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Rebecca and The Bloody Codes

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Chapter 49 Rebecca Hanged

Jacob Stretch took up all the slack from the rope, pulling Rebecca up on the balls of her feet. He used a tumble hitch to secure the rope tightly on the beam, together with a quick release for removing the body later.

“All’s ready, Mr. Breaker. Whenever you pleases.”

Fighting like mad men, William, Howard, and Tommy came up through the press of humanity. They broke out at last to face the line of pike-wielding guards and beyond, Rebecca, nearly naked, standing in the cart, stretched on her toes, the noose tight around her neck.

“Cut her down!” yelled William. “I have new evidence, she’s innocent!”

“No matter to us,” said the captain of the guard. Pointing over to the bleachers, he said, “If you got an issue, take it up with the judge.”

“Thank you, Mr. Stretch,” said Breaker with a nod. “It’s a pleasure working with you as always.” He turned to Rebecca and said, “One last chance for me to tip the velvet,” and kissed her on the mouth, sticking his tongue in deep while slipping his hand under her loincloth and shoving two fingers in her cunt. The crowd cheered as he abused her. Pulling away, he drew from her a cry with a final act of cruelty, pinching her burned nipple. Then he left her standing, stretched and alone, and went and sat by the driver.

The three men rushed over to the bleachers and William confronted Sir Francis.

“Justice Page, you must order Rebecca cut down at once.”

“I must do nothing of the sort, young man. Who are you to intercede here?”

“I’m her cousin, William Dodge. She was accused of planning to burglarize my place and for vagrancy, but I’d invited her and she had a job with me. I’ll stand her bail on those silly theft charges.”

“Ahead,” instructed Allen. “As slow as you can, man, let her feel her feet slipping away.”

The driver called to the ox and the cart eased smoothly ahead. Rebecca, dragged by the noose, walked on tip-toe toward the back of the cart.

Looking over his shoulder at Rebecca, William saw the cart start to move. In a moment, it would be out from under her, William urgently appealed to the judge. “She’s innocent I tell you! This is wrong!”

Sir Francis glanced at Sir Elliott who gave a slight negative nod.

“Sorry, Mr. Dodge. You do not understand the law. It’s too late, for her case it is sealed. Her sentence is passed and it cannot be repealed.”

“Don’t be a Lobcock!” interjected Howard Todd. “You can save her if you wishes.”

Sir Francis’ face did freeze. “Could you leave my presence now, please?"

William had noted the deference that the judge gave to Sir Elliott. Turning to him, he renewed his pleas. “Sir, have mercy, don’t let her die like that. Say the word to save her!”

“That I will not do,” said Grabbe with a note of finality, pointing to Rebecca.

Rebecca tried as she could to stay on the cart, but it moved away and she stepped, reluctantly towards the back. Then, so lightly, off into thin air.

The girl’s drop was barely detectable. Just an inch, as the rope gave a groan, stretching almost imperceptibly. This was what had been meant by a “gentle” hanging. Her weight would tighten the noose gradually so that her time hanging before unconsciousness and death would be maximized.

Rebecca felt the noose cinch in her neck and her breath became very difficult. Instinctively her legs kicked to find a place to stand, the violent motion dislodging the hip cloth and leaving her totally naked. Her continued struggles, pumping her hips and shaking her breasts, counterfeited sexual passion and further inflamed the watching men. The jeering crowd around her applauded the obscene display, with many comments on her red bush. Rebecca’s world contracted to the scene just in front of her and the pain in her neck and lungs, fighting for breath and for life. She was too young to die!

William, Howard, and Tommy looked back at poor Rebecca, hanging from the rope. Her face turned pink, her body trembling with spasms, her legs still kicking. Her slow torturous death was just beginning. Howard and William swore in anger. Tommy fell to his knees and wept, dreading how he would return to Dartford to whisper the deat to his family.

Tip the velvet - French-kiss
Lobcock - large relaxed penis, also a dull inanimate fellow.
As the Yuletide begins tomorrow, the story ends here. I could not have the sorrowful fate of Rebecca drag into the

Chapter 50 The End

All attention in the square was focused on the pretty, naked hanging girl. Lust and cruelty mixed to excite the onlookers. Unnoticed, a footman hurried up to Sir Francis and handed him a note, saying, “Sent post haste from Leicester House, Sir.” Page read it quickly and passed it to Sir Elliott. He read the note and looked at Page. The judge nodded and Grabbe rose to his feet.

“Mr. Stretch, Mr. Breaker, cut her down, now.”

Having been well rewarded in the past for instantly obeying Grabbe’s commands, Stretch began pulled the release line of the hitch while Breaker moved the cart back under the girl and went to hold her up and relieve the strain on her neck. Stretch popped the release and Breaker laid her on the cart floor. As he removed the noose, there was no reaction from Rebecca. Her three friends rushed to the cart. As they climbed in, the young woman began coughing and choking uncontrollably.

“She’s alive!” exclaimed Tommy, hugging his sister.

Sir Elliott sat back down. Wharton turned to him, “A sudden feeling of pity, Sir Elliott? Kindly sentimentality? The sweet innocence of young Rebecca won you over? I dinna know you had it in you.”

“Not by my choice. Blame Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Her tender heart rebelled at the thought of this ‘innocent flower,’ as she put it, dying unjustly. It seems she went, this very morning, to her friend, Princess Caroline, who had met Rebecca and was similarly impressed by her youth and innocence. The Princess in turn, spoke to the Prince, who, as we all know, can deny her nothing. And so, he wrote to the judge and me to spare the wench. He assures us, she will not tell any tales. While George had no legal power to force us to act, when a man will be king in a few years, it is hard to deny him anything.” Sir Elliott let out a sigh.

“Understandable,” said the Duke. “Though her death would have been very ‘stimulating.’ Will canceling it cost you?”

“Deep in the purse, I fear. I’ll need to refund my clients here some of their fee for the bleacher. Though they did get some amusement. Does half sound fair?”

“Eminently” concurred the Duke.

“Besides, I was just informed this morning that a fetching girl, very young, flaxen haired, has been arrested in Haymarket for theft. No Rebecca, probably, but a Prime Article, nonetheless. I must go. There’s good money to be made!”

With the hanging aborted, the crowd began to disperse. One man was heard saying to another, “Damn me this is a damn’d hanging. Prithee, let’s to a whore, Jack.” This pretty much summarized the feeling of the crowd.

Christmas, London, 1727

It was a festive time at #27 St. Andrews Lane, St. Giles. The family was gathered to celebrate the Yuletide. Mr. and Mrs. Dodge along with their two young children were delighted to entertain Mrs. Dodge’s mother and siblings.

Just before the dinner was ready, a knock came on the front door and Mr. Dodge went to answer.

An angry voice came from the hall. “What trouble are you making here, Watchman? You'll not be coming in my house!”

A second man spoke a retort. “I’ve heard yous been wapping your little wife, I have.”

“What’s it to you if I have." countered the first. "She’s a wagtail.”

“That’ll do it! I’m roasting you for sure. Then I’ll have the little flower for my own.”

“I’m not allowing a beard-splitter like you near my wife. Anyways, you aren’t man enough to handle her!”

“Villiam, Howard! Wut acting-about! Come in afore old Mr. Nose calls the bailiff on yan. Yan both give me the willies. Me mither and the young 'uns heerd yan.”

Mr. Dodge returned to the dining room with Howard Todd, the two affectionately arm-and-arm. It had been a running joke for years that Todd believed Dodge wasn’t good enough for his wife and he, Todd, would someday take her away. In truth, they were the best of friends, Todd was godfather to the children, and loved them like they were his own.

Mrs. Dodge ran up to Howard, jumped into his arms and gave him a kiss on the lips. “Don’t ya listen to ma mate. Ya’s welcome here as a hoden horse!”

“Hold there, wife,” objected Mr. Dodge. “Don’t go giving all your love to the likes of him. How about your husband?”

“Hush, Villiam Dodge,” said his wife. “Ya knows I loves ya terrible grandly!”

Later, the large group gathered around the Christmas meal. Mrs. Dodge looked around and gave God her heartfelt thanks for her blessed life.

William raised his glass and made the loyal toast, “Our new King, George II.” All drank his health. Then Rebecca Dodge added, “Queen Caroline!” and all approved.

Wap, to - meant to copulate or to strike, resulting in a lewd double meaning to the accusation.
Wagtail - a lewd woman.
Beard splitter - a ladies’ man or a man adept at wenching.
Wut - stop, Word of command to a cart-horse, Kentish
Act-about - to play the fool, skylarking, Kentish
Afore - before.
Willies, to give the - phrase, to exasperate, Kentish
Mate – husband, companion
Hoden horse - (also hooden or ooden) a hobby horse carried by a man under a sackcloth. A Kentish tradition at Yuletide, similar to wassailing.
Grandly – greatly, Kentish
Going back home to a life in famine and poverty? Finding a husband with her branding, her scars and her experiences (and no, Rebecca wouldn´t be able to lie about that)? No happily even after...
Very perceptive, but I'd planned for that in the character of cousin William. A man of some means, who experienced and fully appreciated the unjustness of Rebecca's punishment. He gave not a hoot for her being a scapegallows or the derisive opinion of rumor-mongers like Simon Nose and would see her brands as a mark of a brave girl who was to be admired, not scorned. And. of course, I always had Howard Todd in reserve as a fallback suitor.

Scapegallows - someone who narrowly escaped the gallows.
Last edited:
Still in use all over England, especially for quiet mutterings of complaint.
indeed, the already missed Speaker Bercow frequently reprimanded Honourable Members
for 'chuntering from a sedentary position' :)

Willies, to give the - phrase, to exasperate, Kentish
I think it's more specifically an alternative to 'the creeps', 'the heebie-jeebies' etc.,
first recorded 1896, and pretty common at least around London -
maybe English cruxers from down south have heard it, at least in their younger days?
Lots of etymological speculation on the internet, none of it very convincing.
Author’s Afterword

I wish to explain how the ending was consistent with the story.

First, in the very first post, even before the story started, I discussed Justice Page and Richard Savage. In retelling their mutual story, I stated that after Savage was condemned to hang by the judge, his friends petitioned for a Royal pardon and obtained the support of the Countess of Hertford, who appealed to Queen Caroline. She in turn convinced the king. Therefore I had clear historical precedent for the last minute salvation of Rebecca.

Next to the role and character of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (unfairly labeled “A bitch,” by our outspoken @Barbaria1), whose role is central. I started with the clear facts of her embrace of homoerotic themes in her writing and her reputation for being very sexually liberated for her time and status. I then took the author’s liberty to flesh in her interests to be somewhat of a CF woman, enjoying BDSM and inflicting pain on a helpless female. However, readers should have noted her sincere hesitation at the idea of poor Rebecca being unjustly executed:
“Is it really justice to execute such a sweet, innocent thing?” she mused. “I wish there was a way she could be spared.”
I there hinted that Lady Mary would take on the role of the Countess of Hertford. It is an historical fact that she was very much in the society of the Prince and Princess of Wales and had been the one to encourage the Princess to have her two daughters Amelia and Caroline successfully inoculated against smallpox in April 1722. It was a logical consequence, that she would appeal to her influential royal friend to intercede on Rebecca’s behalf.

Then to Princess Caroline, as previously noted, an educated and cultured woman, with a reputation for kindness. Though I did not make her feelings explicit, I did portray her meeting with Rebecca as one which did affect the Princess:
Caroline walked over, placed her hand under the girl’s chin and raised her to standing. Rebecca modestly tried to cover some of her nakedness with her hands. The Princess took her time examining the girl. “A modest, lovely, and sweet young flower.”
Given that first impression, it is easy to believe that she could be convinced to appeal for pardon of the girl.

And, at last, George, Prince of Wales. He is often (though not always) regarded by historians as weak-willed and ineffectual as a king. It is certainly true that he took little interest in domestic politics and left it to his ministers, such as Sir Robert Walpole, who dominated British politics for 21 years. He most wanted to be a soldier and at the Battle of Dettingen (correctly referenced by @twonines), he was to be the last reigning British monarch to lead men in battle.
Although I had George enjoy Rebecca’s favors several times, he was never portrayed as being villainously hostile or cruel to her. At her retrial, his only comment was:
“…Rebecca is a sweet, delectable morsel, whose favors I have enjoyed immensely.”
One indisputable fact about George, was his sincere devotion to his wife and his deference to her wishes. There were many jokes told about how Queen Caroline reigned and George served her. For him to acquiesce to her wishes and request Rebecca’s pardon is most likely.

Finally, the instant performance by Sir Elliott and Sir Francis of the request of the Prince was most likely. Sir Elliott explains it completely:
“…when a man will be king in a few years, it is hard to deny him anything.”

And, lastly, one reader did come very close to anticipating the ending twist in a private communication to me. The lovely and much learned philologist will go unnamed.
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