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Rosie's Crucifixion

Go to CruxDreams.com
I am told to climb a set of stairs. It is not easy with the chain between my ankles that fouls my gait.
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I hear the butler follow me and know he watches my naked ass. I am not shamed by that but by this is what I asked for. I walk halfway done the hall when he says “Stop there, Rosanne.” I do and he disappears in a door behind me. I look both ways down the dimly lit corridor and wonder what is next when the closest door to me opens and the butler’s voice says “Come in, Rosanne.”

No one ever called me ‘Rosanne’ except my father or mother, and she didn’t unless I was really in trouble. I think I am in trouble now but I know I asked for it. I walk into the room with the accompaniment of my chains on the hardwood floor.

To say there was an eclectic group of people in the room would be more than a slight understatement. The butler I have seen before but the man (?) in the middle was looked a bit strange and the women to his left looked like someone out of the ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’.

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The seated man said “I see you’ve met my faithful handyman. This is Lady Connie, sometimes called ‘Magenta’. It is ironic that was my favorite color in a 64 box of Crayolas, don’t you think?”

“I suppose so” I barely whisper. What is this crap? I am naked and chained and he (I think) wants to talk about crayons!

“I am Sir Wragg. Welcome to my home, the Cruxton Abbey” the seated man said. “This will also be your home. You are at my disposal and that of my guests. You will do as you are told or your punishment will be swift and severe. Do you have any questions?”

My throat is dry and voice cracks as I ask “Are you going to crucify me?”

“If I choose or get bored with you. You are my slave and when I said ‘you are at my disposal’ the word can have a very literal meaning. Take her to her room.”

Calling it a ‘room’ is being generous…

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My eyes adjust to the darkness and I realize I am not alone. Across the cell from me was a brunette that looked enough like me to be my sister. She’s chained to the wall next to the skeletal remains of a body. I ask “Is that thing real?”

“What? …oh, her …that’s what they tell me. She was like that when I got here. I’m Barb” she says.

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“I’m Rosie” I reply. My eyes can’t leave the remains chained to wall. If they really killed her I can think nothing else but I will be crucified.

“How long are you here for?” Barb asks.

“What do you mean by that?” I ask.

“It’s a pretty straight up question. How long are you here for?”

“Until they crucify me” I reply.

“For how long?”

“I don’t know. How long does it take to die on a cross?” I ask.

“Shit, girl, what did you do to earn that?”

Almost embarrassed I say “I asked for it…”

My eyes adjust to the darkness and I realize I am not alone. Across the cell from me was a brunette that looked enough like me to be my sister. She’s chained to the wall next to the skeletal remains of a body. I ask “Is that thing real?”

“What? …oh, her …that’s what they tell me. She was like that when I got here. I’m Barb” she says.

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“I’m Rosie” I reply. My eyes can’t leave the remains chained to wall. If they really killed her I can think nothing else but I will be crucified.

“How long are you here for?” Barb asks.

“What do you mean by that?” I ask.

“It’s a pretty straight up question. How long are you here for?”

“Until they crucify me” I reply.

“For how long?”

“I don’t know. How long does it take to die on a cross?” I ask.

“Shit, girl, what did you do to earn that?”

Almost embarrassed I say “I asked for it…”


The new slaves just keep getting dumber and dumber.... how are we ever going to generate a successful rebellion with raw material like this?
The new slaves just keep getting dumber and dumber.... how are we ever going to generate a successful rebellion with raw material like this?
She is soooooo intolerant...

next segment...

“You stupid girl, why would you do that???” Barb asked.

“I have to know the cross… completely” Rosie said. “You wouldn’t understand unless you have been crucified.”

Somewhere in the back of her mind Barb was sure she had been crucified but couldn’t remember when on this thread. She sighed and asked “Couldn’t you have asked for something quicker like beheading or hanging?”

“What difference does it make? It is my life, not yours.”

“You don’t understand, Rosie. Sir Wragg likes theater. One woman nailed to a cross is only a warm up band here” Barb groaned.

“Is it just you and me here?” Rosie asked.

“No, Sir Wragg has a whole stable of us. There is a girl named ‘Blaire’ that’s his Prima Donna and another named Roxie. She usually shares the cell with me. But the bastard has more than that.”

She is soooooo intolerant...

next segment...

“You stupid girl, why would you do that???” Barb asked.

“I have to know the cross… completely” Rosie said. “You wouldn’t understand unless you have been crucified.”

Somewhere in the back of her mind Barb was sure she had been crucified but couldn’t remember when on this thread. She sighed and asked “Couldn’t you have asked for something quicker like beheading or hanging?”

“What difference does it make? It is my life, not yours.”

“You don’t understand, Rosie. Sir Wragg likes theater. One woman nailed to a cross is only a warm up band here” Barb groaned.

“Is it just you and me here?” Rosie asked.

“No, Sir Wragg has a whole stable of us. There is a girl named ‘Blaire’ that’s his Prima Donna and another named Roxie. She usually shares the cell with me. But the bastard has more than that.”


Oooh, yes. The bastard has so much more than that....

Wragg is not just a Barbivore. Oh no. He's a Blairivore, a Roxivore, a Messavore and now a Rosivore.

A real gourmet


Oooh, yes. The bastard has so much more than that....

Wragg is not just a Barbivore. Oh no. He's a Blairivore, a Roxivore, a Messavore and now a Rosivore.

A real gourmet

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18632-Cute-girl-serving-pie-almost-naked.jpg Oh Wraggie....dinner is served....Barbipie just for you ... in your face, or in your lap? ... either way I bet I get a quick one-way trip to the dungeon.;)
View attachment 172886 Oh Wraggie....dinner is served....Barbipie just for you ... in your face, or in your lap? ... either way I bet I get a quick one-way trip to the dungeon.;)

Normal maids would put it on the table in front of me :doh:

Anyone know where I can get a new whip? This one's wearing out :rolleyes:
Hm, how do they treat visiting royalty?
Have they got special de luxe rape rooms?
(like the 'Rape of the Sabine Women Bedroom' at Chatsworth)
Somehow I doubt I am going to be treated like visiting royalty there... but it's up to Sir Wragg isn't it?
Hm, how do they treat visiting royalty?
Have they got special de luxe rape rooms?
(like the 'Rape of the Sabine Women Bedroom' at Chatsworth)

There is a very special room reserved for Barbaria, Queen of the Rebellious Slaves


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