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Other Forms Of Execution

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Are you sure that the peasant girl was called Messaline?
I have forgotten this part of my live (dead)...:eek:
there are many messalines on earth isn't:confused:but there are lesser who knows a Tree
It was getting late in the afternoon and the day was at it hottest. A westerly breeze kept the cooler ocean air from offering the women any relief from the blazing sun. With the tide receding the waves did not wash up the beach anywhere near close to the threesome. There was some relief in that the drying sand did not compress as hard against their ribs and bellies making breathing less constricted. Eulalia knew if their wrists weren’t bound they could have pulled their arms out of the sand and easily dug their legs out by nightfall. But they were bound and that wasn’t going to happen.

Tempering the relief the drying sand gave to breathing was the heat that seem to bake the buried parts of their bodies. Also the sand mites and gnats would soon be looking for moisture and the sweating flesh of the women would be a feast for them. Margaret said “I need to relieve myself.”

“Have at it” Eulalia said.

“Here, in the sand?”

“Unless you think one of these guys watching us is going to dig you up so you can go, I don’t see what other choice you have” Eulalia shot back. Messaline frowned at Eulalia and said “Give her a break; she hasn’t seen half of what we have. Besides with the wood they shoved in us I don’t think I can pass anything.”

“It’s not wood. It’s bamboo” Eulalia explained. “It’s hollow. If we’re lucky they just packed mud in it. But I already pissed and I think they packed them with wasp nests.”

“Wasp nests; why would they do that do that?” Margaret cried. Eulalia shook her head and said “It is the same reason they ram a pole up our cunts and asses. They can and we can’t stop them. Look, here is what is going to happen. If it is wasp nests they are going to hatch and crawl inside you. If its mud you’ll eventually have to pee whether you want to are not and the mud will dissolve and ants or whatever the hell crawls around in this sand is going to crawl into your cunt. It is going to happen. And when you pee it is going to burn like hell until it drains down the hole.”

Messaline and Margaret looked horrified at Eulalia. Messaline asked “How do you know this?”

“I wasn’t the most obedient slave at first. It’s one of the ways they break you…” Eulalia said with her voice trailing off. She lowered her head. As if on cue the first swarm of gnats appeared attacking Margaret’s tender skin first…
sea sacr.jpg
stolen by some schoolboys but i'll get'm back:D
Margaret panicked as the gnats swarmed around her. When the swarm spread to Messaline and Eulalia the peasant and the slave took it in stride. This was not new to them having toiled in fields most of their lives. For the slave Eulalia it was a minor nuisance compared to when she was punished staked spread-eagle on an anthill. Margaret thrashed about as much as the sand would allow. She suddenly stopped and looked down. There she looked at Messaline and Eulalia and said “I think I came! Is that what it’s like to fuck?”

Messa and Eul looked at her in disbelief. Messa exclaimed “You’re a virgin!”

“Of course, all ladies in waiting are… or should be” Margaret replied. Eul demanded “Ok, you’re a virgin; but you really have never fucked?”

Messa shook her head and said “That is what being a virgin means!”

“Oh” Eul said. “No wonder you squealed like a stuck pig when they shoved that in you. Is that the first time you’ve come?”

“Oh, heavens no, I do know how to finger myself!”
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