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Odds And Ends And Anything You Fancy

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I am (once again) flabbergasted. Is there any topic you have no profound information about?
There aren't any that Wiki hasn't got some information about, admittedly of varying quality -
my only slightly quirky skill that helped with that one was my ability to read Cyrillic
upside-down and back-to-front :D
I am (once again) flabbergasted. Is there any topic you have no profound information about?
Not that I'm aware off. Don't try disagreeing with her as to whether ancient Etruscan was an isolate or a branch of the Tyrsenian language family. I did once and had my hand handed to me on a platter. (However, watching Eul do the dance of the seven veils was almost worth the embarrassment).
my ability to read Cyrillic
upside-down and back-to-front
I rest my case.
There aren't any that Wiki hasn't got some information about, admittedly of varying quality -
my only slightly quirky skill that helped with that one was my ability to read Cyrillic
upside-down and back-to-front :D
I just learn it backwards, which is absolutely frightening :D
I am in awe! I thought English was quirky enough!
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