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Of course it is. There is no need for justification of condemning Sabina to death by crucifixion!
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Besides, she looks much better than the man crucified next to her! They crowd seems unconcerned whether or not her punishment is deserved, only that she suffers terribly while she endures the wrath of the state!!!
There is no need for justification according to the story, but I took a little liberty on that.

For hundreds of years under the Roman Republic a master could have a slave crucified for any reason or no reason. At some point, Caesar Augustus changed that. Basically, a slave had to have actually done something to justify being put to death on the cross. So in 79 AD when Sabina was crucified she should have been brought before a magistrate to be condemned - or not. She surely would have been condemned for giving her domina a black eye, but I skipped over that, preferring to do it the way it would have been done back in the good old days of the Roman Republic.
Sabina narrates:

The executioner probed my bare right foot with a finger, following the space between the bones of my second and third toes up until he found its end, the spot he wanted. I was shivering uncontrollably with terror.​
There was no escaping this nightmare!​
He placed the point of the spike in his left hand against the spot and leaned into it, pressing down hard, further pinning my foot down in case I were able to squirm even a little under the ropes. I yelped at the little stab of pain and a deep shudder traveled through my naked body. I heard laughter and comments from the men in the crowd about the way my breasts jiggled.​
I moaned in horror and anticipation, helpless. I stared wide-eyed as he picked up the heavy iron hammer, touched it to the head of the spike to measure his swing. I sucked in a deep breath and held it, blinking away tears to watch as he brought his hammer back for the swing.​

Here is the scene for context:

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Here are some obscene views:

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Sabina narrates:

The executioner probed my bare right foot with a finger, following the space between the bones of my second and third toes up until he found its end, the spot he wanted. I was shivering uncontrollably with terror.​
There was no escaping this nightmare!​
He placed the point of the spike in his left hand against the spot and leaned into it, pressing down hard, further pinning my foot down in case I were able to squirm even a little under the ropes. I yelped at the little stab of pain and a deep shudder traveled through my naked body. I heard laughter and comments from the men in the crowd about the way my breasts jiggled.​
I moaned in horror and anticipation, helpless. I stared wide-eyed as he picked up the heavy iron hammer, touched it to the head of the spike to measure his swing. I sucked in a deep breath and held it, blinking away tears to watch as he brought his hammer back for the swing.​

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"I wonder what is going through her mind. She cries and whines like she is really hurting. I doubt she knows how good she looks up there..."
Sabina narrates:

The executioner probed my bare right foot with a finger, following the space between the bones of my second and third toes up until he found its end, the spot he wanted. I was shivering uncontrollably with terror.​
There was no escaping this nightmare!​
He placed the point of the spike in his left hand against the spot and leaned into it, pressing down hard, further pinning my foot down in case I were able to squirm even a little under the ropes. I yelped at the little stab of pain and a deep shudder traveled through my naked body. I heard laughter and comments from the men in the crowd about the way my breasts jiggled.​
I moaned in horror and anticipation, helpless. I stared wide-eyed as he picked up the heavy iron hammer, touched it to the head of the spike to measure his swing. I sucked in a deep breath and held it, blinking away tears to watch as he brought his hammer back for the swing.​

Here is the scene for context:

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Here are some obscene views:

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You've moved your camera all around her, Jedakk, but

Sabina Nailing Scene 16x8-87_0001.jpg

I think this one is fairly unique, and it is highly dramatic! :clapping:
You've moved your camera all around her, Jedakk, but

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I think this one is fairly unique, and it is highly dramatic! :clapping:

I just have to explore to find the best angles for these shots, and at some point it occurred to me that in a 3D virtual space, a camera could just as easily be underground. In this case, it's a 35mm lens about four feet underground looking up!
I just have to explore to find the best angles for these shots, and at some point it occurred to me that in a 3D virtual space, a camera could just as easily be underground. In this case, it's a 35mm lens about four feet underground looking up!
There are plenty of guys here who'd consider that worth the effort!
One of her nagging worries is whether this cross makes her ass look big! :smilie-devil:

Another is whether her blonde roots are starting to show and people will realize her black hair is a dye job.

"Hey, look at this. Are they blonde bristles growing around her pussy? Strange!

Have to say they are more likely to notice that than her roots :)
Sabina continues to narrate as her right foot is nailed to the cross:

The executioner brought his hammer forward with force. There was a metallic chink of iron on iron and a muffled thump as the hammer struck the head of the spike and drove it through my soft flesh, forcing itself between the bones of my foot, spreading them apart, biting into the timber beneath.​
I threw my head back, screaming at the sudden, searing pain, like a lightning bolt! As my right leg collapsed, I felt the point of the cornu dig into my crotch and struggled to get off of that, had to! I was pulling against the nails in my wrists and trying to push against my feet, but I didn't dare put any pressure on the nail in my right foot! I found the last part of me that didn’t give me excruciating pain when I bore down on it, and desperately shifted my weight onto my left leg and pushed myself upward again.​

Here is the scene:

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Here are some obscene views:

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The executioner brought his hammer forward with force. There was a metallic chink of iron on iron and a muffled thump as the hammer struck the head of the spike and drove it through my soft flesh, forcing itself between the bones of my foot, spreading them apart, biting into the timber beneath.
I threw my head back, screaming at the sudden, searing pain, like a lightning bolt! As my right leg collapsed, I felt the point of the cornu dig into my crotch and struggled to get off of that, had to! I was pulling against the nails in my wrists and trying to push against my feet, but I didn't dare put any pressure on the nail in my right foot! I found the last part of me that didn’t give me excruciating pain when I bore down on it, and desperately shifted my weight onto my left leg and pushed myself upward again.​

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"Ah, the good part' the lady in red thinks. "They are finally nailing her feet!'
I'm going to quote the part of the story that describes what happens next, even though it might be a bit much. This would have been a rough draft, not a finished part of the story, but I don't intend to go back and polish it now. For those who aren't familiar with the story, Hercules is the Nubian holding Sabina's buttocks and legs, Ajax is the one tying her right ankle, and Antius is the one with the hammer. Anyway, here's the passage:

I felt Hercules adjust his stance, then his right hand, which had been gripping my buttocks, moved and slid up between my wide-spread legs from behind and took hold of my porcella. I jerked my head down to look, saw only his fingertips curling up around my abdomen from below. I let out a sigh. He had me, and there was nothing I could do about it.​
He gave my porcella a hard squeeze, then I felt one of his fingertips curl around, sliding down the length of my cleft, probing and feeling as it went until it came to the deeper place at the entrance to my vagina. I knew what was coming.​
My buttocks clenched instinctively, protectively. Uselessly. I gasped, then let my breath out in a moan, helpless, straining as if there were anything I could do to keep him out of me.​
I felt his rough, dry fingertip move deeper, find my warm wetness, and push its way into me, making me squirm my hips, try to push back. “Ohhh!” I moaned, and everyone watching saw what he was doing to me, heard my tone of fear and defeat, saw me staring wide-eyed down at my crotch, and laughed. I was so humiliated!​
I expected something like this, knew I’d be violated somehow, before… I thought. They can do anything they want to me. My body belongs to them, now, not to me.
“Io, Ajax, this girl’s cunnus is tight as a gnat’s ass! And that’s just on my finger! Whoo! Feel her squirm! Stick your cock in this and she’d milk it like a cow’s teat!” Hercules laughed.​
Ajax joined in laughing. “What a shame we didn’t get to try her out last night! Now we’ll never find out! You should check her asshole, bet it’s squeezed so tight about now that Antius couldn’t even drive a nail up inside it!”​
Despite my misery and humiliation, the revolting feeling of Hercules’ finger inside of me, I was aware of what Antius was doing. Even though the two Nubians were holding me, violating me, roping my feet, Antius was the man with the hammer. Antius was the one who had driven nails through my wrists and was going to drive the nails through my feet, too. No matter what these others did to me, I always wanted to know where he was and what he was doing, or about to do to me.​
I saw him standing to my right side, reaching behind my back to work between me and the cross. I could see his movement, feel every tap of his hammer. I knew what he was doing, had seen it all before. He was setting the cornu in place in its socket, its horn pointing up, fitting the wedge in underneath it. I felt his tapping through the nails in my throbbing wrists, small shocks where rough iron met bone, my tense body jerking with each one.​
Hercules laughed again. “Her cunnus clamps down on my finger every time Antius taps with his hammer!”​
The crowd laughed at that. A woman shouted, “Better be glad she doesn’t have teeth down there or she’d bite it off!”​
A man shouted back, “A good reason to stick your finger in first and test it before you poke your cock in!”​
Then Antius’ swings lengthened, delivering the last hard, solid blows that drove the wedge in tightly, never to come out. Each blow rattled the cross, jolting the nails in my wounds, sending shocks echoing through the bones of my arms, each one dragging a groan out of me. The pain was excruciating!​
“Oh gods, please stop! Stop!” I heard myself begging him. But Antius only laughed and kept on with his work.​
Hercules said, “She really has some muscles in there! Stuff her full of walnuts and she’d crack them and spit them out of there all shelled for you!”​
“She’d crack YOUR nuts, more likely, if you ever got it in her!” A woman in the crowd laughed.​
“Well, I think it’s sad!” Ajax announced. “She really was sitting on a gold mine! Now all she’s good for is squeezing a man’s finger, and there’s not much market for that!”​
“Well, a few days with that cornu will loosen up her cunnus! Only ones who’ll say she was a great piece of ass then are that bunch of crows over there!” Hercules said, wistfully.​
Hercules slid his finger out of me, leaving a tingle deep inside of my vagina that throbbed with every heartbeat. I needed to clamp my thighs together, squeeze my porcella, rub it, anything to quiet the sensation, but there was nothing I could do but try to will it to subside. And everything else that was happening to me, agony in my wrists, pain everywhere, and now the anticipation of what they were about to do to my feet, all of it should have been enough to force the feeling in my vagina far into the background. But it didn’t.​

Here's the scene:

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Here are some obscene views - there aren't many in this scene that aren't:

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The female spectaors just loves this spectacle. Can´t get enough I bet they all are dripping wet
Sabina narrates:

Once again, I felt the rough shank of a spike grating between bones, wedging them farther apart, the cords holding bones together stretching, stabs of burning pain when those finally snapped and a small bone was ripped out of joint, pushed aside to yield more room for the cold iron now inside me. The cross shook with each blow as the executioner continued to hammer the spike deeper into the timber. The shock traveled through the timber, and an instant later into the nails in my wrists, vibrating the iron between the bones, torturing me.​
I screamed helplessly with every blow of the hammer, holding myself upward with my left leg, trying to keep all the weight off the nail in my right foot. My vision was darkening, so much agony! I tried to catch my breath between hammer strokes. I couldn’t, absolutely could not, allow myself to faint, not and drop onto the cornu, no, not that.​
I was struggling, fighting to stay conscious. I think I was babbling, maybe begging the executioner to stop, I couldn't bear any more, please. I heard laughter from the crowd around me. I knew he was drawing back for another blow of the hammer. I anticipated it helplessly, knowing it was coming, my whole body rigid and tense in horror.​

Here is the scene:

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Here are some obscene views:

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Sabina narrates:
I screamed helplessly with every blow of the hammer, holding myself upward with my left leg, trying to keep all the weight off the nail in my right foot. My vision was darkening, so much agony! I tried to catch my breath between hammer strokes. I couldn’t, absolutely could not, allow myself to faint, not and drop onto the cornu, no, not that.​
I was struggling, fighting to stay conscious. I think I was babbling, maybe begging the executioner to stop, I couldn't bear any more, please. I heard laughter from the crowd around me. I knew he was drawing back for another blow of the hammer. I anticipated it helplessly, knowing it was coming, my whole body rigid and tense in horror.​

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'Damn, that has to hurt!' the lady in red thinks. But in reality, she can't wait until her other foot is nailed and the cornu enters the condemned woman's ass. THAT will be worth the wait!
Sabina narrates:

The hammering finally stopped. I was panting, holding myself up on my left leg, the last support I had that would not cause me agonizing pain. I was about to lose that too.​
I tensed my arms, gently pulling against the nails in my throbbing wrists, still keeping almost all of my weight on my left leg, trying to avoid any sudden pull or twist. I moaned as I felt the first pressure against the nails. Then I screamed as my right wrist slid outward a fraction along the square shank of the nail to rest against its head. The executioner was moving to my left foot as I leaned forward against the nails and felt the tense cheeks of my buttocks press against the timber behind me.​
I looked down at my throbbing right foot in horror. The head of the spike was driven down almost against its top. The flesh around it was white, compressed by the passage of the nail through it. Below the nail there was only a small trickle of blood beginning to trail down toward my toes.​
And then the executioner was probing the top of my left foot with his right index finger, finding the spot where he would place the point of the big iron nail he held in his left hand.​

Here is the scene:

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Some obscene views:

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