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Obsessing over some fantasies?

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What perverse thoughts are you having? I am sure they can be fulfilled here...

There are few recentish unrelated things that came together to make it what it is so I need to give some context. Just bear with.
First, after I finished my last growth spurt a family friend said I was "strapping." I had to look the word up, but I like it and haven't heard or read it again until this fantasy started. Second I recently finished making my wenchy serving maid costume for my first solo medieval fair. It feels amazing and it makes me feel very wenchy lol. Third, i recently started my first job with waitressing, which is sort of like modern day serving maid work, so technically I've earned the right to make and wear my wench costume lol.
Keep all this in mind for some context for why the actual fantasy has been taking over my thoughts so often.

The actual fantasy part comes from a very short bit in a collection of classic fantasy stories I've been reading. One of the stories is called the Unholy Grail and has a torture rack scene within a torture rack scene. The TLDL is that Mouse, the magic user hero, has tried to kill the duke who killed his wizard master, but he's captured by the duke and put on the rack in the castle dungeons to be stretched to death. In the middle of being racked he gets a flashback to a past event in the same dungeon, and we get this absolute corker of a bit:
"Suddenly then, as if time were no longer real, Mouse saw another scene in this chamber. The Duke was there and his eyes swinging from side to side, but he was younger and there was open panic and horror in his face. Close beside him was a boldly handsome woman in a dark red dress cut low in the bosom and with slashes inset with yellow silk. Stretched upon the rack itself in Mouse’s place was a strappingly beautiful but now pitifully whimpering maid, whom the woman in red was questioning, with great coldness and insistence on detail, about her amorous encounters with the Duke and her attempt on the life of herself, the Duke’s wife, by poison."

That use of the word strapping again and the girl being a serving maid was so triggering! I felt called out lol. It's just a short bit, but there's a lot going on in it, and it absolutely loaded withPlus. it's relevant to how the story finishes, but no spoilers here if you've not read it. Combining with a few other small bits in the story not directly related to the scene just absolutely sent me. Now I can't stop thinking about it at the most random times and places, trying to put together all the things that might have led up to the scene and how the scene would have started and then progressed and generally just terrifying myself by thikning about being in it as it plays out lol.
Attention all Home Depot employees. Be on the lookout for a guy carrying lengths of rope roaming about the lumber department. This alert applies especially to our female employees.
Drat..... she's here.

@wulf says goddamit @Barbaria1 is in the store. When I tie these two together she's going on here
And I'm making the spread extra wide.

Taking refuge in the appliance department …
It won't help you Ms Moore... as I come bearing a gift of Reisling.
There are few recentish unrelated things that came together to make it what it is so I need to give some context. Just bear with.
First, after I finished my last growth spurt a family friend said I was "strapping." I had to look the word up, but I like it and haven't heard or read it again until this fantasy started. Second I recently finished making my wenchy serving maid costume for my first solo medieval fair. It feels amazing and it makes me feel very wenchy lol. Third, i recently started my first job with waitressing, which is sort of like modern day serving maid work, so technically I've earned the right to make and wear my wench costume lol.
Keep all this in mind for some context for why the actual fantasy has been taking over my thoughts so often.

The actual fantasy part comes from a very short bit in a collection of classic fantasy stories I've been reading. One of the stories is called the Unholy Grail and has a torture rack scene within a torture rack scene. The TLDL is that Mouse, the magic user hero, has tried to kill the duke who killed his wizard master, but he's captured by the duke and put on the rack in the castle dungeons to be stretched to death. In the middle of being racked he gets a flashback to a past event in the same dungeon, and we get this absolute corker of a bit:
"Suddenly then, as if time were no longer real, Mouse saw another scene in this chamber. The Duke was there and his eyes swinging from side to side, but he was younger and there was open panic and horror in his face. Close beside him was a boldly handsome woman in a dark red dress cut low in the bosom and with slashes inset with yellow silk. Stretched upon the rack itself in Mouse’s place was a strappingly beautiful but now pitifully whimpering maid, whom the woman in red was questioning, with great coldness and insistence on detail, about her amorous encounters with the Duke and her attempt on the life of herself, the Duke’s wife, by poison."

That use of the word strapping again and the girl being a serving maid was so triggering! I felt called out lol. It's just a short bit, but there's a lot going on in it, and it absolutely loaded withPlus. it's relevant to how the story finishes, but no spoilers here if you've not read it. Combining with a few other small bits in the story not directly related to the scene just absolutely sent me. Now I can't stop thinking about it at the most random times and places, trying to put together all the things that might have led up to the scene and how the scene would have started and then progressed and generally just terrifying myself by thikning about being in it as it plays out lol.
Ah, Fritz Leiber! Several of his fantasy stories have a nice bdsm feel, or even bdsm scenes. Nothing very ... strong, but our imaginations can add what is missing... "stunningly beautiful ... pitifully whimpering maid" is good.
Ah, Fritz Leiber! Several of his fantasy stories have a nice bdsm feel, or even bdsm scenes. Nothing very ... strong, but our imaginations can add what is missing... "stunningly beautiful ... pitifully whimpering maid" is good.

I've noticed that too but this scene goes way past the bdsm level to something truly horrifying. And it's absolutely loaded with really dark and twisted sexual tension. I'm surprised I haven't started having dreams/nightmares about it yet lol.
I've noticed that too but this scene goes way past the bdsm level to something truly horrifying. And it's absolutely loaded with really dark and twisted sexual tension. I'm surprised I haven't started having dreams/nightmares about it yet lol.
Been a long time since I read them... I certainly enjoyed them :)
As Fritz Leiber has been mentioned, I too was really hit hard by the drowning / strangulation scene from The Wanderer. Decades later, it still has the same effect that @Dungeon Damsel so deliciously describes above.

I haven't read that one so I don't know the scene, but is it long enough on it's own for you or do you try and work out what the backstory is from clues in the scene? If it doesn't already have one, obviously. It sounds like a fatal scenes so I'll take a guess that you probably don't need to work out how it ends too?
I haven't read that one so I don't know the scene, but is it long enough on it's own for you or do you try and work out what the backstory is from clues in the scene? If it doesn't already have one, obviously. It sounds like a fatal scenes so I'll take a guess that you probably don't need to work out how it ends too?
It's a short chapter, with vivid (minor) characters we know from earlier. No, the reader doesn't need to work out how it ends (though it closes on a very suggestive erotic note), but I really do like to expand the scene in my head, and find myself doing so with very little prompting at very regular intervals. Sometimes, the scenario gets into my head and doesn't leave for days.
"but I really do like to expand the scene in my head, and find myself doing so with very little prompting at very regular intervals. Sometimes, the scenario gets into my head and doesn't leave for days."

Join the club lol.
One of the things I keep trying to work out in the bit I posted is the relationship between the Duke and his wife. That flashback is the only time she actually appears in the story as she's already dead when it starts. She's described as "vicious and blood-thirsty" and "his hated and adored wife."
And there's also a slightly longer bit about the Duke's general character:
"But deep in his heart he knew that fear was always with him—fear of anything or anyone that some day might be stronger than he and hurt him as he had hurt others—fear of the dead he had harmed and could hurt no longer—fear of his dead wife, who had indeed been stronger and crueler than he and who had humiliated him in a thousand ways that no one but he remembered."

So I think their relationship status would be set to "it's complicated" lol.

It makes me think also that the Duke probably wasn't aware of the poison plot and was just looking for a bit of casual fun on the side with one of his servants and not a new wife.
I also wonder how she found out about the affair in the first place. Her finding out about the poisoning is more obvious because it's described as an "attempt" so clearly it went past the planning stage.
And going by the descriptions of the Duchess, I don't think the reader needs to work out how the flashback scene would have ended once the interrogation was finally over.
My “kinkbrain” gets triggered by all sorts of random things!

I can relate to @wulf regarding hardware stores, although I don’t imagine putting them on a victim, the chains, the d-clamps, the toes, the strips of leather are meant for me!

I can feel very exposed at churches, particularly Catholic Churches with very graphic depictions, I found Latin American churches to be commonly extremely potent to me in particular. And if I’m fascinated by a statue, say a highly realistic depiction of Jesus’s scourged back, I feel both aroused and highly embarrassed as if everyone can tell my terrible sacrilegious thoughts. And that thought only excites me more… I have felt this so intensely and many times such that I feel compelled to leave to hide my shame. And that experience fuels my erotic fantasies for days or weeks…

You aren’t alone, @Dungeon Damsel , and what a wonderful thread you have created/inspired!
These are a few more bits from the same story. it's the scene where the hero, Mouse, is being racked to death in the Duke's dungeon, so it's not directly part of the flashback rack scene I've been obsessing over. But it's the same rack being used in both the scenes, and more detail about what it looks like. Plus, the description of what it feels like seems very realistic imho even though I haven't been on a rack yet myself.

"As the great wheel creaked and the leathern wristlets and anklets began to tighten a little, Mouse felt a qualm of helpless panic run over his body. It centered in his joints—those little deep-set hinges of bone normally exempt from danger. There was yet no pain. His body was merely stretched a little, as if he were yawning.
The low ceiling was close to his face. The flickering light of the torches revealed the mortises in the stone and the dusty cobwebs. Toward his feet he could see the upper portion of the wheel, and the two large hands that gripped its spokes, dragging them down effortlessly, very slowly, stopping for twenty heartbeats at a time. By turning his head and eyes to the side he could see the big figure of the Duke—not wide as his doll of him, but wide—sitting in a carven wooden chair, two armed men standing behind him. The Duke’s brown hands, their jeweled rings flashing fire, were closed over the knobs on the chair-arms. His feet were firmly planted. His jaw was set. Only his eyes showed any uneasiness or vulnerability. They kept shifting from side to side—rapidly, regularly, like the pivoted ones of a doll."

Obviously Mouse doesn't have boobs to get in the way of his view of the wheel at the foot of the rack, but if the wheel is big enough it'd still be visible even with the obstruction made by a serving wench's bodice lol.

"Then the twinges of pain commenced, striking at random in the forearm, the back, the knee, the shoulder. With an effort Mouse composed his features. He fixed his attention on the faces around him, surveying them in detail as if they formed a picture, noting the highlights on the cheeks and eyes and beards and the shadows, wavering with the torchflames, that their figures cast upon the low walls."

"With startling suddenness the pain returned and increased. The twinges became needle stabs—a cunning prying at his insides—fingers of force crawling up his arms and legs toward his spine—an unsettling at the hips. He desperately tensed his muscles against them."

These two bits really help to sell the feeling of what it'd feel like during the flashback scene and how horrifying it would be with the Duchess' questions being backed up by turns of the wheel.
You may be interested in "The Mouser Goes Below" in the Fritz Leiber collection "The Knight and Knave of Swords". The Gray Mouser's old girlfriend Hisvet torments two slavegirls with humiliation and whips. This BDSM classic makes explicit what has only been implied in earlier tales.

Fun facts: Hisvet and the Gray Mouser had a sex scene in "The Swords of Lankhmar" which was cut for being too pornographic. Ratgirls just want to have fun!

The Gray Mouser and his barbarian friend Fafhrd once appeared in a comic with Wonder Woman and Catwoman.

Terry Pratchett parodied them as Bravd and the Weasel in "The Colour of Magic", while Ankh-Morpork is a parody of their home city of Lankhmar. In later books Ankh-Morpork developed and became its own place.

Before he became a hero, the Gray Mouser was known as "Mouse" as in "The Unholy Grail" mentioned above.
You may be interested in "The Mouser Goes Below" in the Fritz Leiber collection "The Knight and Knave of Swords". The Gray Mouser's old girlfriend Hisvet torments two slavegirls with humiliation and whips. This BDSM classic makes explicit what has only been implied in earlier tales.

I'll probably get around to that too, although the bdsm stuff isn't really my cup of tea, I'm more into real brutal torture. Like in the flashback scene I've been talking about, the Duchess isn't playing around. Sure, she's a sadist going by the description of her, but in that situation I think the main satisfaction she's going to be getting is from putting her love rival and would-be assassin through a long and horrifically painful interrogation on the rack before finishing her off. Plus, making her husband watch his lover getting tortured on the rack and him having to hear all the intimate details of their affair being made public in front of the guards would probably make her pretty happy too.
Well it's the logical step to take, right? Fantasizing about being racked is going to lead to wanting to try it out for real, isn't it? Just to see what it really feels like.
Fantasies don't always match reality...
rack 042 A.jpg
"Should I let Mr. Gunner into to fuck her now?"
"No, let me make her come by licking her cunt" Joan Tree says. "There will be a river of his cum down there once he humps her..."
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