers – had been drafted to the Pros but declined and chose History instead), he was really a gentle giant. Barbara had once thought that he would be a good match for Messa, strong to protect her, but gentle to love her. Now, however, she was far less sure of Messa’s interest in a boy. And, at the moment, she was not interested in Messa finding another lover.

Henry, despite having the look of a dumb jock, was a wiz with electronics and visualizing spatial dimensions, mapping and such. Barb had great hopes for his help in locating both the monastery and the treasure. His thesis was on the role of emerging electronic technology (telegraph, radio, etc.) on the power shifts and decision-making leading to the First World War. Though it wasn’t her area of interest or expertise, Dr. Moore was fascinated by what she had read so far.

When the Bosnian coffee and sweets came, no one, not even Henry complained. There is an old saying about the rich coffees of the Balkans and Turkey, "Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love." This was all three! And the sweets were to die for.

After everyone had a chance to indulge in the coffee and several seconds of sweets. Dr. Moore got to the business of the meeting.

“I want to thank everyone for the outstanding jobs that have been done so far. I believe that we are very close to having what we need to pinpoint Nickolas’s monastery and Frederick’s route from there to Split. A day of research here should do it.”

“Susan, I want you to continued that work you’ve done on Nickolas. I want to know his history if we can get it.” “Right, chief!”

“David, you’ve gotten good information of Diocletian’s palace. See what you can find about the surrounding territory. That’s probably where the treasure is hidden. I just had a thought. We already know a lot about him as a soldier and Emperor. Get as much as you can about him personally. It might help us with his thought process in choosing a hiding place.” “Sounds good.”

“Henry, we are pretty sure Barbarossa would have left the Crusade somewhere in modern Serbia and come near here on his way to Split. Get everything you can on the Medieval and Modern routes – maybe some of that Satellite imaging you’re so good at.”

“I’ll have it in 3d 4k VR for you!” snapped Henry. “Ah, good, I think,” replied Dr. Moore.

“Messa, you got some good leads in those records of Bela and Isaac II. I think you found that the Byzantine Emperor had some communication with Barbarossa about logistics. See if there is more there that might imply a route taken. That area around Split was in Byzantines hands only eight years earlier.” “Mais oui, mon professeure!”

“I’m going to concentrate on updating the list of monasteries in south west Bosnia, on the route to Split.”

“Get a start on your work this afternoon, we’ll have supper together at 7 and a good night’s sleep. I want a lunch meeting tomorrow with all the answers!”

Everyone agreed and went off to get working. Barb was delighted to see everyone enthusiastic.
As usual the waiter seemed happy at being spoken to in a flawless native tongue (Or was it because he seemed to be admiring Messa’s flawless figure?).

Undoubtedly both ... :devil:

His thesis was on the role of emerging electronic technology (telegraph, radio, etc.) on the power shifts and decision-making leading to the First World War.

kinda like social media manipulation influencing the 2016 election ... :rolleyes:

Dr. Moore tried to stay in budget with a small suite.

No bathroom down the corridor for me ... :p
Chapter 25 April 19, 2018 A Night in Sarajevo

At Seven o’clock, promptly, the group assembled at Dveri, a small restaurant (one of the smallest in Sarajevo) in the heart of Baščaršija, a short walk from the hotel. A place, of which the Bosnian writer Veličković Nenad wrote, “Restoran koji već mirisom oslobađa gosta nedoumice da je doveo čula na pravo mjesto…Jedno od onih mjesta u koje dođete kao gost, odete kao poznanik, vratite se kao prijatelj…” “A Restaurant whose scent already frees the guest of any doubt that he has brought his senses to the right place…One of those places where you come as guest, leave as an acquaintance and return as a friend…” Needless to say, the dining experience was unforgettable. So impressive was the meal and so impressive was the charge, that Dr. Moore had the team drink a toast (non-alcoholic, of course) to Dr. Windar and Mr. Antonio for funding the research.
David and Susan sat next to each other, and by half-way through the meal, they seemed to have thoughts for no others. David maintained a surprisingly witty stream of flirtatious remarks which Susan parried with charm and enthusiasm. She smiled coyly at every double entendre and even replied with a few of her own.
At nine, the dinner broke up and they walked back to the hotel, David and Susan bringing up the rear and still lost in each other’s company. Barbara glanced around once and saw them holding hands.
In the lobby Dr. Moore said goodnight to all and boarded the elevator to her room to call Geoffrey and talk about her night with Messa. Henry and Messaline followed. Leaving the two lovebirds.

Finally, David asked, “Would you like to come to my room now, to continue this?”
“I don’t think so,” replied Susan with serious look. David couldn’t help but show his disappointment.
Susan, in turn couldn’t help but smile as his sad puppy face. “I need to go to my room to clean up and change,” she said. “Your place in twenty minutes?”
“Oh, Yes.”
David spent about two minutes getting ready, mostly picking off the floor dirty clothes and stuffing them in drawers and eighteen minutes pacing the floor, keeping an eagle eye on the door. When the knock came, he struggled not to leap to the door and fling it open. When he did open it, he was rewarded by a captivating sight. Susan, who rarely wore make-up had added some pale lipstick and cheek blush as well as color to accentuate her deep green eyes. Her dark hair swept down, framing her sweet face. She wore a green and blue, floral print robe tied at the waist and she was barefoot. It wasn’t obvious what, if anything she had on underneath the robe.
David, picking his jaw figuratively off the floor, stumbled slightly in greeting her, but managed to politely ask her in. As he followed her into the room, he surreptitiously adjusted his trousers.
“I’m so glad you agreed to come here,” he said a bit awkwardly. “Can I get you anything? There isn’t much in the mini bar.” (typically, David had eaten almost everything there when he first arrived).
“I think you have all I need, David,” Susan said, untying the knot and opening her robe. She was wearing only a white flowered bra and panty set.
Now it is true that some men, mostly James Bond, Casanova, and Jack the Ripper, know what to say in a situation like that. But the average horny young man confronted by such a delightful sight as Susan would be lucky not to just stutter something like “da da da!” David actually did pretty well with, “My God, Susan! You are so beautiful!”
Susan, not the most experienced girl for her age, blushed pink and smiled and replied, “Thank you, David. Let me see how you look.” And she pulled him close and began to unbutton his shirt.
By the time she had his shirt off, David’s erection was almost tearing his pants. Susan undid his belt, the trouser button and lowered his zipper. As his shorts stuck out, tented by his cock, she felt a warm feeling in her loins and said, “David! My God, you are beautiful too!”
In a very short while the two PhD candidates had adjourned to David’s bedroom to investigate areas of mutual interest, explore their differences, find synergies in their respective viewpoints, and uncover hidden gems. Fortunately, the well-insulated walls muffled their loud and enthusiastic cries of discovery.
After they had completed their study, they were lying in each other’s arms contemplating what had been learned. David leaned close to Susan, kissed her softly on the lips and said, “There’s one matter there that I don’t quite understand. Do you mind if I look into it closer?” while using his hand to indicate the object of his curiosity.
Susan gave a little moan of pleasure at his inquisitiveness and said, “Be my guest,” spreading her legs wide. “I don’t want you to miss a thing!”
Dr. Moore had the team drink a toast (non-alcoholic, of course)

Barbara glanced around once and saw them holding hands.

Susan said, untying the knot and opening her robe. She was wearing only a white flowered bra and panty set.

while using his hand to indicate the object of his curiosity.

Dr. Moore said goodnight to all and boarded the elevator to her room to call Geoffrey and talk about her night with Messa.
:spider:What ?!!! ... and Messa alone in her bed ?!!!:mad:
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