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Short Crux stories

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. According to palace sources, our Pharaoh is ‘in a volcanic mood’, after revelations by an anonymous senior palace official in the papyrus The Thebes Times. The official had called the Pharaoh ‘amoral’, ‘incompetent for the job’, ‘he only trusts and favours his family’, ‘he has the maturity of a 10- 11 year old and behaves aggressive and childish when he encounters opposition or does not get what he wants’. The anonymous source stated that the palace counselors continuously have to act against ill-considered decision-making by the Pharaoh that could endanger the security and integrity of Egypt, and that they do all they can to prevent and disparage such malicious decisions to be carried out. The senior official concluded that this Pharaoh is a complete disaster, unseen in the long history of Egypt.

The Pharaoh, whose implication in a concealing operation of illegal contacts with the King of Persia, in his struggle for the throne' two years ago, is subject to judicial investigation, reacted furious and called the anonymous source ‘a coward and a traitor’! The Pharaoh also cursed the ‘despicable media’ for being ‘enemies of Egypt’ and threatened The Thebes Times and our papyrus with severe measures!

Breaking news : the spokesman from the palace has confirmed the Pharaoh has fired all his staff and has ordered they all should get crucified along the banks of the River Nile.

The Memphis Post, September 6th, 2018 BC

(from our Memphis correspondent Loxuru, who meanwhile reports from an X-cross too).

Now, here is another one from me.
The pic was posted yesterday by Phlebas. in http://www.cruxforums.com/xf/threads/the-magic-of-being-tied-spreadeagle.5168/page-64

“Princess, you have one last chance to tell us what we want to hear! Otherwise, we will make you sing by more unpleasant means!”
She tried to keep an attitude of innocent bravery!
“I once more protest against the way you have raided a diplomatic mission! I have nothing to tell you!”
“Princess! We have enough evidence against you to have you executed for rebellion against The Empire! It’s only up to you to decide whether it will be quick and merciful, or a long and painful ordeal!”
“I have diplomatic immunity! You have not the right to interrogate me!”
“Don’t worry, Princess! When it will be all over, we shall bury you in a diplomatic coffin!”

She tried to keep up her courage, and strangely, here forcedly spread legs supported her vigilance. But deep inside, her fear was growing. She had been rudely dragged into the torture room, her white gown had been torn off, and she had been stripped naked and humiliated. Violently, she had been chained by her neck and wrists, while a spreader bar had been attached to her ankles. She had it difficult to conceal that her nudity undermined her self-confidence and that the electrodes attached on her breasts and genitals were already a torture on their own.
How long would she be able to resist? To reveal, that she was not the Princess, but a look-alike, volunteer and handpicked for her courage and acting talents. Her ‘diplomatic spaceship’ had been a decoy for the real Princess’s mission. So far everything had gone according to ‘plan’. She had lured the Imperial forces, which were concentrating on her, unaware that their real target was moving away closer and closer to the secret conference of rebel leaders.

She had known in advance the risks of being captured and interrogated. But, while they all had hoped the Empire would treat her respectfully, as a princess, it had turned to its more rude interrogation practices sooner than expected. The only thing she could reveal was her false identity. The problem was that, according to her time estimations, the real Princess was still not yet safe. Once the interrogators would know they had the wrong one, they still could try to track her down and capture her! It was still a matter of hours, approximately.

How would she react on the torture? How long could she hold out?

The power was switched on. The switch box made a buzzing sound.

Her stomach turned. A warm wave of fear rushed through her belly.

“I am on a diplomatic mission!” she repeated, with a trembling voice…

Criminals scourged at the post
Bound with no possible escape
Whips savagely cutting into flesh
Tormented cries of pain and shock
Sweat,blood and skin flying anew....

Crude heavy beams carried aloft
An unwelcome burden transported
Slowly making their plodding way
A hostile journey, encouraged by pain
Death will be their certain destination...

A soiled smelly ragged loincloth
Their only allowed basic clothing
Barely providing any decent cover
Soaked with numerous bodily fluids
A temporary necessary measure....

Patibulium placed upon the ground
Resisting occupants struggle in vain
Wrists swiftly reattatched bound tight
Unbound grimy legs flailing wildly
Desperately moaning and pleading...

Crude Iron nails are produced
Large sharp and very purposeful
Placed against the exposed wrists
Mallet raised,falls rapidly connects !!
Skin and bones penetrated impaled....

Screams of panicked terror ensue
Bestial howls of distress,torment
Bodies soon arch and buckle..
Blood and urine soon flows,faeces too
Staining the unyielding wood....

Latin orders are shouted,obeyed
Crosses to be raised,hoisted upwards
Bases slamming into pre-dug holes
Bloodied bodies cruelly jolted jarred
Fresh shrieks of raw pain ensue....

Stinky Loincloths ripped away
Amidst grimaces of pure disgust
Naked genitalia pathetically displayed
Legs pressed together instinctively
Groans of unconcealed embarrassment...

Now it seems their task is done
Bored Carnifexes down their tools
Another rebellious slave Crucified
Nailed permanently to the Cross
A combination of blood,metal and timber....

A base punishment so extreme
Clearly designed to discourage
Condemned to slowly suffer and die
Naked and humiliated cruelly publicly
Hoarse voices expressing their agony

Very soon their struggle begins
The macabre 'dance' on the Cross
Muscles straining, cramping painfully
A vain effort to simply breathe
Natural fighting instinct kicks in....

Helpless muted relatives watch from afar
Their eyes filled with horror and shame
Naked bodies writhing upon Crosses
A penalty surely befitting the crime
Crucified and left in disgrace to DIE.

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View attachment 636334

Criminals scourged at the post
Bound with no possible escape
Whips savagely cutting into flesh
Tormented cries of pain and shock
Sweat,blood and skin flying anew....

Crude heavy beams carried aloft
An unwelcome burden transported
Slowly making their plodding way
A hostile journey, encouraged by pain
Death will be their certain destination...

A soiled smelly ragged loincloth
Their only allowed basic clothing
Barely providing any decent cover
Soaked with numerous bodily fluids
A temporary necessary measure....

Patibulium placed upon the ground
Resisting occupants struggle in vain
Wrists swiftly reattatched bound tight
Unbound grimy legs flailing wildly
Desperately moaning and pleading...

Crude Iron nails are produced
Large sharp and very purposeful
Placed against the exposed wrists
Mallet raised,falls rapidly connects !!
Skin and bones penetrated impaled....

Screams of panicked terror ensue
Bestial howls of distress,torment
Bodies soon arch and buckle..
Blood and urine soon flows,faeces too
Staining the unyielding wood....

Latin orders are shouted,obeyed
Crosses to be raised,hoisted upwards
Bases slamming into pre-dug holes
Bloodied bodies cruelly jolted jarred
Fresh shrieks of raw pain ensue....

Stinky Loincloths ripped away
Amidst grimaces of pure disgust
Naked genitalia pathetically displayed
Legs pressed together instinctively
Groans of unconcealed embarrassment...

Now it seems their task is done
Bored Carnifexes down their tools
Another rebellious slave Crucified
Nailed permanently to the Cross
A combination of blood,metal and timber....

A base punishment so extreme
Clearly designed to discourage
Condemned to slowly suffer and die
Naked and humiliated cruelly publicly
Hoarse voices expressing their agony

Very soon their struggle begins
The macabre 'dance' on the Cross
Muscles straining, cramping painfully
A vain effort to simply breathe
Natural fighting instinct kicks in....

Helpless muted relatives watch from afar
Their eyes filled with horror and shame
Naked bodies writhing upon Crosses
A penalty surely befitting the crime
Crucified and left in disgrace to DIE.

Dear mods....what needed editing ??
(not that I'm complaining. just curious )
View attachment 636334

Criminals scourged at the post
Bound with no possible escape
Whips savagely cutting into flesh
Tormented cries of pain and shock
Sweat,blood and skin flying anew....

Crude heavy beams carried aloft
An unwelcome burden transported
Slowly making their plodding way
A hostile journey, encouraged by pain
Death will be their certain destination...

A soiled smelly ragged loincloth
Their only allowed basic clothing
Barely providing any decent cover
Soaked with numerous bodily fluids
A temporary necessary measure....

Patibulium placed upon the ground
Resisting occupants struggle in vain
Wrists swiftly reattatched bound tight
Unbound grimy legs flailing wildly
Desperately moaning and pleading...

Crude Iron nails are produced
Large sharp and very purposeful
Placed against the exposed wrists
Mallet raised,falls rapidly connects !!
Skin and bones penetrated impaled....

Screams of panicked terror ensue
Bestial howls of distress,torment
Bodies soon arch and buckle..
Blood and urine soon flows,faeces too
Staining the unyielding wood....

Latin orders are shouted,obeyed
Crosses to be raised,hoisted upwards
Bases slamming into pre-dug holes
Bloodied bodies cruelly jolted jarred
Fresh shrieks of raw pain ensue....

Stinky Loincloths ripped away
Amidst grimaces of pure disgust
Naked genitalia pathetically displayed
Legs pressed together instinctively
Groans of unconcealed embarrassment...

Now it seems their task is done
Bored Carnifexes down their tools
Another rebellious slave Crucified
Nailed permanently to the Cross
A combination of blood,metal and timber....

A base punishment so extreme
Clearly designed to discourage
Condemned to slowly suffer and die
Naked and humiliated cruelly publicly
Hoarse voices expressing their agony

Very soon their struggle begins
The macabre 'dance' on the Cross
Muscles straining, cramping painfully
A vain effort to simply breathe
Natural fighting instinct kicks in....

Helpless muted relatives watch from afar
Their eyes filled with horror and shame
Naked bodies writhing upon Crosses
A penalty surely befitting the crime
Crucified and left in disgrace to DIE.

Very good:clapping::clapping:
Dear mods....what needed editing ??
(not that I'm complaining. just curious )
I'm not sure, Baracus - Madiosi edited it, but it doesn't say what he did.

Did you have a big picture? Madi would change it to a thumbnail.

It was an excellent poem! :)
The Order of Release

'Whom will ye have me release unto you?' demandeth Pilate..
'Barabbas! Barabbas!' demandeth the crowd, assembled in the forum.
'Shall I release Barabbas?' asketh Pilate, 'And what will ye have me do with the woman who is called, Christina?'
'Crucify her! Crucify her!' crieth the crowd in unison.

'What? - Will ye have me crucify thine own kinswoman and all-round, good time girl?'
'Yea!' respondeth the mob with one accord, 'Crucify her - or thou art no friend of Caesar, and we will rat on thee if thou ignorest the will of the people!'
'Did you all rehearse that last bit?' asketh Pilate with a degree of suspicion.

'Crucify her! Crucify her!' shouteth the crowd in near hysteria.
'But I find no fault in her,' insisteth Pilate, 'At least, not in what I can see from here...'
'But she hath broken the Sabbath - yea and the martial law too!' respondeth the mob, as an afterthought.

'Is it true,' asketh Pilate of Christina, 'that thou hast broken the Sabbath - yea and the martial law too?'
'Well,' saith Christina, 'I was thinking of scripting a scroll of prophecies, which might, thou knowest, show the Romans in an embarassing light - that is to say, if they ever came true...'
'Sedition, in fact!' suggesteth Pilate.
'Said nothing, in fact,' insisteth Christina, 'I haven't published the first edition yet...'

'Hmm,' muttereth Pilate, 'Dost thou understand that I have the power of life and death over thee?'
'Oh no, I don't want to be crucified.' answereth Christina.
'Thou dost not...' considereth Pilate, '... seem to be much of a keen, rebellious fanatic, dost thou?'

'And so it hath come to pass,' saith Pilate to the mob, 'there standeth a vacant cross upon Golgotha, and I have made my decision.'
'Free Barabbas and Crucify Christina!' demandeth the mob, with some predictability.
'FREE PARDON!' announceth Pilate, 'Now I'm heartily sick of the lot of you, so fuck off!'
'You too, Christina!'
The Order of Release 2.jpg
An other short story from CruxWinds ...

Enlarge the pics : a text can be written below ...


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A Slave's fate....

I kneel before you, a condemned slave
Pleading,for my life,imploring mercy
I cry, "Oh, please,show me some clemency
I'm begging you,I'll do ANYTHING
Just please,master don't crucify me....!!"

I'm nearly naked,just a loincloth
A simple,crude humiliating afterthought
Stained material barely covers my cunt
My legs are humbly slave-parted
Sex-lips intimately exposed...

My ample breasts are bare,
Dark nipples rudely erect
Naked body marked by whipping
No flesh was spared,flogged heavily
I'd suffered at the whip-post...

Earlier I'd been raped,fucked
Violated,abused degraded
Arse burns with forced pain
Also does my Vagina,cum seeps
Evidence of my sexual ordeal...

The foul guards,they enjoyed me
Obviously I was helplessly bound
Merely a simple female,fuck-toy
Reluctantly I'd even sucked cocks
Can still taste sperm,I shiver,disgusted...

I was once a simple House Slave
Stupidly I'd disobeyed my Domina
She demanded cruel punishment
My pleas were ignored,how I wailed !!
I'm now sentenced to be crucified....!!

My sore,bleeding arms are outstretched
Cruelly bound to the wood,roped tight.
There's NO escape at all....!!
I must now suffer my terrible end
The inevitable journey to execution...

Struggling,I carried that heavy beam
Suffering sweatily with every painful step
Enduring public taunts and vile abuse
Encouraged by the savage whip, and shouts.
A slow via-Crucis to my awful fate...

Now I gaze painfully upon my destiny
A stark wooden cross,minus patibulae
Hot tears of fear and injustice fill my eyes
The dire realisation,Rome's savage justice
I'm soon to be nailed,cruxed,left to DIE...!!

To be continued.....
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A Slave's fate....

I kneel before you, a condemned slave
Pleading,for my life,imploring mercy
I cry, "Oh, please,show me some clemency
I'm begging you,I'll do ANYTHING
Just please,master don't crucify me....!!"

I'm nearly naked,just a loincloth
A simple,crude humiliating afterthought
Stained material barely covers my cunt
My legs are humbly slave-parted
Sex-lips intimately exposed...

My ample breasts are bare,
Dark nipples rudely erect
Naked body marked by whipping
No flesh was spared,flogged heavily
I'd suffered at the whip-post...

Earlier I'd been raped,fucked
Violated,abused degraded
Arse burns with forced pain
Also does my Vagina,cum seeps
Evidence of my sexual ordeal...

The foul guards,they enjoyed me
Obviously I was helplessly bound
Merely a simple female,fuck-toy
Reluctantly I'd even sucked cocks
Can still taste sperm,I shiver,disgusted...

I was once a simple House Slave
Stupidly I'd disobeyed my Domina
She demanded cruel punishment
My pleas were ignored,how I wailed !!
I'm now sentenced to be crucified....!!

My sore,bleeding arms are outstretched
Cruelly bound to the wood,roped tight.
There's NO escape at all....!!
I must now suffer my terrible end
The inevitable journey to execution...

Struggling,I carried that heavy beam
Suffering sweatily with every painful step
Enduring public taunts and vile abuse
Encouraged by the savage whip, and shouts.
A slow via-Crucis to my awful fate...

Now I gaze painfully upon my destiny
A stark wooden cross,minus patibulae
Hot tears of fear and injustice fill my eyes
The dire realisation,Rome's savage justice
I'm soon to be nailed,cruxed,left to DIE...!!

To be continued.....

I enjoyed your writing style and the emotion that seeps from the words. It feels like you are next to her while she tells her story while hanging from the cross. I look forward to the rest of your story Baracus :)
A Slave's fate....part 2
Helping Hands 4.jpg
Shakily,I now stand before my upright
This will surely be my final destination
The wood is hurting my whipped shoulders
Outstretched arms numbed by the weight
Sweaty breasts heaving with effort....

I'm pushed backwards,now I lie aground
The dreaded time has indeed come
Again,I beg and plead to no avail
I can only stare,as cruel spikes produced
Helplessly I watch my impending doom...

Heavy hammer raised,falls slams down !!
Spike now pierces exposed left wrist....
Inhuman screams,indescribable AGONY !!
Nude body jolts,hips thrust almost sexually
Urine flows between my legs,crowd cheers...

Once again I watch executioner move...
To my right wrist another nail produced
Once more I stare,dumbstruck horror
He looks coldly into my pained eyes
Ignoring my babbling,hammer is raised...

Down the mallet comes,with brute force
Connects squarely against nail,wrist secured
Slices through flesh,blood & bone...
I cry out in yet more shock and pain
Once more my nude body buckles,I pee...

As my head swims with more bitter pain
I hear the crowd,their hostile jeering
(Why DO they HATE me SO much ?!)
I look towards them,my eyes despairing
There's no sympathy,why should there be ??...

Desperately I call out to them,imploring...
"Oh please,by the Gods,won't you spare me ??
I don't deserve to die like this,it HURTS...!!
Why won't you help me,please...WHY ??"
My voice cracking with emotion and fear...

"Oh, do SHUT UP, you stupid fucking BITCH !!
We've come to watch you fucking die...!!"
Obviously,to them I was nothing,worthless
Another enemy of the Roman Empire
To them I deserved to be crucified...

Soon I'm now dragged against the upright
Ropes produced,bound,orders shouted
Jerkily I'm now being raised,agony resumes
"Ahh,fuck,fucking,STOP please it HURTS !!"
My flailing legs leave the ground,forever...

As my whipped body is roughly raised
I hear the hostile crowd baying for blood
My feet are gripped,another nail appears
Hammer swings,drives nail through feet
Oh SHIT,how I screamed and shrieked ...!!

My poor brain was shocked with pain
The AGONY was fucking electrifying !!
To add to my misery, a further insult
My ragged loincloth is pulled away
Naked,I hang in desolation and shame...

The crucifiers,carnifexes,now stand back
Admiring and checking their grisly handiwork
Immediately I try to haul myself up,no use !!
The "dance of death" they call it
I suffer the agonies of the crucified...!!

To be continued...
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A Slave's fate....part 3

Nailed upon my cross,I hung,sweatily naked
I desperately hoisted myself against the wood
The pain is too much,I slump down,groaning
The audience hate me,shout obscenities...
Dumbly I stare back,in sheer misery,defeated...

In a fog of hurt,I gaze around,someone's coming
A titlus,soon attached above my head
Crudely written in Latin, "Escaped Slave" it said
"That's NOT true !!" I wailed tears flowing
Soldier ignores me,spits in contempt !!...

To add further to my misery as I hang,in agony
Another soldier approaches,bearing a cornu
(No,surely not ??) I observe ,confused,afraid
Before I could react my legs are grabbed
I scream and writhe as my limbs are parted...

Immediately the foul object is in my arse
Instinctively I try to move away, it's no good !!
I'm being rudely fucked,buggered upon the cross
A loud roar,from the bloodthirsty crowd
They're rather enjoying the obscene spectacle !!...

Cornu is now secured upon the stipes..
I'm forced to ride the disgusting object
Each time I try to breathe I raise up and down
Ergo impaling myself upon the horn
The pain in my bumhole is fucking awful !!...

Limbs trembling with inhuman effort
Muscles cramping,bones hurting savagely
Blood seeping from my opened wounds
Chest struggling to take in precious air
I've soiled myself,humiliated,I groan....

Salty sweat stings my teary eyes
I'm blinded by the hot,bright sunshine
I literally cannot escape it's evil glare
Looking around,all I see is ugly hostility
Hated,I'm all alone,in my bloody agonies...

Tearfully I know this is it...surely I'm finished
I'm hanging there nailed to a wooden cross
Sweating and heaving,whilst trying to breathe
Its fucking hot and dusty my throat burns...
Weakly I call for liquid,it seems,none is coming...

I was dying,alone,hurting and scared
Cruelly nailed upon the sadistic wood,hours passed
My vain bloodied struggles growing weaker
The sky growing darker,(to me),it seemed
My terrible end was surely near...??

My aching head slumped,wet hair falling down
Naked,sweaty sunburnt body,sagged
Legs parted,obscenely splayed,my cunny on show
I just wanted the torture to stop please...
As I breathed my last,I felt at peace...I died.

The End....
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View attachment 676755
A Slave's fate....part 2

Shakily,I now stand before my upright
This will surely be my final destination
The wood is hurting my whipped shoulders
Outstretched arms numbed by the weight
Sweaty breasts heaving with effort....

I'm pushed backwards,now I lie aground
The dreaded time has indeed come
Again,I beg and plead to no avail
I can only stare,as cruel spikes produced
Helplessly I watch my impending doom...

Heavy hammer raised,falls slams down !!
Spike now pierces exposed left wrist....
Inhuman screams,indescribable AGONY !!
Nude body jolts,hips thrust almost sexually
Urine flows between my legs,crowd cheers...

Once again I watch executioner move...
To my right wrist another nail produced
Once more I stare,dumbstruck horror
He looks coldly into my pained eyes
Ignoring my babbling,hammer is raised...

Down the mallet comes,with brute force
Connects squarely against nail,wrist secured
Slices through flesh,blood & bone...
I cry out in yet more shock and pain
Once more my nude body buckles,I pee...

As my head swims with more bitter pain
I hear the crowd,their hostile jeering
(Why DO they HATE me SO much ?!)
I look towards them,my eyes despairing
There's no sympathy,why should there be ??...

Desperately I call out to them,imploring...
"Oh please,by the Gods,won't you spare me ??
I don't deserve to die like this,it HURTS...!!
Why won't you help me,please...WHY ??"
My voice cracking with emotion and fear...

"Oh, do SHUT UP, you stupid fucking BITCH !!
We've come to watch you fucking die...!!"
Obviously,to them I was nothing,worthless
Another enemy of the Roman Empire
To them I deserved to be crucified...

Soon I'm now dragged against the upright
Ropes produced,bound,orders shouted
Jerkily I'm now being raised,agony resumes
"Ahh,fuck,fucking,STOP please it HURTS !!"
My flailing legs leave the ground,forever...

As my whipped body is roughly raised
I hear the hostile crowd baying for blood
My feet are gripped,another nail appears
Hammer swings,drives nail through feet
Oh SHIT,how I screamed and shrieked ...!!

My poor brain was shocked with pain
The AGONY was fucking electrifying !!
To add to my misery, a further insult
My ragged loincloth is pulled away
Naked,I hang in desolation and shame...

The crucifiers,carnifexes,now stand back
Admiring and checking their grisly handiwork
Immediately I try to haul myself up,no use !!
The "dance of death" they call it
I suffer the agonies of the crucified...!!

To be continued...
Beautiful writing! Thank you for sharing.
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