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Other Forms Of Execution

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midgies are ferocious wee beasties that fly aroond Scottish lochs and forests biting tourists :p , and even the natives! :eek:
midgie.jpgmonster midgie.jpg
some of this ones ? eul's pole is not to see noe eul it is one of those scottish beachground ..........i think


  • whipped to death on beach.jpg
    whipped to death on beach.jpg
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some of this ones ? eul's pole is not to see noe eul it is one of those scottish beachground ..........i think
mmm, it looks familiar!​
great pic Admi​
...we have all been here before... CSNY


"if you remember the '60's, you were too young or too old to enjoy them"
They are flying little blood suckers especially trained by the Scots to attack any uncovered English flesh.
aha no problems only english flesh (tanned or not) Oh eeh congratulations with your Queen (already sixty years:cool:)
“The water’s getting closer” Eulalia said. “Are you sure aren’t dying tonight?”
“I don’t know. I heard them talking and they said the night tide wouldn’t be so high” Margaret replied. “Ah… Damn… There is something inside me…”
sea sacr 2.jpg



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    sea sacr 2.jpg
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They are flying little blood suckers especially trained by the Scots to attack any uncovered English flesh.
Been out in the Forest today training midgies, ready for the English tourists :p
They don't bite me, of course, but they do fly up my nose, into my eyes, ears, mouth,​
any exposed orifices -​
so I don't expose my orifices!​
:D a new insurrection? sorry no politics but the fact was too nice to let it go
here some other old punishment (China 1900)


  • China corproal punishment [circa1900].JPG
    China corproal punishment [circa1900].JPG
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this could be worse than midgies...

Had the high tide of the day not been so high, the women would have been place in the sand lower on the beach. The nocturnal tide would not be as high. The three women watched the waves wash closer. Without a moon the night was dark with the beach lit only by the starlight and the bonfires the priests had built for their own comfort. The women didn’t even notice the man that had walked up the paced sand until he was almost upon them. He wore a dark hood robe and carried a long staff. At first they thought he was going to walk past them but when he was between Margaret and the ocean he stopped and turned to the women. He pulled the hood from his head. The light from the bonfires illuminated his face and all three women gasped. In a voice far deeper than his gaunt face and slim build would suggest he called to the priests saying “Leave us, you dogs, I have business with these women.”

Messaline, Margaret, and Eulalia stared at the man. His white skin seemed to be stretched over the bones of his skull. His eyes had no color save for the black dots in the centers. The sleeve of his robe on the arm holding his staff had fallen down and bunched around his bent elbow, revealing an arm that was little more than skin over bone. And the light from the bonfires showed the staff was actually a large scythe. They swore the Grim Reaper stood before them.

He smiled and said “You have nothing to fear from me… tonight. I have just come to see if they have made an adequate offering. My servants are preparing you to meet me.”

“What do you mean?” Margaret asked. “I don’t see any of your servants.”

“Of course you don’t, child. But as I speak they are preparing my feast of your bodies. Tell me you don’t feel them inside you.”

“Leave her alone!” Messaline cried out. His eyes seemed to glow as he looked at her. “Messaline, peasant girl, of the three of you here I lay the least claim to. You lived your life well and toiled hard. Do not anger me.”

“And if she does what the fuck are you going to do about it?” Eulalia demanded. He put the point of the scythe under her jaw and pressed it into Eul’s flesh. He snarled “And you, Dame Eulalia, have spent you whole life earning my wrath.”

“DAME Eulalia? I am not titled. I am but a slave” Eulalia protested. The walking skeleton laughed and said “You were born to royalty, Eulalia, but your father squandered his wealth away. He sold you when you were a small child to pay his taxes. I always wondered if you remembered or just enjoyed taunting your masters.”

Eulalia glared up at him. He truly looked like death walking. He continued “How many times did you disobey your overseers so that you could enjoy the attention of their punishments? You reveled in being locked in the sweat houses, standing ankle-deep in your own shit by weeks end. You thrilled at being bent over in the pillory having your ass buggered and backside flayed with a whip while the other slaves watched you painful ecstasy. You would suck their dirty cock, feigning for mercy, when all you wanted was to taste the nectar of their cum.”

A wave was around his ankles and the women’s torso. Eulalia was sure she had never seen this man… this thing… before and wondered how he could know thoughts that she had told no one. The cold wave washed around her and she felt something filling her loins. She looked up at him and asked “Have you come to take me?”

“No child, you have been given to the gods of the sea. It will be midday tomorrow before they claim you and you friends. I saw you gasp. The tide is coming in but it will not take you tonight. The sea has changed the sand to slurry that had bubbled up inside you. The cramps and the cold you will feel tonight will make your monthly curse feel like a tickle in your belly. But you will survive it…
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Eulalia looked around. To her right was the two women buried in the sand with her. Before her waves washed up the sands to wrap her ribs and lap at her erect nipples. Around and above her the fog formed a dome around them tinted with the yellow and red glow of the priests’ bonfires. She shook her head and said “That was the weirdest dream I have EVER had.”

Messaline asked “What was it about?”

“The reaper came and threatened me but wouldn’t take me.”

“You weren’t dreaming, girl, otherwise you wouldn’t be bleeding” Messa replied. Eul looked down and saw the stream of blood running down between her breasts. She looked up at the fog and said “Holy shit! We’ve got another day of this?”

“Was that what a cock looks like?” Margaret asked.

“Yes, only that was much bigger” Eul replied, leaving out the 'uglier' part.

“Then I think dying a virgin is Okay.”

“Do you think he knew what he was talking about?” Messaline asked. “You know, about how we are going to die.”

“He knew things about me I’ve never told anyone” Eulalia replied…


Eulalia looked around. To her right was the two women buried in the sand with her. Before her waves washed up the sands to wrap her ribs and lap at her erect nipples. Around and above her the fog formed a dome around them tinted with the yellow and red glow of the priests’ bonfires. She shook her head and said “That was the weirdest dream I have EVER had.”

“He knew things about me I’ve never told anyone” Eulalia replied…

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Goh..............and you thought you were the only one with that kind of knowledge:D
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