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Skatingjesus's Crux Thread.

Do you like my work about crucified girls?

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My favorite is number 3, it shows her head bowed most dramatically.

I agree, but the full frontal #1 ... love the look on her face, and the bodies hanging in the distance ... is a fav too. As a matter of fact, they are all very good. Thanks SJ for posting.:)
Hi friends,

As I'm going on holidays for a few days, I don't want to leave you without anything to "eat", so here comes a short series about a new crucifixion: Enjoy Josephine's punishment!

Very realistic SJ. I think it's your best yet showing all the bruises, scrapes, whip marks and cuts someone manages to endure and acquire on the way to the cross.

Quite beautifully done...I'm sad for her...and delighted for us...
Hi friends,

As I'm going on holidays for a few days, I don't want to leave you without anything to "eat", so here comes a short series about a new crucifixion: Enjoy Josephine's punishment!
I especially love #2 - the harsh landscape, the cruel, thorny vegetation,
contrast so vividly with her softness.
My own crux fantasies are usually set in just that sort of scenery,
often with a mention of thorns, thistles, or nettles slipped in :devil:
I especially love #2 - the harsh landscape, the cruel, thorny vegetation,
contrast so vividly with her softness.
My own crux fantasies are usually set in just that sort of scenery,
often with a mention of thorns, thistles, or nettles slipped in :devil:

The ruggedly solid look of the cross helps too. ;)
Hi friends,

As I'm going on holidays for a few days, I don't want to leave you without anything to "eat", so here comes a short series about a new crucifixion: Enjoy Josephine's punishment!

SJ, how do you manage to outdo yourself so well. This girl is perfect! What an incredible figure! The sheer brutality of crucifixion is shown by her terrible cuts, scrapes and bruises.

The views are perfect, from all the important angles. Wow!!! Fucking wow!!!
As I said in the SJ store thread, I'm working and finishing my new comics, which will be about a post-apocalyptic story.

After that, I will go back to the development of Andaroos 4, as I finished to write the full scenario (and make the story goinf fine with cahpter 2 and 3, and preparing chapter 5 and... maybe more!)

I found a good loincloth prop, even it was made for male, I think it adapt pretty well to girls. And as usual, Sarah will test it for you all!

But be warned, as I don't like spoilers, Sarah won't be the main heroine of the chapter 4. If you already read chapters 2 and 3, you know she is the main heroine of the full series, but her time hasn't come yet. So, this picture is just a test and a present for you, to make you wait more easily! The heroine of the chapter 4 is still a surprise!


Looking at this incredible image again -- and why wouldn't I, it is so sensual, intense, and foreboding -- I just want to say I think the cross is very realistically constructed. The beams are notched and tied tightly together making the whole device very stable and solid looking. I know, what an odd thing to comment on when you're staring into a perfect pair of breasts, but every detail counts!
Hi friends,

As I'm going on holidays for a few days, I don't want to leave you without anything to "eat", so here comes a short series about a new crucifixion: Enjoy Josephine's punishment!

Three classic views, each producing different feelings about the victim:
Josephine - Crucified girl in Andaroos 001.jpg The frontal three-quarter exposure: You see everything she has -- stretched arms, heaving breasts, the parted legs, the firm abdomen, the hanging head. The victim at her most sensual and erotic. The full impact of seeing a beautiful woman so horribly treated.

Josephine - Crucified girl in Andaroos 002.jpg The side view: The lovely arch of her back flowing into the perfectly shaped ass, tensed thighs, the elevated ribcage, the thrusting breast and nipple, and the arms so taut. The sense of her helpless hanging is most pronounced in this view.

Josephine - Crucified girl in Andaroos 003.jpg The back three-quarter view: The sad end after hours on the cross, exhaustion, utter desolation, the loneliness of the crucified. The most sorrowful view, I think. Lovely curves of her ass cheeks and exquisite, soft side boob. The sense of terrible extension of her arms, almost to dislocation from the shoulder joint, seems most evident here.

One more view would be greatly desired: the staring up at her from ground level, looking between her thighs at exposed genitals and the undersides of her breasts. This view would most show her humiliation at being naked on her cross unable to protect herself from lascivious eyes and crude, filthy comments.

Killer images SJ!!!
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Three classic views, each producing different feelings about the victim:
View attachment 331631 The frontal three-quarter exposure: You see everything she has -- stretched arms, heaving breasts, the parted legs, the firm abdomen, the hanging head. The victim at her most sensual and erotic. The full impact of seeing a beautiful woman so horribly treated.

View attachment 331632 The side view: The lovely arch of her back flowing into the perfectly shaped ass, tensed thighs, the elevated ribcage, the thrusting breast and nipple, and the arms so taut. The sense of her helpless hanging is most pronounced in this view.

View attachment 331633 The back three-quarter view: The sad end after hours on the cross, exhaustion, utter desolation, the loneliness of the crucified. The most sorrowful view, I think. Lovely curves of her ass cheeks and exquisite, soft side boob. The sense of terrible extension of her arms, almost to dislocation from the shoulder joint, seems most evident here.

One more view would be greatly desired: the staring up at her from ground level, looking between her thighs at exposed genitals and the undersides of her breasts. This view would most show her humiliation at being naked on her cross unable to protect herself from lascivious eyes and crude, filthy comments.

Killer images SJ!!!

Oh my...shit...shevak...you've really got to me with your comments. I'm the girl on the cross...you made me feel like her...wow! :D

A very emotional post...I'm really feeling it!
One more view would be greatly desired: the staring up at her from ground level, looking between her thighs at exposed genitals and the undersides of her breasts. This view would most show her humiliation at being naked on her cross unable to protect herself from lascivious eyes and crude, filthy comments.

Killer images SJ!!!

I will think about it! :p

Thanks for your support, again!
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