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Other Forms Of Execution

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The revenge

The Emperor's eyes blazed with seething rage as he beheld his adulterous wife Agripina, stripped bare and kneeling before the slave Borkos. After discovering that she was cheating him with the nubian slave, he carefully planned his vengeance. Now, his venomous gaze raked over her trembling form, relishing every detail of her exposed vulnerability. With a sneer, he hurled a cascade of insults at the faithless Empress, his voice dripping with scorn for her treachery.


Then, he orders Borkos to execute the cruel punishment. The slave, showing no mercy for her lover, place the knife beneath her left lucious breast, and while looking at her trembling eyes, he severed completely Agripina's breast in a gruesome, spurting stroke. The Empress's agonized scream echoed through the palace chambers as blood gushed from the wound, painting the marble floor with crimson.

The Emperor seized the knife from his slave's grasp, plunging it with ruthless precision into Agripina's throat. Her convulsing body revolved on the floor under the Emperor's gaze and slowly went limp, still twitching a few times as her soul descend into the darkness.

The once regal Empress Agripina lay motionless, her glassy eyes staring at the ceiling as a river of blood poured from her slashed throat. The Emperor's boot nudged her body aside, the carcass abandoned to the slavering hounds that soon descended upon their former mistress. Snarls and snapping filled the air as the pack tore into Agripina's broken body, feasting on her bloody remains.

Days later, Borkos awaited his own fate in the grand arena, chained between two massive lions. The beasts' eyes gleamed with hunger as they circled their prey, saliva dripping from jaws grown accustomed to carnage. With a crack of whips, the lions attacked, burying their claws and fangs deep into the slave's struggling form. Borkos screamed as his limbs were shredded, his blood soaking the sandy arena floor.

In the end, only ribcages and tattered scraps of clothing remained, the lions' hunger and Emperor's vengeance finally sated
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The naked woman knelt before the imposing figure, her pale skin glistening with sweat in the warm light. She trembled as he approached, his muscular frame exuding an aura of raw power. Without hesitation, he plunged the dagger into her soft flesh, piercing her heart just below her left breast. A pained cry escaped her lips as the blade slid deeper, her back arching involuntarily.


He held her close as she gasped and choked, her lifeblood pouring from the grievous wound. The pain in her chest radiated outward, spreading through her limbs until everything went numb. The man watched with cruel satisfaction as the light faded from her eyes, a triumphant grin twisting his features.

With a final rattling breath, the woman collapsed, her body going limp in his grasp. He released her and stood, admiring his work with proud. Her blood pooled around her in a growing lake, mixing with the puddles already
Steph knelt trembling before the man, tears streaking her pale cheeks as she awaited her gruesome fate. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back to expose her quivering throat.


She let out a whimper as he pressed the tip of his sword against the delicate skin, a shiver running through her body. With a swift thrust, he buried the blade in her soft belly, groaning as it slid out of her back. Agony contorted her face as she felt the searing pain ripping through her.

Blood began to spill from the gaping wound, pooling in her stomach and running down her trembling thighs. The man savored her suffering, his breathing heavy with anticipation as she squirmed beneath his grasp. Her screams turned to sickening gurgles as the blade nicked something vital inside, making her convulse uncontrollably. He roughly gripped her hair again, forcing her to meet his leering gaze.

The man's eyes gleamed with perverse delight as the Steph's life ebbed away, her body writhing in his iron grip. With a cruel twist of his wrist, he increased the pressure on the sword, prolonging her torment. Blood erupted from her mouth, splattering across his chest as she choked on her own fluids, her vision fading to darkness.

The man grunted, his own arousal building at the sight of her anguish. His fingers tightened in her hair, nearly yanking out a clump as he pulled her head back at an excruciating angle. Her eyes rolled back in her skull, glassy and unfocused, as the last vestiges of her consciousness slipped away. Finally, a rattling sigh escaped her lips and she stilled, death claiming her tortured form...

With steph2000 as the sacrificed victim...

The noise of the arena is deafening above me as I await to be sent to my certain death. I am resigned to my fate and can only hope it will be quick when it happens. My 24 years on this earth have had little joy as the marks from the whip on my body attest. My slim malnourished body will be no match for the giant gladiator I am about to be sent to face. My name is Steph and I was taken as a slave from my home when I was but 18. Snatched with the other girls from my village to be enslaved and taken away from my home forever. The first day I was taken they stripped us bare and attached collars around our necks with rings for chains to prevent our escape. The journey by slave ship to this hell of a country broke our young spirits. Any of us who had spirit in our hearts had it whipped out of us as the marks on my back reveal. I was put into service in a cruel house with a Master who visited my place of sleep regularly. The first time he raped me I swore I would see my revenge. It took a long time to pluck up the courage to poison his food but poison it I did, it took him days to die his painful death. I would have been crucified but for the fact that these games are to take place and I was instead condemned to death in the arena. At least I escaped the cross. A guard sticks a spear in my hand and tells me to go and fight and give entertainment to the crowd. I think of attacking him but a cruel lash of a soldiers whip across my legs and hips changes my mind. I turn and walk up to the entrance of the arena. My naked body glistening with sweat I face the huge gladiator and hear the roar of the crowd and the sand beneath my bare feet. Soon my blood will stain this sand.
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