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Hello everyone!

New member here. After one of my watchers on Deviantart asked me permission to share one of my works over here, I decided to register as well. Interested to have a look at and participate some of the discussions, see people's artwork and maybe share some more of my own. Looking forward to explore and being part of this openminded community!

Hello and welcome.
Hi Everybody – and thank you for all the wonderful information and stories available on Crux Forums. I’ve not posted before and hope this is not too long or personal. These are just my thoughts, and I know that many folks have expressed the same things that I write, but I just wanted to say them. Thank you for letting me…

I am now nearly 80yrs old but still very active. However, my interest in crucifixion and BDSM was initiated during my high school years.

I was involved in a litter cleanup somewhere and came across a torn magazine. I picked it up and was shocked to see a picture of a naked guy tied, standing up, into this frame structure that spread his arms and feet out sideways. There was a nearly naked woman with a whip threatening to whip him, and had obviously already done so looking at the marks on his body.

I quickly gathered up the remnants of the magazine and stuffed them in my pocket to look at later. When I looked at what I had gathered I saw that there was also a story about the guy in the picture. From what I remember, he was (obviously) being punished.

The scenario was that two die were thrown, one red and one green. If the highest number came up on the green dice he would get that number of whip lashes with a rope whip – if the highest number came up on the red dice he would get that number of lashes with a whip that had metal barbs embedded in the rope. As a teenager, I ‘got off’ on that scene many times!

There was a lot of other ‘good stuff’ in that magazine, but I don’t remember it now, but that particular story/scene stuck with me.

I’ve explored the BDSM scene pretty thoroughly over my 60+ years since then but always enjoyed the scenes that involved me being stretched out on a frame, similar to the one in the magazine picture, and flogged, whipped or, my favorite, strapped, back and front to the point of breaking skin. The occasions on which I was punished with others watching were the best. Bruises and welts were my badges of honor and I got off looking at them in my mirror for several days after.

So more recently, the last 10 years or so, my attention has turned to crucifixion. Although I am too old to be the subject of any such scenes, I would love to witness one.

To me, the draw of crucifixion has some of the same elements as my penchant for being flogged. Although not played out as in some of the stories, the period before the punishment, knowing when it will take place, is a mental challenge. The being stripped naked in front of everyone, the inevitable groping and, sometimes, forced sex acts (forced? - I don’t think so!) before the main event.

I, as I’m sure everybody else does, fantasizes about how they would react to being tied to the cross, its being lifted into position, and how long hey would be able to endure. I know I do!
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