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Other Forms Of Execution

Go to CruxDreams.com
I try to run to this thread, but 314 pages are too much for a shorts overview. But i saw, that there are some crazy freaks here but - I LOVE YOUR PHANTASIES. the question is, if the executions have the same magic, if they are played for Real because you have to stop before the last step.....
I try to run to this thread, but 314 pages are too much for a shorts overview. But i saw, that there are some crazy freaks here but - I LOVE YOUR PHANTASIES. the question is, if the executions have the same magic, if they are played for Real because you have to stop before the last step.....
Crazy freaks? All present and accounted for, Sah!
I have fantasies of being beheaded,, crucified, and being sawn in half (that was a form a execution back in the day).cease after
Fantasy thoughts cease after just one of those being administered, in fact any thoughts do, Rest in peace or in pieces...... ;)
Absolutely, and i have many ideas. But its your phantasie, so..... ;-)

Actually for me as a submissive (and for all the submissives I know) it is ALL about the Dominant not about us.

How did a friend of mine put it "I draw the outline (meaning limits) and he gets to color inside those lines anything he wants."

Our satisfaction comes from serving, from pleasing the Dominant, from knowing they are pleased and getting what they want ... THAT is our fantasy.

Any submissive who tries to 'back lead' (meaning tries to control the play) isn't a submissive at all ... and no really Dominant Dom (or Domme) would accept that.

I won't go into all the flaws of current sexual politics in America but the concept that a man has to make sure the woman he is with is "satisfied" is about the most misogynistic concept ever invented. If a woman doesn't have enough backbone to get what she wants out of sex she and makes sure she is "satisfied" she needs to join a convent.

Just because you are submissive it doesn't mean you are a doormat.


In my fantasy world, I can be executed as many times as I want.
Indeed you can, that is the wonderful thing about our fantasises, if you can think it you can be it, live it, or in your case die and then return to the land of the living.

Although as the saying goes "Live everyday as if it were your last, and one day you will be right"
In fact, for me as a submissive (and for all submissives I know), it's ONLY about the Dominant and not about us.

As a friend of mine put it, "I draw the outlines (i.e. the boundaries) and he gets to color in whatever he wants within those lines."

Our satisfaction comes from serving, from pleasing the Dominant, from knowing that he likes it and that we get what he wants... THAT is our fantasy.

Any submissive who tries to take the lead (which means controlling the game) is not a submissive at all... and no truly dominant Dom (or Domme) would accept that.

I won't go into all the flaws of current sexual policy in America, but the concept that a man has to make sure the woman he's with is "satisfied" is arguably the most misogynistic concept ever invented. If a woman doesn't have enough backbone to get what she wants during sex and make sure she is "satisfied," she should go to a monastery.

Just because you're submissive doesn't mean you're a doormat.


Willow Fall
That is absolutely true and I would not accept a sub who tries to plan her own storybook. She has her limits and her preferences, but I decide what we do, when we do it, for how long and where.

I think you are a straight woman with clear opinions. I like that.

but if you dream your dreams , you decide what happens. That is what I mean.
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