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News From Margot

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Merciless torture!


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Our beautiful victim didn't have to wait long to feel the pain of her skin being shredded by the scourging Flagellum. Her screams echoed as they bounced of the walls of the dungeon her torturer calls The Playroom. Arms and legs spread open, chained to the wall, her naked body arched over the wheel, defenseless, exposed to the brutality of merciless torture, the young woman doesn't know how much longer she can take such punishment. She feels like she's getting ever closer to the end of her resistance.


Pygmalion, Rucker and CruXtreme II are still the center of attention. The theatrical release of Pygmalion is over a month away and Dani, Jac and Beto are extremely busy working on all that is necessary for that so important event. In the meantime Amy's time is consumed with the sound mix of Rucker, however, the word is mum, nothing is being said about that project, not by Amy, nor Jac, who I have the feeling has already seen the locked film but he's not talking about it.

CruXtreme II is in post and going slowly. The reason, most of Jac's time is taken by all the work he's doing for Pygmalion's release. I think I'll hear more about it's progress after this weekend. Jac plans to concentrate in the editing.

Oscar's night is upon us, and I happen to remember fondly that JUSTINE was one of the three finalists to go to the best foreign film category representing Bolivia... It was a surprise to us that it was even being considered, given the controversial subject matter, and even more surprising that it had the votes to become one of the three finalists, out of 12 films under consideration. As Ralphus likes to say: Shockingly it didn't win the Oscar.


Ralphus I've bitched over the years about producers who do that, from the first Red Feline film where the admittedly pretty victim remains masked throughout, to Bill Zebub's disastrous take on the Colleen Stan story, to certain Japanese productions where the actress's face is digitally obscured, to Madam Bathory, probably the most frustrating new producer whose work I see on a regular basis.(...)

I guess, in hindsight, Camille didn't have to wear the nylon stocking as a mask in Red Feline On The Cross, but when that film was made, we lived in different times. The only point of reference Jac had at the time was his visits to the shops on 42nd Street in NY where for a meager 90 bucks you could get an 8 mm reel of a 10 minute film like HOM's The Tourist Trap. YES! 90 bucks! And you had to have a projector to watch it! Not a very common gadget on a home.

Jac didn't know what to expect if he produced that film. It was Camille who encourage him to do it with a simple: Why not? Let's do it! I'm not sure if it was Jac's or Camille's condition to cover her face a bit. They just had done a TV miniseries and Camille's face was all over the place in newspapers, television and so on. That series was shown on cable TV in the US as well.

I think, for that time, 1998, when the Internet was in diapers, there wasn't even a plan to distribute it. I remember that the first thing Jac did in NY, before exploring the WWW, was to offer the film to some stores in NY with disastrous results. No need to go into details of that. Then Jac discovered the hows and the whys to create a web presence and a mini industry was born around Red Feline On The Cross. The rest is history.


Get CruXtreme I - The Playroom

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A Kiss is Just A Kiss!


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It is all too obvious to me that a couple of folks missed a few of my comments and did not realized that CruXtreme I is set in very modern times; however, frog seems to get it when he responds to Ed: (...) It might be safe to say, that Jac is not trying for historical accuracy, because the whole thing seems to center on the "playroom" of a modern day sadist, so the tats and the piercings would be part of the whole thing. to which Ed responds It might be, but I can't give him that slack. If it was, five minutes of establishing context could establish that.

Ed probably means something like this, the opening of the movie, where it is clearly established that the story is set at least a couple of decades into the 21st century, where tattoos are a way of life for a looooooot of beautiful young women. Of course, people learn about it, very early, when they see the movie.


Diceman @Reine Margot Thanks for the update on Rucker. There's a favouring wind for 'female-led' horror at the moment, so good luck to Amy.

Thanks for the good wishes for Amy. I don't think Rucker will fall into the normal horror category. I believe it's bloody enough to be considered a horror film, but from what I hear in the very few exchanges I had with her and Jac about that film, it's more a psychological thriller and pretty much somewhat removed from what Amy is known for, at least in this part of the world.

Rucker is not even like Sirwiñakuy, Amy's directorial debut, where she magisterially portrays a romantic sadomasochistic relationship. Sirwiñakuy is not a GIMP movie at all. I'm sure Rucker is a great film, as all Amy's films truly are, even if they are not very popular in these parts, at least not as popular as Jac's films like Maleficarum and JUSTINE.

I don't really mind all the comments of late here, really. Everyone has the right to their own opinion about anything and everything. Some feel strongly enough to write a thesis about CruXtreme I without having seen the film, which is fine too. And now that I'm limiting my posts to a couple of times a week, if that, and with a four picture limit, so as not to ramble on and on with 100 pictures and so on, apparently I lack enthusiasm.

I'll let you in in a secret. We went through the same deal we have here (at the GIMP), at the Crux Foundation site. At one point, some negativity towards Camille began to creep in and grew to very nasty levels, with if not similar, at least comparable arguments as the ones spoused here, at one point a troll called Camille Mangy Feline. She got sick of the whole thing and left that forum. She just didn't like it anymore. I took over with the sole intention of informing our fans about what's happening and I kept that goal in mind. I don't engage in discussions or anything at all. I just let it flow. The same thing is happening here. I'm less and less involved in fruitless arguments and discussions. My job is simply to promote the work, period.

There will always be self appointed ’critics - leaders of the pack of 5 - thought police’ whose personal affinities, likes and dislikes will be prominent in their comments, which is normal. I will not engage in endless discussions about each individual's personal taste and strictly by their own rules fantasies, but if I feel the need to clear something up, I will.

A lot is being said about CruXtreme I and it's medieval look. At the beginning of the film, Dani's character goes into The Playroom, looks around, grabs one of the shackles attached to the wall and says: It looks ... so medieval! And so, it does look medieval, but it is not.


yyy frog, "...particularly since (the tattoo) is so jarring in a “Medieval” scenario..." Yah, that tattoo is jarring indeed... especially given the skull and tribal aspects of them? Maybe it's a post-apocalyptic scenario. She's a captured assassin, with the marks of her guild on her skin. She's being tortured for her failed attempt in the courtyard of the warlord's villa, before being beheaded? But finally, an artist who can do upside down hair!.

No post-apocalyptic scenario here. It's a simple story of a 21st century young woman with tattoos and piercings, who ventures into the world of a romantic and old fashioned sadist who has no tattoos, nor piercings... well, maybe one, in his earlobe, but who happens to have a refined taste for deliciously good and darkly aged rum, medieval shackles, variety of whips, riding crops and who has a delightfully dark and creepy Playroom where he can engage in exceedingly painful, maybe lethal and yet really hot and sexy games. All he needs is an occasional playmate and he found one!

But the idea of a post apocalyptic scenario is not bad at all. Hmmm. It would require a lot of cash to create such world, something like those Gibson road <em>mucho macho</em> movies in the middle of nowhere. I can picture young women with tattoos and shaved heads led, totally naked, through the hot desert to their painful doom.


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Do you think we're almost done? Think again!


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I mentioned before the 'slide show' on the three computer screens in the office. When you see ALL the work passing by at a 5 seconds interval, you see the entire Filmography of both, Amy and Jac, in a couple of hours. Which is pretty interesting, specially because you can appreciate the quality of the individual images.

Some people post pictures from magazines, like Fummeto, which are pretty ancient. I used to see those mags in paper stands in Italy way back in the 80's, when I was traveling with Jac and we would check them out. That's long before all the work he got engaged in. Jac has a nice collection in his library, including all the Pichard's work. Huge library, I must say.

When those Fummeto pictures are posted, 3 or 4 at a time in sequential order, one can see the dramatic impact of a given situation. It's similar to the effect the slide show in our screens produce in the viewer.

But I can't truly get the message through without examples. Here's one, Amy whipping scene in Maleficarum.




The busy time continues; CruXtreme II has 27 minutes of screen time already in first cut, with over 6 hours of footage still to cut from. Rucker is in sound mix but not much longer. The work for Pygmalion's theatrical release continues, lots of details to take care of, airline tickets, hotels, big premiere event with party, which includes drinks and food, all those banners, posters, invitations, press books, and so on and so forth, it's almost like producing a movie. We hope to have all set up by Tuesday next week so Dani and Jac can move on and shoot CruXtreme III - The Callback. They are both very anxious to do it!

Get CruXtreme I - The Playroom

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She had enough of this, let's make it more interesting!


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The 'slide show' on the three computer screens display in sequential order, a good number of VidCaps, from film to film and, like I said before, it's like having a magazine and looking at the pictures as they tell a story. They are all striking, really. For the five seconds that the picture stays on the screen, one can appreciate what it shows. In the case of Mila, for instance, one can indulge watching her fantastic body in pain.

These are pictures from the third film Mila made, Le Marquis De La Croix, a few weeks after she was seduced and killed in BARBAZUL, under the direction of Amy, and tortured in Maleficarum under the direct instructions of Jac.

Le Marquis De La Croix had the same location as the famous inquisition movie, it was decorated by Amy in a different way, to give it the look of a French Revolution dungeon, successfully, I might add. Mila and Jac played the main characters, while Eric, the torturer in Maleficarum was the tour guide at the De Sade Museum, while Amy herself played the role of a visitor. Amy directed that film, it was her third feature after Sirwiñakuy and BARBAZUL, which she directed just three months before Le Marquis.




The work for the theatrical release of Amy's Pygmalion is going strong. One more week of intense work to then begin the advertising campaign in all Bolivian media. This work has basically halted the post production of CruXtreme II. And has postponed the production work on CruXtreme III - The Callback until sometime the coming week.

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When those Fummeto pictures are posted, 3 or 4 at a time in sequential order, one can see the dramatic impact of a given situation. It's similar to the effect the slide show in our screens produce in the viewer.

But I can't truly get the message through without examples. Here's one, Amy whipping scene in Maleficarum.

Such beautiful, evocative pics, Margot!. They nicely reflect one of my most powerful fantasies: being stripped naked, wrists tied overhead, and made to dance to the tune of a severe whipping, while others get to watch and enjoy. If there is a heaven, this is one of the things I intend to enjoy over and over again once I get there. :p
There's a time to suffer, there's a time to recover, to suffer even more!


Download CruXtreme I - DV or HD version

We often receive messages in our normal business email, like the one below. I have a longer response to it, but I'll make it brief here.

Steve Great Films. Your films are very good. The sets, lighting, camera angles, close ups, editing, production are excellent. Most of all, the actors are very attractive and act! I’m sure you know the cult classics “Barbarian Queen” & “Barbarian Queen II”, staring the late Lana Clarkson. You should give some thought to doing a film along those lines, focusing mostly on the dungeon scenes. You would sell a lot of those. Please give it some thought.

Thank you! I believe Jac has a couple of ideas along the line of Barbarian Queen and, if I'm not mistaken, he was already exploring the possibility a while ago, but, more recently, a couple of days ago, he sent a message to Dani with a couple of pictures. She was intrigued, so am I.


In the most excellent vampire film, Dead But Dreaming, Jac dodges from era to era, and one very intense sequence takes place in those old Roman Empire times, where Aphrodisia, played by Mila in her fourth protagonist role, is crucified. The possibilities for a movie like that are limitless, of course, but the cost of a big production set in those times would be huge, really huge, if Jac wants to make a film like that as he envisions it. A small example was accomplished in Dead But Dreaming, most of the film is set in Colonial times in South America, but the Roman times setting came out pretty good.



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Time to change position!


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Jackie1111 Margot said: When those Fummeto pictures are posted, 3 or 4 at a time in sequential order, one can see the dramatic impact of a given situation. It's similar to the effect the slide show in our screens produce in the viewer. But I can't truly get the message through without examples. Here's one, Amy whipping scene in Maleficarum.

Such beautiful, evocative pics, Margot!. They nicely reflect one of my most powerful fantasies: being stripped naked, wrists tied overhead, and made to dance to the tune of a severe whipping, while others get to watch and enjoy. If there is a heaven, this is one of the things I intend to enjoy over and over again once I get there.

Sequential pictures have power, that much we know. In Le Marquis de la Croix Mila suffers the whip, her wrists tied overhead, just as she did a few weeks earlier in Maleficarum, where her torture begins at that very moment.

In Le Marquis de la Croix she goes through a lot of torture before this moment, including The Rack, Strappado and a lot of flogging, not necessarily in that order.




Our people are going through tense times as they prepare for the theatrical release of Pygmalion. We're expecting the film to open in 12 screens! That's a lot in our history. 33FF00 opened in 5 screens and it was so popular that Amy first feature film stayed at the screen of the famous Cinemateca for 5 straight months. Most films, if they are bringing in crowds, stay for three to four weeks. BARBAZUL opened in 5 screens as well, the very controversial Maleficarum opened in 4 screens, Olalla in only 3, but it had a bigger impact.

Our team is also working to release Pygmalion in four cities in the US and a few in Europe. We don't know about Rucker, that's Amy's new baby and she has some intriguing plans for it.

More exciting news later!

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Spread her legs wide!!


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Amy had a very interesting interview, in a US radio, sometime ago, where she was talking about her experiences making movies. It's a long interview, I think an hour. At one point, when talking about Jac, mentioning how they worked and lived together and so on, she commented, a bit tongue in cheek, about the strange and interesting life Jac has making movies,loving all his women and his cats.

Recently, Dani asked Jac to write something like his Curriculum for the Ministry of Culture, because they requested it. Not just the Filmography, but an actual history of his life. Jac joked saying something like The Life and Times of Jac in Cinema and Love?, to which Dani replied Yeeeessss, all that loving, I love you a lot too! Jac was very pleased with her comment. He's writing it, as part of the promotion for Pygmalion.

And as all that detailed and comprehensive work is done to release Amy's fifth film, Pygmalion, I think a lot of Olalla, Amy's fourth feature at the director's helm. The most elaborate film produced by the dynamic duo of Amy and Jac, the most expensive too. It broke even and it is making money now, but not at the rate of JUSTINE or Maleficarum, those two high production values films that are, right now, the films that sell the most since their release. Maleficarum is number One and JUSTINE is number Three. Red Feline On The Cross is on the Second place in our Best Sellers of All Time list. A list of 46 films, I think, in our stores.

In the very nice slide show at the office, it's difficult not to be immensely impressed by the images of Olalla (Amy) burning at the Cross/Stake.




More news will be coming later!

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Increase my torture!


The working week ended with Dani suffering more torture for Crux Extrema II. Jac concentrated applying the new torture that includes stretching Dani by the neck. It goes like this, she's forced to assume a sitting position on the the rack, her hands nailed to the crossbar, still, the rope from the rack is then placed around her neck and pulled until Dani is almost strangled by it. Her legs are wide open, over the sides of the rack. But that wasn't the end of the production, nor the end of that torture. There will be more suffering for poor Dani this week, with some additional tortures in the position she ended on Friday.

When they were done on Friday, after having some tea, and as Dani was leaving, on route to her TV show, she commented: That was great! ... I can't wait to start working on the next film, and the next... and the next!


The shooting will continue beginning on Tuesday. Jac is taking Monday to do other work, like editing Crux Extrema I, which is now down to 2 hrs 7 min of screen time. If all goes well, the first cut will be done by this weekend and days later the film will be ready!

The plan for Tuesday is to complete the scene with some additional tortures. svippo asked: feet are nailed?! Maybe not in this film. A lot happens while they shoot, ideas flow, suggestions come from the victim, like maybe you can put weights on my ankles to increase my torture. Jac will subject her to very cruel additional tortures before her suffering ends, that's for sure, but I won't have any details until after they are done. Anything can happen.

There's a new video at the Red Feline CLUB!

Dani Suffers The Wheel for Monxa Mala!
During the tests for Maleficarum Monxa Mala, Dani was selected as the perfect choice for The Wheel. In one such test, she was put on The Wheel and Bea was in charge of her punishment, something she did with intense enthusiasm. Don't miss it! Join the CLUB, http://vermeerworks.com/JoinTheClubPage.html


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After viewing your historical posts, I noticed that on your cruxforums post of 7 October 2019 that the video "Training Camille" would be uploaded to the Club. As Camille is one of my favourite Red Feline Crux actors AND over 4 months have passed since your 7 Oct. post, I joined Red Feline Club for one months subscription at cost of US$15.00.

Having logged in to the Club at <http://redfeline.com/members/>, I could not find a link to view/purchase the promised clip upload, "Training Camille".

There was no RF Support link, no Search field that I could find.

Further down your 7 October post, there is another promo photo (again from "Training Camille Session 8") with the enticement "JOIN THE CLUB AND GET A DOWNLOAD OR DVD OF CRUX EXTREMA I". Again, I could find no link to this download either.

Perhaps it's being a Club newbie, but the website seems other than user friendly plus the reason I joined did not seem to be valid.

I would appreciate your thoughts and advice concerning links on the Lub's website to the promoted clips.


  • 2020-02-25 Training Camille upload to RF Club .png
    2020-02-25 Training Camille upload to RF Club .png
    616.9 KB · Views: 134
Last edited:
I missed posting the second Red Feline promo photo and enticing text attached. Sorry.


  • 2020-02-25 Join RF Club download Crux Extrema I.png
    2020-02-25 Join RF Club download Crux Extrema I.png
    339.3 KB · Views: 131
Warning!! Avert your eyes at once!!
Pictures unsuitable for persons that cry like girls when they see a tattoo!!


Download CruXtreme I - DV or HD version

Eulalia Margot said: Spread her legs wide!! such a thrilling feeling when i feel that being done to me, the clamps clip tight ...

Barely conscious, the young lady is set up for more merciless torture. Her ankles attached to the wall, her back bent over the wheel, her wrists locked to the side, her entire body ready and exposed to what is to come.

A little of the slide show, this time with CruXtreme I




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Time To Wake The Sleepy Girl


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The young woman seems so peaceful, gone are the terror and the pain, or so it seems. Unfortunately for her, the time is here to wake her from her unconscious state to face the reality of more torture at the wheel.


Ranger1 Hello Margot, I posted these comments as a reply to your latest ‘News from Margot’ posting at (CruxForum) "After viewing your historical posts, I noticed that on your cruxforums post of 7 October 2019 that the video "Training Camille" would be uploaded to the Club. As Camille is one of my favourite Red Feline Crux actors AND over 4 months have passed since your 7 Oct. post, I joined Red Feline Club for one months subscription at cost of US$15.00. Having logged in to the Club, I could not find a link to view/purchase the promised clip upload, "Training Camille". There was no RF Support link, no Search field that I could find. Further down your 7 October post, there is another promo photo (again from "Training Camille Session 8") with the enticement "JOIN THE CLUB AND GET A DOWNLOAD OR DVD OF CRUX EXTREMA I". Again, I could find no link to this download either. Perhaps it's being a Club newbie, but the website seems other than user friendly plus the reason I joined did not seem to be valid. I would appreciate your thoughts and advice concerning links on the Club's website to the promoted clips “. (...)I understood from your reply that the series (Seven Days On the Cross) was to be re released in a single DVD but have heard nothing since. Is that project still coming out? There was also another RF production “Double Cross” dated 2009. Is that production still coming out?

We have different offers at different times and for different reasons. There was a pre-sale offer of 3 months membership plus download of the then up and coming film CruXtreme I for 50 Dollars. That link is no longer active, the offer terminated when the film was released in December of last year. People who joined with that offer received the codes to download the film.CruXtreme I is now available at our normal stores for download and DVD.

We're planning to set up the Training Of Camille videos in the club as well, as part of a series of activities. We began uploading clips from more current productions, not the films themselves, but Making Of and Test clips from the film Monxa Mala.


The Training Of Camille videos are in analog format and we're in the process of making them suitable for our streaming system, which is new. We will have all our films for streaming eventually. In the case of The Training Of Camille tapes, there are a few, they will be streaming for a limited time. I don't have the details yet, I'm not the tech person setting it all up, but I'll have more information soon.

The Seven Days On The Cross series was also made a while ago on analog system. There's a 2 hour film version edited, but for some reason it hasn't been released yet. I think there were some issues with the sound. We had too many big productions going and little time to work on old material.

The Double Cross movie is in HD, but an older version. It should be released too, but right now the efforts are in releasing CruXtreme II, which is in post, the theatrical release of Pygmalion and the production of CruXtreme III. That will takes us all the way to the end of March.


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such a thrilling feeling when i feel that being done to me, the clamps clip tight ...
Spread her legs wide!!

Imagine being naked and tied down, already suffering and sobbing in agony, and hearing those awful words: "Spread her legs wide!!" That's when you know your torture is about to take an even more intimate and dramatic turn. The myriad of possible answers to the question "what is he going to do to me now?" are horrifying.

As well as sweetly erotic, of course.
Time To Wake The Sleepy Girl


Download CruXtreme I - DV or HD version

The young woman seems so peaceful, gone are the terror and the pain, or so it seems. Unfortunately for her, the time is here to wake her from her unconscious state to face the reality of more torture at the wheel.


Ranger1 Hello Margot, I posted these comments as a reply to your latest ‘News from Margot’ posting at (CruxForum) "After viewing your historical posts, I noticed that on your cruxforums post of 7 October 2019 that the video "Training Camille" would be uploaded to the Club. As Camille is one of my favourite Red Feline Crux actors AND over 4 months have passed since your 7 Oct. post, I joined Red Feline Club for one months subscription at cost of US$15.00. Having logged in to the Club, I could not find a link to view/purchase the promised clip upload, "Training Camille". There was no RF Support link, no Search field that I could find. Further down your 7 October post, there is another promo photo (again from "Training Camille Session 8") with the enticement "JOIN THE CLUB AND GET A DOWNLOAD OR DVD OF CRUX EXTREMA I". Again, I could find no link to this download either. Perhaps it's being a Club newbie, but the website seems other than user friendly plus the reason I joined did not seem to be valid. I would appreciate your thoughts and advice concerning links on the Club's website to the promoted clips “. (...)I understood from your reply that the series (Seven Days On the Cross) was to be re released in a single DVD but have heard nothing since. Is that project still coming out? There was also another RF production “Double Cross” dated 2009. Is that production still coming out?

We have different offers at different times and for different reasons. There was a pre-sale offer of 3 months membership plus download of the then up and coming film CruXtreme I for 50 Dollars. That link is no longer active, the offer terminated when the film was released in December of last year. People who joined with that offer received the codes to download the film.CruXtreme I is now available at our normal stores for download and DVD.

We're planning to set up the Training Of Camille videos in the club as well, as part of a series of activities. We began uploading clips from more current productions, not the films themselves, but Making Of and Test clips from the film Monxa Mala.


The Training Of Camille videos are in analog format and we're in the process of making them suitable for our streaming system, which is new. We will have all our films for streaming eventually. In the case of The Training Of Camille tapes, there are a few, they will be streaming for a limited time. I don't have the details yet, I'm not the tech person setting it all up, but I'll have more information soon.

The Seven Days On The Cross series was also made a while ago on analog system. There's a 2 hour film version edited, but for some reason it hasn't been released yet. I think there were some issues with the sound. We had too many big productions going and little time to work on old material.

The Double Cross movie is in HD, but an older version. It should be released too, but right now the efforts are in releasing CruXtreme II, which is in post, the theatrical release of Pygmalion and the production of CruXtreme III. That will takes us all the way to the end of March.


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Thank you, Margot for feed back on status of progress with release of the 3 productions I mentioned:
Training Of Camille tapes
Seven Days On The Cross (2 hour version)
Double Cross movie

Could you please notify CruxForum members via this medium when these films become available at Red Feline Club or general purchase?
Wake Up!


Download CruXtreme I - DV or HD version

Jackie1111 Imagine being naked and tied down, already suffering and sobbing in agony, and hearing those awful words: "Spread her legs wide!!" That's when you know your torture is about to take an even more intimate and dramatic turn. The myriad of possible answers to the question "what is he going to do to me now?" are horrifying. As well as sweetly erotic, of course.

I could not say it better... so, there it is, a great comment by Jackie1111.

The Ides of March are here, and what a month it's going to be. There's nothing but tension, right now, in our little world of daring movie making. The COVID-19 issue affecting us too, in ways we didn't anticipate. More of that in my next post. Things are rough, to say the least.

But, we first must bid goodbye to February, a month that had holidays, carnival and so on, so it felt like it was not a month at all, but rather a long weekend.

Our sales were pretty much like the previous month, with CruXtreme I in the first place with more than twice the sales of the film that continuous to hold the second place, JUSTINE. The third place was kept by Monxa Mala, the fourth place by none other than Maleficarum, the fifth place was in the hands of The Passion of Isabel, the sixth place was Mila À La Croix, the seventh was a surprise, Training Jane! In the eight spot we have BARBAZUL, the ninth place is held by Dead But Dreaming, and competing for the 10th place, practically even Le Marquis de la Croix and Agent X! It was a fairly good month, on a leap year, with a couple of surprises.

But now a little slide show with that moment when Dani is brought back to the harsh realities of the playroom.




I just love the images, really. For a guy who is acting, directing, setting the lights and the camera, all at by himself, to come up with such great images ... it is nothing short of amazing, really.

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Compost Mentins (wide awake) and ready for more!


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ranger1 Thank you, Margot for feed back on status of progress with release of the 3 productions I mentioned: Training Of Camille tapes, Seven Days On The Cross (2 hour version, Double Cross movie. Could you please notify CruxForum members via this medium when these films become available at Red Feline Club or general purchase?.

As I mentioned before, those releases were held back a long time and every time a plan is made to prepare them for release, another major production comes up, like now, with the release of Pygmalion, two weeks away and it's not an easy task, a huge issue has come up, I might talk about it later.

I will definitely post announcements of those releases the moment we're ready to launch them. The two films that are close to be set up in the stores are Training Camille II and Rehearsal for the Inquisition, where Camille is central. I believe they are already digitized and in DVD form, at least one version, the NTSC.

There was a lot of talk about electro shock torture. I feel I should contribute with the sharing of images. So, here's Amy getting the shocks in the already classic film Agent X . I noticed that the title is now used in other productions. We're flattered.



We hit a milestone at the Crux Foundation, over 400 Thousand Hits! Another very popular thread is Noble Vulchur, followed by The Death of St Eulalia, a thread started by a fan to discuss Jac's film a while ago and it has been inactive for a long time and yet it holds the number three spot in preferences. We're very happy to know that we're the number one thread at Crux. We have a very good standing at the CruxForum as well, so we believe that at the GIMP forum my posts are up with the most favorite subjects, even if people don't rain their comments. I know there's a tremendous interest in our films. Thank you all!!


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Expecting the very worst!


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Spiked Vemeer Works--the film maker that regularly has ads here on GIMP. Have any of you contacted them via email or their web form about a question, suggestion, or whatever? Did you get a reply? No luck here. Thanks.

Pedro Spiked It seems that Margot did not address your complaint about the lack of response from their site. Please note that spam filters too often catch replies from such companies as theirs and ours. It also happened to me that someone was complaining here on the forum that we don't answer his email, and it turned out that our emails were in his spam folder. So I say check there first..

I don't see any comment at our site that I didn't respond to. In some sites, like VermeerWorks, the comment section is not active. As a matter of fact, the site is going through a technical revision and changes, only the stores at VermeerWorks are working. The email address I have in these posts is pretty much active and and other than the regular people that use it to communicate with me, not that many I have to add, ... there's nothing new or old, and the Spam folder is empty.

Our official email address at VermeerWorks, the one used to communicate with costumers, is very active and other than the couple of spammers offering services from China, we respond to everything. I don't know what to tell you, Spiked.

When costumers have difficulties with their orders we get notified, either by Flickrocket, or PayPal, if these costumers don't write to us directly. It happened, a few times, that our responses went to their Spam folders and it took a while to get through to them.

This week and next it is all about Pygmalion, and it's theatrical release. So this is it for today. However, there are some changes coming our way. Some very dramatic changes and some simply practical. They will affect how we do things, and, most directly, everything I do, that's for sure.

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This week and next it is all about Pygmalion, and it's theatrical release.

You are a tease, Margot -- am just 'dying' to see what happens next to poor Dani in Crux Extrema Part 2!!! For those of you considering purchase, I have been very 'satisfied' with Part 1, 'transfixed' I dare say to witness as Master Jac pitilessly prepares Dani for martyrdom... :aplastao:
Welcome To The Apocalypse


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Welcome To The Apocalypse Those were the words Amy sent to Jac last night.

The entire planet is upside down, the streets of Italy totally empty, Trump trying to look like he means it and living in DeNial, sport arenas without people cheering the game, it all so looks like an apocalyptic movie, but it is not, it is real, a new virus has been unleashed on the planet. By whom? Nature? Aliens? The Chinese? Xyulo - wanted by criminal international court in The Hague? Some reports say that 70 to 80% of the population will get it. In my honest opinion it is Karma, it is the earth that has antibodies fighting back the disease that threatens to kill all life on the planet, not just human life, ALL life and mother earth won't allow it, so, it must get rid of the pest.... US.

There's a travel ban to and from the US. Other countries are closing their borders. Chaos.

A recent arrival to Bolivia, from Italy, was actually sick and yet decided to act as if she was not, and to make matter worse, she decided to tour the country, by bus!

The first dead person from the CORVID-19 in the US was no more than 20 miles from where Amy lives. ... And 10 more people died soon after in the same area. Amy is not going anywhere. And she's definitely NOT traveling overseas for the premiere of her movie.

Everything was falling into place, the movie theaters, the press campaign, magazine covers, ... Jac started a series of TV and Radio interviews announcing the release of Amy's film, Pygmalion ... But today, we don't know if it will happen or not. It's scheduled and all, but who knows. After this weekend everything will change. Schools are closing, a theater festival was canceled, all festivities that gather crowds have been forbidden, including soccer games. Oh well...


nardnob Margot said: This week and next it is all about Pygmalion, and it's theatrical release.. You are a tease, Margot -- am just 'dying' to see what happens next to poor Dani in Crux Extrema Part 2!!! For those of you considering purchase, I have been very 'satisfied' with Part 1, 'transfixed' I dare say to witness as Master Jac pitilessly prepares Dani for martyrdom...

Finally someone who dares speak his truth. Wink Wink. I'm glad you loved CruXtreme I - The Playroom . The second movie of this series, CruXtreme II - Room For Rent is, still, in post. Jac was advancing nicely, hoping to finish it quickly, but then he got involved in the release of Pygmalion and it turned out to be a lot more engaging than expected for a variety of reasons. This release is perhaps a bit more ambitious. The intention is to have a wider release, with a lot more press and a bigger splash than any film before... so it's taking a huge effort. That work will be over soon and Jac will be back to normal to prepare CruXtreme II for its release.


lurker10 Reine Margot. That's hilarious; Jac is selling his home movies with Dani, with not a lot more than a garage, a camera, an editor, and some props. And a very willing woman. Money, experimentation, fun, and fulfillment, all in one swoop. Regards your pictures with shoes, tats and other anachronisms, no problem for me; some people edit digitally; I edit mentally. (except racks - I have a real problem with mechanically stupid racks)

The very willing woman, YES!

Garage? No. The set consists of two rooms on the third floor of Jac's house, he had a separation between the two rooms made wider.

A camera?, well, more than one. He's using 3 cameras for CruXtreme III , two of them 4K.

Editor? hmmm, if you are referring to the editing software he uses, yes, if you mean a person that does the editing, no. He does that himself.

Shoes? If you mean high heels in the middle of a torture shot, no, if you mean the sneakers Dani wears at the beginning of a scene... I don't even think they are in the shot. In [color=#FF6600CruXtreme II[/color] the sneakers are there at the very beginning, they go off with all her clothes.

Tats?... yes, in the CruXtreme series.

Anachronisms?... perhaps.

Racks? IN CruXtreme II is all about the rack and its multiple use.

Home movies? Well, not really, it's too professional for that. It's not just a camera thrown there to capture a moment. It's three cameras, set up in great positions to capture great scenes with amazing action.

Money? when we sell the movie.

Experimentation? Always.

Fun, and fulfillment?... lots and lots and lots of fun and fulfillment, lots ... and all in one swoop, yes! ... Sexy, gimpy fun and fulfillment, and I'm not bragging, only stating the facts.


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