Very thoughtful responses in this thread! As other shave stated I'm sure it plays out differently for different people, but I agree with PhilX that there is likely a common sexual element. Except for a pure masochist (which I am not) it's hard to imagine anyone volunteering to actually be crucified for no reason... clearly a horrible death exceeding any physical limits we would sign up for; plus it suggests having no reason to live - suicide! I suppose there is also the question of victim vs. witness...for example I find images of crucified women much more interesting and erotic than those of crucified men, yet the fantasy of myself on the cross is always appealing - not in the middle of the day at work or play, but in more private moments when the mood is right.
To Phil's list I would add the notion of surrender - the freedom in having nothing left to lose (Joplin). No need to be or to care for anything or anyone else..
...and I suppose, for most at least, this is all just recreation! Takes the mind off the myriad cares and demands of life for a while.
There are great philosophical ideas in yours and Phil's argumentation and if I consider my own inspiration or fetish to the crux I will find from the read above several points of view that concern to me and affect me very intensive.
Jeshua will be the most famous victim of the torture of crucifixion, however I can't get 6000 slaves out of my mind being crucified in 72 bc along via Appia or about thousand Jewish slaves during the Roman Jewish war. Or remember the 16 christian woman of Armenia being crucified in the last century... and and and...
It may be crazy but there is a strange feeling for me to be one this slaves or victims, to share their history and their destiny or fate, to be a part of them with their pain and struggling and wristling... all of them left a deep impression to me
It may be, no: it is a hard death but it is a heroical bondage and sacrificial fighting on the cross till the end... and much much more.