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On The Recurrence Of Forced Sex Thematics In Roman Crucifixion Art And Literature

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Hmmm. Thought I'd already posted this one.

Another Hugo drawing on this theme.

Hugo likes this theme.


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The Romans also employed a variety of penetrative sex toys as instruments of torture, some improvised, others military-issue, and still others that might have moved the most coarsened and brutalized mob to appalled and aghast pity. Or not.


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Forced sex, penetration with instruments, humiliation upon humiliation. Is pain or shame the greater burden?

I think this one can equally go here or on the Obscene Display thread. Spread, nailed and helpless, she serves as a useful training ground for a young man to learn the secrets of a woman's body. The indignity would be crushing.

Forced sex, penetration with instruments, humiliation upon humiliation. Is pain or shame the greater burden?

I think this one can equally go here or on the Obscene Display thread. Spread, nailed and helpless, she serves as a useful training ground for a young man to learn the secrets of a woman's body. The indignity would be crushing.

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And that youth is learning valuable skills. For although the Romans were renowned for their use of carefully crafted tools, in a crunch they could successfully take matters in hand.


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A little while ago, Apostate posted an early rendering that I had done about a girl being forced to fellate a young man on the cross by several roman soldiers. Although she too was headed to her own cross and despite the degradation of being forced to perform this intimate act before others, she tried valiantly to provide her lover with one last bit of pleasure. Unfortunately, he was too far gone in his agony to respond or even to appreciate this last act of kindness.

These 2 renderings follow a similar theme only in this situation, the couple are brother and sister. They are devoted to one another but one has committed a serious crime and has been sentenced to die on the cross. In order to add to cruelty of the sentence, the other sibling, who is completely innocent, has also been condemned to die. One sibling has already been nailed to the cross, when the beaten and battered other sibling is brought to the place of execution. To add to the humiliation and degradation for both of siblings, one is forced to orally service the other sibling on the cross. While they love one another deeply, they both know and accept the deeply felt taboos on incest, so being made to perform this act or, conversely, to receive this intimate act is deeply and almost unimaginably degrading and humiliating.

So tell me, who is the guilty one? Is it the boy or the girl? Is the figure on the cross who is receiving this unwanted and perverse stimulation guilty or innocent? Or is the kneeling figure who is reluctantly performing this intimate act innocent or guilty? Is it rape if a loved one is doing it, even if they are being forced to do so against their will? Will the receiving party experience any arousal or pleasure in the midst of the agony they are enduring?

In reality, it matters little. The both soon will be experiencing the pain of the cross and they will watch the other suffer and die. What will it feel like for the guilty one to know that their actions have condemned their innocent sibling to this terrible fate? Will the innocent sibling scream their hatred, rage and betrayal at the other for having been unjustly made to suffer this fate? In the grand scheme of things, a little imposed, incestuous intimacy is just one perverse thread in the tapestry of their deaths...


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Neither sibling is guilty, neither of incest nor rape. The Roman curs orchestrating the show are guilty of a heinous form of emotional and mental rape.

As in this crop from a much larger mass crux manip. Another brother and sister, who as part of spectacle are about to be forced to fornicate for the mob.


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Oh, and by the way Jastrow, WHOA!!!
Neither sibling is guilty, neither of incest nor rape. The Roman curs orchestrating the show are guilty of a heinous form of emotional and mental rape.

As in this crop from a much large mass crux manip. Another brother and sister, who as part of spectacle are about to be forced to fornicate for the mob.

Who did this one? A simple manip but with raw energy and an interesting subject, I like it.

Here are some oldies on the topic of taking advantage

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Who did this one? A simple manip but with raw energy and an interesting subject, I like it.

No idea who did this ridiculously detailed mass crux. Here's the whole panorama, which is rich in forced sex degradation imagery. Attribution, anyone?


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No idea who did this ridiculously detailed mass crux. Here's the whole panorama, which is rich in forced sex degradation imagery. Attribution, anyone?
The background is from the last (Polish) Quo Vadis film but I do not recognise any of the figures (they may be composites with new heads etc.) The crosses are heavily duplicated and there are no shadows. We have members who specialise in panoramic arena crux manips. Perhaps the artist will find it here and comment?
Phlebas, wherever you found them, send more to flesh out, so to speak, this thread.

I'll have a trawl through my archive when I get a chance.
Meanwhile, this oldie, and one from Bartnel

fet26877.jpg V4-CruxB-070c.jpg


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OK. Jastrow just came up with reworking of one of his older renders, which is not only much more polished than the original, but stars an appropriately thuggish crux rapist who doesn't moonlight making Scooby Doo movies.

Jas posted it on Obscene Display, so I compulsively stole it for this thread.


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Jastrow visited the male-on-female Imposed Intimacy theme before. So did Badia. What do you call the flip side of forced fellatio? Compulsory cunnilingus? In any case, as shown, it's gender-neutral sexual degradation. Fun for girls and boys!


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Recently posted by Crumera on his Time Travel Snapshots thread.

And I think I will cease to bitch about how forced fellatio on the cross reflects poor judgement. It does, but it's still an unholy turn on.
The thing that comes to mind when I see a picture such as this is "With all that slave flesh around who would be hard up enough to climb up a ladder or whatever where everyone can watch him get a little head and since she's going to die anyway what's to stop her from taking a good healthy bite?"
The thing that comes to mind when I see a picture such as this is "With all that slave flesh around who would be hard up enough to climb up a ladder or whatever where everyone can watch him get a little head and since she's going to die anyway what's to stop her from taking a good healthy bite?"

Precisely, Helmut. The required amount of suspension of disbelief is breathtaking. But fans of device bondage blowjobs might not find that hard to do.


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But fans of device bondage blowjobs might not find that hard to do.

Well, both suspension and breath-taking are likely to be entailed in that activity :devil:
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