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Sexpionage IV

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Missing in Action (1)

Canterbury Student Village Parham Road, Canterbury, CT1 1YN

Issy Underwood lit the bong, sucked, inhaled deep, held it, and then exhaled towards the ceiling, before passing it over to her roommate, Jemma. Turning towards the vibrating cell phone on the pillow next to her, she saw the screen requesting a FaceTime with “Mum.”

“Oh shit, it’s my mum. Do I look high?” Jemma, tight lips and a puffed chest from holding in her recent hit, could only shake her head, no. Issy tapped her phone, and Steph Underwood’s face filled its screen. She looked neither happy nor angry. Very even. Business-like almost.

“Hi, Mum.”

“Hi, Issy.”

Issy. When it wasn’t honey, or sweetheart, but her name, even her partial name, it was the alert that all was not well. Issy looked into the screen hoping her eyes were not red from the weed, her voice not slurry from the vodka she and Jemm had been drinking. Hard to project credibility to your mother when you were stoned and drunk at two o’clock on a Tuesday afternoon.

“What’s up?” Issy asked. “Why you calling so early?”

“I just received a call.”

“Oh yeah? Who from?”

“Why are you in your dorm room?” Steph said instead. “Don’t you have class?”

Shit, why the fuck did she answer this call, Issy thought.

Whether it was the booze or weed or just youthful defiance, Issy decided that lying was the best course of action. “Done for the day. Jemm and I were just about to study.”

“Studying during the day, huh? Wow. What were you about to study?”

Hesitate and you’re done for Issy Underwood.

“Jemm?” She looked towards her roommate, giving her mother her profile. “What are we going to study first?”

Jemma looked back with wide eyes, then spurted out “Theology.”

Issy closed her eyes and sighed. Jemma’s major required a prerequisite class in theology. Issy’s did not. Steph knew this.

“Theology, huh?” Steph said. Issy gave her room-mate a look, Jemm winced and mouthed

“I’m sorry.” Issy brought her full face back to the phone for her mother. Defeated and without even trying, she simply said, “Yep … theology. I signed up for it yesterday. They make special midterm registration exceptions for people who doubt the existence of God after all the shit they’ve been through.”

“Don’t you dare,” Steph said. “Don’t you dare go pulling that card every time you’re backed into a corner.”

“Well, why don’t you try telling me what corner I’m backed into first, Mum? Fuck, you can never just come out with it, can you?”

“Oh, you criticising my methods gives you the justification to curse now, does it Isabelle?”

Wow, her actual full name.

“What’s on your fucking mind, Mum? What the fuck did I do this time?”

“It’s what you didn’t do, Issy. You don’t think I know you haven’t been going to class?”

“Don’t tell me mum, you’ve had a call.”

“I had to act as your guarantor Isabelle, to get you into Uni at all, after you flunked your A Levels. Of course I’ve had a call.

Issy rolled her eyes, stood, mum coming along for the ride on the phone, grabbed her cigarettes from the dresser, lit one, and exhaled demonstratively.

“Still smoking too, I see,” Steph said with clear disgust.

“Yeah, Mum. Just like dad used to do, except he did it in secret, but I thought why bother hiding it.”

Steph’s face changed. It was not anger or hurt, but an almost exhausted look of exasperation. She had got over Jason’s infidelity years ago, and had actually built a workable relationship with him and Ekaterina. But Kat’s death and now with him ‘running away’ to the States and leaving them all behind, she knew Issy had suffered more than most, more even than her younger brother, Jack.

“You’re unbelievable,” was all Steph said. Issy felt a twinge of remorse, and a moment of palpable silence followed. The young girl dropped her cigarette into a can of Coke and struggled to make eye contact with her mother.

“I’m sorry, Mum. I’ll go to class, okay?”

“Do what you want, Issy. If you don’t go, I’ll know soon enough.”

The twinge of remorse left. Now a twinge of annoyance.

“Oh, yeah? How? Because they’ll tell on me again?”

“No—because they’ll kick your ass out … and then you’ll be back home with your brother.”

“Please start going to class, sweetheart.”

Back to “sweetheart.” Always a good sign. Remorse tugged at her once again.

“I will, Mum. I love you.”

“I love you back.” Steph smiled.

As soon as the call was over, and as Jemm took another deep drag on the bong, Issy turned to the recent call list on her phone, swiped to Grace Miller’s number and pressed redial … again. But as with all seven previous attempts over the past three days, she wasn’t answering or returning the messages Issy had left for her father’s estranged wife, who was now one of the younger girl’s best friends.

“Fuck, Grace, where are you?

The Leopard V club, District XXII, Budapest

It was Friday night, and The Leopard V was packed, just like it always was.

Mihály scanned the crowd. “Hey, Rabán,” Mihály said, nodding to his fellow bouncer. Most of the club’s clientele were respectful, and that made the job easier. There were still the occasional sex pests who tried to jerk themselves off or touch up the dancers without consent, and Mihály made quick work of them. Tonight, though, Mihály needed to be on his guard because Grzegorz Barta was in the house.

Although always retaining a professional demeanour, Mihály enjoyed watching the dancers and so when the next girl on stage was announced her looked up with interest.

“Miss Cassie Brown, all the way from the United Kingdom.”

“Wow,” he smiled at Rabán. “An English girl. She will get the crowd excited.”

Rabán nodded back, and they were not disappointed. The girl taking to the stage was way more than just pretty.

Dressed in red lace lingerie and pink stilettos, Cassie Brown swayed onto the stage to dance around her only prop … a padded white leather chair.

Her movements were graceful and sensual, and she performed for her audience making eye contact whenever she could. Mihály’s pulse spiked when she looked in his direction.

The girl slowly danced out of her bra, and fondled her own breasts, moaning to the cheers and whistles of the crowd. As she moved to the front of the stage, the club goers tucked money into her panties. Forint bills rained onto the stage, and then time slowed for Mihály as she fixed her eyes on him.


Cassie batted her long lashes at him and winked. With an open palm to her lips, she blew a kiss his way.

Rabán laughed and nudged Mihály. “Hey! I think she likes you!” he said. Mihály’s heart raced. Just watching her dance was enough, but the thought that she had noticed him, that she had singled him out during the performance … it was exhilarating.

Almost as soon as her dance had begun, it was over. Still wearing her red lace panties Cassie Brown aka Grace Miller, sashayed her ass off stage, pleased with her performance.

She had singled the bouncer guy out hoping he might get her access to the fat pig Barta. However, she need not have bothered with the middle man, because once she had left the stage, Mihály turned to the presence that had crept up on his right side.

“Have that girl brought to me upstairs. Now.”

With a nod, eager to do as he was asked, the bouncer replied, “Yes Mister Barta, I will see to it straight away.

To Be Continued …
Dressed in red lace lingerie and pink stilettos, Cassie Brown swayed onto the stage to dance around her only prop … a padded white leather chair.

Her movements were graceful and sensual, and she performed for her audience making eye contact whenever she could. Mihály’s pulse spiked when she looked in his direction.

The girl slowly danced out of her bra, and fondled her own breasts, moaning to the cheers and whistles of the crowd. As she moved to the front of the stage, the club goers tucked money into her panties.

I’ll bet they didn’t teach Grace to do that in her Mi6 training at Fort Monckton! She’s either a natural or took some quick lessons for this assignment. Seems quite talented! See what you’re missing Jason Underwood by hanging out with that Moore woman?
Missing in Action (2)

Grzegorz Barta’s Private Rooms, The Leopard V club, District XXII, Budapest

So many thoughts were running through Grace’s head on what was going to happen. Following an opportunity to put on a few more clothes, she was alone with Barta which was a good thing given her mission. But on the down side, right now, he had his hand gun pointed at her.

Was her cover already blown?

“You’re going to shoot me?” Grace looks up at the fat pig of a man through wide eyes.

“I’m not going to kill you, Kurva,” he responds, his tone dripping with impatience. He punctuates his response by dragging the tip of the gun down through the valley of her breasts, bunching the material of her flimsy tee shirt. The muzzle continues its path down over her stomach, stopping at the edge of her leggings.

“Take these off.” She swallows hard, and casts her gaze down towards the floor. He raises his eyebrows, and smiles, his groin beginning to stiffen.

“Do it now, Cassie.” Another swallow, and Grace nods. Hooking her thumbs in the waist band of her leggings, she pulls them down. However, she is only able to reach mid-thigh before his large bulk of a body steps in.

“Quicker,” he growls, grabbing and ripping the leggings down the rest of the way.

“Tee-shirt next,” he orders, jerking his gun to signal his command. Gripping the hem, her face portraying the look of a ‘rabbit caught in the headlamps’, she slides the shirt over her head, with a loud exhale.

“Sit,” He orders, and Grace drops down to the hard floor.

“Fucking beautiful,” he murmurs, his eyes tracing over the curves of her body, and the way he licks around his wet, puffy lips shows that he likes what he sees.

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“Now lay down.” His instruction is curt but Grace knows that if she wants to get this monster where she wants him, she must obey. Falling to his knees, surprisingly easily for such a large man, Barta leans over the prostrate girl, his mouth kissing her shoulder, and Grace shudders.

“Do you know what you being here in this room means, English girl?”

She doesn’t answer, but he doesn’t seem to mind. “It means that I own you.” The tip of his tongue darts out, trailing across her flesh as he trails saliva down towards her breasts.

“Fuck!” Grace gasps. As his teeth pierce the swell of her left breast she arches her spine away from the carpeted floor.

“Ohhhhh … ouuuuchhhh!” She emits a low cry, squeezing her eyes shut as he marks her body, before renewing the spittle coated path with his mouth, leaving a path of bruises on both of her breasts and several across her stomach.

All she can do is accept it; the tight grip he keeps on his handgun reminds her of that. Is this just the way this pig normally reacts or was the game already up for her? If so … how … who?

She didn’t know anything for sure, so all she could do was play along and endure … for now. Once her nubile body has been well and truly abused, Barta slides his large hand between their bodies and forces her thighs open. She strains against him, pulling away but he’s too strong. His index finger curls into the edge of her red panties, tracing the lining from the juncture of her thighs, down towards her core. Before he reaches Grace’s clit, he pulls the material out and runs his digit up and down the fabric, his touch no more than an inch from her pussy.

She knows that he’s aware of her body’s betrayal.

“These are soaked,” he rasps out, his lips still wet from saliva. He then pulls the red lace fabric to one side, exposing Grace’s soft folds to his gaze, along with her unwanted arousal glistening from within.

“Kurva gyönyörű,” He mutters the curse under his breath as his eyes devour every inch of the almost naked girl before him. Keeping one finger hooked in her underwear, he points the gun in her face with the other. Grace recoils, squeezing her eyes shut.

“Relax, I just want you to suck on it.” It takes several seconds for his words to process. To realise that he hadn’t pulled the trigger, and she’s not dead. Her eyes snap open, and Grace glares at the heavy man looming over her.

“Why the fuck do you want me to…”

He taps the tip of the gun on her mouth, effectively cutting her words short. The rest of her sentence fades away as he slides the gun slowly across her lips, first the top then the bottom.

“Suck,” he orders, his tone deepening with finality.

Closing her eyes, Grace opens her mouth and lets him guide the short barrel between her teeth, twirling her tongue over the cold steel, cringing from the metallic taste.

“Such a good girl,” he says, pulling the saliva coated gun out, a trail of spit following until it breaks and drips over her chin.

Then he is moving the hand gun down … and down her body … and the hapless, helpless girl knows just where it is heading.

“Please,” Grace begs, knowing full well that her pleading will do nothing but encourage this monster.

Canterbury Student Village Parham Road, Canterbury, CT1 1YN

Issy paced her room as she poured another mouthful of Red-bull into her stomach in an attempt to stave off the effects of the Marijuana bong. Jemm had gone to the union bar, deciding that alcohol was now required, but Issy had other things on her mind.

“Shit Grace … what’s going on?” The younger girl muttered quietly to no one but herself.

Grace Miller had become ever closer to Issy Underwood since her father left the UK, supposedly seconded to the CIA, but young Miss Underwood knew that he was also shacked up with that US Agent for whom he had left Grace, and she found that unforgivable.

But … as she dialled Grace’s number again, and for the umpteenth time got no response, Issy was beginning to think about contacting her dad to ask for his advice and help. Grace was clearly not at home, not answering her phone … why was she absent? Had she gone missing?

Stripping off her tee shirt, and wandering into the small bathroom shared by Jemma and herself, Issy turned on the shower. Drifting back into the bedroom to give the water flow the few minutes it would need to run warm, the young student stepped out of her panties.

Minutes later, under the flood of luxuriously warm water, Issy couldn’t focus her mind on anything other than Grace’s whereabouts. Where the fuck could she be?

Stepping out of the water to dry herself, the young girl knew that she was going to have to call him, her dad. She hated that thought, because they hadn’t spoken in months and now she was going to have to ask for his help. Issy had never really believed that Grace had a job ‘in security’, but she did believe that her friend had a ‘normal’ job of some sort given how readily available she was, or had been. It was that fact, Grace’s usual availability, that caused Issy’s main concern right now. Three days, almost four, and no response. Something was wrong.

With a sigh, opening the contacts folder on her phone, Issy swiped to her father’s US mobile number, and dialled.

To Be Continued …
Missing in Action (3)

Poolside, Broadmoor Luxury Apartments, Langley, Virginia

Despite the unseasonably cold November weather, it was toasty warm beneath the spacious glass-canopied solar heated pool complex. Jase lay leisurely stretched out on one of the many brightly coloured chaise longues. He held an open book in his hand, but his attention was focused on Barbara Moore, who … clad in an extremely skimpy, white bikini … was emerging from the pool.

He watched with undisguised interest as she headed his way, raising her arms to push her sodden long brown tresses off her shoulders and onto her back, noting how the effort nearly caused the tips of her breasts to escape the meagre covering afforded by the rather minuscule white fabric triangles of her top. He found himself marvelling, as she strode quickly towards him, at how the simple gentle ripple of her thigh muscles set off in him such an irresistible desire to throw her down onto a lounge chair and fuck her brains out!

Only the presence of other residents scattered about the pool area prevented him from doing so.

“What?” she said, drawing closer and looking down at herself critically. “Something amiss?”


“No, nothing at all. Just admiring.”

“Well then, that’s okay.”

Barb and Jase had left CIA headquarters at Langley early on that day, escaping for a long weekend following a long morning session with O’Shaughnessy, in which they had wrapped up and put to rest the most recent assignment they had been assigned to work on … a relatively routine affair.

Since Jase had arrived to be permanently attached to Langley, Barb and he had been inseparable … working together as a CIA team by day, and living together in perfect extramarital bliss by night and over weekends … enjoying a lovely existence together following the ordeal they’d put themselves through, not so many months ago in far off Sweden.

“Want to go back to the apartment now?” she asked, reaching for a towel.

“Uh-huh. But hang on a sec … incoming call.”

She watched curiously as, frowning, he put his mobile to his ear, and said with customary brusqueness “Underwood.”

“Uh … Issy … what a surprise? Everything alright?” … uh-huh … uh-huh … are you certain? … uh-huh … well, I don’t know … uh-huh … that’s asking an awful lot of me … uh-huh.”

Barb cocked her head to one side and poked at him quizzically.

He waved her off.

“Yes, I’m listening. Uh-huh … alright … let me think … I’ll get back to you, okay? … I know … calm down, Issy! … I’m on it. Give me time to think, okay? I’ll get back to you soon. Bye now.”

“What the fuck was that all about?” demanded Barb.

“Not here. Let’s go back to the apartment.”

Ten minutes later, in their apartment living room, Jase told Barb to sit down. He remained standing.

“Is it that bad?” she queried, wrapping the robe she had grabbed around herself.

“One might say that …”

“So, Issy is in some kind of trouble?”

“Not exactly.”

“You’re being evasive, Jase!”

“Alright … it’s about Grace. Not Issy. It’s Grace who is in trouble, Barb.”

“What kind of trouble? This isn’t a put up thing to get you back, is it?”

“No, it’s real enough, I’m afraid. Seems Grace has gone missing. Issy wants me to find out where she is. And assuming she’s gotten herself into trouble, to rescue her.”

Barb stared then turned away for a moment, before turning back with a glare.

“Shit Jase! This is my worst nightmare! Shit! Shit! Shit!”

“I know Barb. I know! I’m really sorry about that.”

“Well, you damn well better be!”

“Look! This is stressful enough without you getting all pissy on me!”

“Well, you can hardly blame me! I thought I had Grace in the rear view mirror! And now look what’s happened! And, seriously, how on earth are you going to even go about even finding her, not to mention rushing to her aid? She’s God knows where! And you’re here in Langley … with me!”

“I suppose I’ll have to ask O’Shaughnessy for a leave of absence.”

“That’ll go down like a lead balloon.”

“Perhaps, but what choice do I have?”

“Well for one, you could tell Issy to fuck off!”

“Barb! Be reasonable. You know I can’t … I won’t … do that!”

“Alright. Alright …” Now Barb paused and looked at her lover. Then she added, “Here’s the thing, Jase. You’ll not do this alone. If you’re determined to go, then you will have to include me. We’re a team, and we’ll do things as a team! End of discussion. Period!”

“Barb, you don’t have to …”

“Shut the fuck up Jason. I’m going with you. But …” She paused and turned the heat up on the glare. “… If it turns out that Grace has used this, in any way, as a means of getting you back, she’ll have me to deal with, and it won’t be pretty! I can guarantee you that!”

“Alright, Barb. I get it. We’re in this together. Now let’s thinkabout where we go from here.”

Grzegorz Barta’s Private Rooms, The Leopard V club, District XXII, Budapest

Grace’s entire body locks when she feels the cool metal of the gun barrel slide against her clit. Pure terror washes over her, and it takes all of her strength to keep from full on crying out. Holding a gun to her head is far less intimidating than it being held between her legs. A gunshot to the head is instant death, but this? This would be slow and painful. Torturous.

Barta leans down, close enough for his hot breath to fan across Grace’s wet core. She strains her neck to glance down her body and sees the balding pate of his fat head as the bulk of his stomach presses onto her knees, and then he sticks out his tongue, saliva gathering at the tip before dripping in a long and lingering glob into her slit.

"Can never be too wet, can you, little Kurva?"

Sitting up, he circles Grace’s entrance with the tip of the gun, the metal slipping against her skin.

“Oh my God, please don’t …” This time, the girl’s words are cut off from the feel of him dipping the gun past her folds. Just the muzzle, but enough to close her throat down.

He laughs cruelly, but Grace can’t look away, she just watcheshim push the gun inside her body, her wide eyes barely processing what she is seeing. Slowly, he works the weaponaround her cunt, drawing out both pleasure and pain. Grace clenches her jaw, shuddering from his ministrations but staying stoically silent.

Barta works the weapon halfway inside her open pussy before the gun retreats to its very tip. The abused girl is allowed a moment’s breath before he buries the entire barrel inside her.

Grace sucks in a sharp gasp then arches her spine and screams.

“Fuuuuuckkkkk stop, stop!” She lets her head fall back, no longer having the strength to watch.

This is so, so fucked up.

Somehow the helpless captive finds the clarity to think. But when the gun pulls out and sinks back in again, Grace bucks as the moisture pooling between her thighs helps to lubricate the weapon’s passage and a very unwanted wave of pleasure rocks through her.

“Good girl,” he breathes. “Open wider, little Kurva.”

The hand still holding her panties to the side nudges against herthigh. Without thought, Grace opens her legs in line with his command and receives more faint praise from him, but shebarely hears it over the rapid beating of her heart.

To Be Continued …
If it turns out that Grace has used this, in any way, as a means of getting you back, she’ll have me to deal with, and it won’t be pretty! I can guarantee you that!”
What a complete douchebag Jase has turned out to be. I suppose he’s got to satisfy that bitch, who wonders why he picks up the phone to his own daughter, ffs! :facepalm:

They deserve each other, United American douchebaggery!
Although Jase has moved to her land,
He`s let Barb get out of hand.
Get her to strip
And give her a taste of the whip,
The one thing she`ll understand.
IMG_4404.jpeg Well, if you really think that would get Jase to forget about Grace and Issy, it’s well worth a try!
Missing in Action (4)

Office of Clark O’Shaughnessy, CIA Headquarters, Langley, Virginia

O’Shaughnessy glared suspiciously across the wide expanse of his desktop at his two underlings before speaking.

“No, I will not grant this sudden request for a leave of absence from two of my most experienced agents. Not without first hearing the true reason behind the request! No more rubbish about needing a break from the pressures of the job. Now out with it before I decide to ship you both off on a shit hole assignment in some out of the way corner of the tropics!”

“We … we’re just tired … worn down after that affair in Sweden … surely … uh … you,” stammered Barb before the Chief cut her off by slamming his fist down on his desk.

“Shut up, Moore! Not another word of that ‘tired’ crap!”

“Alright, alright,” sighed Jase. “Truth is, the requested leave is for personal reasons, but not exactly the kind Agent Moore has been suggesting.”

“Gee. Thanks for backing me up there!” Barb retorted peevishly.

“I’m listening,” growled O’Shaughnessy, leaning back into his chair. “Enlighten me.”

“Well, sir, It’s about my wife, Grace Miller. We’re separated, as you are undoubtedly aware. Haven’t seen her for a good many months. But I’ve just learned that she’s gone missing. My daughter informs me that there’s been no sign of her for days, and desperately wants me to look into it.”

“Miller …. Yes … Grace Miller, right? She was a former agent with MI6, right? I remember her name coming up in a conversation with Roger Moore back when you two were on assignment in Havana. So, you left her for Barb Moore, did you? Can’t imagine why. But, gone missing, eh? … tell me, did it ever occur to you that she might have manufactured this ‘disappearance’ to lure you back. Women are capable of such things, you know.”

Barb kicked at the Chief’s desk and muttered “Pig!”.

“No sir, I don’t believe that Grace would stoop to that,” interjected Jase quickly. “I’m quite convinced that something serious has happened to her.”

“Perhaps so, Underwood. I can understand the need for you to go look into it. Permission granted for you to take leave, but Agent Moore stays here and does her job.”

“No Chief! I’m going with Jason!” cried Barb, jumping to her feet.


“Because I don’t trust Grace. Wait! Let me clarify that. Unlike Jason, I believe that her disappearance is likely nothing more than a ruse to get him back. If it turns out I’m wrong, I’ll be the first to admit it. But I intend to see for myself!”

“Alright, alright. Calm down. Let’s just say for the sake of argument that I agree to this, what exactly is the plan? How do you intend to find out what happened to Grace Miller?”

They both looked at O’Shaughnessy blankly.

“Figured as much. Had it occurred to ether of you, by any chance, she might have gone back into service? She was a trained and experienced agent, I presume. Perhaps the simplest thing would be for me to put in a call to Roger Moore in London and clear this matter up.”

“Highly unlikely that would gain us anything,” replied Jase. “Grace is too ‘compromised’ for Roger to have taken her back as an agent. He’d have simply refused.”

“Are you certain.”

“Yes, I believe so. Roger simply wouldn’t. But … now that you mention it, there is one way that he might have taken her back …”


“Yeah, it’s unlikely but not impossible. And if it’s true, she could well be in serious trouble!”

“Alright then, I’ll put in a call to Roger and see what I can find out.”

“No, don’t even bother. Roger won’t say. Even If Grace is being used for black ops, Roger will deny, deny, deny … even to his counterpart here at Langley. He has no choice in the matter. You’d do the same if the situation were reversed. Am I right?”

“Yes, Underwood. You’re right. I take your point. So how will you find out?”

“Let’s just say I think I know of someone who I can … uh …. persuade to tell me.”

“Alright. I give up. Permission for the two of you to take a two-week leave is granted. Good luck with it, and be advised that whatever you do is totally on your own. Langley has no knowledge of your whereabouts or activities. Langley cannot provide anything in the way of resources. Understood?”


“Now get the hell out of my office before I change my mind!”

Once out in the corridor and out of earshot, Barb turned to Jase to say, “Alright, tell me. Who is this someone you think you can lean on?”

“Name’s Caddis. Bad news. You’d hate him. But he’ll talk … I’ll make him talk … trust me.”

“Uh-huh … somehow, I think he will. Soooo … we go straight home and pack for an extended trip?”

“Yeah, Barb, straight home. We need to be on the next plane to Heathrow. There’s no time to waste.”

Grzegorz Barta’s Private Rooms, The Leopard V club, District XXII, Budapest

Barta used his repulsive bulk to part Grace’s thighs as far as he could. Leering down at the girl who was now effectively his captive, he said quietly, “I can feel how tight your pussy is. The way it grips my gun when I slide it out. You’re so fucking pretty, Kurva.”

Grace bites her lip, but it isn’t enough to hold in the next moan. Or the one after that. She can hear the suctioning and slurping noises as he fucks her with the full length of the thick hand-gun barrel, and she unwittingly begins to push onto the metallic penetrative intrusion.

The fat man growls in response, as Grace’s soaking wet red lace panties grow impossibly tight, biting into her flesh. Barta grips the fabric and rips the skimpy garment from her body, the sound getting lost in another cry, as he tosses the tattered fabric aside, freeing his hand to grip the upper thigh of her left leg in a bruising hold.

A distant shame, that sits somewhere in the recesses of Grace’s chaotic mind, almost overrides the fear, but neither of them is more potent than the pleasure her body is being forced to succumb to. When Barta angles the gun in a particular way, he hits a spot inside the prostrate girl’s open cunt that sends her eyes rolling to the back of her head and an unchecked moan to slip free.

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Then Barta’s face joins his hand and Grace cries out anew as he clamps his teeth down into the soft flesh.

“Aiiiiiiiiiiii, fuckkkkkking hell, stop!”

But her yell quickly morphs into gratification when he hits that spot again. His mouth sucks and his movements quicken until she feels the beginnings of an orgasm settle low in the pit of her stomach.

“Please,” Grace begs, but she doesn’t know what for. Then a feral noise slips out as he pushes the gun deep.

“Rub your clit, Kurva.”

Grace hesitates. The last thing she wants to do is allow this man the satisfaction of making her cum, and even worse, helping him to do it.

“Now,” he growls impatiently, his eyes blazing with something carnal and very dangerous.

“Fuck,” she mutters and reaches down to press hard against her already blood-filled nub. If it’s a choice between orgasming and getting shot, she’s going to have to choose the option that will cause the least amount of damage.

“Good girl,” he whispers. It takes two more thrusts of the gun before Grace is tipping over the edge, her ass raising clear off the ground as the orgasm rips through her.

She’s screaming, yet she can’t hear a thing. Not when her entire being is consumed by something that even she has no words for. The gun works inside her split cunt faster and deeper, drawing out the orgasm until the exhausted girl is literally begging for it to stop.

He rips the gun away from its lubricated sheath, and her thighs snap shut instantly as the last of the orgasm dies away leaving Grace a shuddering mess from the aftershocks, while he stands, his obese body towering over her.

She looks up through half-lidded eyes, still jerking from the shocks, when he lifts the gun and swallows the barrel. It feels like an out-of-body experience as she watches him lick the weapon clean, and then stick it in the back of his oversize suit pants.

Her body is full of rage, humiliation, and shame, but despite this, her trained mind compartmentalises the trauma and chooses to focus on the fact that at least she has him alone now.

To Be Continued …
Once out in the corridor and out of earshot, Barb turned to Jase to say, “Alright, tell me. Who is this someone you think you can lean on?”

“Name’s Caddis. Bad news. You’d hate him. But he’ll talk … I’ll make him talk … trust me.”

IMG_4420.jpeg Hmmmmm … Caddis …. Caddis …. Where have I heard that name before … was it in an earlier episode?
Missing in Action (5)

Room 423, The Dorchester, 53 Park Lane, Mayfair, London

Barbara stretched and yawned, climbed out of bed and padded naked over to the window to gaze at the view overlooking Hyde Park. Wisps of grey mist floated over the scene. It looked uncomfortably chilly out there, and she shivered involuntarily.

The flight over had been uneventful. Jase had slept for most of it, while she stayed up and read a Scandinavian mystery thriller. Once on the ground, Jase had surprised her by having booked them into the Dorchester, of all places … at $1,028 a night. When she had challenged him about the expense, he had grinned wolfishly and said ‘nothing but the best, a thank-you for coming along with me.’

Earlier that evening they had dined in the iconic hotel’s famous China Tang Cantonese Restaurant and retired to their suite well before 8, where they had made love with wild abandon … and more than once.

Barb had been insatiable and Jase, as always, had been up to meeting her most ardent needs … taking her lying flat on her back on the first time with her wrists pinned over her head against the sheets. Being pinned down like that always gave her the sense of helplessness that she loved.
The second time was a rough ‘doggy-style’ coupling during which he yanked her head back repeatedly, a fistful of her hair tight in his grip.

And for the third he went down on her, working her into an absolute frenzy with his darting and probing tongue.

Any thoughts of resentment she might have harboured towards being in England on a quest to locate where Grace might have gone, vanished from Barb’s mind. Jase was clearly hers and hers alone! And that was that!

Or so she had thought. For, much to her disappointment and chagrin, it had quickly become apparent that Grace was still very much on his mind. Barely 10 minutes had passed following her third orgasm of the evening, when he suddenly sprang from the bed and hurried off to shower and dress.

“Where the fuck are you going?” she had demanded as he had emerged from the bathroom and headed straight for the door.

“Out,” he replied, “Get some rest, love. There’s something I need to do. Don’t fret. Just a bit of business. I’ll be back before too long.”

And then he was gone. It was now nearly midnight. He’d been away for almost an hour and a half. She had called and texted him repeatedly but no reply, and was about to give up in frustration when he suddenly entered the room.

“Where the fuck have you been?” she demanded crossly.

“Get dressed, we’ve got work to do,” he replied curtly.

“Doing what?”

“Don’t ask questions. Just get dressed. Wear something slutty if you possibly can. And hurry!”


“Just do as I say, short-skirt and heels would be good. No time for explanations.”
Twenty minutes later Jase was packing Barb into a waiting cab outside the hotel and giving the driver instructions to take them to a location near Streatham Common in Lambeth.

The taxi took off with Jase and Barb riding in silence, save for Barb’s hushed “I trust you know where we’re going and what we’re doing,” as the vehicle crossed the Thames on Vauxhall Bridge headed southeast. “We are very near to your old HQ Jase …”

He squeezed her hand reassuringly.
“Are you sure this is a good place to be in the dark of night?” fretted Barb as the cab eventually pulled over to the kerb to let them out. She had spotted a gaggle of dark-clothed youths loitering around a doorstep on the far end of the street.

“Lady’s right. Not exactly a safe place for a fine young couple like yourselves to be out and about in these parts at this time of night,” warned the driver, picking up on Barb’s concern.

“We’ll be alright,” Jase assured him, adding a ridiculously generous tip to the fare.


And then the cab sped off, its taillights disappearing as it rounded the corner at the end of the street at speed.

“Alright, follow me,” said Jase softly as he linked arms with Barb and propelled her along a frontage of Victorian era buildings until they came to an entry with a small weathered sign that read, ‘Rooms to let, hourly/daily’.

Jase pushed the buzzer, and after a moment, the lock disengaged via some remote command.

“Lean on me and look as slutty as you possibly can,” he commanded.

She looked at him quizzically but obeyed, as her spook’s instincts gave her a bit of an inkling of what was going down.

An older man, balding and very much in need of a shave, and probably a bath as well, looked up at them from where he was sitting behind a battered reception desk. His eyes lingered for moment or two on Barb’s mini-skirted legs, before speaking.

“Yes, what’ll it be?”

“A room for a couple of hours?” grunted Jase, pushing Barb’s hand away as she made a show of brazenly attempting to grope at his crotch.

“Twenty-five quid a half hour,” the man replied laconically, pointing to a sign tacked to a wall with the heading ‘Rates’.

“We’ll take it,” replied Jase, hurriedly peeling off the necessary notes.

“Up one flight, third door on the left”

“Do we get a key?”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“Yeah. I guess I was. By the way, I know of a friend who frequents this establishment.

“Yeah … who?”

“Name’s Caddis.”

“Yeah, he’s here. Same floor, last door on the right. Planning a foursome, are we?”

“Might say that.”

“Same price even if you only use his room.”


“Come on honey. The meter’s running,” purred Barb, stretching up on her toes to nibble at Jase’s ear.


Together they stumbled and tottered up the stairway and disappeared into the dimly lit hallway above. Once out of sight and earshot of the man below, they continued on briskly.


Outside the last door on the right, they paused. Both knew what came next.

Jase gave her a sly wink, turned and eased his way through the door with Barb close on his heels. Stretched out on the bed but a scant few steps away was a naked man with a naked girl vigorously riding him and making exaggerated moaning sounds.

Barb did her part, grabbing the young woman by the wrist, wrenching it behind her back and pulling her up and away, and to the floor. Jase moved with equal speed, slamming a clenched fist into the man’s gut before tossing him to the floor, gasping for breath and collapsing alongside the girl.

Pouncing on the helpless man to pin him in place, Jase hissed in his stricken face, “Alright Caddis! Out with it! Where the hell is Grace?”

“H … how … t … th … the hell should I know?”

Jase promptly broke his nose.

“Jesus Christ, Underwood!” he spat, spraying blood.

“Talk, or I’ll have my partner crush your balls! She’s CIA, so don’t think for a minute that she’s incapable of doing just that!”

“Alright … alright! if you insist … what’s the harm? … it’s too late for you to interfere with Miller’s assignment now. Someone obviously told you she’s working for me … and when I find out which of my people was dumb enough to do that, I’ll … I’ll … well, you can imagine! But here’s the thing. Yes, your darling Grace is back in the harness. Why? Probably because you fucked her over Underwood! Serves you right for being such a bastard! So, what the hell. I don’t mind telling you that she’s on OtG assignment now. Playing the role of a stripper/whore … she’s got the bod for that, right? … in some hellhole far from here.”


“Sorry, can’t say.”

“Barb, kindly use your spiked heels to stomp on Mr. Caddis’ balls for me, would you please?”

“Sure, with pleasure.”

“Okay, okay! Not that! What the fuck difference does it make? Too late for you to do anything for your former slut-bride now. She’s off in faraway Budapest. And assuming she hasn’t blown her cover, she’s probably being screwed half to death by one of the meanest bastards alive … none other than Grzegorz Barta! And if she has blown her cover … which is entirely possible … well that won’t be pretty now, will it?”

“Okay, Barb,” sighed Jase backing off and standing up. “Be my guest. Go ahead and let him have it.”

Releasing the whore, who promptly wriggled away, Barb stood up as well. She stared at Caddis for a moment, and then shrugged.

“Nah, he isn’t worth it. Come on Jase. Time to leave.”

Jase shrugged and nodded. And together they departed, retracing their steps and descending to the floor below.
“Leaving already?” grunted the man behind the reception desk.

“Yeah, sorry,” replied Jase. “It was a quickie.”

“Come again.”

“Don’t count on it.”

“Now what?” murmured Barb as they hit the street.”

“We go to Budapest tomorrow.”

“Great. But we need to get out of here first, and back to the hotel, and I’ll bet we aren’t likely to find a taxi around here at this time of night.”

“Probably not. We’ll have to walk.”

“In these heels?”

To Be Continued …
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