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News From Margot

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Is This The End?


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There's a sense of accomplishment when the final sequence of a film is completed. But, is this the last sequence of the film? Is Dani at the end of her suffering? Is Jac satisfied with what he has done during all these days of cruelty? Is Dani willing to continue? Is she satisfied? Did she had enough cruelty showered on her? Can she take more torment? Can her body resist? Time Will Tell, they say.

But there was no time in between. Soon after suffering on The Wheel, Dani was on The Rack for the second film in the CruXtreme Series, a deluge of cruelty falling on her still resisting body. Last I heard, Jac completed the rough cut of the new film and he's now editing down the 4 hours or so of that cut to a manageable 2 hrs in First Cut. CruXtreme II should be release sometime this month.


SilentFan I quite enjoyed Maleficarum and it was 100% the burning scene that attracted me to it, as a naked woman burning at the stake is next to unheard of on film. I also have Dead But Dreaming which I wanted because of the crucifixion scene. Although I was a bit disappointed in the way it kept cutting away from the beautiful woman nailed to the cross, to the vampire talking to another girl. Would have liked the crucifixion scene to stayed longer Good work tho!

In Dead But Dreaming the story goes from one time period to another. In this specific case, we see Aphrodisia reminiscing about the time she became a vampire, how no one helped her, how she was flogged and crucified. In the context of the story, the scene had its reason to be, and it could not be much longer. I wonder if Jac would want to make the complete story of Aphrodisia. Then the crucifixion would be much longer lasting, I guess.


Another film that has Amy burning naked, this time tied to a cross, is in Olalla, a very dramatic film, also dealing with vampires. Olalla was directed by Amy, it is her fourth film as director, she also wrote the script, based on the story Olalla, written by the author of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson. I have to say Olalla is a wonderful movie that should be seen by all.


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After All This Suffering, What's My Reward?


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Dani waits, and waits, for something good to happen. All that suffering must have a reward, she thinks. And she waits. All signs point to the end of the quarantine. In the US things appear to be heading to a normalcy with ribbons of tragedy, while in Brazil people are dying right and left. But up in the altitude of La Paz the virus seems to be under control, so, beginning June 1st, the measures will be relaxed to a point and if all goes that way, then Dani will get her reward, a couple of weeks of glorious suffering for the third part of the CruXtreme Series.

By then, the second part, CruXtreme II - The Roommate should be heading to our store. Jac is eager to have that done before he starts shooting the next movie.


As I mentioned before, I'm rebuilding our site vermeerworks. I just published an old interview, 2011, with Jac and Amy about Maleficarum. It was published by (re)Search My Trash.

It's a very good interview, here's an excerpt:

Amy: I guess Mariana is someone who is in the wrong place at the wrong time. She’s a Protestant widow, with no family, and thus unprotected by a man, not exactly a good thing in that time. She is taken in by a rich orphan woman and they begin a lesbian relationship, and she's subsequently persecuted by the inquisition. She’s someone who should logically just give up, but she keeps on hanging on, in spite of being brutally tortured, and seeing her lover tortured; she has a strong soul.

I had a few tough times after shooting some of the more pathetic moments in Mariana’s arch. It was hard to shake off so much suffering and misery, and I felt like crying even more after we had cut, out of sympathy for the victims. I think it starts to affect my happy chemicals or whatever after a full day of that.

Continue reading the Interview Here:


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Maleficarum Review: "one of the most singularly memorable films ever made

(Published on February 2, 2014 in The Beverly Hills Outlook

With the release in 2011 of this landmark film, Pachamama Films made an indelible mark on World Cinema and simultaneously took hold of the popular imagination. Produced in Bolivia, it is a direct descendant of 1970′s Mark of the Devil, though it is light years better, being constructed with care, self-awareness and intelligence.

The production, by Amy Hesketh and Jac Avila, is tasteful, yet filled with panache – dramatic, rich and theatrical. As both costumer and make up artist, Hesketh establishes the color design of the production in the black attire of the clergy (suggestive of their dark hearts) and through the red blood on flagellated flesh, an appropriate color scheme, considering the Occult accusations that fly in its screenplay.


The combination of a screenplay and its realization, both saying different things, here does not contradict, but culminates in an entertaining and enjoyable viewing experience.

The screenplay, by Jac Avila, is an accusatory criticism of the Catholic Church in the age of the Inquisition. On more than one occasion, he references the Church’s anti-Semitism (something he had earlier mentioned in 2005′s Martyr) employing a narration from the perspective of a youthful witness who observes false accusations based, in part and in flashback, on the belief that sapphic activities are sinful, with trumped up charges leveled as a means to acquire personal wealth, even requiring the intended victim of said charges to fund their own persecution. By making this youthful perspective the audience’s perspective, it is implied that future generations will turn from such injustice.


It is interesting to observe that scriptwriter Avila aligns the false accusations with the Indigenous populace, something that would have implications in Bolivia’s diverse population makeup as would, given the country’s recent political changes, the depiction of collective theft directed against an individual, wealthy inheritor. In a similar vein, the “force of prayer” is depicted as an act of public aggression produced by a mob mentality. The implications in all of this would not be lost on a contemporary Bolivian audience.

Yet, Avila gives his fiction a happy ending of sorts in having his heroines miraculously resurrected and extracting revenge. His final pan to the heavens suggests that there just may be a deity looking out for us, after all.


But what Avila the scriptwriter condemns, Avila the director celebrates, at least as far as the Inquisition activities themselves go. For, while he does depict the victims touchingly holding hands despite their shackles, he converts a Chamber of Torments into a stage for public entertainment, mythologizing the kiss of the whip by imbuing extended scenes of flamboyant torture with a religious ambiance. One set of shackles is replaced by another, and embers burn, legs akimbo in chains. In truth, the criticism of religious persecution merely provides a context for extended scenes of torture in a fictionalized context to be enjoyed for their own sake.

Maleficarum Review: "one of the most singularly memorable films ever made

(Published on February 2, 2014 in The Beverly Hills Outlook

So, I wanted to read the full review. Tried to look up "The Beverly Hills Outlook." Only two references to it online (other than Margot's): one from prweb.com, a site that publishes press releases (for pay), and a facebook page.

The facebook page was blank.

Tried to look up Charles Lonberger. One or two facebook hits, none of them identifying any of the Charles Lonbergers as a journalist.

Margot, can you give us more information about this raving review? The existence of the publication and author seem dubious.
You can read the whole review here: http://vermeerworks.com/home/2020/0...he-most-singularly-memorable-films-ever-made/

The Beverly Hills Outlook was online for a few years. Sadly, Charles Lonberger, the publisher, passed away and the people working with him moved on to other publications so it was discontinued. His wife sent a notification to everyone who was in the mailing list concerning this. Charles reviewed many of our films from 2010 until his passing in October 2014. His comprehensive, in-depth reviews, are a treasure to keep. His insight and keen observations are worth the effort of saving and sharing them.

He was keeping up with our work, looking forward to Justine and Pygmalion, the two films he never saw. One of his last emails to us said this:

Dear Jac and amy (and Margot?),

I submitted a post to amy's blog and GIMP, but am contacting you directly with my thoughts.

1. Do not make "Malficarum 2." You have been there and done that. You do not need to repeat yourself and the original will be rediscovered by new viewers, keeping the original fresh.

2. "Debutante" sounds to be exactly the right tonic. Do not get pigeonholed into any genre, and its good to lighten things up a little. The change in tone will help you reinvent yourselves creatively. I think your interpretation of "Pygmalion" would segue into Dom/sub deliciously, and legitimately make that which is implicit in the source material explicit. A great idea. Plus, a darkly humorous approach to the Lifestyle theme might find you a new audience.

If you proceed with this project, amy, might you pick up a copy of "Pygmalion," autograph it and mail it to Beverly Hills Outlook **** National Blvd. #***, Los Angeles, CA 90034 for my birthday on July 2? I will transfer any cost to you via Paypal or by credit card, whichever you prefer.

3. As the rights to "Histoire D'O" may be too expensive to obtain, why not convert the history of Drouet into your own "O?" Just a thought.

Trusting all goes well with the public flogging and immolation...and Jac's "Justine."

Charles Lonberger, Editor
Beverly Hills Outlook (www.bhoutlook.us)

His magazine covered films, dance, painting and other art forms. It was very unique. A huge loss.

That's that.
You can read the whole review here: http://vermeerworks.com/home/2020/0...he-most-singularly-memorable-films-ever-made/

The Beverly Hills Outlook was online for a few years. Sadly, Charles Lonberger, the publisher, passed away and the people working with him moved on to other publications so it was discontinued. His wife sent a notification to everyone who was in the mailing list concerning this. Charles reviewed many of our films from 2010 until his passing in October 2014. His comprehensive, in-depth reviews, are a treasure to keep. His insight and keen observations are worth the effort of saving and sharing them.

He was keeping up with our work, looking forward to Justine and Pygmalion, the two films he never saw. One of his last emails to us said this:

Dear Jac and amy (and Margot?),

I submitted a post to amy's blog and GIMP, but am contacting you directly with my thoughts.

1. Do not make "Malficarum 2." You have been there and done that. You do not need to repeat yourself and the original will be rediscovered by new viewers, keeping the original fresh.

2. "Debutante" sounds to be exactly the right tonic. Do not get pigeonholed into any genre, and its good to lighten things up a little. The change in tone will help you reinvent yourselves creatively. I think your interpretation of "Pygmalion" would segue into Dom/sub deliciously, and legitimately make that which is implicit in the source material explicit. A great idea. Plus, a darkly humorous approach to the Lifestyle theme might find you a new audience.

If you proceed with this project, amy, might you pick up a copy of "Pygmalion," autograph it and mail it to Beverly Hills Outlook **** National Blvd. #***, Los Angeles, CA 90034 for my birthday on July 2? I will transfer any cost to you via Paypal or by credit card, whichever you prefer.

3. As the rights to "Histoire D'O" may be too expensive to obtain, why not convert the history of Drouet into your own "O?" Just a thought.

Trusting all goes well with the public flogging and immolation...and Jac's "Justine."

Charles Lonberger, Editor
Beverly Hills Outlook (www.bhoutlook.us)

His magazine covered films, dance, painting and other art forms. It was very unique. A huge loss.

That's that.

What do our lovely and beautiful heroines do during the long, long Lockdown?


In these days of Lockdown, some of our heroines are doing what they can with what they do in their life. Amy, unable to go to a sound studio to record sound effects for her new film Rucker The Trucker, built one in her closet, sound proofed enough to record all those gruesome screams her film requires. At the same time zooming in to teach her film students, organize film seminars across the US and more.


In the meantime, our beautiful Camille, who moved from Paris to the country side of France for a bit, expecting to spend a couple of weeks, not a couple of months, away from her theatrical activities, worked to make the lockdown of the nearby town, a more enjoyable time. Her crew of clowns, with the proper City Hall permits, went around the streets of town performing for the enjoyment of all, specially the children who watched how their street turned into a circus. Camille is the one in red with the old bicycle.


Meanwhile, Dani too had to stay home, not only missing the production time with Jac, but unable to go host her TV Show. So, the TV execs and those who run the show, decided that their hosts should do it from home. So, Dani, with the assistance of her cell phone, hosted her show from the comfort of her apartment. Her guests were also at their homes, of course. The program's hashtag was #quedateencasa (stay home)


Meanwhile, Jac, missing his heroines a lot, took most of his time to edit films, write scripts, prepare photos for promotion, search for inspiration, drink beer, look after his cats and more. The multiple screens in his editing corner showing all those different images he works with. One of those works was a music video, where Simonne of Monxa Mala fame plays the lead. While, at the same time, editing the up and coming film CruXtreme II - The Roommate.


As the the world takes baby steps to return to some form of normalcy, we're all getting ready for what is to come. Hopefully Dani and Jac will return to the set to shoot the third film of the CruXtreme Series.

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Amy, unable to go to a sound studio to record sound effects for her new film Rucker The Trucker, built one in her closet, sound proofed enough to record all those gruesome screams her film requires.

Would it be too premature to request a plot-line synopsis of this intriguing endeavor? :fighting02:
What do our lovely and beautiful heroines do during the long, long Lockdown?


In these days of Lockdown, some of our heroines are doing what they can with what they do in their life. Amy, unable to go to a sound studio to record sound effects for her new film Rucker The Trucker, built one in her closet, sound proofed enough to record all those gruesome screams her film requires. At the same time zooming in to teach her film students, organize film seminars across the US and more.


In the meantime, our beautiful Camille, who moved from Paris to the country side of France for a bit, expecting to spend a couple of weeks, not a couple of months, away from her theatrical activities, worked to make the lockdown of the nearby town, a more enjoyable time. Her crew of clowns, with the proper City Hall permits, went around the streets of town performing for the enjoyment of all, specially the children who watched how their street turned into a circus. Camille is the one in red with the old bicycle.


Meanwhile, Dani too had to stay home, not only missing the production time with Jac, but unable to go host her TV Show. So, the TV execs and those who run the show, decided that their hosts should do it from home. So, Dani, with the assistance of her cell phone, hosted her show from the comfort of her apartment. Her guests were also at their homes, of course. The program's hashtag was #quedateencasa (stay home)


Meanwhile, Jac, missing his heroines a lot, took most of his time to edit films, write scripts, prepare photos for promotion, search for inspiration, drink beer, look after his cats and more. The multiple screens in his editing corner showing all those different images he works with. One of those works was a music video, where Simonne of Monxa Mala fame plays the lead. While, at the same time, editing the up and coming film CruXtreme II - The Roommate.


As the the world takes baby steps to return to some form of normalcy, we're all getting ready for what is to come. Hopefully Dani and Jac will return to the set to shoot the third film of the CruXtreme Series.

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Thanks Margot for the updates of current activities of your talented staff during these challenging times. It helps many of us to imagine a more 3D reality of your stars and production people than we might glean from watching their riveting performances in RF films.

As the weeks go by with little easing of restrictions seeming to be forthcoming in the short term, I wondered how post production work on the shelved RF shoots of past years is coming along. Any news yet concerning projected release of
Training of Camille episodes, (or "The Diary of Camille" ?? if that title refers to a different film shoot to "Training of ...) - see attached title shot.
Double Cross,
Seven Days on the Cross (single edited movie format)
Cross and Barbed Wire,
and the (torture only version of Martyr

at this point in time, please?

Sincerely, Ranger1.


  • TheDiaryOfCamille.jpg
    479.2 KB · Views: 96

The Return To Some Kind Of Normal

For the first time in many weeks, Dani and Jac will meet to organize the production of the third part of the CruXtreme Series. They will do some tests and schedule the shooting of the new extremely intense film.

Meanwhile, the post production of CruXtreme II - The Roommate is reaching the end, although very slowly. I don't have a release date yet, I'll know more in the course of this week.


Jackie1111: LOVE the clowns! Also the cat sleeping in the upper right corner of the first pic

The cat was not always sleeping and he (Mitsou) is not the only one. Jac has 5 cats and sometimes at least three of them are on hand for consultations. All of them ON the desk or the surrounding furniture.

Camille has been involved with clowns for a while now. She's part of three theater groups in Paris, one of which is dedicated to bring joy to children.


nardnob: Would it be too premature to request a plot-line synopsis of this intriguing endeavor? (Amy's film Rucker The Trucker)

Unfortunately I do not have the permission to say anything at all. The only person in our team, other than Amy and her cast and crew of course, that knows about it and actually saw a rough cut of the film is Jac and he's not saying much. He's discussing it with Amy and that's it. What I can say is that it is a psycho thriller about a man that kills women. Period. And that in the cast there's one very well known singer from a very well known rock band and the main character is played by an actor who has over 40 Hollywood films in his resume.

Ranger1: Thanks Margot for the updates of current activities of your talented staff during these challenging times. It helps many of us to imagine a more 3D reality of your stars and production people than we might glean from watching their riveting performances in RF films. As the weeks go by with little easing of restrictions seeming to be forthcoming in the short term, I wondered how post production work on the shelved RF shoots of past years is coming along. Any news yet concerning projected release of Training of Camille episodes, (or "The Diary of Camille" ?? if that title refers to a different film shoot to "Training of ...) - see attached title shot. Double Cross, Seven Days on the Cross (single edited movie format) Cross and Barbed Wire, and the (torture only version of Martyr at this point in time, please?

Three of the Training of Camille episodes are in the works to be released very soon. One of them will be out shortly. The Diary of Camille is her account of at least three years of her life during the time before working on Red Feline On The Cross. It was originally featured in our club when we started our site, back in 1998. I'm currently setting it up again in the club. However, since now technology permits it, we might publish it with lots of pictures. It's very interesting reading.

DoubleCross, Seven Days on The Cross, Cross and Barbed Wire and The Via Crucis of Saint Eulalia as Performed By Camille will be released during the next couple of months, one at a time. The one that is being set up for release right now is DoubleCross.


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As I go on re building our VermeerWorks site, I have the pleasure of visiting the past. My most recent post deals with our best seller of all time, Maleficarum, and more specifically with an interview Jac had with Mike Haberfelner at (re)Search My Trash, published in July of 2012

An Interview with Jac Avila on the Maleficarum-Censorship-Debate


Maleficarum has recently become the centerpiece of a censorship controversy. How did this start actually?

It started with a letter. We released the film in October 2011, on the 31st to coincide with Halloween. It was our intention to have a premiere at the Cinemateca, a place that was open to our movies in the recent past, but we couldn’t get that date. Between October and February of this year we held discussions, conversations, negotiations to finally have a theatrical release date there. We finally agreed to have it sometime in March or April and gave them the film for evaluation; I was assuming that they wanted to see if the film held technically, and to rate it. The people at the Cinemateca held a preview screening of Martyr before its formal release, but they didn’t do that with our other films: Sirwiñakuy and Nocturnia. All three films were shown, Nocturnia and Martyr were not very successful while Sirwiñakuy ran for 5 months.


I was waiting for a letter with a date for the screening. Instead I got a letter saying that the“commission of evaluation” decided not to show the film because of its “explicit language” which I read as censorship. Martyr and Sirwiñakuy were just as explicit and were shown. LA Zombie, banned in Australia because of its extreme explicit content, was shown at the Cinemateca.

So, why was Maleficarum censored? I wrote an open letter to the director of the Cinemateca, a newspaper picked it up and all hell broke loose. Not long after the letter one of our people had a chance encounter with the programmer at one of the multiplexes here. She told him about Maleficarum and he said simply “we’ll show it, bring it.”

When she told me the great news I asked Beto to contact the other multiplex to offer them the film as well and they also agreed to show it. Suddenly, the “forbidden film” was opening nationally and in big commercial houses.

We submitted the film to the people who do the rating of films here and they came up with R (18 years and older). So, the arguments that the Cinemateca had were deflated with this new development. The papers picked it up too. The issue was no longer the film, but censorship.

As I rebuild vermeerworks.com I feel compelled to share what I do. In the other hand, I think a listing of our movies would be nice. So, here it is, a first post for

Sirwiñakuy - Amy's Directorial Debut


The poster of Sirwiñakuy​

Anouk is French, she’s 30, she’s in Bolivia. A massive demonstration is taken place outside the charming café where she’s talking to a friend.

Luis, Bolivian, 50, is observing her terrible table manners. His companion won’t shut up about his travel ordeals. When they are both alone, Luis approaches Anouk and simply asks her to go with him. She does.

Luis takes Anouk to her rented room, asks her to pack her things. She does.

Anouk moves in with Luis. She doesn’t quite understand why she’s in an old house full of books, antiques and crumbling walls, with a man almost twice her age, of whom she doesn’t even know his name.

When he spanks her, her curiosity grows, she wonders how far she will go.

Veronica Paintoux, Jac Avila, Erik Antoine, Beto Lopez L., Alfredo Lopez C., Chuqui El Gato.
Directed By Amy Hesketh
Screenplay By Amy Hesketh
Produced By Jac Avila, Amy Hesketh, Roberto Lopez L.

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Sirwiñaku: Probation period before marriage in which the bride-to-be lives for some time in the house of her in-laws -
or, in Anouk's case, just a probation period, period. :devil:

Le Marquis de la Croix - The Poster.​

Amy Hesketh takes the director's chair for the third time to direct Jac Avila and Mila Joya in her new film Le Marquis de la Croix.

After her intense experience with Barbazul, Amy felt more daring this time. She was going to ask more from her actors.

Jac and Amy, inspired by the writings of the Marquis de Sade, came up with an idea. They thought "we have the set, the props, the costumes, so, why not make another movie?"


Casting was not difficult. Mila had proven herself in Maleficarum and Barbazul and she was willing to be put through hell one more time. Jac was not against the idea of playing a deranged Marquis. He enjoyed playing the equally if not more maniac Barbazul very much and he felt that he could become De La Croix, channeling one of his most admired writers the Marquis de Sade.


Amy set out to direct Jac and Mila in a tale of mad, sadistic passion. The shooting took only two weeks during May of 2011.

The story

The Marquis de la Croix is imprisoned in a dark and humid dungeon where he has certain privileges. He's a Marquis, after all. He writes, eats well, enjoys the best wine and furnishes and decorates his cell

The best of his privileges is that he gets women. And not just any woman. He gets women who are condemned to die and who are given a choice: Death or to spend the rest of their short lives with Le Marquis.

Mila plays Zinga, a gypsy woman who chooses the infamous Marquis over death by the guillotine. It doesn't take long for her to wish she had chosen the big knife instead.

Le Marquis de la Croix is a production of Decadent Cinema.


A scene from Le Marquis de la Croix

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Barbazul, Amy Hesketh's Second Film

Soon after the controversial and successful release of Sirwiñakuy in July of 2010, Amy didn't just rest on her laurels. She began to work on her second feature: Barbazul and she wanted Veronica Paintoux, the protagonist of Sirwiñakuy, to play a leading role.

Amy had the intention of making her own version of Barbazul for some time. Having passed the test with Sirwiñakuy, Amy decided that it was time to bring her dream to reality.


In November of 2010 Veronica Paintoux, the protagonist of Sirwiñakuy, arrived to the airport in El Alto in a flight that took her from her home in Strasbourg, France, to the city of La Paz.

Barbazul is based on the children's story "Le Barbe Bleue" (1697) written by Charles Perrault, about a man with a blue beard who kills his wives. In the original story, Barbe Bleue is a pirate. Amy had a different idea for her own version of the old classic.


Amy cast Jac Avila in the leading role of Barbazul and Veronica Paintoux plays Anabelle, the love of Barbazul's life, the first of six ladies who must either please Barbazul or face death. The fourth in line, Jane, is played by Amy Hesketh herself, while Mila Joya, who was just beginning her career in Maleficarum, plays the central role of Soledad, the bride who discovers Barbazul's dark secret. Other brides are played by Erika Saavedra, who plays a witness in Maleficarum, and Paola Teran, the well known singer in the rock band Libelula.


Beto Lopez, the infamous inquisitor in Maleficarum and Luis Montez' colleague in Sirwiñakuy, plays Walter, Barbazul's very mysterious butler. Erik Antoine, who was Anouk's ex-boyfriend in Sirwiñakuy is Paul the photographer. Mariela Salaverry plays Soledad's sister.

Maleficarum was put on hold for two weeks and the cast and crew of Barbazul went on a trip to Chivisivi, where we rented the property that was to become Barbazul's hacienda.

For the next 12 days Jac became Barbazul and dedicated himself to lure and kill the ladies that Amy cast for him.

Back In The Set for CruXtreme III

It was way back in March, when Dani and Jac were very busy preparing the premiere of Amy's film Pygmalion and made some tests for CruXtreme III, they even shot parts of the opening scene.

A very sad problem back then was that Amy was going to miss the premiere because of the Covid 19 virus which started spreading in the US. The first people to die of the disease in the US were a few miles from Amy's home. Traveling for her was off indefinitely. Little did we know.

Suddenly, the first infected people showed up in Bolivia and the government ordered an immediate shutdown. The premiere was cancelled and the entire country went into lockdown. We're in June, two months since the quarantine, and things are beginning to open up ... slowly. So, Dani and Jac decided to begin the process of producing the new film.


Jac had some time to think a bit more about the film and had some ideas. Dani, too, had some suggestions, so they decided to start from scratch beginning with some testing.

One primary part of the film has Dani mounted on a spike attached to a contraction where she would suffer most of her tortures. Jac wanted to test one of his ideas. Dani got on the contraption and Jac proceeded to tie her wrists, ankles, neck and breasts with barbed wire.


While in quarantine, Jac was progressing with CruXtreme II. If I'm not mistaken it will be ready for release at the end of the coming week. The new film is over two hours long at this point, but it will be cut down to around 90 minutes during the weekend, with that, the First Cut of the film will be DONE!

The Final Cut, Sound Mix and Color Correction will be completed during the next few days, it is not that difficult, and by the end of the coming week, if not sooner, we'll be setting it up in our stores and I will definitely announce the release.


As we all were busy with producing, post producing, pre producing, promoting, writing scripts and so on, Amy was not wasting any time during the lockdown. She was busy Zooming with her students, teaching them the art of filmmaking, Zooming with producers and directors around the US with a Women Make Movies conference she organized, doing sound work for her newest film Rucker The Trucker and if that was not enough, she was producing and directing a short film, Love In The Time of Covid, she acted in it too! You can watch it now!

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New Movie in the Making

Dani and Jac were very excited. They were back in the set after a long, long, long quarantine. They both could feel each other's body vibes as they set up to shoot the first scene of the new movie, CruXtreme III.

The story is simple but complicated at the same time. Simple because it has a basic premise. A young woman is call back to the film set where she hopes she'll land a role. The principal role, if possible.


When she arrives, no one is in, apparently, she goes around the dark set, there are whips, chains, and other torture instruments about. She touches some, they are pretty real, she thinks. Out of the darkness, a man appears, and what comes may not be what she expected.


The first scene of the movie is almost in the can, it took a bit longer to shoot than expected, some interruptions and time limitations made that so. But the production of the new film began and it's going well, that's what's important, and the pair had some good fun while working on it.

Although the quarantine is over, daily life is not normal. There are many restrictions still and it is possible that in the coming days there will be a lockdown again as new cases tend to appear and maybe there are too many. But even with the time limitations, Dani and Jac will be working on the new project for the next two or three weeks.


I don't have many details yet. The pictures I've got are not vid caps from the film, but screen shots. They look good, still. I'll have a lot more as time goes by and the production advances. The first scene is just an intro to the story. Dani will suffer endless torture beginning next Tuesday. This weekend is a long holiday weekend in Bolivia and people are restricted from going out until Tuesday. Like I said, things are not back to normal.

I also know that CruXtreme II is almost done. We'll be uploading it to our store during the coming week.


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Red Feline Pictures
New Movie in the Making

Dani and Jac were very excited. They were back in the set after a long, long, long quarantine. They both could feel each other's body vibes as they set up to shoot the first scene of the new movie, CruXtreme III.

The story is simple but complicated at the same time. Simple because it has a basic premise. A young woman is call back to the film set where she hopes she'll land a role. The principal role, if possible.


When she arrives, no one is in, apparently, she goes around the dark set, there are whips, chains, and other torture instruments about. She touches some, they are pretty real, she thinks. Out of the darkness, a man appears, and what comes may not be what she expected.


The first scene of the movie is almost in the can, it took a bit longer to shoot than expected, some interruptions and time limitations made that so. But the production of the new film began and it's going well, that's what's important, and the pair had some good fun while working on it.

Although the quarantine is over, daily life is not normal. There are many restrictions still and it is possible that in the coming days there will be a lockdown again as new cases tend to appear and maybe there are too many. But even with the time limitations, Dani and Jac will be working on the new project for the next two or three weeks.


I don't have many details yet. The pictures I've got are not vid caps from the film, but screen shots. They look good, still. I'll have a lot more as time goes by and the production advances. The first scene is just an intro to the story. Dani will suffer endless torture beginning next Tuesday. This weekend is a long holiday weekend in Bolivia and people are restricted from going out until Tuesday. Like I said, things are not back to normal.

I also know that CruXtreme II is almost done. We'll be uploading it to our store during the coming week.


Download CruXtreme I - The Playroom - DV or HD

Download Inquisition Rehearsal

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Red Feline Pictures
Very exciting news Margot! Can’t wait for more updates.
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