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Prince Shevak And The Dark Princess

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Barbaria shifted her weight, attempting to find a position in which the pain was at least bearable. Was it possible to distribute her weight evenly, so all four nails took a quarter of her weight? After a period of experimenting, which the watching Sciuridan found highly entertaining, she gave it up.

Low frustration tolerance:rolleyes:

Crucifixion. How could this have happened to her? She, Barbaria, Queen of Ystragarth, was hanging here, nude, crucified, like a slave.

Oh how the mighty have fallen .... well, I thought it was a good line:cool:

Arms are not designed to support the weight of a body for prolonged periods, and having her arms forced and held up above her head at this awful 60o angle meant that her shoulders were now adding to the cacophony of agony that she was enduring.

Love that word "cacophony"...has a nice ring to it don't you think?:)

Then, as her bare flesh, inflamed by the sun and Sciuridan’s whip, rubbed up against the rough wood of the cross, more nerves sent yet more unwelcome messages of pain into her already overloaded brain.

And her brain was so loaded it nearly exploded, the poor girl would shake with alarm...(it's a good line; came from somewhere I know?):eek:

Barbaria had no choice but to "roar" in pain.

Help me Leo, please?

Usually when she had cramp, she cured it by putting weight on the limb

Standing with your foot bare on a cold floor will usually do it:cool:

She’d known loyalty, now even Shevak had betrayed her.

Ingrate! And after I dubbed him "silver tongue" too:mad:

and foul men such as Sciuridan were able to watch her breasts trembling from the exertion of breathing.

Hey, watch it! Look the other way, will ya?:p

And yet the knowledge that she was nude and being watched by all these people did give rise to erotic feelings, and that was about the only source of comfort that she had.

Small comfort that:rolleyes:

Bloody Sciuridan was sitting there, loving every moment. And she, queen of Ystragarth, was helpless before him.

Oh, I do hate that Sciuridan so!!!!!!!!

So Barbaria hung upon her cross, and cried.

Low frustration tolerance:rolleyes:

Oh how the mighty have fallen .... well, I thought it was a good line:cool:

Love that word "cacophony"...has a nice ring to it don't you think?:)

And her brain was so loaded it nearly exploded, the poor girl would shake with alarm...(it's a good line; came from somewhere I know?):eek:

Help me Leo, please?

Standing with your foot bare on a cold floor will usually do it:cool:

Ingrate! And after I dubbed him "silver tongue" too:mad:

Hey, watch it! Look the other way, will ya?:p

Small comfort that:rolleyes:

Oh, I do hate that Sciuridan so!!!!!!!!

Just about sums up my favorite parts as well Barb!:D
Three days...I discovered the Other Forms of Execution thread on a Tuesday while researching an idea for a story...joined on Thursday. People have been regretting that ever since :devil:

Commonly known on the site as furry Thursday.:p

index.jpg ... notice how alert and intelligent he looks!;)
Awww, bless you, Cx, thank you!

I must, at this point, mention Jedakk.

Of all people, he really 'got' the experience of crux with nails, and the description of Barb pushing herself up for air owes much to his Poser video of Sabina, I'll see if I can find a link.
no problem here are some

!8.35 amMod.jpg 1 Sabina S4 PM IDL test 6 Pose 2 Lt Front Frame 1601.jpg 6 Sabina S4 PM IDL test 6 Lt Front Frame 1623.jpg 7 Sabina S4 PM IDL test 6 Lower Front Frame 1683.jpg 8 Sabina S4 PM IDL test 6 Lower Lt Front Frame 1683.jpg
Oh and a link is in our archives alas too big for the forum the first ........................eeuuuhh
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