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Public Executions In The Arena

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Parasheva (not to be confused with Parasceva of Ikonium) was born in Rome but was the daughter of the Greeks Agathon and Polytheia, Christians. Having become an itinerant preacher, Parasheva reached Greece. In the vicinity of Tessalonica she was arrested by pagans, taken to the Roman governor Tarasius and interrogated directly by him. Tarasius believed Parasceva to be a witch and ordered her to be placed on a cross and whipped for a long time until she agreed to sacrifice to the gods or he would condemn her to death. The soldiers carried out his order and added more torture, but to no avail: Parasceva would not bend. When the governor saw her resolve, he had her thrown into prison where she was nailed by the hands and feet, while a heavy stone was placed on her chest. The following day Parasheva was beheaded.

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Gabrieleknight: Apart from the lovely ladies getting tortured, I always look at the spectators on your arena scenes.
On your last images they look perfect. I love them laughing, mocking and cheering at the poor victims! Even looking directly at them! Amazing!
Thank you very much for sharing with us your awesome art!
I personally like the condemned women being tortured while they are crucified. As a promoter for the arena's events, Tree knows you can sell tickets for the first day of her crucifixion but most won't by tickets for day 2.

@MICHELE PATRI knows it is more profitable to kill her on day 1 than pay a crew to come clean up after the second day...

Agatha was a Christian virgin living in Catania, Sicily, at about 250 AD. When Emperor Decius tried to suppress the Christians by his edicts, a magistrate of Agatha's hometown who knew about her religion tried to blackmail her into granting him sexual favours. She refused, so was arrested and sent to a brothel for “education”; but she refused to serve the customers. Finally she was handed over to the torturers. She was flogged, tortured with irono hooks and torches, her breasts were crushed with tongs and then cut off, and finally she was rolled naked over hot coals and sharp potshards. She died from her wounds some hours later.

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