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News From Margot

Go to CruxDreams.com
You're a good man Mr. Ryan. Thank you for all you have done for this project. We all appreciate it.
Crucified Life Thank You For Your Praise And To Iconoclast12 And xso I Would Like To Thank You For Your Praises And Your Words Of Encouragement Throughout This Campaign Please Know That Your Doing So Is Never Taken To Granted

I Would Like To Quote Jethro Tull From Their Song Wond'ring Aloud

‘’And It's Only The Giving
That Makes You What You Are’'
I'll definitely be clapping and sheering when those crosses get raised. Good luck with the production of the film!
I Second That I Also Good Luck With The Production Of The Film!
And I'm Looking Forward To This Films Release

I'll definitely be clapping and sheering when those crosses get raised. Good luck with the production of the film!
And I'm Confident That They’ll Manage To Get This Done
A Change Of Pace


As we wait for the cash raised at IndieGoGo to appear in our bank account we are considering our options and laying out the plans for the near future.

The Threesome of Constant Pain got together on Thursday and after deliberating over water and chips, they arrived to some decisions. The surprising one was that the production of 69 Année Érotique will commence next week.

Mila and Jac will get together this coming Monday to decorate the first set to be used in the film, the Living Room, where Jac and Simonne will have a good number of romantic and surreal scenes for at least three days, followed by a couple of sexy days when Dani will have her scenes in that nicely decorated set; that’s before the production moves to the Bedroom where Simonne will be the first to get a taste of very naughty s&m scenes in the film.


69 was not the main topic of discussion, it was just the easier subject to deal with because most of what is needed in the production of that film is in place and we can proceed right away.

The main topic was Seditiosa. The work in the Grand Female Christ movie is in the stage of pre production, with the location, costumes and props as the most urgent. Gina, the dedicated production manager, was given the task of getting an estimate on the basic costs for the ancient Palestine and Roman costumes and the swords. She’s also going to be in charge of making the costumes, like Amy did before, for Maleficarum.


Mila, who has been assigned the most creative job of Art Direction in both films, will get busy making the bust of the emperor which will be destroyed by Judith (Dani) the one courageous although unfortunate action that will bring about the inevitable, the suffering of a long and extremely painful execution on the cross for The Crucified Three.

Jac used the opportunity to show Mila and Dani the Roman Helmets. They were both impressed, they tried them on, and suggested what to do to improve their fitting on the heads of our soldiers who might not have heads big enough.


Jac has the urgent mission to go to the location tomorrow, Sunday, to look around and decide exactly where the different scenes in the film will take place. Once the decision is made as to where exactly the crucifixion will take place, the work of making the crosses will begin.

Deciding the area where those instruments of execution will be built is important. Jac has to know what kind of terrain they will be dealing with, what they will need to have a steady and solid base to safely crucified those beautiful ladies as well as all the rest of the details for a successful crucifixion.

He’s also going to set the deal with the administrator, leaving the dates open for now.


Jac has some ideas for the building of the crosses, he used a couple of them in the past in a few movies. His main concern was and is how to provided support for the feet without loosing the effect of the horrific. He’s also preoccupied with the style of the sedile/cornu he is considering to have in the crucifixion sequence.

The intention is to make the agony on the cross to look as atrocious as it needs to be without having the Crucified Three to suffer way too much. They will suffer of course, a lot, it cannot be avoided, but within reason, of course. It must be considered that they will be up on those crosses for two days, many hours each day. Sometimes under the burning rays of the sun, if there are no clouds in the sky, and sometimes suffering the cold Andean winds of the evening.


As we move on to the stage of production for 69, the pressure grows and time seems to shorten. But we are going to handle our schedule in ways that we can manage everything nicely, spreading the work over the next few weeks wisely and effectively.

A new era is beginning. We’re returning to the Big Production Values Movies style of work that we had before resulting in great films like Justine, Olalla, Dead But Dreaming and others. Seditiosa and 69 Année Érotique are the key to open the flood gates.


Our campaign at IndieGoGo is over, and it ended with decent results. We are waiting for those funds to get their way to us. We are also expecting some additional funds which, if all goes well, will get us close to our goal of 25,000.

But you can still support our work!

Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies over and over again, you just have to get them


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Get our DVDs by mail
2023 An Extremely Erotic Year!


The lights were set, the set was properly decorated, the cats were going in and out and up and down the sofa, Simonne changed into her fine top with nothing under it, Jac was wearing a shirt similar to the one he wore in his first scene in Pygmalion, where Heather (Amy) challenges Hendrix (Jac) to make a movie about his personal drama… a lost love… not any love, but the love of the one challenging him.

For the first night of production Jac decide to concentrate on the musical bits in the sequence, where Simonne, playing Galatea, a ghost from the past, a beautiful ghost from a hippie past, sings out with enough intensity “It’s 1969 baby! to Hendrix (yes, Jac) A song that predates all the punk rockers by decades. Later in the scene Galatea challenges Hendrix to go out there and make an erotic movie.


And thus began the production of a new Big Production Values movie, 69 Année Érotique!

The production is advancing faster than the famous director expected. In the few days of the initial shooting he managed to complete 6 scenes, most of them with an extremely sexy Simonne playing the ghost from the past, Galatea. She also plays Nina, a singer in a band who wants to be an actress. Nina in not named after Jac’s cat, but rather after Nina, Dracula’s untouchable objet du désir.


The day that our dear Simonne was not acting, Dani took the set by storm. She plays another extremely sexy character, Lucy, yes, named after aggressive Lucy in Dracula. She also plays the dual characters, Mona, a guitar player in the band, and Nadja, her sort of alter ego who is like Hyde to Jekyll. She’s the protagonist in the film.


After almost a week of shooting scenes for the new erotic and dramatic film, in an s&m way, Jac and Simonne closed the week and entered the holiday weekend doing a bit of Location Scouting at the Eco Resort where Mila’s crucifixion in Dead But Dreaming took place.

Jac has fond memories of the place and wanted to see it again before entering in a deal with the owners. He did not remember the details and he wanted to see if it hadn’t changed.

It didn’t, it’s all the same, as wonderful as it was the time before and more. He commented to Simonne,

I have everything I need for the film here, the market, the ‘stables’ where you, Dani and Mila will be scourged, the spot where the three of you will be crucified, the temple …. everything.


Jac can say that the Location Scouting Mission is accomplished.

I will go into details of what it means in my next post. There’s a lot to process and it’s Christmas for crust sake!

So… I want to take the opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and let’s make of next year, the year of Yahel!

2023 An Extremely Erotic Year!


The lights were set, the set was properly decorated, the cats were going in and out and up and down the sofa, Simonne changed into her fine top with nothing under it, Jac was wearing a shirt similar to the one he wore in his first scene in Pygmalion, where Heather (Amy) challenges Hendrix (Jac) to make a movie about his personal drama… a lost love… not any love, but the love of the one challenging him.

For the first night of production Jac decide to concentrate on the musical bits in the sequence, where Simonne, playing Galatea, a ghost from the past, a beautiful ghost from a hippie past, sings out with enough intensity “It’s 1969 baby! to Hendrix (yes, Jac) A song that predates all the punk rockers by decades. Later in the scene Galatea challenges Hendrix to go out there and make an erotic movie.


And thus began the production of a new Big Production Values movie, 69 Année Érotique!

The production is advancing faster than the famous director expected. In the few days of the initial shooting he managed to complete 6 scenes, most of them with an extremely sexy Simonne playing the ghost from the past, Galatea. She also plays Nina, a singer in a band who wants to be an actress. Nina in not named after Jac’s cat, but rather after Nina, Dracula’s untouchable objet du désir.


The day that our dear Simonne was not acting, Dani took the set by storm. She plays another extremely sexy character, Lucy, yes, named after aggressive Lucy in Dracula. She also plays the dual characters, Mona, a guitar player in the band, and Nadja, her sort of alter ego who is like Hyde to Jekyll. She’s the protagonist in the film.


After almost a week of shooting scenes for the new erotic and dramatic film, in an s&m way, Jac and Simonne closed the week and entered the holiday weekend doing a bit of Location Scouting at the Eco Resort where Mila’s crucifixion in Dead But Dreaming took place.

Jac has fond memories of the place and wanted to see it again before entering in a deal with the owners. He did not remember the details and he wanted to see if it hadn’t changed.

It didn’t, it’s all the same, as wonderful as it was the time before and more. He commented to Simonne,

I have everything I need for the film here, the market, the ‘stables’ where you, Dani and Mila will be scourged, the spot where the three of you will be crucified, the temple …. everything.


Jac can say that the Location Scouting Mission is accomplished.

I will go into details of what it means in my next post. There’s a lot to process and it’s Christmas for crust sake!

So… I want to take the opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and let’s make of next year, the year of Yahel!

Merry Christmas To All


  • The Bible - 06 - The Revolution - Roman birth of Christ John the Baptist Jesus and Peter.mp4 2...png
    The Bible - 06 - The Revolution - Roman birth of Christ John the Baptist Jesus and Peter.mp4 2...png
    1.2 MB · Views: 146
2023 An Extremely Erotic Year!


The lights were set, the set was properly decorated, the cats were going in and out and up and down the sofa, Simonne changed into her fine top with nothing under it, Jac was wearing a shirt similar to the one he wore in his first scene in Pygmalion, where Heather (Amy) challenges Hendrix (Jac) to make a movie about his personal drama… a lost love… not any love, but the love of the one challenging him.

For the first night of production Jac decide to concentrate on the musical bits in the sequence, where Simonne, playing Galatea, a ghost from the past, a beautiful ghost from a hippie past, sings out with enough intensity “It’s 1969 baby! to Hendrix (yes, Jac) A song that predates all the punk rockers by decades. Later in the scene Galatea challenges Hendrix to go out there and make an erotic movie.


And thus began the production of a new Big Production Values movie, 69 Année Érotique!

The production is advancing faster than the famous director expected. In the few days of the initial shooting he managed to complete 6 scenes, most of them with an extremely sexy Simonne playing the ghost from the past, Galatea. She also plays Nina, a singer in a band who wants to be an actress. Nina in not named after Jac’s cat, but rather after Nina, Dracula’s untouchable objet du désir.


The day that our dear Simonne was not acting, Dani took the set by storm. She plays another extremely sexy character, Lucy, yes, named after aggressive Lucy in Dracula. She also plays the dual characters, Mona, a guitar player in the band, and Nadja, her sort of alter ego who is like Hyde to Jekyll. She’s the protagonist in the film.


After almost a week of shooting scenes for the new erotic and dramatic film, in an s&m way, Jac and Simonne closed the week and entered the holiday weekend doing a bit of Location Scouting at the Eco Resort where Mila’s crucifixion in Dead But Dreaming took place.

Jac has fond memories of the place and wanted to see it again before entering in a deal with the owners. He did not remember the details and he wanted to see if it hadn’t changed.

It didn’t, it’s all the same, as wonderful as it was the time before and more. He commented to Simonne,

I have everything I need for the film here, the market, the ‘stables’ where you, Dani and Mila will be scourged, the spot where the three of you will be crucified, the temple …. everything.


Jac can say that the Location Scouting Mission is accomplished.

I will go into details of what it means in my next post. There’s a lot to process and it’s Christmas for crust sake!

So… I want to take the opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and let’s make of next year, the year of Yahel!

How are the orders for the costumes, crosses, and other props for the Seditiosa film progressing?


Saturday morning, the morning before Xmass eve, Jac and Simonne ventured to the location to do some scouting. There was no one at the Eco Resort, Christmas time, so the duo sneaked in to take a look at what the big land looks like at this point in time.

Not a big change from what it was like in 2013, the last time our team was there, fortunately, all the interesting things that Jac remembered were in place, he wasn’t clear of the details in his memories so he was eager to see for himself if what he though could be used for the film was as he had it in his brain.

One of the places he was thinking of was an area way below the spot where some scenes in Dead But Dreaming were filmed, where there’s a construction that could be used as the spot where the Crucified Three will be scourged mercilessly.

From Jac’s perspective that day, he saw that the construction is very convenient for the purposes of the film. The stables like construction is bare and it could easily be transformed into anything the director’s imagination can muster, and right across it there’s a nice flat area that can be the setting for the crucifixion. It’s nice and flat, up to a point, and there are great views all around it.


Another area he loved is one he thought of as a probable area to be used as the ‘temple/market’ place.

He was immensely happy to see that is was practically all set, it only needs some interesting decor with linen, leather and other appropriate textiles, as well as cardboard, plywood and other like materials to create walls, backgrounds, and so on; a tower in the background can be easily decorated to look like the temple area. There are some interesting walls that can be transformed.


Jac and Simonne talked at length about the potential of the location. Jac was happy to tell her that he has all he needs for the film and that the trip itself was illuminating. It was long, very long. It takes over an hour to get there from where they met to take the bus, which is not downtown, but it is centric.

But the journey itself was not easy. They took a ‘minibus‘ most of the way, then they had to take another ‘minibus‘ to reach another area in the way, and finally they took a taxi that took them to the very spot, waited for them to take them back all the way to the far away station of the “Teleferico” for them to go to their respective homes. It was pretty complicated.

The question was how to get all the extras, bits and day players to be at the location in time? The solution was obvious, renting a bus and setting up three areas along the way to pick them up, the same bus would take them back to their chosen stops, everyday, after they were done with their scenes.

The transportation cost for the extras will go into the budget as soon as we get the costs of the bus rental per either trip, or day, or whatever is the best solution and price.

The principal cast and crew will lodge in the very nice, ecological, comfortable ‘cabañas‘ at the resort during the entire production. That will give the team the chance to work at a steady and fast pace, all day and night.


Another important issue that was settled was that of the crosses. Although Jac didn’t decided the exact spot where to build them, he got an idea of the general area. He knows what he needs, and, interestingly enough, there’s a timber market on the route to the location that sells logs, of all sizes, and cuts them to order. That means that he can go there just before the production, buy the wood he needs, have them cut to his instructions and voila, ready.

So, the Location Scouting Mission was a huge success! Next step, locking dates and organizing the ‘building’ of the sets.


wanttoknowmore: How are the orders for the costumes, crosses, and other props for the Seditiosa film progressing?

We have one person, our production manager, getting all the estimates from the people that will make the props, like the swords, lances, and others. She’s also going over the materials we have and we need for the costumes. The funds from the IndieGoGo campaign have not been disbursed yet, we expect them to be in our account next week, according to the information in their page. As soon as the money is in our hands, we’ll proceed to contract the people, give the advances and so forth.

The crosses is a different matter. They have to be partly built in the location. A week or so before the shooting of the movie starts, he’ll go to the timber place with a couple of people who will be in charge of building the set, he’ll buy the wood and have it transported to the location, which is 5 minutes away.

It will take a couple of days to set those crosses up, test them and so on. We’ll have video of the actual setting up and testing with the actresses. It will be fun. They will carry their logs, go up the crosses, test their capacity to withstand the stress, we’ll figure out the set up, sedile, no sedile, all that jazz. We’ll have a pretty good idea how it will all work.

By that time we’ll have the entire cast, costumes, props and so on and so forth. The date for the shooting will be set and we’ll begin the production of the film.

The first week of January we’re shooting a scene for 69 with crowds at a club. We’re using the occasion to cast all the extras we need in Seditiosa. We’ll have them all right there for two or three days.


Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

Watch our amazing movies over and over again, you just have to get them

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So politics is heating up with the arrest of a governor and roadblocks? I hope all that gets settled soon and people can go about their business.
It's more like Judaea in 66CE than 33CE!
So politics is heating up with the arrest of a governor and roadblocks? I hope all that gets settled soon and people can go about their business.

Bolivian politics never settle. They might go dormant for a couple of months, but then, like a live volcano, it erupts, and it erupts, and it erupts. There are three things that will prevent things from happening the first two months of the year. New Year's parties, pre carnival parties, Carnival. I expect that by the end of February the volcano will definitely erupt, with people battling in the streets, blocking roads and all the normal activities of the volcano. C'est La Vie.
So politics is heating up with the arrest of a governor and roadblocks? I hope all that gets settled soon and people can go about their business.
As Far As I Can Tell From Everything I Can Find The Arrest Of A Governor And Roadblocks Are Happening In Another Part Of Bolivia Called Santa Cruz Department In The Capitol City Of Santa Cruz Department Called Santa Cruz De La Sierra About 531 Miles From La Paz Bolivia Where The Seditiosa, Female Jesus Film Will Be Filmed Even With All This On The News Now Is Not The Time To Panic Its A Time To Be Confident
The Year Of Our Ladies 2023


It was a quiet time where Jac was, with family, unlike some of the others in the team that were at parties.

Friday night, the day before the year ended and lacking a crew, Jac and Simonne worked on a few scenes for 69 Année Érotique.

He didn’t have a crew because some of them had gone away for end of year parties or visits to relatives in far away places, the others were not needed and so, Simonne arrived that evening for the last shoot of the year.

The scenes were not complicated. Just inserts for longer scenes that will be shot in the next few days. So, Jac was back to his Two person Cast and Crew style of filmmaking, which is fine with him.


Jac explained to Simonne that the original idea for the scenes they were going to work in had some changes.

The night before, Jac was thinking about the shots he wanted to work on and he was suddenly inspired by an image that came to his head. A picture of Dalí. Not a painting. But a picture of the surrealist painter sitting at a desk. But the desk is not a desk, it is a woman bent backwards in front of the well dressed Dalí. A phone rests on the woman’s arched chest and Dalí is writing over her belly. i

For the scene Jac was going to shoot, he decided to have Galatea (Simonne) naked, on all fours, while Hendrix (Jac) reads from his computer, which rests on Galatea’s naked back.


That’s not all the fun Jac had the last week of the year. Two days before that great day, Jac and Dani were busy working on a couple of scenes where Lucy (Dani) after discussing Bretton, grabs Hendrix’ (Jac) head and kisses him with overwhelming passion.

The production of 69 is advancing at a good rate. The completed scenes are accumulating and that is pleasing to Jac who wants to have this film in the can as scheduled… by the end of this month.

The difficult part of this production is just coming up, with scenes that involve a good number of extras, complicated locations, an all female goth/metal band and lots of sexy s&m scenes… lots.


Although a lot of our attention and time is into the production of the new film, we’re working very hard on the pre production of Seditiosa as well and I will have some interesting news about the female Christ film that a lot of people are anxious to see go into production. The story is looking more and more compelling all the time, and now that the location has been decided on, the images are building in Jac’s head and he will have a lot to say in the coming days.

However, sadly, we’re still waiting for IndieGoGo to release the funds we raised, so we can’t really do a lot without that money. We hope we’ll have it this week; although, that’s what we were thinking last week, and the previous one… all the way back to the 7th of December when the campaign ended. We began a nagging campaign to have them release those funds Pronto. We’re surprised, because the last time we raise money with them we got it in a week. C’est La Vie

While we wait, you can still support the project by joining Patreon!

Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies over and over again, you just have to get them


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Well, the delay seems pretty weird. They have been around for a while. You've used them before. The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) in the US has given them permission to allow "crowd funders" to offer equity stakes to "nonqualified investors" (jargon for people who don't know what they are doing). They seem to know about moneylaundering and such, and the authorities seem to know about them. They have venture capital backing. So, I assume they are not a fraud and they haven't spent your money on crypto or something.. Keep us informed.
I went to the Indiegogo site. Their process is to release the funds within 15 business days, which, with the various bank holidays, would mean you should get the funds this week assuming there are no issues with your bank account info ot violations of their community standards criteria. Might want to verify on those two.

Also, can you provide status on locating sources for the costumes and other stuff needed for the film. I know we are waiting on some cash transfers, but I am assuming the suppliers have been located.
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Just an update

The funds are on their way, we were notified tonight, all is well, the work is on going. We'll have news during the next few days on the progress of the building of the locations, the making of the costumes and props and, most importantly, the contracting of the rest of the cast, including all those extras that are getting together Monday evening to participate on a scene for 69 at a famous club where Mila, Dani and Simonne are part of a goth/metal band. It will be fun.

But it was a lot of fun for Jac last night and today because he was shooting some sexy scenes with Simonne, last night, and Dani, today.


Good night!​
good afternoon. got to see justine a couple of days ago. I would like to leave a small comment. on the plus side, the film turned out to be quite interesting, the girls played perfectly almost all the moments. the group crucifixion scene in public is super. of the minuses, which is quite disappointing, the process of crucifixion itself is completely absent. here the girls are carrying the crossbars of their crosses and the crucified ones are already hanging there. there are no scenes of nailing them to the crossbeams, or lifting them onto this unusual platform, or nailing the feet, none of this. the emotions of the crucified are practically absent, the scenes of flogging and wheels look much more convincing. why were they crucified at all? I hope this doesn't happen in the next movie. thanks.
good afternoon. got to see justine a couple of days ago. I would like to leave a small comment. on the plus side, the film turned out to be quite interesting, the girls played perfectly almost all the moments. the group crucifixion scene in public is super. of the minuses, which is quite disappointing, the process of crucifixion itself is completely absent. here the girls are carrying the crossbars of their crosses and the crucified ones are already hanging there. there are no scenes of nailing them to the crossbeams, or lifting them onto this unusual platform, or nailing the feet, none of this. the emotions of the crucified are practically absent, the scenes of flogging and wheels look much more convincing. why were they crucified at all? I hope this doesn't happen in the next movie. thanks.
Whipping scenes are good but all of them should be like the begining of Mila flogging. It's pretty realistic but this effect later is destroyed by fake bloody marks on backs and other parts of bodies.

Last edited by a moderator:
The Year Of Our Ladies 2023


It was a quiet time where Jac was, with family, unlike some of the others in the team that were at parties.

Friday night, the day before the year ended and lacking a crew, Jac and Simonne worked on a few scenes for 69 Année Érotique.

He didn’t have a crew because some of them had gone away for end of year parties or visits to relatives in far away places, the others were not needed and so, Simonne arrived that evening for the last shoot of the year.

The scenes were not complicated. Just inserts for longer scenes that will be shot in the next few days. So, Jac was back to his Two person Cast and Crew style of filmmaking, which is fine with him.


Jac explained to Simonne that the original idea for the scenes they were going to work in had some changes.

The night before, Jac was thinking about the shots he wanted to work on and he was suddenly inspired by an image that came to his head. A picture of Dalí. Not a painting. But a picture of the surrealist painter sitting at a desk. But the desk is not a desk, it is a woman bent backwards in front of the well dressed Dalí. A phone rests on the woman’s arched chest and Dalí is writing over her belly. i

For the scene Jac was going to shoot, he decided to have Galatea (Simonne) naked, on all fours, while Hendrix (Jac) reads from his computer, which rests on Galatea’s naked back.


That’s not all the fun Jac had the last week of the year. Two days before that great day, Jac and Dani were busy working on a couple of scenes where Lucy (Dani) after discussing Bretton, grabs Hendrix’ (Jac) head and kisses him with overwhelming passion.

The production of 69 is advancing at a good rate. The completed scenes are accumulating and that is pleasing to Jac who wants to have this film in the can as scheduled… by the end of this month.

The difficult part of this production is just coming up, with scenes that involve a good number of extras, complicated locations, an all female goth/metal band and lots of sexy s&m scenes… lots.


Although a lot of our attention and time is into the production of the new film, we’re working very hard on the pre production of Seditiosa as well and I will have some interesting news about the female Christ film that a lot of people are anxious to see go into production. The story is looking more and more compelling all the time, and now that the location has been decided on, the images are building in Jac’s head and he will have a lot to say in the coming days.

However, sadly, we’re still waiting for IndieGoGo to release the funds we raised, so we can’t really do a lot without that money. We hope we’ll have it this week; although, that’s what we were thinking last week, and the previous one… all the way back to the 7th of December when the campaign ended. We began a nagging campaign to have them release those funds Pronto. We’re surprised, because the last time we raise money with them we got it in a week. C’est La Vie

While we wait, you can still support the project by joining Patreon!

Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies over and over again, you just have to get them


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Get our DVDs by mail
Those girls of yours don't half have fun! :D
Good Morning
What I Am About To Say
May Be Lengthy
And May Be Very Political
And Very Repetitive
So Please Bear With Me
And Be Patient

Two Weeks Ago I Have Stated In A Post
That Even Though The Time To Contribute Money Is Over,
I Believe Now That We Can And Should Contribute Ideas And Such.

Dear Ryan, you should tone it down a bit.... or a lot.

This is not the place, nor the time to engage in huge political discussions about the right, the left, the in between. Although I appreciate your efforts to promote the work we are doing, I don't necessarily feel the need to add the prayers of most leading religions on the planet for the success of our work. We're just making a movie, hopefully a very nice one and perhaps controversial. We don't think that religious leaders will appreciate our take on the story, on the contrary, they might find it extremely offensive.

In the other hand, most people that come to this forum are here for its entertainment value and as much as we strongly believe in the freedom of expression, we are, in fact, expressing our freedom with our films, all of them, we feel our thread should not be burdened with lengthy posts about religion, politics and/or sports. All nice subjects on their own and where they belong.

We do engage in political work. Jac made some powerful documentaries about human rights, the environment and so on and so forth and Seditiosa does make a statement concerning gender politics, but that's not the purpose of the film. We just want to tell a story, as good a story as we can make it with our resources and that's that. The success or failure of the film will be because of its own virtues or errors, not because of divine intervention. The ultimate fate of the film is in Jac's hands... and, of course, the talents of the cast.

We can hear ideas, but at this stage, as we approach the production of the film, most of the story and the way it will be told has been settled. We will discuss, however, some elements of the film with our fans, because we appreciate their support.

The time to spread the word, I think, is when the film is in distribution and that's the time when the world at large should be made aware of the existence of the film or maybe not, but not now.

Thank you for your understanding.

And here a picture of our current work, the film 69 Année Érotique.


The five women in the picture, today a rock band, tomorrow, Yahel and her disciples... all five of them. And that crowd in front of them... some of the extras who would watch them suffer on the cross. Don't tell that to the Pope.

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