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News From Margot

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The Via Dolorosa Ahead


Where do we go from here? That was the question in Jac’s mind as he was working the finishing touches for the release of Seditiosa. That question is, still, roaming in his head now, when he is busy getting 69 Année Érotique for a November release and preparing to start shooting four films in the next few weeks. There’s a lot of work on 69 still, not production, of course, maybe a couple of shots, but rather a really complicated work in post production.

That film is in what can be described as a first cut, better than a rough cut, but not quite a final cut. But the movie is all there, all 2 hours plus of it, the entire story with everything. Beto saw that cut and he was so impressed that he can’t stop talking about it. It’s a weird film indeed.


But that’s not the only project brewing in Jac’s production house. There are a bunch of films in post. One of them, now in the post production stage is CruXtreme V – Playmates.

The Playmates and other films were shelved when our team embarked in the production of two huge feature films, the very complex 69 Année Érotique and the story of a female Christ and equally complex and far more costly, Seditiosa.

The female Jesus film took most of Jac’s attention last year, during the fundraising, script writing, producing, editing, all of it in less time that it would normally take to produce such a story that involved lots of people, far off locations, period costumes and props and more.


As Seditiosa went in production, 69 Année Érotique was also in production but it was shelved as well, for all the time it took to work on the shooting of the story of Yahel, the young, beautiful woman that wanted to write, read, heal people… and live in peace; but ended up sentenced to died on a cross.

69, the stream of consciousness type of film, where, the making of a film, as it was with Pygmalion before and this time it is Jekyll And Hyde‘s turn. The film, kind of a sequel to Pygmalion, goes into some intriguing and erotic in a truly sadistic way moments not found in the book. There are still some shots needed for that film and a lot of work in post production. The plan is to complete all that by the end of September and prepare its release in Europe and the US in November.


Now that those two time-consuming films are either released or getting ready for an international premiere, we can go back to the shelved movies, all four of them, where a lot happens to the two leading ladies, Dani and Mila.

The one going through post and to be released next is CruXtreme V – Playmates where Dani and Mila share the interest of Monsieur Jac for Xtremely sadistic good times of love on the beat, sex, lots of flogging and much torture, in that order.


We are also lining up a few films in Pre Production. Of those many movies, there are four about to be produced one after the other. Each centered in one of our courageous and committed actresses. These new films will be like a rehearsal for what is to come when the weather gets a bit better for our damsels in distress to be taken to a far off location where they will suffer the pains of nasty crucifixions. Each beautiful victim will star in her own nasty crucifixion story and each will experience a different style of crucifixion, one more painful than the other or the other way around. All of that in Roman times, of course, and the stories will be painfully linked.

But, for now, the suffering ladies are going through some very nasty rehearsals in preparation for the new productions.


Because of all the immersion of all senses, all the worries, all the attention to details that took to produce Seditiosa and 69, all the way from pre production through production and the post production of both films, Jac was somewhat saturated. It is not easy to produce two large films simultaneously.

However, we did precisely that a few times, one of those times we produced three large budget films, Maleficarum, Barbazul and Les Marquis de la Croix simultaneously. Jac directed Maleficarum, Amy directed Barbazul and Le Marquis. The difference is that Jac and Amy worked together in those films, sharing the responsibility of directing, producing and working in the post production. It was a little easier.


But for the new projects Jac had to deal with everything all by himself and it was very difficult. So, when the main production was over he took a break from that enormous back breaking efforts but without really stopping to work, just not as engaged as he normally is. That slowed down our output.

We’re returning to the hectic and filled schedule of days past, that includes producing many films, working our promotional work, and returning to a prominent role in social media, Patreon and the websites where we promote.

For some time our Patreon site was neglected, because of all the reasons above and more. We’re returning there with a blast. We’ll be showing the progress of the new films with exclusive clips from the rehearsals, the shooting of the new movies, clips from the past, and a full movie or two. In the up and coming post there we’ll have a never seen before clip of Dani Suffering The Rack during the pre production of Monxa Mala.


I’ll have more news pretty soon and very often.

Get our films! We still have our Midsummer Sale! Buy two or more (at the same time) and get a 20% discount!

It looks like "Seditosa" is only availble via download,rather than a physical mailed DVD.?
It looks like "Seditosa" is only availble via download,rather than a physical mailed DVD.?

The physical DVD is handled by Trepstar, while the Downloads is operated by Flickrocket. We're setting up the physical DVD at Trepstar and they have to go through testing and all that before it becomes available. It should be ready by the end of the week. We'll be setting up the shipping for all the contributors that paid for that.
As we go into the future, I'll be sharing a bit of the past.

Red Feline On The Cross


She's the perfect martyr because she's a fantasy, her own wild fantasy. You'll have to repeat to yourself, "It's only a fantasy It's only a fantasy". A long, endless nightmare.

In 1997 Jac and Camille were having a great time in Bolivia. Jac had an idea for a film that involved the crucifixion of a young woman. The tentative title was The Passion of Maricelli.

Jac thought that Camille, who was the lead female character in his TV miniseries El Hombre de la Luna, would be perfect for that character. He was curious on how she would act the crucifixion scene in that movie. So, they began to work on a series of try outs, with his old VHS camera, working on a bunch of crucifixion videos. As the work became more involved, with the use of lights and creating a set, Jac saw that the videos were looking very, very good. One morning, as they were having breakfast, Jac mentioned to Camille that the latest videos look very, very good and he made a joke, "if we made a movie like that, just the two of us, with a premise like the videos, but a long movie, we could make some good money, maybe".

Jac was surprised when Camille responded "Why not? Let's make one".

Soon after they were working on Red Feline on The Cross, a film that began a mini industry now known as Red Feline Pictures.

(To Be Continued)

The Trailer:
As we go into the future, I'll be sharing a bit of the past.

Red Feline On The Cross


In 1997 Jac and Camille were having a great time in Bolivia. Jac had an idea for a film that involved the crucifixion of a young woman. The tentative title was The Passion of Maricelli.

Jac thought that Camille, who was the lead female character in his TV miniseries El Hombre de la Luna, would be perfect for that character. He was curious on how she would act the crucifixion scene in that movie. So, they began to work on a series of try outs, with his old VHS camera, working on a bunch of crucifixion videos. As the work became more involved, with the use of lights and creating a set, Jac saw that the videos were looking very, very good. One morning, as they were having breakfast, Jac mentioned to Camille that the latest videos look very, very good and he made a joke, "if we made a movie like that, just the two of us, with a premise like the videos, but a long movie, we could make some good money, maybe".

Jac was surprised when Camille responded "Why not? Let's make one".

Soon after they were working on Red Feline on The Cross, a film that began a mini industry now known as Red Feline Pictures.

(To Be Continued)

The Trailer:
This is my favorite of all Redfeline's works!


Jac was facing a critical stage in his creative process, a short time ago, when he began shooting the new series of films where four of our amazing actresses will suffer torture and crucifixion in incredibly nasty and bloody ways, but he didn’t have titles for those four films.

He considered using the very popular CruXtreme plus the “identifier”, like in CruXtreme III – The Callback. There are five films under that general heading. Four films in that series were released, one of them is in post-production, CruXtreme V – The Playmates, with Dani and Mila sharing love, passion, torture and crucifixion.


Jac began shooting some tests for the new films, as well as the first scenes for the new movies, using the CruXtreme title to identify the camera files, but it was a temporary solution.

The new series has a clear intention. It is going to be a series of movies while, at the same time, they will serve as a sort of preparation for the four Girls In Merciless Peril who are going to be put to incredibly harsh tribulations in four connected crucifixion movies, Roman Style, in the outdoors, later on this year.

Jac was playing with one possible title to cover all the parts of the new series, so far 4 parts, each dedicated to each of the ladies. A more satisfying title came to his head: CruXbound. The first to go in front of the cameras was Dani, who, in her opening sequence, is dragged by her hair by one of her torturers, played by Mila, to a place where she’s suspended by her wrists to begin her journey of pain. The title of this first of four productions will be CruXbound III – The Warrior.


The four movies are going into production almost simultaneously and I’ll be sharing their progress, including some videos of the Making-Of which I’ll share in our Patreon site. The videos will consist of nice behind the scenes clips that are both, fun to watch and very sexy.

In the first clip we will show Dani getting ready for Scene 1, Take 1, where she is dragged, already naked, showing some bruising, to the place where she’ll be suspended by her wrists and flogged mercilessly.

The intention is to work on a movie that will include some of what is going to happen to Dani’s character in the Roman Crucifixion movie, where she will play a rebel warrior (in)famous for killing Roman soldiers. The warrior will appear in the first two films. She will be a witness of the execution of a slave woman in the first movie, and in the second film she will be present when a Priestess of Osiris is executed.

In both films Dani’s character will take care of a couple of soldiers that participated on those executions. It is when she is about to kill a Centurion on his way to exile that our courageous protagonist is captured. That’s where the third film begins.


To bring those four Roman Crucifixion movies to reality, we will need a somewhat high budget and one way of raising those funds will be the making of the CruxBound movies and showing their progress on Patreon.

Another way of raising the funds is selling, massively, our great films, and for that we’re extending the Mid Summer Sale for another week!

Our experience with the production of Seditiosa opened the doors to the possibility of more films in that same type of narrative, Roman Crucifixion stories. We have the location, the costumes, the props, we just need some good cash. One way of getting that money is to sell our films, of course, another way is to get enough members in our Patreon site to have that cash coming in and one way of having loyal members is offering something special. That’s where those new films come in.

In short, these four films will be a way of preparing for the bigger productions, and to have a modest fundraising for the big production values films… all four of them. You can help by using our Patreon site as a way of contributing to those funds.

Meanwhile, far from our set, all the way up north, Amy won the Best Short Screenplay award at the Port Townsend Film Festival’s inaugural short screenplay competition and right after that she went ahead and made the film. She was in the middle of it when she had a quick exchange with Jac.

On Aug 7, Jac had a question after a short exchange:

Jac: Anything interesting?
Amy: I’m really busy right now so I’ll get back to you when I finish the film we’re doing.

Then on Aug 23, after he saw a post concerning the award.

Jac: Congrats on your award. Is that the film you were doing? Glampire?
Amy: What award?
Jac: Port Townsend Film Festival’s inaugural short screenplay competition… I saw a post recently. BTW, the Diablo de Oro will have the retrospective of our films this November.
Amy: Awesome! The contest winner was the screenplay. We made the film out of the winning screenplay.
Jac: Oh, that’s great. How long is the film?
Amy: 10min.
Jac: Pygmalion will be at the retrospective. And they might have the premiere of 69 Année Érotique I’d love to see the new film

There were a couple of pictures about the new film by Amy, here’s one.


I’ll have more news pretty soon!!!

Get our films! We still have our Midsummer Sale!

Buy two or more (at the same time) and get a 20% discount! The Sale will be over SOON!




Last edited:


Jac was facing a critical stage in his creative process, a short time ago, when he began shooting the new series of films where four of our amazing actresses will suffer torture and crucifixion in incredibly nasty and bloody ways, but he didn’t have titles for those four films.

He considered using the very popular CruXtreme plus the “identifier”, like in CruXtreme III – The Callback. There are five films under that general heading. Four films in that series were released, one of them is in post-production, CruXtreme V – The Playmates, with Dani and Mila sharing love, passion, torture and crucifixion.


Jac began shooting some tests for the new films, as well as the first scenes for the new movies, using the CruXtreme title to identify the camera files, but it was a temporary solution.

The new series has a clear intention. It is going to be a series of movies while, at the same time, they will serve as a sort of preparation for the four Girls In Merciless Peril who are going to be put to incredibly harsh tribulations in four connected crucifixion movies, Roman Style, in the outdoors, later on this year.

Jac was playing with one possible title to cover all the parts of the new series, so far 4 parts, each dedicated to each of the ladies. A more satisfying title came to his head: CruXbound. The first to go in front of the cameras was Dani, who, in her opening sequence, is dragged by her hair by one of her torturers, played by Mila, to a place where she’s suspended by her wrists to begin her journey of pain. The title of this first of four productions will be CruXbound III – The Warrior.


The four movies are going into production almost simultaneously and I’ll be sharing their progress, including some videos of the Making-Of which I’ll share in our Patreon site. The videos will consist of nice behind the scenes clips that are both, fun to watch and very sexy.

In the first clip we will show Dani getting ready for Scene 1, Take 1, where she is dragged, already naked, showing some bruising, to the place where she’ll be suspended by her wrists and flogged mercilessly.

The intention is to work on a movie that will include some of what is going to happen to Dani’s character in the Roman Crucifixion movie, where she will play a rebel warrior (in)famous for killing Roman soldiers. The warrior will appear in the first two films. She will be a witness of the execution of a slave woman in the first movie, and in the second film she will be present when a Priestess of Osiris is executed.

In both films Dani’s character will take care of a couple of soldiers that participated on those executions. It is when she is about to kill a Centurion on his way to exile that our courageous protagonist is captured. That’s where the third film begins.


To bring those four Roman Crucifixion movies to reality, we will need a somewhat high budget and one way of raising those funds will be the making of the CruxBound movies and showing their progress on Patreon.

Another way of raising the funds is selling, massively, our great films, and for that we’re extending the Mid Summer Sale for another week!

Our experience with the production of Seditiosa opened the doors to the possibility of more films in that same type of narrative, Roman Crucifixion stories. We have the location, the costumes, the props, we just need some good cash. One way of getting that money is to sell our films, of course, another way is to get enough members in our Patreon site to have that cash coming in and one way of having loyal members is offering something special. That’s where those new films come in.

In short, these four films will be a way of preparing for the bigger productions, and to have a modest fundraising for the big production values films… all four of them. You can help by using our Patreon site as a way of contributing to those funds.

Meanwhile, far from our set, all the way up north, Amy won the Best Short Screenplay award at the Port Townsend Film Festival’s inaugural short screenplay competition and right after that she went ahead and made the film. She was in the middle of it when she had a quick exchange with Jac.

On Aug 7, Jac had a question after a short exchange:

Then on Aug 23, after he saw a post concerning the award.

There were a couple of pictures about the new film by Amy, here’s one.


I’ll have more news pretty soon!!!

Get our films! We still have our Midsummer Sale!

Buy two or more (at the same time) and get a 20% discount! The Sale will be over SOON!




So reading this it looks like the four crux stories previously mention to start filming in September or October will not be doing so?
Can you give us any more on Dani's faith. I presume she's crucified for her crimes, but any idea on procedure. Whipped, nailed , naked etc.
So reading this it looks like the four crux stories previously mention to start filming in September or October will not be doing so?

Way, way back I mentioned that there was the possibility that Jac would be making those four films in September. It was just a possibility, since there was nothing but an idea in Jac's head and that period, the one we're in now, seemed reasonable, at that time.

What I know is that those films are in development now. Some pre production is happening and when everything gets into place, the production will begin.

The production of the 'CruXbound films is ongoing, at a slow pace because it's happening in the middle of a bunch of things.
Can you give us any more on Dani's faith. I presume she's crucified for her crimes, but any idea on procedure. Whipped, nailed , naked etc.
Sorry referring to Dani's fait at the hands of the Romans. Not her faith.

I will be posting soon with some details about the Crucified Four. That's the working title for the Roman times crucifixion stories. Dani's character will be tortured prior to her sentencing. She will be tortured more at the cross, of course. She will be naked during most of her ordeals. I don't know if I'll get the details before the production, but we'll see.

The stories are very elaborate and different, although they are connected.
We were very sad to hear that the great actor James Earl Jones passed away today. He was 93. We have a little bit of history with him. Jac's first film has a scene with this fantastic actor and human being, playing the role of a doctor in Haiti who gets killed by the Ton Ton Macoutes.

The clip includes bits of The Comedians, a film based on Graham Greene's famous novel. The principal characters in The Comedians are based in two of the principal people that are in Krik Krak.

Krik Krak has a lot to do with Duvalier and he is one of main subjects in the film... Papa Doc Duvalier, who is the narrator in the next clip.

Graham Greene saw the film at the Cannes Film Festival, where it premiere back in 1988. Graham invited Jac for a nice lunch meeting at his home in Antibes where he had a small apartment, at Les Residences des Fleurs, on the Rue Pasteur overlooking the port, one of his few gripes with Antibes was the noise that came from The Yacht Bar directly below his apartment!

Graham and Jac had a long discussion about The Comedians, Krik Krak, Papa Doc and, of course James Earl Jones... not to mention Elizabeth Taylor who was also in The Comedians playing the role of Burton's wife. Richard played the lead role of the Hotel Owner, one of the principal characters in Jac's film as well.

Greene wrote a beautiful 'critique' of Jac's film, which is now part of it's history.

I felt I needed to share this.

If you stay in the link for the clip, you will see trailers for the TV series El Hombre de la Luna, Carmen's, aka Camille, first work with Jac, as well as trailers for Nocturnia, Martyr and Sirwiñakuy. Cool?
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