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Obscene Display.

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Sabina struggles to get on her feet. The spikes hoisting her up causes more pain than she can stand. Still, the crowd laughs as she gyrates as she searches for footing...
Thanks Tree - "struggles" is the right word for what Sabina is doing. I'm a little aphasic these days, don't know if it's ageing, COVID (a very light case) or some residual effect of breaking my neck and being in a coma for a couple of weeks, but it's there. Sometimes the right word or name just won't come to me.

Well, so Sabina continues to struggle her way up. As she's nearly on her feet, knowing she's about to be lifted up and hung on the cross, she screams at her domina, pleading for mercy again, pleading not to be crucified, not to be hung on this cross by these nails. Julia Lepida stares at her in anger, indignant that Sabina would ask her for mercy. She's getting what she deserves.

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Most of the onlookers crowded around laugh derisively at this doomed slave girl begging for mercy. The chance for mercy is long past for her, and she hasn't begun to suffer real agony yet.

Sabina Nailing Scene 10x7a-40_0001.jpg
Thanks Tree - "struggles" is the right word for what Sabina is doing. I'm a little aphasic these days, don't know if it's ageing, COVID (a very light case) or some residual effect of breaking my neck and being in a coma for a couple of weeks, but it's there. Sometimes the right word or name just won't come to me.

Well, so Sabina continues to struggle her way up. As she's nearly on her feet, knowing she's about to be lifted up and hung on the cross, she screams at her domina, pleading for mercy again, pleading not to be crucified, not to be hung on this cross by these nails. Julia Lepida stares at her in anger, indignant that Sabina would ask her for mercy. She's getting what she deserves.

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Most of the onlookers crowded around laugh derisively at this doomed slave girl begging for mercy. The chance for mercy is long past for her, and she hasn't begun to suffer real agony yet.

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Hope you are doing better, Jedakk!!!
With the executioner's helpers almost at the point of lifting Sabina off the ground, her domina Julia Lepida berates her loudly for asking for mercy. Sabina is a disobedient slave sentenced to die on the cross. She deserves no mercy, and she will receive none. She hasn't even begun to feel the torture of the cross. Sabina shrinks down under her domina's angry shouts.

The onlookers, executioners, everyone crowded around mostly laugh and grin at this tirade and the absurdity of this naked slave girl begging for mercy now, with her wrists already nailed to the beam. This is more entertaining than they ever expected, but they are looking forward to Sabina's reaction when the two Nubians lift her feet off the ground.

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Finally, Julia Lepida shouts at the two Nubians. She is paying for this slave girl to be crucified! Why are they dawdling around? She should be hanging on the cross by now - get on with it and lift her up!

Sabina stares at her in horror, the throbbing in her wrists already agony. There will be no mercy for her, and It's about to become much worse. The onlookers laugh, both at Julia Lepida's angry shouts and the little naked slave's horrified expression. This is great entertainment for them, and they can't wait for the next part.

Sorry this isn't more of an obscene pose, in keeping with the theme of this thread.

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Sorry this isn't more of an obscene pose, in keeping with the theme of this thread.

Maybe last two scenes aren’t very obscene, but they are very damaging to her psyche.
In so much pain and waiting for agony, despite the hopelessness that the execution will be stopped, Sabina is still trying to convince her Domina to stop and show her mercy.
However, in response, she gets her mistress's fury, insults, and more mockery for the crowd.
In scene 11b, her expression on her face is like a beaten dog that got hit in the ass and doesn't know what for.
A great sequence that could be completed with Julia spitting in Sabina's face.
This is one of my favorite moments in the new pictures of The Serpent’s Eye!
In scene 11b, her expression on her face is like a beaten dog that got hit in the ass and doesn't know what for.
The feeling I had when creating this sequence is that she might have hoped in Scene 11b that Julia Lepida would expend her fury shouting and abusing her. And maybe, when she stopped to take a breath, she would calm down a little and decide her slave had been punished enough. That's what she might have hoped, but in this scene her hopes are dashed. Not only is she going to be hung on the cross, but it's going to happen in a few heartbeats. (I say heartbeats because the Romans didn't measure time in minutes and seconds, but they did speak of and measure very short periods of time in heartbeats.)
Sabina screams as her arms pull taut against the nails in her wrists, her entire weight hanging by them. The toes of her right foot barely touch the ground, the last time they will ever touch the ground in her life.

Julia Lepida watches, hands on her hips, her face a mask of fury. The onlookers laugh at what they are seeing played out before them, a domina dealing her slave the ultimate punishment - a slow and agonizing death on the cross.

The scene:

Sabina Nailing Scene 11x1c-2_0001.jpgSabina Nailing Scene 11x1c-3_0001.jpg

Some obscene (sort of) views:

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The two Nubians lift Sabina's patibulum, and her with it, up until it is above the top of the tenon on top of the post. It should just drop onto the post, but they failed to get the mortise lined up with the tenon, and now it's sitting up there balancing precariously. Sabina's struggles could pull it off and send her to the ground with the timber toppling on top of her. Ajax, the executioner's helper on the right, is only able to push the patibulum to his left (or right, if you're standing in front of the cross watching all this) while Hercules, on the left, is unable to reach it to help.

Meanwhile Sabina struggles and tries to get some purchase with her feet, hoping to relieve some of the agony of the nails in her wrists.

The scene:

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Some obscene views:

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The executioner's helpers get control of Sabina's patibulum and slip it onto the tenon at the top of the post. It drops almost all the way down, jarring Sabina's wounded wrists against the nails. Screaming and writhing, she loses her bladder as they continue to seat the patibulum solidly on the post to which her feet will be nailed in a few moments.

I'm not crazy about this scene as urinating and other bodily functions are not a turn-on for me. I only did it this time since it's something probably every crucifixion victim did at some point during the agonizing process of being nailed to the cross, and certainly a few more times during the days of suffering. Not particularly erotic, so skip over this scene if you don't care to see Sabina urinating from the cross.

Here's the scene:

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And some of the (many) obscene views:

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Oh, but I do approve!!!
To loose control over the bladder seems to be a very natural reaction of an execution victim in such a painful situation , knowing that finally death is coming near - very dramatic and arousing scenes and great fantasy as allways in master Jedakks art. My question is if this method of crucifixion by just hanging the full body weight of the victim only on the two nails through the small hands might be possible without support from a cornu or patibulum or the simultaneous nailed feet ?
To loose control over the bladder seems to be a very natural reaction of an execution victim in such a painful situation , knowing that finally death is coming near - very dramatic and arousing scenes and great fantasy as allways in master Jedakks art. My question is if this method of crucifixion by just hanging the full body weight of the victim only on the two nails through the small hands might be possible without support from a cornu or patibulum or the simultaneous nailed feet ?

I don't think anyone has ever tried to research that using cadavers. There HAVE been research studies done using cadavers to try to determine whether nails placed in the palms or wrists could bear the body's weight as well as other things, like what nerves, tendons, ligaments, etc. were affected by crucifixion nails and how much. Even with the feet nailed, by my calculations a crucifixion victim's wrists would still have to bear about 75% of the body's weight, more than that depending on how widely the wrists were nailed out to the side. Sabina's are at about thirty degrees from vertical, which means they would have to bear about 15% more. For example, if Sabina weighs 110 pounds, each wrist would bear 55 x 1.15 = 63 pounds. I THINK the ligaments holding the bones together in her wrists could take that, but I do not know with any certainty.
I don't think anyone has ever tried to research that using cadavers. There HAVE been research studies done using cadavers to try to determine whether nails placed in the palms or wrists could bear the body's weight as well as other things, like what nerves, tendons, ligaments, etc. were affected by crucifixion nails and how much. Even with the feet nailed, by my calculations a crucifixion victim's wrists would still have to bear about 75% of the body's weight, more than that depending on how widely the wrists were nailed out to the side. Sabina's are at about thirty degrees from vertical, which means they would have to bear about 15% more. For example, if Sabina weighs 110 pounds, each wrist would bear 55 x 1.15 = 63 pounds. I THINK the ligaments holding the bones together in her wrists could take that, but I do not know with any certainty.
Well, I have quite a few different thoughts on this. Firstly we know historically that people were suspended by nails, so all other considerations must be based on the fact that it is possible to suspend the average person on nails in their wrists with support perhaps through the heels or foot. Secondly that they typically hung for some time, usually a matter of days. And once they died they were usually left there. The weight of an average man at the time would have been about 45 kg/~148 pounds, give or take. We can assume that there weren’t many 250+ pound people in Rome, especially not of the sort that would be subject to crucifixion, so I think a safe upper bound on the tolerances would be 190 pounds/ 100kg or so.

All of this is means Sabina and girls like her are well within the tolerances for the cross, and it seems like you should be more confident than just “I think”.
All of this is means Sabina and girls like her are well within the tolerances for the cross, and it seems like you should be more confident than just “I think”.
LOL! I'm always hesitant to say "I know" when I really don't have any hard evidence to point to. I do know that tendons and ligaments are very strong, bear in mind that all the power generated by relatively bulky muscles can be applied through much smaller tendons connected to the skeleton. The bones of the wrists are connected together by ligaments, which are stronger yet. That would indicate that they are easily strong enough to bear the weight of a person's body, although there are some caveats with that.
The two Nubians pull the patibulum down, its mortise hole catching on the rough tenon, taking turns pulling their ends of the timber down so that it rocks back and forth, jerking to a stop as it catches. The sudden movements are torture for Sabina, the nails jolting against her wounded wrists. She struggles, trying to get her feet against the cross, get some purchase to relieve her wrists, but she only succeeds in pushing her body outward and arching her back. In a few moments the executioner will nail Sabina's feet to the cross, but for now the two executioner's helpers, ignoring her screams of agony, focus only on getting the timber firmly seated and horizontal.

Here is the scene:

Sabina Nailing Scene 12x3a-43_0001.jpgSabina Nailing Scene 12x3a-48_0001.jpgSabina Nailing Scene 12x3a-78_0001.jpg

Some obscene views:

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