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Public Executions In The Arena

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Margareta earned her living as a shepherd. When she refused the advances of the Roman prefect Olybrius, who had been smitten by her beauty, that man arrested her as a Christian. In her prison cell she had a vision of the devil attacking her in the shape of a dragon and trying to devour her; but the evil beast was forced to spit her out when the girl did not let go of the cross that she was wearing on her necklace (other version: It swallowed her, but its stomach burst, so that she could get out). During the following days the authorities tortured the girl cruelly by immersing her in hot water or by suspending her naked from her wrists and torturing her with iron combs and singeing her with torches, but could not make her renounce her faith. Finally Margareta was beheaded, presumably in the year 307.

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Кай отступил назад, чтобы посмотреть на задание, которое он только что выполнил. Он был вполне удовлетворен. Молодая светловолосая христианка идеально сидела на своем кресте. У него было только два сожаления: не он был тем, кто выпорол ее; Руфусу дали это задание. Он бы справился с работой лучше. Руфус устроил ей хорошую, но всего лишь обычную взбучку. Он, Кайус, нарисовал бы длинные изогнутые рубцы на ее полных сиськах и извилистые линии боли над и на ее сочных половых губках. И плотники не добавили cornu к шаблонам. Он бы предпочел схватить ее чувственные ягодицы обеими руками, сжимая ее ягодичную плоть, когда он насаживал либо ее влагалище, либо дырочку в заднице на острие устройства. Ну что ж.

Ее громкие крики прекратились, сменившись рыданиями и хныканьем. Пока он прибивал гвоздями ее запястья и ступни, ее дикие, пронзительные вопли эхом разносились по арене, явно радуя толпу, которая одобрительно кричала и свистела.

Она была сильной девушкой, перенесшей порку и распятие, не упав в обморок, как многие другие девушки на арене сегодня. Она была симпатичным созданием, украшавшим арену. Возможно, магистрат оставил бы ее в живых, снял бы с креста и отправил в публичный бордель. Или участь похуже: закованный в цепи галерный раб, приговоренный к каторжным работам под кнутом или разбиванию камней на серебряном руднике.

“Кай”, - крикнул Руфус. “Возьми грабли и иди сюда. Нам нужно разобраться с еще одной девушкой-христианкой”.
Yes, the steadfastness of Christian martyrs can be admired for a very long time! But perhaps the most courageous of all the martyrs was Saint Photinia, tortured by Nero. Few people know that Fotinia took the skin off her chest on her own and threw it in Nero's face! It seems that even the male martyrs did not have such courage!!!
But this tradition is preserved only by the Old Believer book "Prologue", written (March 2). in Church Slavonic. =

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Yes, the steadfastness of Christian martyrs can be admired for a very long time! But perhaps the most courageous of all the martyrs was Saint Photinia, tortured by Nero. Few people know that Fotinia took the skin off her chest on her own and threw it in Nero's face! It seems that even the male martyrs did not have such courage!!!
But this tradition is preserved only by the Old Believer book "Prologue", written (March 2). in Church Slavonic. =

View attachment 1501680
Old Church Slavonic! Now we've had plenty of fascinating languages on the Forums, ancient and modern, but I'm sure this is the first time we've had a specimen of OCS! :D
(But please note my message about 5 images per day, <400KB, and inserted as thumbnails not full-size)

According to her hagiography, Catherine was a princess and a noted scholar who became a Christian around the age of 14, converted hundreds of people to Christianity and was martyred around the age of 18-19.
The emperor gave orders to subject the young woman to terrible tortures and then throw her in prison. During the confinement she was fed daily by a dove from heaven and Christ also visited her, encouraging her to fight bravely, and promised her the crown of everlasting glory. During her imprisonment more than 200 people came to see her, including Maxentius' wife, Valeria Maximilla; all converted to Christianity and were subsequently martyred. Upon the failure of Maxentius to make Catherine yield through torture, he tried to win the beautiful and wise girl over by proposing marriage. Catherine refused, declaring that her spouse was Jesus Christ, to whom she had consecrated her virginity.
The furious emperor condemned Catherine to death on a spiked breaking wheel, but, at her touch, it shattered. Maxentius ordered her to be cruelly whipped and finally beheaded.

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Lucia was a daughter of a wealthy pagan Roman family. She had become a Christian, but concealed this from her friends and relatives. Her family had promised her in marriage to a pagan man, but Lucia managed to delay this marriage for three years. Then her mother fell ill. Lucia visited with her the grave of Agatha and there received a vision, in which Agatha foretold the healing of the mother, but martyrdom for Lucia. The mother was indeed healed and became a Christian.
Having won her mother's support, Lucia called off the dreaded marriage and began to distribute her dowry among the poor. The rejected bridegroom denounced her as a Christian.
The judge Paschasius, who had to decide Lucia's fate, sentenced her to forced prostitution in a brothel, in order “to set her mind right”. But neither his guards nor a team of oxen were able move her there. She was then subjected to various tortures, but could not be made to renounce her faith. Paschasius, infuriated by her obstinacy, ordered her burned alive, but the flames did not seem to touch her. Finally she was stabbed with a dagger or a spear.

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Firmina belonged to a high-ranking family. His father, Calpurnius, was prefect of Urbe (praefectus Urbis). Although he was able to live comfortably, he decided to leave his family to retire to prayer near the city of Amelia. For love of the Christian faith he suffered martyrdom during the rule of Diocletian.
In 303 Firmina was arrested. Her judge was a cruel and arrogant man who let her be tortured to make her renounce her faith. But she remained steadfast, and in the end the judge gave up and had her beheaded.

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Leocadia of Toletanum (today Toledo, Spain) was a Spanish saint martyred in 304, during Diocletian's persecutions. There is no doubt about the historicity of her martyrdom, while the date of 9 December for her commemoration is obviously based on the tradition of the Church of Toledo. More recently written acts report, through the martyrdom of Saint Eulalia, that Leocadia longed for martyrdom'. By order of the prefect Dacianus, described in the martyrology as the fiercest persecutor of Christians in Spain, she was captured and cruelly tortured to make her renounce her Christian faith, but she remained steadfast in her belief, so she was sent back to prison, where she died as a result of the torture she endured.

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Margareta was the daughter of a pagan priest in Antiochia (Asia Minor) who became a Christian and earned her living as a shepherd. When she refused the advances of the Roman prefect Olybrius, she was arrested as a Christian. In her prison cell she had a vision of the devil attacking her in the shape of a dragon and trying to devour her; but the evil beast was forced to spit her out. During the following days the authorities tortured the girl cruelly by immersing her in hot water or by suspending her naked from her wrists and scourging her or singeing her with torches, but could not make her renounce her faith. Finally Margareta was beheaded, presumably in the year 307.

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Benedicta of Sens († 273 or 277) is a martyr in the time of Aurelian.
She was born in Spain. During the persecution of Christians, she left the country and went to Sens in Gaul (present-day department of Yonne )
Here too there was persecution and Benedicts soon suffered death as a martyr for her faith. According to the tradition, she was crucified and tortured.

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Blandina was part of the group of martyrs of Lyons who, after some of them had undergone appalling torture, suffered martyrdom in 177 in the reign of Marcus Aurelius. She was a slave who had been taken into custody together with her master, also a Christian. The legate had received instructions from Marcus Aurelius that Roman citizens who persisted in the faith were to be executed by beheading, but those without citizenship were to be tortured. Blandina was therefore subjected to further torture with a number of companions in the city's amphitheatre. She was tied to a pole and exposed to the beasts, which, however, according to legend, did not touch her. After enduring this for a number of days, she was taken to the arena to see the suffering of her companions. Finally she was scourged, placed on a red-hot grid, enclosed in a net and thrown in front of an enraged bull that threw her into the air with its horns, and finally she was killed with a dagger.

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