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Obscene Display.

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I didn’t want them to hurt me anymore, didn’t want to endure having my feet nailed to the cross! But I couldn’t keep hanging by my wrists, either, the pain getting worse moment by moment. I didn’t have any choice, but then it wasn’t up to me anyway.​
The crowd had moved in closer now that I was hanging on the cross, everyone trying to get a better look at the naked, suffering slave girl. As I drew in one gasping breath after another, fighting back my panic, the agony in my wrists, my burning shoulders, I could hear them mocking me and laughing.​
I was sobbing, trembling in terror, pain and humiliation. I felt, rather than saw, as Ajax pulled my ankles together, arranged them side by side and wound the rope around them. He wrapped it between my ankles and pulled it down tight, not bothering to knot it. It would only have to secure my feet for a few moments.​
Sabina has logical thoughts or perhaps is merely panicking at the brutal way she is being put to death. I didn't want them to hurt me anymore. Sabina does not comprehend her execution is not just to end her life, but is also to entertain the crowd!
Sabina has logical thoughts or perhaps is merely panicking at the brutal way she is being put to death. I didn't want them to hurt me anymore. Sabina does not comprehend her execution is not just to end her life, but is also to entertain the crowd!
Oh, she knew it. She said it several times - here's one: "All of that was showmanship, intended to draw a crowd and give them a taste of the entertainment I would offer later, when they marched me up to the top of Rome’s highest hill and nailed me to a cross to die."
The story continues:

The agony of the nails, of what they did to me when they nailed my wrists to the cross, was so intense, so excruciating! It almost made me faint. In a few moments they were going to do the same thing to my feet, drive iron spikes through them, blow by blow, between the bones, impale them and fix them permanently to the timber of the cross!​
I was panicking, ready to scream, but what good would it do? No one cared! These people watching had come to hear me scream, watch me twist in agony. No matter what I did, in a few moments they were going to drive those spikes through each one of my feet, one after the other, one blow at a time.​
When Hercules released me and let my body sag back toward the cross, twisting the nails in my wrists a little, settling my weight back on those wounds, I groaned. I tried to raise my feet up, get their soles against the cross to try to push up. But with them tied together, all movement was clumsy, even more futile than before. I felt the rough end of the cornu poke me in the crack of my buttocks and knew that no matter how hard I tried to avoid it, I wouldn’t escape it.​
It was only a matter of time until that rough wooden horn would be inside of me.​
In my porcella. I’d already made the decision. I’ll have to spread my legs as wide as I can, try to… to ease it in. I can’t think about all of them watching me!
Thinking about the point of the cornu slowly slipping up between my lower lips set off a tingling down there that made me want to squeeze my legs together. I tried to will it away, ignore it, but nothing worked.​
Don’t wait till the last minute when... No, once I feel it enter me it’s too late. I can’t… oh gods. A woman’s vagina is made to… to stretch, isn’t it? Please let it be easier, oh I don’t know! Sooner or later I’ll have to take it there anyway.
The one called Hercules grabbed my left leg and bent my knee, bringing my bound feet up behind me, dragging them over to the side. Every movement set off stabbing pains in my wrists, made me moan. What were they doing? I squeezed eyes closed more tightly, trying not to look.​
Don’t struggle!
I felt the end of the cornu scrape across one bare cheek, already welted from the whip, winced, jerked, felt the sharp pain in my wrists.​
Let them do it! I thought, fighting back panic.​
Antius stood to my right, watching and waiting. He already held the nails he was going to drive through my feet soon, in just a few moments.​

Here's the scene:

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Here are some obscene views:

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Having roped Sabina's ankles together, the two Nubians begin roping them to the cross, positioning them with her knees bent so her lower legs are perpendicular to the post. Hercules sets her feet in place and leans against her thighs to block her from pulling her feet away while they are being tied. Ajax, behind the cross, wraps the rope around the post. It doesn't have to hold her for long.

If I've done this well, it won't be apparent to the viewer how much of a challenge it is to create a scene where three characters - five if you count the cross and the rope - interact and touch. Here's the scene:

Sabina Nailing Scene 15x7a-45_0001.jpgSabina Nailing Scene 15x7a-48_0001.jpg

Here are some obscene views - hard to get really unobstructed ones with all these characters in the way:

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Having roped Sabina's ankles together, the two Nubians begin roping them to the cross, positioning them with her knees bent so her lower legs are perpendicular to the post. Hercules sets her feet in place and leans against her thighs to block her from pulling her feet away while they are being tied. Ajax, behind the cross, wraps the rope around the post. It doesn't have to hold her for long.

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'Finally! They are going to nail her feet. I bet that bitch screams to the gods!' the woman in red thinks...

Very good set, Jedakk!
Sabina can only watch helplessly as the executioner kneels next to her cross, hammer and nails in hand. Instinctively, she pushes her hips away from him protectively. Behind the cross, Ajax finishes tying off the rope that holds her feet tightly bound to the post. She wants to push herself up, relieve the agony in her wrists that torments her. But she knows that's the only thing he is waiting for. When she does, he will drive those nails through her feet and into the cross.

With her lower legs almost horizontal, the executioner would have to take care not to hit her shins, perhaps break a bone with a stroke of his hammer. It will be much easier if she is in the raised position. Sabina is faced with a dilemma, surrender to the agony in her wrists and raise herself on her roped feet, or try to bear the pain just a little longer, put off what is coming.

Here is the scene:

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Some obscene views:

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Sabina can only watch helplessly as the executioner kneels next to her cross, hammer and nails in hand. Instinctively, she pushes her hips away from him protectively. Behind the cross, Ajax finishes tying off the rope that holds her feet tightly bound to the post. She wants to push herself up, relieve the agony in her wrists that torments her. But she knows that's the only thing he is waiting for. When she does, he will drive those nails through her feet and into the cross.

With her lower legs almost horizontal, the executioner would have to take care not to hit her shins, perhaps break a bone with a stroke of his hammer. It will be much easier if she is in the raised position. Sabina is faced with a dilemma, surrender to the agony in her wrists and raise herself on her roped feet, or try to bear the pain just a little longer, put off what is coming.

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'Damn it, are these guys part of the union? Just nail the bitch's feet!'
Sabina narrates this scene in the story:

I saw movement to my right, looked down and saw the executioner kneeling down next to the base of my cross, getting into position to drive the two iron spikes through my feet. He held the hammer in his right hand and the two spikes in his left. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them, moaning in horror, wanting so badly to escape, twisting my body away from him helplessly.​
I felt the rough end of the cornu digging into my buttocks as I struggled, but it didn’t matter, nothing mattered except getting even a little distance between my body and the executioner. But my feet, already tightly bound to the cross, refused to budge.​
This would be my last chance to raise myself up and take the pressure off of the nails in my wrists without trading that relief for agony in my feet. But as soon as I straightened my legs and got my knees out of his way, the executioner was waiting to nail my feet. I had no choice; I had to take advantage of the ropes that held my feet so I could relieve my wrists if only for a moment.​
Pushing up with my legs made my hips thrust forward, not just upward. Raising myself on my feet meant pulling with my arms as well as pushing upward with my legs. I gritted my teeth and groaned at the stabbing pain in my wrists as I strained against the nails and tried not to let them twist in my wounds. Which they did anyway, adding horrible shooting pains to the throbbing agony I was suffering already, forcing me to scream.​
I did it slowly, pulling my shoulders back against the cross, ignoring the pain of the rough wood rubbing against the welts there. I felt the splintered end of the cornu against the small of my back, then rasping down the crack of my buttocks as I pushed myself higher.​
As I inched higher, I felt the upturned point of the cornu slide between my legs and my buttocks slipped back against the cross. I knew that its point was underneath me and I had to be careful to avoid sliding down onto it. Even worse, if I fainted again while raised above it like this, I could drop onto it and have my weight drive it into my rectum or porcella.​
That was a pain and further humiliation I wasn’t ready to accept and my buttocks clenched involuntarily at the thought. But I knew too that it would not be long until the agony would be so bad that humiliation wouldn’t matter anymore. I would be so desperate for whatever relief I might find that I would give up my last shred of dignity, even trade the pain and shame of the cornu for the pain of the nails.​
I strained to straighten my legs as far as they would go, pushing myself still higher until my shoulders were just above the bottom edge of the patibulum. I drew in deep, ragged breaths. My wrists throbbed with pain, but it was so much better than the horrible agony of hanging by the nails. I looked out across the onlookers, all staring at my naked body, enjoying my torture and shame, and saw my humiliation reflected in their eyes.​
Here's the scene:

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Here are some obscene views:

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Sabina narrates this scene in the story:

I strained against the nails and tried not to let them twist in my wounds. Which they did anyway, adding horrible shooting pains to the throbbing agony I was suffering already, forcing me to scream.​
I did it slowly, pulling my shoulders back against the cross, ignoring the pain of the rough wood rubbing against the welts there. I felt the splintered end of the cornu against the small of my back, then rasping down the crack of my buttocks as I pushed myself higher.​
As I inched higher, I felt the upturned point of the cornu slide between my legs and my buttocks slipped back against the cross. I knew that its point was underneath me and I had to be careful to avoid sliding down onto it. Even worse, if I fainted again while raised above it like this, I could drop onto it and have my weight drive it into my rectum or porcella.​

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Such agony Sabina feels raised naked on the cross held in place by the spikes through her arms. Her feet are bound, not for her comfort but to steady them against the cross so the last spikes can be driven through them and complete her crucifixion.

The executioner kneels at her feet ready to nail her feet. The crowd around him is unconcerned about the woman's suffering. They call for him to nail her feet. 'They never are this enthused when we crucify the men' he thinks.

He clutches the next spike and his mallet. It is time to satisfy the crowd and nail this bitch's feet...
Sabina, in a desperate attempt to relieve the agony in her wrists, uses last support that will not cause new pain despite being fully aware that it will end up in another terrible pain for her in a few moments.

Despite this, she tries that ...

Crucifixion is total trap for the victim. Whatever Sabina does, it will lead her to a different pain, and what's better for us to humiliate her in the form of obscene views.
Crucifixion is the worst, most sophisticated, firm of punishment, but it is erotic also( at least in terms of forum fantasy)

Again great work Jedakk, especially when I read Sabina thoughts you’ve shared with us! :)
Sabina continues to narrate:

The pain in my wrists was less, but still throbbing, agonizing.​
I lowered my head so I wouldn’t have to see them the people staring, and looked down across my gleaming, sweaty body stretched out on the cross. My nipples were once again hard and erect. There was a trickle of blood oozing from a spot on my left breast where one of the whip’s knots had struck. My knees were still bent a little, impossible to straighten completely unless I arched my hips outward. I felt my clitoris hardening, throbbing, growing more sensitive. My body had a mind of its own. I closed my eyes and tried to will my arousal away.​
Two more nails…
The executioner got into position, preparing to drive iron spikes through each of my bound feet.​
I wanted to pull my feet away from the danger, but they wouldn't move. I was trapped. There was no escape from what was about to be done to me. All I could do was stand on my trembling legs, trying to control my panic, trying not to collapse on the cornu. I wanted to scream, but what good would it do? I tried to brace myself, get ready for the sudden stab of the iron spike in my foot. My anus was aching, clenched tight with fear. He probed my bare right foot with a finger, following the space between bones up until he found the spot he wanted.​

Here's the scene:

Sabina Nailing Scene 16x6-41_0001.jpgSabina Nailing Scene 16x6-1_0001.jpgSabina Nailing Scene 16x6-3_0001.jpg

Some obscene views:

Sabina Nailing Scene 16x6-80a_0001.jpgSabina Nailing Scene 16x6-85a_0001.jpgSabina Nailing Scene 16x6-87_0001.jpg
Sabina continues to narrate:

I wanted to pull my feet away from the danger, but they wouldn't move. I was trapped. There was no escape from what was about to be done to me. All I could do was stand on my trembling legs, trying to control my panic, trying not to collapse on the cornu. I wanted to scream, but what good would it do? I tried to brace myself, get ready for the sudden stab of the iron spike in my foot. My anus was aching, clenched tight with fear. He probed my bare right foot with a finger, following the space between bones up until he found the spot he wanted.​

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Sabina is in a terrible state. Her arms are arched to the cross on which she will die some time from now. Her feet are tied to the stipe, unable to escape the nails to be driven through them. A stout cornu waits between her trembling legs. The crowd surrounding her loudly cheers the executioner to finish his job. Does she even hear them at this point?
The crowd surrounding her loudly cheers the executioner to finish his job. Does she even hear them at this point?
I doubt it! Knowing what's about to be done to her, seeing and feeling the executioner methodically carry it out, that would totally absorb her focus so she'd be oblivious to the noise and anything else going on. Having to watch him drive the nails through her feet is torture in itself.
Of course it is. There is no need for justification of condemning Sabina to death by crucifixion!
crux 665.jpeg
Besides, she looks much better than the man crucified next to her! They crowd seems unconcerned whether or not her punishment is deserved, only that she suffers terribly while she endures the wrath of the state!!!
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