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On The Recurrence Of Forced Sex Thematics In Roman Crucifixion Art And Literature

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Messaline posted this one elsewhere. As I wrote in a previous post, the viewer knows with crystalline clairvoyance what happens next.


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I've looked this one a lot for some time now, and the same thought keeps springing unbidden to mind. What the HELL is going on here?

The lady's stockings and discarded dress, her hairstyle, and the absence of electric lighting probably place this sometime in the first half of the 19th century. There are also no visible means of compulsion for a forced fellatio scene. Other than that, the viewer is invited to invent all manner of wildly kinky fantasies, especially all you lapsed Catholics out there.


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I've looked this one a lot for some time now, and the same thought keeps springing unbidden to mind. What the HELL is going on here?

The lady's stockings and discarded dress, her hairstyle, and the absence of electric lighting probably place thia sometime in the first half of the 19th century.
Illustration from De Sceleribus et Criminibus by Martin van Maele, 1908

Illustration from De Sceleribus et Criminibus by Martin van Maele, 1908


I bitch a bunch about nun porn, but I have to give this much to the French; you can see theirs is a kind of co-ed clerical porn. So my nascent scenario was wrong, This dude is not a kinky rich Catholic dressed like an abbot being blown by a high-class courtesan. He's an abbot being blown by a high-class courtesan.

Thanks, Bob. I recognized van Maele's style but couldn't remember his name. And that link led to a higher res version of a pic I've grown fond of.


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I bitch a bunch about nun porn, but I have to give this much to the French; you can see theirs is a kind of co-ed clerical porn. So my nascent scenario was wrong, This dude is not a kinky rich Catholic dressed like an abbot being blown by a high-class courtesan. He's an abbot being blown by a high-class courtesan.

Thanks, Bob. I recognized van Maele's style but couldn't remember his name. And that link led to a higher res version of a pic I've grown fond of.

I don't know about him being an abbot, Apostate. If you look he appears to have a tail! Something a little more diabolical perhaps, unless that it itself a comment on clericalism.
I don't know about him being an abbot, Apostate. If you look he appears to have a tail! Something a little more diabolical perhaps, unless that it itself a comment on clericalism.

I always thought a "suck off Satan" scene would look a tad more garish. And if this an anticlerical statement, I would remind the artist that Voltaire's advice about the Catholic Church was "Ecrasez l'infame!", not "Sucez l'infame!"

Whatever. That pic was a stretch for this topic anyway.


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In ''Crash of 2013 goes to court" during Barb's second night crucified she imagined being groped by a man reaching around the stipe...
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...if it really happened see seems to be turning her head to return his kiss...

Whoa. Intense image, Tree.

However, when it comes to crux my inner sadist disdains such tender moments. Fortunately for me and like minded pervs such moments seem to be rare. If I have a preference it's for the victim to spit defiance in her tormentor's face.

Publius let loose a falsetto shriek, and savagely squeezed Callia's right breast while roughly thrusting his fingers into her vagina. She squealed and reflexively pulled up and tried to twist her body off his hand, away from the pressure on her breast. He kept thrusting, kept squeezing, as his cousin squirmed up and down, side to side. "YOU STILL...DON'T HAVE A CLUE... HOW TO PLEASE...A WOMAN... PUBLIUS!!" Callia screamed.


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I decline to repost the entire 2006 series, just some of the ones on topic.
But they are so on topic.

Would you mind at least naming the series? I've got a good amount of qoom series on my hard drive, but wouldn't know where to look for this one...
SkatingJesus did at least two such scenes: in Andaroos 2 the apple thief is fucked by the soldiers on top of the cross, directly before nailing her to it, and in Andaroos 7, similar happens to the assassin from Ch5, while she still has the T-Bar bound to her shoulder; also directly before she is nailed.

Questions: would this be on topic in this thread, and is there any objection against posting a few of those pics?
Would you mind at least naming the series? I've got a good amount of qoom series on my hard drive, but wouldn't know where to look for this one...

Which series? I think you mean "Inspired by NV."


SkatingJesus did at least two such scenes: in Andaroos 2 the apple thief is fucked by the soldiers on top of the cross, directly before nailing her to it, and in Andaroos 7, similar happens to the assassin from Ch5, while she still has the T-Bar bound to her shoulder; also directly before she is nailed.

Questions: would this be on topic in this thread, and is there any objection against posting a few of those pics?

Those Skatingjesus pics would be precisely on topic. The only objection would be if the images were part of one of his series for sale. And it's good form to properly attribute them.
Which series? I think you mean "Inspired by NV."
Those Skatingjesus pics would be precisely on topic. The only objection would be if the images were part of one of his series for sale.

All but the first Andaroos Chapter are for sale. So we would need permission. (And I suppose we shouldn't even start on arguments like fair use here :-/ )
All but the first Andaroos Chapter are for sale. So we would need permission. (And I suppose we shouldn't even start on arguments like fair use here :-/ )

I'm not a copyright attorney and I don't play one on television. But I figure that fair use would involve use of an Anderoos render or two to illustrate "The Crucified Woman: A Paradox of Prurience and Piety," an honest-to-God scholarly paper. The Anderoos Chronicles' customer base consists of slavering crux pervs. Which describes thee and me and just about everybody here at CF.

What I've seen of Skatingjesus' crux art is high octane orgasm fuel. So do large numbers of like minded people with disposable incomes. WelshWebb had a tag line--"If the check clears, it's art!"
N. Dofline's answer to why Mary Magdalene disappeared from the biblical narrative could be the introductory image in a new thread, Blasphemous Display.

I'm not in a tearing hurry to start it. But if I did it might start with this reworked Damian manip which was itself an obscene parody of Julia of Carthage.

There's an amusing and bemused blog post of how that pic came to be.


That’s art by Damian, which makes sense because he has at least three collections of crucifixion art available: Roman Crucifixions, Roman Crucifixions and Decadence, and Female Crucifixions Through The Ages. Yes, my dear internet, female crucifixion as erotica apparently is a thing.


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Illustration from De Sceleribus et Criminibus by Martin van Maele, 1908

Yes, indeed - a lot of very strange things go on in M van M's lively fantasies -
a few I'd picked before I saw how far this thread had moved on,
but I'll post them for a few more puzzles

martin-van-maele-03.jpg martin-van-maele-08.jpg de-vif23.jpg vanmaele4.jpg

one recurrent theme seems to be male figures using enormously -
and I mean ginormously - long phalli as weapons :eek:
Yes, indeed - a lot of very strange things go on in M van M's lively fantasies -
a few I'd picked before I saw how far this thread had moved on,
but I'll post them for a few more puzzles

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one recurrent theme seems to be male figures using enormously -
and I mean ginormously - long phalli as weapons :eek:

And it was Minheer van Maele who finally clued me in to how the heck Zeus could knock up Leda in the guise of a swan. Didn't see Boucher's rococo softcore until much later. Both depictions leave little or nothing to the imagination.



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And it was Minheer van Maele who finally clued me in to how the heck Zeus could knock up Leda in the guise of a swan. Didn't see Boucher's rococo softcore until much later. Both depictions leave little or nothing to the imagination.

Why does 'Low Spark of the High-Heeled Boys' come to mind???

I am surrounded by cats... that may be it...
Why does 'Low Spark of the High-Heeled Boys' come to mind???

I am surrounded by cats... that may be it...

Tree, from Wikipedia:

Pollard and I would sit around writing lyrics all day, talking about Bob Dylan and the Band, thinking up ridiculous plots for the movie. Before I left Morocco, Pollard wrote in my book 'The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys.' For me, it summed him up. He had this tremendous rebel attitude. He walked around in his cowboy boots, his leather jacket. At the time he was a heavy little dude. It seemed to sum up all the people of that generation who were just rebels. The 'Low Spark,' for me, was the spirit, high-spirited. You know, standing on a street corner. The low rider. The 'Low Spark' meaning that strong undercurrent at the street level.[1]

Having studied your post and this commentary, I can confidently say "Wait, what?"
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