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Tribesmen business

They caught the white female on their last hunting trip.
Sacrifice - yes cruel - tribal headmen mete out very severe punishment to please warfare gods.

... but not before the aggressive warriors have a lot of fun with blond white woman ...

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and she with them...:rolleyes:
Tribesmen business

They caught the white female on their last hunting trip.
Sacrifice - yes cruel - tribal headmen mete out very severe punishment to please warfare gods.

... but not before the aggressive warriors have a lot of fun with blond white woman ...

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I`m not in pain, it`s astonishment
i have never felt a cock that big in
me ever ,and boy, can he use it
Once a year the incubus must breed. Tree polled the ladies of Crux forums and none wanted to volunteer for the honor so he had to pick one. She was brought in irons to his throne room where Tree broke the news to Dorothy...
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She took the news rather well, even when Tree said she may not survive the ravaging of the creature's massive cock. She smiled at Tree and enthusiastically asked "You mean I might get fucked to death? Where has this guy been?"

It was a horrible event as he pummeled her sex with his massive member. Dorothy was shrieking and he was grunting.
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Finally what seemed like gallons of steaming cum filled her womb to the point of swelling her belly...
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Dorothy looked at the panting, exhausted incubus, lit a cigarette, and asked "are you done already???"
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Did you notice the snakes in the first picture. What do the ladies think about being tied to an altar and then have snakes crawl over you?

Oh no Jim, you are making me squeeze my legs tightly together now
the one thing that would get you everything you wanted would be to
threaten me with snakes. if i see a movie where someone is thrown into
a pit of snakes i have to hold my hands to my mouth to stop me from
screaming, rat`s,mice, spiders i don`t mind but Snakes "UUUGGGG"
Once a year the incubus must breed. Tree polled the ladies of Crux forums and none wanted to volunteer for the honor so he had to pick one. She was brought in irons to his throne room where Tree broke the news to Dorothy...
View attachment 194552
She took the news rather well, even when Tree said she may not survive the ravaging of the creature's massive cock. She smiled at Tree and enthusiastically asked "You mean I might get fucked to death? Where has this guy been?"

It was a horrible event as he pummeled her sex with his massive member. Dorothy was shrieking and he was grunting.
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Finally what seemed like gallons of steaming cum filled her womb to the point of swelling her belly...
View attachment 194554
Dorothy looked at the panting, exhausted incubus, lit a cigarette, and asked "are you done already???"
View attachment 194553


Oh Mr. Tree, you are awful, but i love you to bit`s
my reputation is in tatters in this group, i don`t
know how you could describe me, Tart, Trollop,
Slag, you name it, that`s me, it`s wonderful.
now when will that "Bus" be ready again
I`m not in pain, it`s astonishment
i have never felt a cock that big in
me ever ,and boy, can he use it

These tribesmen are natural-given talents - successful hunters, violent raiders and warriors, experienced abductors and cold-hearted rapists - because raids between villages are commonly for abducting women. By showing ferocity to their captured victim they are better treated with respect and attention. And the gods will be pleased.
As known population is dominated by aggressive veteran males - you will get these experienced cocks first. And you well known they can use it in a powerful, savage manner to glorify the warfare god for trapping a white ... slut.
you will get these experienced cocks first.

so Dorothy's saying,
"Now you savages, form an orderly queue please, remember I'm British -
veteran cocks to the front, newbies at the back!"​
These tribesmen are natural-given talents - successful hunters, violent raiders and warriors, experienced abductors and cold-hearted rapists - because raids between villages are commonly for abducting women. By showing ferocity to their captured victim they are better treated with respect and attention. And the gods will be pleased.
As known population is dominated by aggressive veteran males - you will get these experienced cocks first. And you well known they can use it in a powerful, savage manner to glorify the warfare god for trapping a white ... slut.

Slut!! that`s the word i missed out,describing myself, so how much
cock will i get before they get tired of me and send me to be sacrificed
The tribes live in scattered villages ranging from 50 to 250 inhabitants.
In your village there were 69 males and 45 females. Deducting 13 infant males this means 56 cocks with balls stretched to breaking point and required relieving. A long lasting exhausting gang-rape for you, white ... slut. Two, three days. They allow themselves plenty of time, they are not in hurry - every tribesman have to show warfare god his strength and male potency. And the more you moan and squeal the merrier god is appeased. But after enduring this sexual abuse ... more rotten assaults waiting before sending to the sacrificial altar ... you white ... slut. :devil:
The tribes live in scattered villages ranging from 50 to 250 inhabitants.
In your village there were 69 males and 45 females. Deducting 13 infant males this means 56 cocks with balls stretched to breaking point and required relieving. A long lasting exhausting gang-rape for you, white ... slut. Two, three days. They allow themselves plenty of time, they are not in hurry - every tribesman have to show warfare god his strength and male potency. And the more you moan and squeal the merrier god is appeased. But after enduring this sexual abuse ... more rotten assaults waiting before sending to the sacrificial altar ... you white ... slut. :devil:

If making me squeal appeases their idol and there are fifty six cocks wanting relief forget the sacrificial altar, i can moan and squeal better than most, their idol will be well pleased believe me. he might just come down and have a go himself
Barb cries "What are they saying? What is going to happen to us?"

Siss says "Barb, they are going to cook us and eat us!"

"You understand them? What did they say" Barb asks.

"Barb, 'Yum, yum, eat 'em up' means 'Yum, yum, eat them up'!!!"

"May be they will serve us as steak tartar and skip the cook part" Barb sighs...

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