i never heard that of America, i'm from the Philippines
yeah, if you ask our media or Hollywood, all Christians are Catholics and all Catholics are Evangelicals. it's really annoying that we're always portrayed that way.
i never heard that of America, i'm from the Philippines
It was a joke silly!
Yes, this is a ploy to smoke out responses from the majority of our 155 members who don't post.
It's also a semi-scientific way to find out what percentage of people with this fetish were raised in a faith whose central image is a vaguely effeminate, mostly naked guy hanging from a cross.
You need only answer yes or no. Further comments are at your discretion.
My answer: Yes. Attended parochial school until 9th grade to boot.
Indeed, we free (wo-)men never can ignore our psychological past, even a radical turn or switch into another direction lets carry away your earlier life-experience. Tragic of life, not so free as we think or will be... Physically we possess or heritable genes.So hard to ignore twelve years of guilt indoctrination.
Sorry I'm ten years late. I had a catholic parent and although I was brought up free church I was occasionally taken to a catholic service. I will admit that when I see a crucifix I do get a little twinge - bigger if it were a female martyr. Now I am quite happy to be an unbeliever.If this site has a proper poll feature, I wish I could find it. A running bar graph would be useful.
In any case, so far one yes, three no.
Seeing the high altar in some churches makes me want to clear away all the artefacts and replace them with a naked virgin draped in gossamer strips which hardly hide anything.
Dammit - think I'm on the wrong site. - lol
Seeing the high altar in some churches makes me want to clear away all the artefacts and replace them with a naked virgin draped in gossamer strips which hardly hide anything.
Dammit - think I'm on the wrong site. - lol
Sugar - that is one hell of a graphic image involving a whole load of emotionsThat's pretty much how I imagine myself when I attend a Mass or Eucharist -
being led up the aisle at the Offertory, handed over to the priest,
taken to the altar and laid there, made ready,
lying there during the Preface, Sanctus, Benedictus,
then during the Consecration the priest raises a knife, shows it to the congregation,
then plunges it in me. After that he fills the cup with my blood, holds that up,
invites the faithful to come and drink...
Because of my interest in medieval literature - much of which was of course written, and copied out, in monasteries,
I've tried to get some idea of life in present-day monasteries - obviously not easy for a woman to do!
My impression is that Benedictine and Cistercian monasteries in Britain tend to try to recreate the ambience of mediaeval ones -
in their architecture, furnishings, decoration (or lack of it), etc. - Metten looks quite palatial by comparison!
Yes, I admire his writing, and that quote expresses just what meditative silence and solitude mean to me.
Very good that you did what you thought, I never made the step for a retraîte. You have splendid capacities and willpower!That looks a lovely place! I've stayed in the womens' guest house of a monastery in Britain - interesting, indeed quite a powerful experience, especially attending the Night Office - but again, more simple, indeed spartan, than your Bavarian ones seem to be!