" garlic powder and.....AAAARGHHHHHHHhhhhhh (dies) "
you're dying for a very long time ))" garlic powder and.....AAAARGHHHHHHHhhhhhh (dies) "
Quick, kill the cunt before the secret…never mind." garlic powder and.....AAAARGHHHHHHHhhhhhh (dies) "
I think, i know where..... hahahaJa, aber in meinem gewaltsamen Sterben würde ich lieber woanders geleckt werden
I've been crucified by Markus ... I found where and it was here :I dunno, I just hope he is alive and well, enjoying life and doing what he likes.
But hey, if he would enjoy also posting more pictures and stories here, I would even more happy!
Well... who wouldn't?
I mean, in Markus's fiction, being executed on the cross seems like the ultimate pleasure.
That is a fun, nice and comforting fantasy: if dying crucified actually were like in his comics, I would totally consider ending my life like that.
Too bad the reality is always worse than imagination.
Really, Markus, this is an appeal from a fan, me:
Ed ora... un appello da parte di un fan affezionatissimo!
Marco, sei senza dubbio il miglior fumettista che abbia mai raffigurato così tante esecuzioni tramite crocifissione.
Per favore... torna da noi!
Se hai altre storie disegnate da mostrarci, saremmo tutti felicissimi se le condividessi con noi come hai già fatto in passato.
E se non ne hai altre, non importa: tu hai fatto un lavoro immenso di disegno che nessuno ha mai eguagliato per quantità e qualità (ho provato a disegnare qualcosa anch'io, e so bene quanto tempo porti via anche solo disegnare mezza vignetta!), almeno condividi con noi le tue fantasie ed i tuoi pensieri, e per piacere rassicuraci che stai bene.
Ciao carissimo, ti auguro tutto il bene del mondo.
Me tooI want to die on the Cross like one of Markus's stories.
don't forget about me! Marcus was a big fan of mass crucifixions! We will feel good together on our crosses!Me too
Oh, Prinzessin has her own golden or pink?Ich bringe mein eigenes mit
Short? No, i wanna See you dying in a long way. Screaming, crying, .....Schmutziges Metall.
Und ein langes, scharfes Horn, um meine Eingeweide aufzuschneiden, damit ich einen halben Liter Blut erbrechen kann, damit mein Tod kurz, sexy und schrecklich ist, genau wie ich
You get a diaper from me. "Kiss"Schreien, Weinen, Leiden und Ersticken und sehr nass
OH god, no and never. But if you are wet....Kein Kot...
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