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News From Margot

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". In my honest opinion it is Karma, it is the earth that has antibodies fighting back the disease that threatens to kill all life on the planet, not just human life, ALL life and mother earth won't allow it, so, it must get rid of the pest.... US"

LOL, completely agree with you in this. All Life forms in this Planet are just one being. We humans are just a part of it, we have gone out of control, we have become cancerous cells.
". In my honest opinion it is Karma, it is the earth that has antibodies fighting back the disease that threatens to kill all life on the planet, not just human life, ALL life and mother earth won't allow it, so, it must get rid of the pest.... US"

LOL, completely agree with you in this. All Life forms in this Planet are just one being. We humans are just a part of it, we have gone out of control, we have become cancerous cells.
That might make sense, if the consciousness you ascribe to the anti-human forces existed. It doesn't. Viruses like the corona virus are not living, thinking organisms. They're just bundles of RNA that automatically replicate. Unfortunately, they do it by rupturing the biological cells they attach to.
Read Lewis Thomas, a biologist who wrote some wonderfully readable essays. He speaks extensively on viruses, noting that they actually serve a great purpose in human history by helping to develop complex gene pools through RNA sharing. But there's no consciousness, no evil plan, no Karma. That's just us humans wanting to blame something.
That might make sense, if the consciousness you ascribe to the anti-human forces existed. It doesn't. Viruses like the corona virus are not living, thinking organisms. They're just bundles of RNA that automatically replicate. Unfortunately, they do it by rupturing the biological cells they attach to.
Read Lewis Thomas, a biologist who wrote some wonderfully readable essays. He speaks extensively on viruses, noting that they actually serve a great purpose in human history by helping to develop complex gene pools through RNA sharing. But there's no consciousness, no evil plan, no Karma. That's just us humans wanting to blame something.

This might sound a bit lunatic , but everything we know about Life and about ourselves is wrong. We humans, and other so called living beings in this Planet are not alive, that's just an ilusion. We are machines, like replicants from the movie Blade Runner, that think they are Alive. The only real living being existing is energy, the energy that forms the universe and Matter. The energy created the phisical, quemichal and biological laws, energy is a conciouss and intelligent entity and It controls all ,including Evolution. Energy Is what people should call god.
This might sound a bit lunatic , but everything we know about Life and about ourselves is wrong. We humans, and other so called living beings in this Planet are not alive, that's just an ilusion. We are machines, like replicants from the movie Blade Runner, that think they are Alive. The only real living being existing is energy, the energy that forms the universe and Matter. The energy created the phisical, quemichal and biological laws, energy is a conciouss and intelligent entity and It controls all ,including Evolution. Energy Is what people should call god.

Well, I have to admit that you're right!

It does sound "a bit lunatic." :hsughwiggle::hsughwiggle::hsughwiggle::hsughwiggle::hsughwiggle:
A theory a little ahead of my time i reckon, shocking by today standards i know. But everything i learnt in life guides me to think in that direction.
Last edited:
The Return To Torture


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I have this thing about checking our stats ALL the time. One thing I noticed is that during the recent Model's Strike which only happened in the GIMP forum, the hits to our pages increased by a lot. 80% of the hits originated from our links in this joint. That's something to consider, really. Do people visit our place more if there are no pictures anywhere else?

Jac is confronting the realities of a world going mad because of a virus. Do we cancel the theatrical release of

Pygmalion? Two basic things to consider. A movie theater is just as ideal to spread a virus as any place, we could be contributing to the drama. Another issue is that maybe most people will want to stay away from movie theaters, as I think they should until we know more, which means... ticket sales will go down. That's what is in Jac's mind. The most likely outcome of this mental debate is that on Monday, when he meets with the movie theater people, they will decide to postpone the release until sometime at the end of June. Yes, June. Maybe, by then, this crisis will be over or, at least, under control and Amy would be able to join us for the big party.. Right, we were planning a party, but that's out too.

In the meantime this is how Jac looks like when he goes to the supermarket.


I return to post pictures of CruXtreme I - The Playroom. I know many of you missed them a lot and a few can't wait to whine and bitch and troll. All in good fun.

CruXtreme II - Room For Rent will be in the cutting room for the next couple of weeks ... and I'll get word of the possible date for its release.

The production of CruXtreme III will resume. One scene was recorded, a while ago, but I heard, from Dani, that she wants to start from scratch.



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Whip Her Breasts!


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rog Reine Margot, you see this is a pic [redfeline.com] I could live with and find aesthetically pleasing. This one is even more enticing [redfeline.com], but then that thing that looks like a giant mole on her arm just snuffs the flame; particularly since one knows it is not a natural growth or skin defect, but self-inflicted damage.

Enticing pictures don't tell the entire story, but they can move people just as well. Graphic magazines like Killing, told stories in pictures, and there were something like maybe 20 to 30 pictures, in total, out of 384 in the 64 pages of the magazine that had Gimp in them, and all of them of girls in bikini or underwear, none naked. And yet, they were very popular before the days of VHS. One could find a variety of reasons why not like them. Their loss.

frog Reine Margot wrote: “I think the PC part does not belong to me, it fits perfectly those that decided to set what Petelobo calls The Party Line. That's the true PC attitude that proposes that things should be done in a certain way or not at all. (The expression is my way or the highway, right?) Most people here quarantine themselves, so as not to catch that virus, while others indulge in spreading it around thinking that they will, eventually, turn everyone to their point of view. I have news. It won't happen.”

I was not implying that the PC part belonged to you, what I meant was that when you start thinking about posting or not posting because you are being “offensive” then, in a sense, you are limiting yourself, as the PCrs would wish. So I’m glad you are back posting “offensive” pictures. I think a great deal of what is posted here is “offensive”, but I do not care. I also do not have a party line; I am just expressing my opinion and my taste as a consumer. Whoever wants tats can have them and wallow in them for all I care, but I can just be tolerant about that and do not have to accept it as aesthetic, which most of the time it isn’t. If it’s a life style, so be it, but I will not buy it. Nor do I expect to turn everyone to my point of view. I know I am on the losing side of a cultural change, but so what; losing sides are not necessarily wrong.

Your point was made, and then it was made again. Later on, it was made and just to make sure it was made, it was made again. I'm sure you'll make your point again, and then just in case, you'll make it again. I get it, you don't like tattoos. I will post pictures from the CruXtreme Series for as long as I need to, not the same picture, again and again, but many, many pictures and in some of them, maybe not all, Dani's tattoos will be visible. The reason is because she has tattoos! Oh the humanity! And they were not covered with make up for this particular series. They were covered in Monxa Mala, maybe not always successfully. When the light hits her body in certain way you can tell there's something other than a shadow.

There's the plan of making another inquisition movie, maybe two or even three of them. Those films will be budgeted to have at least two make-up artists in the set to cover tattoos. Dani will be the protagonist of La Femme De Chambre, another De Sade inspired story, and because it is set in the times of the French Revolution, no tattoos. But there will be critics that will find something they don't like. Like they found in Maleficarum, Le Marquis de la Croix, JUSTINE, Dead But Dreaming, Olalla... and all the rest.


frog You also wrote: “When Trump whines about Fake News, over and over and over and over and over... it gets annoying, really. The same happens when someone whines and whines and whines and whines and then whines some more about a tattoo. It's annoying. So, instead of concentrating my mental powers in blowing off the whiner's head, I don't post pictures, the forum goes quiet, no whining, and suddenly there's a conversation.”

First off, if you are equating Trump’s whining with what your critics here say in ways that cannot be compared to his third grade logic, you are really skirting the edges of gratuitous insult. You might call criticism whining, quite a Trumpian thing to do, but it is not that. I am not whining when I say a picture or a scene is wrecked by tats, I am just stating an opinion as to why I will not buy the product. If the producer of such a product wants to indulge in whatever, so be it, but do not expect me to be a consumer and don’t try to foist it as great art. Just say it is what he wants to do and leave it at that. Finally, no one requested you not to post pictures and there was a conversation going on before you decided not to post.

You're very generous with Trump when you give him a third grade logic. I know plenty of third graders whose logic is far superior. They can argue a point and if they are wrong, they can admit it. So I can understand why you feel insulted. I was only referring to the annoyance of endless repetition of one single point, which continues to be repeated. But that's fine. As a consumer you have the right to reject what does not please you. I hate Adam Sandler's films. Maybe I liked one of them, but I can't stand the guy, for some reason I can't even explain it to myself. So, I don't watch his films. It's unfair, I know, but I just can't put myself through that. So I understand. But I don't go around complaining about it every chance I get and I visit many sites where there are film reviews. I think people would think I'm a "Pesada" for telling them over and over again why I don't see his films.


frog When you mention Jac’s credentials as a documentary director and producer you are mixing two things which are not necessarily related as to the stature of his work. The issue here is his latest work, which is not comparable to the films that have earned him renown and is work in a different genre of film, in which he may have a distinguished place as you well say. I have some of Jac’s previous work, like Maleficarum (which has Amy’s stamp on it), but the recent productions I just do not really care for. So, as you say, Jac can bask in his well-earned laurels and do “whatever the fuck he wants to do” I’m just not buying and I will not whine, I’ll just call it as I see it.

One recent work is JUSTINE, it has Amy in the leading role, and there are no tattoos. Mila's tattoos were covered nicely in both JUSTINE and Pygmalion, the films were shot almost back to back, and yet, there were some here who went ballistic with JUSTINE, to the point of declaring it a failed film, which is fine and perfectly normal. Jac's first masterpiece, that opened at theCannes Film Festival to great reviews, caused a stir at a Cornell University's Robert Rafferty Film Seminar when it was shown. This is how the Village Voice described it:

"One film in particular seemed to mark the crisis atmosphere and the subsequent breakdown of dialogue that was to plague us, Jac Avila and Vanyoska Gee's powerful film on Haiti, Krik Krak Tales of a Nightmare, sparked a volatile post screening discussion. One woman even voiced her desire to slap Avila. Accusations of exploitation and gratuitous violence were balanced with words of praise. With a histrionic flourish, French filmmaker Willy Rameau jumped up front and passionately defended Avila, while John Akomprah from British Black Audio Film Collective adroitly steered the discussion away from polemics".

Every film will have those who praise it and those who hate it. But in both cases, those people voice their opinions AFTER watching the film. Eventually Amy made a tremendous impression and now that she 'retired' from the genre that people like here, some people decided that they won't get our films anymore. Monxa Mala doesn't show Mila's or Dani's tattoos, they were covered, but just the same. “I won't get that movie“ is the cry of some, very few, of course. “Too much red paint“ is their main complaint. So be it.


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Red Feline Pictures
It is not over, things will get worse!


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Our world, our little world, not the big one, the one everyone inhabits, but our little world is totally upside down. The COVID-19 has reached our shores, everyone's shores, and thus life has changed for everyone, for me, for you, for everyone. In our case, the Pygmalion's premiere we've been working for all these months has been postponed until much, much later, probable July or August, even that cannot be a precise date. We must remain indoors for most of the time, that's what I know. It doesn't matter if we're in Seattle, New York, La Paz, Milan or Zürich. It is practically the same. We're all in this together. Right?

As I said to Ralphus in a recent exchange, things have gone medieval on us, like the worst days of 1347 but affecting the entire planet, our main concern now is to survive, period.

To make matters worse, one of our favorite sites, The GIMP site, has suffered a terrorist attack by mother hackers, they are worse than mother fuckers.

As you can see, if you go to The Gimp Forum:
it is coming back and it will be back in full force.

Some years ago, the GIMP site went through a big setback. Amy went to the rescue and set it up all over again, from scratch. The preferred Guestbook system was respected, many fans of the forum wanted it that way. It was not Ralphus resisting the change. Once again the site is going through a total revamping because of the activities of useless human beings who have no other purpose in life but to fuck things up for others.

Maybe the time to change the format has come. The Guestbook format that was in use is, still, part of hundreds of thousands of websites. It is basic in its format, even though with time there were some improvements and additions and it works well, as long as hacker fuckers don't fuck with it. The Board/Forum format, such as the Crux Forum, have the membership system which allows administrators to either accept, reject and delete members and approve or reject posts. It's more difficult but not impossible to hack.

Hosting services, in some cases, are open to hackers. It means, their firewalls are not effective or in place. That's something The Geeks at work are looking into. Let's hope for the best!


I keep all my posts to the GIMP and elsewhere in archive, with the discussions therein. Sometime ago I was experimenting with a section at Red Feline Pictures, I called it Margot's Chronicles I think I'll revive that concept. The link below will take you there so you'll know what I'm talking about.

My First post at The GIMP!

Well, at this very moment Amy is in New York to present her first film, Sirwiñakuy, at the CineKink NYC festival.

She left Thursday morning at 5 AM, via Bogotá and arrived, safely into JFK at exactly 8 30 pm. She spent seven hours in Bogotá ... She's very excited, of course, to the point that the whole idea of going to New York to show off her first baby made her forget the rough three days she had shooting the public flogging scene in Dead But Dreaming. She still has the marks. http://bit.ly/2vBNe4M Continue Reading


Eulalia Margot said: My very first post at The GIMP! And what a great post! (About filming a great scene involving a post

Thank you for the comment!

As the entire planet knows, everything came to a dramatic halt. It happened to us too. So, the third part of the CruXtreme Series is at a stand still. No shooting. Both, Dani and Jac, are staying at their respective homes, taking care of themselves, their families and critters. All production work has been postponed indefinitely. We will concentrate on the work that is in post production and we will take advantage of this time to release many of those shelved productions.


Since most people must remain indoors, with nothing much to do, I'm thinking that maybe the time is here for some binge watching of our films... So:

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Red Feline Pictures
It is not over, things will get worse!


Download CruXtreme I - DV or HD version

Our world, our little world, not the big one, the one everyone inhabits, but our little world is totally upside down. The COVID-19 has reached our shores, everyone's shores, and thus life has changed for everyone, for me, for you, for everyone. In our case, the Pygmalion's premiere we've been working for all these months has been postponed until much, much later, probable July or August, even that cannot be a precise date. We must remain indoors for most of the time, that's what I know. It doesn't matter if we're in Seattle, New York, La Paz, Milan or Zürich. It is practically the same. We're all in this together. Right?

As I said to Ralphus in a recent exchange, things have gone medieval on us, like the worst days of 1347 but affecting the entire planet, our main concern now is to survive, period.

To make matters worse, one of our favorite sites, The GIMP site, has suffered a terrorist attack by mother hackers, they are worse than mother fuckers.

As you can see, if you go to The Gimp Forum:
it is coming back and it will be back in full force.

Some years ago, the GIMP site went through a big setback. Amy went to the rescue and set it up all over again, from scratch. The preferred Guestbook system was respected, many fans of the forum wanted it that way. It was not Ralphus resisting the change. Once again the site is going through a total revamping because of the activities of useless human beings who have no other purpose in life but to fuck things up for others.

Maybe the time to change the format has come. The Guestbook format that was in use is, still, part of hundreds of thousands of websites. It is basic in its format, even though with time there were some improvements and additions and it works well, as long as hacker fuckers don't fuck with it. The Board/Forum format, such as the Crux Forum, have the membership system which allows administrators to either accept, reject and delete members and approve or reject posts. It's more difficult but not impossible to hack.

Hosting services, in some cases, are open to hackers. It means, their firewalls are not effective or in place. That's something The Geeks at work are looking into. Let's hope for the best!


I keep all my posts to the GIMP and elsewhere in archive, with the discussions therein. Sometime ago I was experimenting with a section at Red Feline Pictures, I called it Margot's Chronicles I think I'll revive that concept. The link below will take you there so you'll know what I'm talking about.

My First post at The GIMP!

Well, at this very moment Amy is in New York to present her first film, Sirwiñakuy, at the CineKink NYC festival.

She left Thursday morning at 5 AM, via Bogotá and arrived, safely into JFK at exactly 8 30 pm. She spent seven hours in Bogotá ... She's very excited, of course, to the point that the whole idea of going to New York to show off her first baby made her forget the rough three days she had shooting the public flogging scene in Dead But Dreaming. She still has the marks. http://bit.ly/2vBNe4M Continue Reading


Eulalia Margot said: My very first post at The GIMP! And what a great post! (About filming a great scene involving a post

Thank you for the comment!

As the entire planet knows, everything came to a dramatic halt. It happened to us too. So, the third part of the CruXtreme Series is at a stand still. No shooting. Both, Dani and Jac, are staying at their respective homes, taking care of themselves, their families and critters. All production work has been postponed indefinitely. We will concentrate on the work that is in post production and we will take advantage of this time to release many of those shelved productions.


Since most people must remain indoors, with nothing much to do, I'm thinking that maybe the time is here for some binge watching of our films... So:

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Red Feline Pictures
Thank you,Margot for your candour in updating RF fans regarding Red Feline's unfortunate coronavirus enforced shutdown on current production projects. I can empathise with the disappointment of RF actors and production staff .

As a keen purchaser of RF crux themed productions over many years, I see a "silver lining" to this unprecedented situation in that some long "shelved productions" may now be finalised and made available to your devoted fans. Your earlier briefings in this forum had given me the feeling that I might not live to see such mystical productions as:

"The Training of Camille" series of videos,
The "Double Cross" film,
The 2 hour version of "Seven Days on the Cross" - a Gabrielle masterpiece of female crucifixion shame and agony.

Finishing production and release of such inspired, crux themed works by your many superb female stars would perhaps please them as being devoted fans' recognition of their exceptional crucifixion victim portrayals.

Sincerely, ranger1.
A New Torture Is At Hand!


Download CruXtreme I - DV or HD version

Locked Down! Aren't we all? Maybe not. I am, so is Dani and Jac and Amy, and Camille, and Veronique, and Mila, and Simonne, and Bea... all LOCKED DOWN. We are all in the midst of a Medieval Experience, like the black plague. But it is time to lift up our spirits. What better way to enjoy staying home than a great movie, or a story, or a picture worth a thousand words. Maybe TWO pictures.

Our very dear Dani, who is missing the work very, very much, suffers a new torture, The Cross while on The Wheel, and all for a good cause.


While Jac is very busy working on many projects at once, surrounded by his cats, and Amy teaches Online and works on the final touches of her film Rucker, and Dani sits at home missing Jac and the whip on her back ... while all that happens, I'm a busy body working on websites, our websites and the GIMP forum. I'm also working on my own documentary, editing, and preparing a big show about bees for the end of next year, yeah, it takes a long time to prepare a good academic show.

Life goes on, even when everything, even the most simple thing, like walking the dog, is a huge and even risky task. But we all have to be victorious. We have to overcome this virus, and the mother hackers viruses, and learn from all this shit. I'm learning a lot and hopefully everyone is. Even that stupid orange turd.

And I hope we all learn to be more tolerant, even of tattoos.


Dani is all set and ready for more torture, hoping that she will endure the pain without loosing her mind.


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Red Feline Pictures
Whip Her Breasts Again!


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Dani is suffering, indeed, in the past and in the present. In the recent past, she suffers torture at the hands of Jac in two movies that are part of the CruXtreme Series and in the present because she was looking forward to the third one and to suffer what she already knows will be happening to her, tortures far more extreme than the previous two. I heard it in the vines that the third will have a very nasty impalement. Jac commented to Dani on one of their virtual conversations, social distancing, of course, ”I came up with more things for the third one, it's getting increasingly extremely cruel every time. I think this crisis will have creative consequences” She quickly responded ”Awesome!!!


Jackie1111 IMargot said: Our very dear Dani, who is missing the work very, very much. Who can blame her? I would so love a job that involves getting naked and bound. Seriously, if only I could revert back to my cute 20-something self, I'd fly down to South America to audition for one of Jac's movies. In between my gigs as a go-go dancer, of course.

That's how it happens sometimes. Some beautiful 20 something goes to watch a movie at a festival, let's say Martyr Or The Death of St Eulalia, she's impressed and looks for Jac after the screening, and she goes something like ”I saw your film and I love it, I'd like to stay with you and make movies like that” … and a scream queen is born and she's makes something like 20 films.

In another case a beautiful almost 30 goes to watch this new movie, JUSTINE, at the Cinemateca and she's so captivated that contacts Jac on FB and tells him I loved Justine!... I'd love to be in one of your movies” and soon after her first few test, she works in 4 movies!


ranger1 Thank you,Margot for your candour in updating RF fans regarding Red Feline's unfortunate coronavirus enforced shutdown on current production projects. I can empathise with the disappointment of RF actors and production staff. As a keen purchaser of RF crux themed productions over many years, I see a "silver lining" to this unprecedented situation in that some long "shelved productions" may now be finalised and made available to your devoted fans. Your earlier briefings in this forum had given me the feeling that I might not live to see such mystical productions as: "The Training of Camille" series of videos, The "Double Cross" film, The 2 hour version of "Seven Days on the Cross" - a Gabrielle masterpiece of female crucifixion shame and agony. Finishing production and release of such inspired, crux themed works by your many superb female stars would perhaps please them as being devoted fans' recognition of their exceptional crucifixion victim portrayals. Sincerely, ranger1.

Your wishes will become a reality. Mother Earth conspired to clean herself of a lot of shit and to force Jac to go work on those shelved movies. He's doing that now. We might start releasing them, one at a time, beginning next week, maybe even this coming weekend! He's having a hard time deciding which one goes first. He has to finish CruXtreme II but he's not shooting movies, or going out for whatever reason, so, he has the time to work on all those films. Last I heard, he was making the HD clips of Training Camille. There are three films of the Training Camille series already digitized, there must be at least another 8 to pass from analogue tape to digital. I don't know if all of them will be out. Who knows.


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Red Feline Pictures
Whip Her Breasts Again!


Download CruXtreme I - DV or HD version

Dani is suffering, indeed, in the past and in the present. In the recent past, she suffers torture at the hands of Jac in two movies that are part of the CruXtreme Series and in the present because she was looking forward to the third one and to suffer what she already knows will be happening to her, tortures far more extreme than the previous two. I heard it in the vines that the third will have a very nasty impalement. Jac commented to Dani on one of their virtual conversations, social distancing, of course, ”I came up with more things for the third one, it's getting increasingly extremely cruel every time. I think this crisis will have creative consequences” She quickly responded ”Awesome!!!


Jackie1111 IMargot said: Our very dear Dani, who is missing the work very, very much. Who can blame her? I would so love a job that involves getting naked and bound. Seriously, if only I could revert back to my cute 20-something self, I'd fly down to South America to audition for one of Jac's movies. In between my gigs as a go-go dancer, of course.

That's how it happens sometimes. Some beautiful 20 something goes to watch a movie at a festival, let's say Martyr Or The Death of St Eulalia, she's impressed and looks for Jac after the screening, and she goes something like ”I saw your film and I love it, I'd like to stay with you and make movies like that” … and a scream queen is born and she's makes something like 20 films.

In another case a beautiful almost 30 goes to watch this new movie, JUSTINE, at the Cinemateca and she's so captivated that contacts Jac on FB and tells him I loved Justine!... I'd love to be in one of your movies” and soon after her first few test, she works in 4 movies!


ranger1 Thank you,Margot for your candour in updating RF fans regarding Red Feline's unfortunate coronavirus enforced shutdown on current production projects. I can empathise with the disappointment of RF actors and production staff. As a keen purchaser of RF crux themed productions over many years, I see a "silver lining" to this unprecedented situation in that some long "shelved productions" may now be finalised and made available to your devoted fans. Your earlier briefings in this forum had given me the feeling that I might not live to see such mystical productions as: "The Training of Camille" series of videos, The "Double Cross" film, The 2 hour version of "Seven Days on the Cross" - a Gabrielle masterpiece of female crucifixion shame and agony. Finishing production and release of such inspired, crux themed works by your many superb female stars would perhaps please them as being devoted fans' recognition of their exceptional crucifixion victim portrayals. Sincerely, ranger1.

Your wishes will become a reality. Mother Earth conspired to clean herself of a lot of shit and to force Jac to go work on those shelved movies. He's doing that now. We might start releasing them, one at a time, beginning next week, maybe even this coming weekend! He's having a hard time deciding which one goes first. He has to finish CruXtreme II but he's not shooting movies, or going out for whatever reason, so, he has the time to work on all those films. Last I heard, he was making the HD clips of Training Camille. There are three films of the Training Camille series already digitized, there must be at least another 8 to pass from analogue tape to digital. I don't know if all of them will be out. Who knows.


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Red Feline Pictures
Thank you, Margot et al, for your exciting update on Jac's starting work on the shelved RF movies. Over the many years that I have relished your peerless crux themed productions (and many others as well), I have created new folders (within an encompassing "Red Feline" folder) for each and every previously unknown (to me) RF production I come across (no pun intended).

To further complicate Jac's 'which one first' decision, I discovered a single vidcap of an RF movie "The Training of Gabrielle".

Gabrielle (Camille's sister) is the superb crux star of "Seven Days on the Cross" series (4 films to date with a 2 hour compilations in the marketing backlog).
She also starred magnificently in the Red Feline "Inquisition" series (4 films, I think) along with her sister, Camille as Red Feline with Gabrielle as "Melissa".

To titillate fellow crux fans, I attach the lone vidcap I have from "The Training of Gabrielle" (numbered 0041 but no session number)
and 5 vidcaps from "The Training of Camille" -sessions 5, 6, 8 and 11 - shot number of each vidcap suggest there was much more material recorded of our suffering heroines!

As I watch these vidcaps uploading, I have begun salivating afresh. Happy days hopefully lie ahead for your devoted RF fans.


  • TrainingGabrielle0041.png
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Is There No End In Sight?!!


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Dani continues to suffer The Wheel in the first part of the CruXtreme Series and, as I said before, she's looking forward to more extreme suffering in the third part where she will be tortured while impaled on a metallic stake. Hmmm. Sounds fantastically gross. When Dani was shooting an opening scene for that film, a scene that will have to be re-shot, looking at the set and the contraption that will hold her high, she said something like ”Am I going to sit on that?!! ... I love the things you come up with to do to me.”


ranger1 Margot said: Mother Earth conspired to clean herself of a lot of shit and to force Jac to go work on those shelved movies. He's doing that now. We might start releasing them, one at a time, beginning next week, maybe even this coming weekend! He's having a hard time deciding which one goes first. He has to finish CruXtreme II but he's not shooting movies, or going out for whatever reason, so, he has the time to work on all those films. Last I heard, he was making the HD clips of Training Camille. There are three films of the Training Camille series already digitized, there must be at least another 8 to pass from analogue tape to digital. I don't know if all of them will be out. Who knows.

Thank you, Margot et al, for your exciting update on Jac's starting work on the shelved RF movies. Over the many years that I have relished your peerless crux themed productions (and many others as well), I have created new folders (within an encompassing "Red Feline" folder) for each and every previously unknown (to me) RF production I come across (no pun intended).

To further complicate Jac's 'which one first' decision, I discovered a single vidcap of an RF movie "The Training of Gabrielle". Gabrielle (Camille's sister) is the superb crux star of "Seven Days on the Cross" series (4 films to date with a 2 hour compilations in the marketing backlog). She also starred magnificently in the Red Feline "Inquisition" series (4 films, I think) along with her sister, Camille as Red Feline with Gabrielle as "Melissa".

To titillate fellow crux fans, I attach the lone vidcap I have from "The Training of Gabrielle" (numbered 0041 but no session number) and 5 vidcaps from "The Training of Camille" -sessions 5, 6, 8 and 11 - shot number of each vidcap suggest there was much more material recorded of our suffering heroines! As I watch these vidcaps uploading, I have begun salivating afresh. Happy days hopefully lie ahead for your devoted RF fans.


The Training Gabrielle, video is now called The Inquisition Rehearsals. Both Camille and Gabrielle are in it, it's fairly long but pretty raw. Jac was testing the camera, so some shots didn't come out as well as most of the many days session, but they are edited in anyway. The video consists of testing some of the scenes that were going to be part of the Red Feline Faces The Inquisition series, and it was the first time for Gabrielle, to be in front of the camera and to be strip naked and tortured. This video is ready. I even think is already in DVD form. I should have news about its impending release this week.

There's another movie that might be released: Cross And Barbed Wire. It's a short film that was made when Vero aka Gabrielle, was in town to shoot Amy's first directorial film Sirwiñakuy. During that productive period of time they shot Sirwiñakuy, Specters of Blood Castle, Double Cross and Cross And Barbed Wire. Only Sirwiñakuy was released, and theatrically, just before the production of Maleficarum started. Once the back to back production of three Big Production Values movies began, all those ‘smaller films’ were shelved... until now.


skullchaser Re: Whip Her Breasts Again! Thank you for the updates! I love the position Dani is in - spread and roped while the long whip lashes her breasts. That position is the embodiment of helplessness; everything is exposed and vulnerable. And the expression on her face is priceless! I'm not a fan of tattoos, but that scene is sexy enough that I can overlook them. Thank you for letting us know that Jac isn't sitting idle on the Camille films. It's good that he's keeping busy. When the shut-down is lifted, he's going to be busy enough shooting film to make up for lost production time.

The Training Camille 'secret tapes' will be coming out, but only three of them for now. The other 7 or 8 are in their original analog tape form. I think there's one machine that can play them now but it can only be connected to the old G3 Mac. If that video player is not working, we'll have a hard time getting them digitized. Unless Jac had the foresight of transferring them to DV tapes way back at the beginning of the new millennium, but even if that, the machine that can play them is currently not functioning properly. Time has a way of rendering machines useless, even those flesh and blood machines we call bodies. Where's the Victrola? I have a few of my grand father's 78 rpm records (made of glass, not vinyl) and I'd love to listen to. One of them is Mussolini produced Italian version of Lili Marleen. (Hearing the song in my head now, I must share it with you all)

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Download CruXtreme I - DV or HD version

Dani continues to suffer The Wheel in the first part of the CruXtreme Series and, as I said before, she's looking forward to more extreme suffering in the third part where she will be tortured while impaled on a metallic stake. Hmmm. Sounds fantastically gross. When Dani was shooting an opening scene for that film, a scene that will have to be re-shot, looking at the set and the contraption that will hold her high, she said something like ”Am I going to sit on that?!! ... I love the things you come up with to do to me.”


ranger1 Margot said: Mother Earth conspired to clean herself of a lot of shit and to force Jac to go work on those shelved movies. He's doing that now. We might start releasing them, one at a time, beginning next week, maybe even this coming weekend! He's having a hard time deciding which one goes first. He has to finish CruXtreme II but he's not shooting movies, or going out for whatever reason, so, he has the time to work on all those films. Last I heard, he was making the HD clips of Training Camille. There are three films of the Training Camille series already digitized, there must be at least another 8 to pass from analogue tape to digital. I don't know if all of them will be out. Who knows.

Thank you, Margot et al, for your exciting update on Jac's starting work on the shelved RF movies. Over the many years that I have relished your peerless crux themed productions (and many others as well), I have created new folders (within an encompassing "Red Feline" folder) for each and every previously unknown (to me) RF production I come across (no pun intended).

To further complicate Jac's 'which one first' decision, I discovered a single vidcap of an RF movie "The Training of Gabrielle". Gabrielle (Camille's sister) is the superb crux star of "Seven Days on the Cross" series (4 films to date with a 2 hour compilations in the marketing backlog). She also starred magnificently in the Red Feline "Inquisition" series (4 films, I think) along with her sister, Camille as Red Feline with Gabrielle as "Melissa".

To titillate fellow crux fans, I attach the lone vidcap I have from "The Training of Gabrielle" (numbered 0041 but no session number) and 5 vidcaps from "The Training of Camille" -sessions 5, 6, 8 and 11 - shot number of each vidcap suggest there was much more material recorded of our suffering heroines! As I watch these vidcaps uploading, I have begun salivating afresh. Happy days hopefully lie ahead for your devoted RF fans.


The Training Gabrielle, video is now called The Inquisition Rehearsals. Both Camille and Gabrielle are in it, it's fairly long but pretty raw. Jac was testing the camera, so some shots didn't come out as well as most of the many days session, but they are edited in anyway. The video consists of testing some of the scenes that were going to be part of the Red Feline Faces The Inquisition series, and it was the first time for Gabrielle, to be in front of the camera and to be strip naked and tortured. This video is ready. I even think is already in DVD form. I should have news about its impending release this week.

There's another movie that might be released: Cross And Barbed Wire. It's a short film that was made when Vero aka Gabrielle, was in town to shoot Amy's first directorial film Sirwiñakuy. During that productive period of time they shot Sirwiñakuy, Specters of Blood Castle, Double Cross and Cross And Barbed Wire. Only Sirwiñakuy was released, and theatrically, just before the production of Maleficarum started. Once the back to back production of three Big Production Values movies began, all those ‘smaller films’ were shelved... until now.


skullchaser Re: Whip Her Breasts Again! Thank you for the updates! I love the position Dani is in - spread and roped while the long whip lashes her breasts. That position is the embodiment of helplessness; everything is exposed and vulnerable. And the expression on her face is priceless! I'm not a fan of tattoos, but that scene is sexy enough that I can overlook them. Thank you for letting us know that Jac isn't sitting idle on the Camille films. It's good that he's keeping busy. When the shut-down is lifted, he's going to be busy enough shooting film to make up for lost production time.

The Training Camille 'secret tapes' will be coming out, but only three of them for now. The other 7 or 8 are in their original analog tape form. I think there's one machine that can play them now but it can only be connected to the old G3 Mac. If that video player is not working, we'll have a hard time getting them digitized. Unless Jac had the foresight of transferring them to DV tapes way back at the beginning of the new millennium, but even if that, the machine that can play them is currently not functioning properly. Time has a way of rendering machines useless, even those flesh and blood machines we call bodies. Where's the Victrola? I have a few of my grand father's 78 rpm records (made of glass, not vinyl) and I'd love to listen to. One of them is Mussolini produced Italian version of Lili Marleen. (Hearing the song in my head now, I must share it with you all)

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Thanks yet again Margot for further expanding your earlier update concerning revisiting RF shelved projects and movies.

Within my often visited “Red Feline” folder, I have edited Gabrielle’s Training folder title to read “The Inquisition Rehearsals”. The prospect of this movie already being in DVD format and its possible imminent release is so exciting. Your RF fans await developments anxiously.

After reading your last response, I created a new folder “Cross and Barbed Wire” to reside within the encompassing Red Feline folder. The title including “Barbed Wire” reminded me of the superb crux themed RF movie “The Red Room” in which Jane is tortured thoroughly for 1 hour 12 minutes.

At the 29 minute mark, Jac shows the agonised Jane the barbed wire he is about to cruelly fasten around her head. The fastening of the barbed wire takes about 4 minutes of screen time, every second of which shows clearly Jane’s ever increasing agony at what is being done to her. For me, the most erotic portion of a crucifixion I have EVER seen! Here are a few arousing vidcaps from that section of the movie.

A close rival crux sequence is Jane being made to carry her patibulum to which she has already been nailed!

The release of the “Training Camille” secret tapes, even if only 3, is keenly awaited by many of your RF fans Please post any news regarding release of the discoid material here in this CruxForums thread.

Sincerely and with thanks, Ranger1


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    Jane carry her cross02.png
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    Jane carry her cross01.png
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    Jane carry her cross03.png
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The scourging continues!!


Download CruXtreme I - DV or HD version

Dani has a long way to go bent backwards over The Wheel while her flesh is shredded by the cruel flagellum. As the first part of the CruXtreme Series advances to its unexpected ending, Jac finds himself busy with the second part but, at the same time, with the shelved projects that are struggling to see the light of the screen, the small screen, the monitor screen, the computer screen, even the cell phone screen, any screen in use these of self imposed home imprisonment.


ranger1 Thanks yet again Margot for further expanding your earlier update concerning revisiting RF shelved projects and movies. Within my often visited “Red Feline” folder, I have edited Gabrielle’s Training folder title to read “The Inquisition Rehearsals”. The prospect of this movie already being in DVD format and its possible imminent release is so exciting. Your RF fans await developments anxiously.

After reading your last response, I created a new folder “Cross and Barbed Wire” to reside within the encompassing Red Feline folder. The title including “Barbed Wire” reminded me of the superb crux themed RF movie “The Red Room” in which Jane is tortured thoroughly for 1 hour 12 minutes. At the 29 minute mark, Jac shows the agonized Jane the barbed wire he is about to cruelly fasten around her head. The fastening of the barbed wire takes about 4 minutes of screen time, every second of which shows clearly Jane’s ever increasing agony at what is being done to her. For me, the most erotic portion of a crucifixion I have EVER seen!

Here are a few arousing vidcaps from that section of the movie. A close rival crux sequence is Jane being made to carry her patibulum to which she has already been nailed! The release of the “Training Camille” secret tapes, even if only 3, is keenly awaited by many of your RF fans Please post any news regarding release of the discoid material here in this CruxForums thread. Sincerely and with thanks, Ranger1. Attachments


Red Room or Desperately Seeking Red Feline, was the first production Amy and Jac did after her Amy's training. It was a homage to Camille, in a way, and a film to transition to the new cycle of productions that came after Camille's cycle closed with Martyr Or The Death of St Eulalia, the film Amy saw at a film festival and changed her life. She tells it brilliantly here:

Red Room was meant to be as cruel as Red Feline On The Cross, perhaps more. For Amy was the first elaborate production, with the use of three cameras, the apartment where they were living transformed to become the Red Room where naughty things happen to the curious who ventured where they shouldn't go, just like in Red Feline On The Cross, where Camille walks into this abandoned house and meets her destiny.


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Last edited:
The scourging continues!!


Download CruXtreme I - DV or HD version

Dani has a long way to go bent backwards over The Wheel while her flesh is shredded by the cruel flagellum. As the first part of the CruXtreme Series advances to its unexpected ending, Jac finds himself busy with the second part but, at the same time, with the shelved projects that are struggling to see the light of the screen, the small screen, the monitor screen, the computer screen, even the cell phone screen, any screen in use these of self imposed home imprisonment.


ranger1 Thanks yet again Margot for further expanding your earlier update concerning revisiting RF shelved projects and movies. Within my often visited “Red Feline” folder, I have edited Gabrielle’s Training folder title to read “The Inquisition Rehearsals”. The prospect of this movie already being in DVD format and its possible imminent release is so exciting. Your RF fans await developments anxiously.

After reading your last response, I created a new folder “Cross and Barbed Wire” to reside within the encompassing Red Feline folder. The title including “Barbed Wire” reminded me of the superb crux themed RF movie “The Red Room” in which Jane is tortured thoroughly for 1 hour 12 minutes. At the 29 minute mark, Jac shows the agonized Jane the barbed wire he is about to cruelly fasten around her head. The fastening of the barbed wire takes about 4 minutes of screen time, every second of which shows clearly Jane’s ever increasing agony at what is being done to her. For me, the most erotic portion of a crucifixion I have EVER seen!

Here are a few arousing vidcaps from that section of the movie. A close rival crux sequence is Jane being made to carry her patibulum to which she has already been nailed! The release of the “Training Camille” secret tapes, even if only 3, is keenly awaited by many of your RF fans Please post any news regarding release of the discoid material here in this CruxForums thread. Sincerely and with thanks, Ranger1. Attachments


Red Room or Desperately Seeking Red Feline, was the first production Amy and Jac did after her Amy's training. It was a homage to Camille, in a way, and a film to transition to the new cycle of productions that came after Camille's cycle closed with Martyr Or The Death of St Eulalia, the film Amy saw at a film festival and changed her life. She tells it brilliantly here:

Red Room was meant to be as cruel as Red Feline On The Cross, perhaps more. For Amy was the first elaborate production, with the use of three cameras, the apartment where they were living transformed to become the Red Room where naughty things happen to the curious who ventured where they shouldn't go, just like in Red Feline On The Cross, where Camille walks into this abandoned house and meets her destiny.


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Red Feline Pictures
Thanks Margot for your continuing feedback. After viewing both "Red Feline on the Cross" and "Red Room", my clear impression is that you met your ambitions: "Red Room" is undoubtedly far more cruel (and therefore brutal) than "Red Feline on the Cross" although Camille's ordeal in that is quite exciting as well.

In "Red Room", the use of the 'spiked horse' upon which which the bleeding body of Jane is placed to receive further merciless whipping on both her front and back torso PLUS, of course, the extreme cruelty of the barbed wire being fastened around her head, tearing into her flesh and causing copious flows of blood down her suffering face blood to streak her already agonised visage. Those 2 sequences made the comparison, for me. fairly straightforward.

You mention Amy's training - was that session of Amy's onscreen entry in the BDSM world of Red Feline recorded?

I think I remember in recent days reading online a comment ( I think by Jac) that an edited version of Martyr (with only the scenes of St. Eulalia's suffering) was to be released. I would purchase that RF production as I found the background scenes to be most distracting from my enjoyment of the film.
Is my memory playing tricks on me or is such an edited version in the release pipeline, please.

Sincerely, ranger1.
There's no break for the scourge!!


Download CruXtreme I - DV or HD version

Dani's scourging goes on into the night. Her flesh torn, her mind near madness. The next to last scene of Dani suffering the scourge bent backwards over The Wheel, her legs and arms spread wide, lasts a long time, long lasting minutes of screen time. The entire film is over an hour. The shooting to of every scene took days. One or two days for each set up of the camera. For two hours a day, maybe 5 days, Dani was set in that one position and flogged, mercilessly. At the end of each day, after she showered, Jac offered her some tea and pastries. They talked about what they did and what they were going to do next. Half an hour later, Dani was off to host her TV show, smiling and commenting on rock and roll, as if nothing had happened that day. As if she hadn't been stretched over the nasty wheel, naked, suffering the harsh kiss of the whip on her tender skin.


ranger1 Thanks Margot for your continuing feedback. After viewing both "Red Feline on the Cross" and "Red Room", my clear impression is that you met your ambitions: "Red Room" is undoubtedly far more cruel (and therefore brutal) than "Red Feline on the Cross" although Camille's ordeal in that is quite exciting as well. In "Red Room", the use of the 'spiked horse' upon which which the bleeding body of Jane is placed to receive further merciless whipping on both her front and back torso PLUS, of course, the extreme cruelty of the barbed wire being fastened around her head, tearing into her flesh and causing copious flows of blood down her suffering face blood to streak her already agonized visage. Those 2 sequences made the comparison, for me. fairly straightforward. You mention Amy's training - was that session of Amy's onscreen entry in the BDSM world of Red Feline recorded?

Red Room was recorded sometime in 2007. During the previous year, Amy and Jac were going back and forth between Bolivia and the US and working on three documentaries. One night, during those traveling days, they were staying at a hotel, the camera was there and there was a column in the middle of the room. So, they decided to play a bit and that was the very first time Amy was in front of the camera under torture. Later on, back in the city where they were residing, still temporarily, they set up the bedroom to continue the training. Shortly after that, they painted the room red, built the props, set up the chains and the ladder and worked on the first film for Red Feline Pictures, they titled it Red Room Or Desperately Seeking Red Feline.


ranger1 I think I remember in recent days reading online a comment ( I think by Jac) that an edited version of Martyr (with only the scenes of St. Eulalia's suffering) was to be released. I would purchase that RF production as I found the background scenes to be most distracting from my enjoyment of the film. Is my memory playing tricks on me or is such an edited version in the release pipeline, please.

Yes, your memory is correct. There's the intention of releasing an Only Tortures video with scenes from Martyr. It will include unreleased scenes, one with Natacha suffering her own crucifixion. All the torture scenes are a lot longer than they are in the film itself. What you consider background scenes it is actually the movie. The torture scenes are illustrative of Camille's personal drama. Perhaps a film like that was not exactly what our core audience loves to see, but it had a great effect outside of its intended niche. The film is part of two academic studies, it was in international film festivals, a woman wrote a book about it, I don't know if it was published, and even before its release it was part of an academic conference at a university in the US. Most importantly, Amy saw Martyr at one of the film festivals and made her want to be Camille, so she joined Jac for more than a decade long adventure in film making and torture.


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