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Sex Slaves

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Here we are back in Khabadammi in the courtyard of the palace of Jemilla Al-Khatib where some newly bought sex slaves are being processed. All the slaves are hungry and thirsty after a long journey and their needs are soon attended to. There's always extra helpings for the less well endowed slaves who clearly need some body building proteins inside them.
What a wonderful idea to let the new slavegirls starving until they are willing to eat semen. Than feed her by the penis of a negro slaveboy. So hot.
The beauty of this site is that you think you've run out of erotic fantasies, then you see something here that sets your imagination alight - slave girls being led around in public by a tether attached to their labia! I'll go into erotic overdrive with that one!
As a descendant of slave owners in the American South, I am glad as HELL my ancestors lost the Civil Goddam War, for these sins among many others.
I totally understand your point. But to be honest in fantasy I love the idea to hold negros as slaves and whip them to make them beeing submissive servants.
Definitely does, please have him inform us if he intends to sell you! Wink wink!

Lol, actually in SL Gor he has had several offers to buy me and if he decided too he could have an auction.

Part of the game (as he and I play it) is I am just a kajira on his chain who is an economic commodity. If someone tosses coins at me while I'm dancing they go to him. If I get rented he gets paid. He has a "first " and he and I have never furred. The whole Master\beloved slave roleplay is (to me) very boring and nowhere near reality. If you want to be his lover be a free companion and stop faking being a kajira.

I don't know how familiar anybody is with the books but the vast majority of kajira (as historically female slaves were) are labor or an economic commodity and if you do fall into the 'sex slave' category you are a combination of a Hooter's girl, exotic dancer and Commercial Sex Worker all rolled into one. And any Free person can command you. If your Master objects that is between him and the other free. One of the reasons I'm popular is I do play the role to the hilt. To me it is just a part in a long running mini-series.


Lol, actually in SL Gor he has had several offers to buy me and if he decided too he could have an auction.

Part of the game (as he and I play it) is I am just a kajira on his chain who is an economic commodity. If someone tosses coins at me while I'm dancing they go to him. If I get rented he gets paid. He has a "first " and he and I have never furred. The whole Master\beloved slave roleplay is (to me) very boring and nowhere near reality. If you want to be his lover be a free companion and stop faking being a kajira.

I don't know how familiar anybody is with the books but the vast majority of kajira (as historically female slaves were) are labor or an economic commodity and if you do fall into the 'sex slave' category you are a combination of a Hooter's girl, exotic dancer and Commercial Sex Worker all rolled into one. And any Free person can command you. If your Master objects that is between him and the other free. One of the reasons I'm popular is I do play the role to the hilt. To me it is just a part in a long running mini-series.


Somehow, I knew you would take it to the extreme. I like the Free Companion, and slavegirl combination. Too much of a good thing is wonderful! Wink wink.
Somehow, I knew you would take it to the extreme. I like the Free Companion, and slavegirl combination. Too much of a good thing is wonderful! Wink wink.

Hey if you are going to burn in Hell for your sins you might as well make them the big satisfying ones so you can look back on them and laugh throughout eternity.

And a LOT of Gor players in SL love that combination. It's just not for me ... maybe because I live the life style in RL and most of them only fantasize about it.


Hey if you are going to burn in Hell for your sins you might as well make them the big satisfying ones so you can look back on them and laugh throughout eternity.

And a LOT of Gor players in SL love that combination. It's just not for me ... maybe because I live the life style in RL and most of them only fantasize about it.


Well, king Solomon had a lot of concubines. I am sure he indulged, and he built the First temple. Meaning, even the Apple of God’s eye can be tempted. Do not want to get religious. You are right, most, if not all, just live it all out in fantasy. It is a great pressure release valve.
Well, king Solomon had a lot of concubines. I am sure he indulged, and he built the First temple. Meaning, even the Apple of God’s eye can be tempted. Do not want to get religious. You are right, most, if not all, just live it all out in fantasy. It is a great pressure release valve.

Oh he's not even in the running for the largest harem. At least one Turkish Sultan had 1,000 women in his harem (most of them were the internal labor force for the harem itself where men were not allowed) and there is a story of Egyptian Pharaoh marrying a Middle Eastern Princess (Hittite, Assyrian, whomever) where she saw him on their wedding day and then was never again with him as she was confined to the harem and not one called to his bed.

And in the Bible when you read of Saria giving Abraham her "hand maiden" Hagar to breed with. "Hand Maiden" is just a cleaned up term for 'slave girl'. And of course the Ptolemies (Cleo VII of Mark Anthony fame) practiced incest. The concept on monogamous marriage and the male head of household not having sexual access to whatever women he wanted is a fairly modern concept and even today polygamy is practiced in many cultures. And of course many slave holders did love (romantically) a slave girl, Thomas Jefferson being the premier example in American history. And there is the famous "French" Sultana where she was a slave girl in the harem, obviously desirable, whose son wound up being Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Or the Dowager Empress of China who started out a concubine and wound up Empress (pushing her own son out of the line of succession).

So there were political wives, romantically loved slave girls and sex toys all living side by side through out history (and I can't even imagine the cat fighting that went on inside those doors). Historical examples for any fantasy one wishes to pursue.


Oh he's not even in the running for the largest harem. At least one Turkish Sultan had 1,000 women in his harem (most of them were the internal labor force for the harem itself where men were not allowed) and there is a story of Egyptian Pharaoh marrying a Middle Eastern Princess (Hittite, Assyrian, whomever) where she saw him on their wedding day and then was never again with him as she was confined to the harem and not one called to his bed.

And in the Bible when you read of Saria giving Abraham her "hand maiden" Hagar to breed with. "Hand Maiden" is just a cleaned up term for 'slave girl'. And of course the Ptolemies (Cleo VII of Mark Anthony fame) practiced incest. The concept on monogamous marriage and the male head of household not having sexual access to whatever women he wanted is a fairly modern concept and even today polygamy is practiced in many cultures. And of course many slave holders did love (romantically) a slave girl, Thomas Jefferson being the premier example in American history. And there is the famous "French" Sultana where she was a slave girl in the harem, obviously desirable, whose son wound up being Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Or the Dowager Empress of China who started out a concubine and wound up Empress (pushing her own son out of the line of succession).

So there were political wives, romantically loved slave girls and sex toys all living side by side through out history (and I can't even imagine the cat fighting that went on inside those doors). Historical examples for any fantasy one wishes to pursue.


I have moved past for feeling guilty about some of my fantasies.
I have moved past for feeling guilty about some of my fantasies.

No one should ever feel guilty about their fantasies or role playing them out (in a safe consensual way).

They are part of whom we are, and sometimes the most fun part.

Guilt is a morality tool used by (and imposed by) others to make us conform to their world view.

Now does that mean we should do whatever we please? No, our internal morals those which belong to each of us will guide us top what is ok (see: "safe and consensual"). And NO if one is not an adult, or not fully functional mentally (and I DON'T mean you got drunk girls) then they can not consent.


Oh he's not even in the running for the largest harem. At least one Turkish Sultan had 1,000 women in his harem (most of them were the internal labor force for the harem itself where men were not allowed) and there is a story of Egyptian Pharaoh marrying a Middle Eastern Princess (Hittite, Assyrian, whomever) where she saw him on their wedding day and then was never again with him as she was confined to the harem and not one called to his bed.

And in the Bible when you read of Saria giving Abraham her "hand maiden" Hagar to breed with. "Hand Maiden" is just a cleaned up term for 'slave girl'. And of course the Ptolemies (Cleo VII of Mark Anthony fame) practiced incest. The concept on monogamous marriage and the male head of household not having sexual access to whatever women he wanted is a fairly modern concept and even today polygamy is practiced in many cultures. And of course many slave holders did love (romantically) a slave girl, Thomas Jefferson being the premier example in American history. And there is the famous "French" Sultana where she was a slave girl in the harem, obviously desirable, whose son wound up being Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Or the Dowager Empress of China who started out a concubine and wound up Empress (pushing her own son out of the line of succession).

So there were political wives, romantically loved slave girls and sex toys all living side by side through out history (and I can't even imagine the cat fighting that went on inside those doors). Historical examples for any fantasy one wishes to pursue.


I remember a documentary about Pompeii ( I think) where a slave collar belonging to a female was found with an inscription from her male owner and it was almost one of devotion or love…at least the mentioning of her being “favored”.
Also, as many know, there was a time in the Ottoman Empire where slaves, concubines, etc were captured Christian women who were interbred with their owners, making many Sultans of mixed race (and faiths).
Interesting stuff @willowfall.
No one should ever feel guilty about their fantasies or role playing them out (in a safe consensual way).

They are part of whom we are, and sometimes the most fun part.

Guilt is a morality tool used by (and imposed by) others to make us conform to their world view.

Now does that mean we should do whatever we please? No, our internal morals those which belong to each of us will guide us top what is ok (see: "safe and consensual"). And NO if one is not an adult, or not fully functional mentally (and I DON'T mean you got drunk girls) then they can not consent.


100% agree.
I remember a documentary about Pompeii ( I think) where a slave collar belonging to a female was found with an inscription from her male owner and it was almost one of devotion or love…at least the mentioning of her being “favored”.
Also, as many know, there was a time in the Ottoman Empire where slaves, concubines, etc were captured Christian women who were interbred with their owners, making many Sultans of mixed race (and faiths).
Interesting stuff @willowfall.

Well certainly men fall of a single woman all the time but think about it. Unlike modern western culture if you get bored with a slave girl off to market she goes. And be honest ladies, how many times have you had a lover tell you they will love you forever and they are gone sometime after that? I can easily see the companionship and sexual appeal to men of slave girls v a free companion.

There were (maybe still are) cultures in which the child (usually male) of a female slave could be legitimized (and a concubine was generally a "free" woman of rank who became part of the rulers 'harem' as a political arrangement between noble houses for the purposes of aligning politically thru bloodlines [read heir]). And obviously the man had some feelings for the slave girl if he was willing to elevate her son to #1 in the line of succession. There are estimates that there was so much introduction of 'outside' DNA to the Ottoman Sultan's line that by the time the Empire fell there was very little Turkish DNA in the last Sultan.

In these cultures wives very often were political marriages more than romantic marriages (not that the royal houses of Europe had a better record on that score). That is one of the reasons that a LOT of plots against the throne originated in the harem. It was virtually the kingdom of the senior wife (in some cultures even the man who "owned" the harem was not allowed entrance) who if she produced a son certainly didn't want to see him pushed out of succession for the hot new young thing's boy child.

If you look at nature very often there is a single dominant male with a "harem" (horses, cattle, lions being easy examples) until he is no longer powerful enough to hold on to his 'ladies'. In fact in a horse herd the stallion is NEVER the alpha horse. It always a mare and sometimes there are several mares above him in the pecking order. His job is to keep the other stallions away from his 'ladies" not to tell the girls what to do.

And in human cultures rich powerful men could support and protect multiple women much better than say, your peasant farmer. I'd say based on our evolved BIOS (if you will) polygamy (and that counts for women seeking better mates too) is much more important to the purposes nature has for sex than monogamy.


Some pictures, initially from “Mormongirlz” that for me represent a favourite fantasy of mine. I’m not particularly keen on brutal rape but I love the idea of a girl, who ideally should be of a shy, innocent and modest disposition being forced to submit to the sexual desires of those who have gained control over her and where she may be made to actively participate in her own defilement.

I think these pictures lean somewhat towards this. The girl is a delight, she has that sweet innocent look and the expression on her face suggests an aversion to what she is being made to do but she has no choice but to comply. Perhaps a few tears would have been nice

I have a few more I will post tomorrow.

sex slave 01.jpg sex slave 02.jpg sex slave 03.jpg sex slave 04.jpg sex slave 05.jpg
Four more pictures, unfortunately that is all I have of this set.

She really does make a lovely sex slave and if she doesn’t do everything that is demanded of her, no matter how disgusting she finds it, she knows may be soundly whipped of suffer other punishments. She may of course be soundly whipped or punished simply for the sexual pleasure of those who own her.

Personally I would love to thrash that plump pink bottom of hers.

sex slave 06.jpg sex slave 07.jpg sex slave 08.jpg sex slave 09.jpg
Four more pictures, unfortunately that is all I have of this set.

She really does make a lovely sex slave and if she doesn’t do everything that is demanded of her, no matter how disgusting she finds it, she knows may be soundly whipped of suffer other punishments. She may of course be soundly whipped or punished simply for the sexual pleasure of those who own her.

Personally I would love to thrash that plump pink bottom of hers.

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I fantasize being a sex slave to someone who would debase, share me, and spend long days finding new ways to use me and explore my body, destroying any limits that thought I might have.
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