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Obscene Display.

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Gosh, yes Montycrusto. Now I think I really will start that new thread, "On the Recurrence of Sexual Assault Thematics in Roman Crucifixion Art and Literature," or Rape Crux for short.This girl be will be in be first in queue. The way she's looking sidelong at her assailant also puts in mind this Jastrow render.

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I've always liked that one - I think Jastrow said he hadn't really intended to give her that flirty look,
and produced another version where she looked more distressed and disgusted,
but I like the interaction in that one, it's good to see girls enjoying themselves on their crosses,
at least occasionally! :devil:
I've always liked that one - I think Jastrow said he hadn't really intended to give her that flirty look,
and produced another version where she looked more distressed and disgusted,
but I like the interaction in that one, it's good to see girls enjoying themselves on their crosses,
at least occasionally! :devil:

Eulalia, I've always read her expression as not so much "flirty" as "Aw hell, what NOW???" But I reckon lascivious, come-hither looks are in the eye and limbic system of the beholder.
I know of some more from Makar's models:


Jedakk, the Lena and Sveta pics are proper (improper?) spread-legged crotch shots, and as such are in-your-FACE obscene display. But they're sprawled on the ground in pre-crux poses. I'd intended this thread for post-crucifixion degradation.

And that's pretty much as petty and irritating nitpicking as you're likely to find in these parts. Those pics are all
Makar and his ladies at their screamingly erotic best. Gracias beaucoup.
Jedakk, the Lena and Sveta pics are proper (improper?) spread-legged crotch shots, and as such are in-your-FACE obscene display. But they're sprawled on the ground in pre-crux poses. I'd intended this thread for post-crucifixion degradation.

And that's pretty much as petty and irritating nitpicking as you're likely to find in these parts. Those pics are all
Makar and his ladies at their screamingly erotic best. Gracias beaucoup.

Oops, didn't realize that.
Oops, didn't realize that.

No matter at all. Remember the keywords "screamingly erotic." It's what us crux pervs come for.

Like these drawings by Chincy. I've been posting "Adonia's First Five Minutes" for years, but not the preliminary sketches.


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Like these drawings by Chincy. I've been posting "Adonia's First Five Minutes" for years, but not the preliminary sketches.

They make a nice study.

Here are a couple of oldies from the early 2000s. Taryn and Yusebby.

cxy011.gif emperor.jpg
One by Hasturan, another by Rotrex, a third by a cartoonist whose name I don't remember, but whose work I know.


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Oops. That Rotrex was a repeat.

Of course, every single image I post is a repeat. But at least they're on topic. Mostly.

Like the following from Noble Vulchur.


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Roberts, I think

That name strikes a bell, Andy. His line is BDSM I recall, along the lines of unceasing torture. Wish he had a larger crux sideline.
It occurs to me that in many of the wonderful images Ascanio made to illustrate my Crucifixa poem,
I am 'obscenely displayed' - but when I look at them, I don't feel 'obscene' at all,
I feel he celebrates my womanhood respectfully and tastefully by exposing me in that way,
and delights in the enforced beauty of a girl being crucified -
anyway, here's a selection, to see the full series download the pdf from the Archive:

ref1mod.jpg waited.jpg I teased my Tortures.jpgminutes they watched me.jpg spike1.jpg spike2.jpg first I fought frantic2.jpg yet still I strive.jpg schoolgirl teeth.jpg torture and fuck myself.jpg
It occurs to me that in many of the wonderful images Ascanio made to illustrate my Crucifixa poem,
I am 'obscenely displayed' - but when I look at them, I don't feel 'obscene' at all,

There's a reason for that, Eulalia. You're not. And them that think you or this kink are so offensive to behold that their immortal souls are in peril, their path to salvation is clear. That way is known by many names, but many mortals call it "the back button."

And full disclosure: I consciously chose to use "obscene" in this thread's title because it's a provocative, "naughty" word. It does catch the eye, n'est-ce pas?

And now, two vintage drawings from Braccus, in a genre I like to call, "Clinically Anorexic Crux."


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I feel he celebrates my womanhood respectfully and tastefully by exposing me in that way,
and delights in the enforced beauty of a girl being crucified -

And even though I rejoice in that delight, you probably know of my aversion to cornus. The scientific term for this condition is "the heebie-jeebies," derived from the ancient Chicagoan.

No matter. these depictions of you are HOT. I mean, look at those abs!


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Is that along the same lines as "what you like is porn, what I like is erotica"?

These undoubtedly count as obscene display, and they are pretty wonderful - the degradation and shame are palpable
PS those thighs would keep her going on the cross for a good long time, fit looking girl!

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Certainly a fine pair of thighs that will allow her to dance for hours, much to her disadvantage, prolonging the suffering.
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