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Other Forms Of Execution

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A judge with a revolver in one hand and another tucked into his belt may not strike the average young woman dragged before him for some trumped up and trivial charge ... such as sabotaging the CruxForums site ... as a picture of judicial fairness.
A judge with a revolver in one hand and another tucked into his belt may not strike the average young woman dragged before him for some trumped up and trivial charge ... such as sabotaging the CruxForums site ... as a picture of judicial fairness.
another crash?
Thanks for the vote of confidence, mister impartiality.

I used to have a sure fire defence...

RR defending Attorney at Arms: This girl requests an exemption to the law under which she is charged.

Judge the Wise, Honourable and Completely Fair, Vice Admiral of the VOC, Professor Emeritus of Red Headed Studies at Virgin Martyrs etc etc Admi Hoek : Why?

RR: Because if you don't an army of fanatical squirrels will burn your house down.

Admi: Excellent argument, the girl can go free...

Tree: Hey wait, I still get paid for this right?

So in order to put a stop to that and improve the crime statistics which were measured at the time in terms of conviction rates rather than crimes actually committed RR was hired as the town Prosecutor and the rest is a mystery...
Here are some contributions to this excellent thread.
This is a hanging game where you pick from a bowl and try not to get the black ball. If you draw the black ball you hang, nude of course. This is a fun game for a group of women, better than a night on the town.

1.JPG 2.JPG 3.JPG 4.JPG 5.JPG 6.JPG 7.JPG 8.JPG 9.JPG 10.JPG
Some burning at the stake:

IMG_8973.JPG IMG_8974.JPG IMG_8975.JPG IMG_8976.JPG IMG_8977.JPG IMG_8978.JPG IMG_8979.JPG

IMG_2276.JPG Witching Hour.jpg IMG_8930.JPG


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Exactly what I was thinking Eulalia when I first saw this picture. She should be nude you would think.
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