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Sex Slaves

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The sex slaves of the kingdom of Khabadami awoke yesterday morning to find that slight amendments had been made to the chapter of basic law relating to the ownership and upkeep of slaves and sex slaves in particular. Being an absolute monarchy meant that the changes carried out at the behest of King Ziyaad al-Wahab took immediate effect. From now on all such slaves must be exercised at least three times a week for a duration of at least one hour. Their food must be up to the standard of their owners as advised by Muhammad in his Holy Book “Sex Slaves And How To Treat ‘Em”.
In this pic Fareeda el-Hakim and her friend Saara el-Shahidi, both cousins of the king, are taking one of their pets for a walk before calling for a coffee and a G&T. Alcohol is of course strictly forbidden unless you are related to the king.


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Now that is interesting! King Ziyaad al-Wahabof Khabadami has just announced further amendments to the changes in the laws regarding ownership and upkeep of slaves.. From now on not only must they be exercised at least three times a week but they must also be on a lead and clearly branded with their owner’s mark. This has meant a huge upsurge in the blacksmith industry and share prices in such companies have soared. Tree observers have noted that his most trusted aide, Ulrika has just returned from Khabadami after spending a week at the palace of Muka Gibdul who owns 90% of the blacksmith industry. Not only is he the second richest man in the country but is second cousin of the king. Tree himself has several cousins in the Kingdom who have made sizeable fortunes from the supply and fitting of accessories for slaves. Tree’s spokeswoman, who also happens to be Ulrika announced from the TreeHouse last evening that the embargo on Khabadami is still intact and that no trade discussions or collusion of any kind occurred during her visit. When asked by a reporter from CruxForums “So why do Tree’s declared assets now show a substantial increase in the shares he holds of Muka Gibdul’s many subsidiaries?” she replied “Fake news my dear! Now just f**k off and mind your own damn business and you are no longer on our Xmas card list”
Our reporters will keep CF readers informed.


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. Tree’s spokeswoman, who also happens to be Ulrika announced from the TreeHouse last evening that the embargo on Khabadami is still intact and that no trade discussions or collusion of any kind occurred during her visit.

Hasn’t it dawned on Tree yet that while trade wars may be easy to start, they can be very difficult to win? :rolleyes:

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She’ll be good around the house he said, save you a lot of work he said, a good investment he said! Well just look at the state of the house. All this “good investment” wants to do is laze around and sunbathe. You simply cannot buy a hard working reliable slave any more. These foreign imports don’t come cheap either and there’s no guarantee with them . Abdul says she’s good in bed which at least keeps him away from the goats. Have you seen the price of used slaves recently? Hardly worth trading in especially at WeBuyAnySlave.com . Everybody wants a fresh virgin these days. Not like when I was young. Everything we owned was second hand or rented. Anyway I must get some housework done..she’ll be next to useless for the rest of the day. Lazy little trollop. Give her another six lashes Abdul!


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