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Other Forms Of Execution

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The Latin & Greek words for crucifixion (crucifixus & ἀνασταυρόω, respectively) could also mean impaled on a stake, rather then tied or nailed to one. The Roman don't seemed to have used impalement as a form of execution, at least during the Imperial period. A good thing too. Imagine the impact on Christianity: "And they took the Lord to Golgotha & shoved a sharp pole up his bung hole.". Or Thomas refusing to believe Jesus was resurected "unless thou showeth me the wound in thy ass". :p
But, I too like impalement. And so did Vlad Tepes a.k.a. Dracula, Drac to his friends - if he had any.


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....but then, the point of an execution is not how you would want to die...

All the same, Tree, by coincidence a friend of ours asked me only yesterday about my favourite Execution fantasies,​
this was my reply:​
My top ten ways of being executed are​
the Wheel (in various forms),​
roasting or other slow burning,​
slow tearing apart on the Rack or otherwise,​
beating to death,​
flaying alive,​
exposure (e.g. chained to a rock by the sea, or in a desert place),​
being slowly and painfully eaten (perhaps by rats or ants),​
and of course being fucked to death.​
Can the top ten (by the way was the list in order or just a random collection) use more than one method at a time?

Some examples:

You are slowly roasted while bound to the wheel

We wait until the tide begins to fall. You are place standing in a hole with your wrists and elbows tied behind your back. Even before we begin to fill the hole water begins to seep in. We shovel in the sand until you are buried up to the bottom of your busom. What looked like a pristine beach teams with ants and crabs that gnaw on your delicate flesh. You only have twenty one hours to die or go insane before the tide comes back to finish you...

Damn, there are some stories in all this...


PS I still called the "fucked to death" gig first!!!!
Can the top ten (by the way was the list in order or just a random collection) use more than one method at a time?

Some examples:

You are slowly roasted while bound to the wheel

We wait until the tide begins to fall. You are place standing in a hole with your wrists and elbows tied behind your back. Even before we begin to fill the hole water begins to seep in. We shovel in the sand until you are buried up to the bottom of your busom. What looked like a pristine beach teams with ants and crabs that gnaw on your delicate flesh. You only have twenty one hours to die or go insane before the tide comes back to finish you...

Damn, there are some stories in all this...


PS I still called the "fucked to death" gig first!!!!
They're not really in any order of preference, just the order I thought of them,​
and yes, I certainly have fantasies in which I'm beaten, flayed, impaled and roasted!​
And I always like your ideas, Tree -​
it seems a shame though to bury my legs and lower parts,​
aren't they the most enjoyable to torture (or watch being eaten)​
Where I am, we only have about 12'20 between tides,​
and as the mean range is around 30', I'd be drowned within a couple of hours of low water if I were buried like that,​
less than three hours if I were bound standing at a post​
as happened to our local martyr, Margaret Wilson, in 1685:​
Margaret Wilson statue.jpg WigtownMartyrs.jpg martyrofsolwayxray.jpg
Where I am, we only have about 12'20 between tides,
and as the mean range is around 30'.
I went to sleep thinking this through​
(it's one for Melissa!)​
Given the above, and the facts that​
I (and presumably Margaret) would need to be tied to a stake to drown where the depth at high water is > 5'6",​
and the gradient of the shore in Wigtown Bay (being an estuary) is quite shallow, say 10%,​
(i) how far out on the shore, below the high-water mark, would the stake need to stand?​
(ii) if high tide were, say, at midday, at what time could I be taken out and tied to the stake?​
(iii) and how long would it be before I drowned?​
My very rough calculations, coupled with knowledge of the location, give the answers:​
(i) at least 500 yards​
(ii) about 4.00 p.m.​
(iii) a bit more than four hours​
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