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Skatingjesus's Crux Thread.

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Amazing, SkatingJesus! The resigned expression, the unsure footing, the riotous crowd, it's an amazing picture that tells a compelling story all on its own. The problem with depicting a via crucis is that you can't make a stand alone picture. People want to see the whole sequence!
Amazing :) Like the idea of carrying the whole cross. While you focusing on via crucis, maybe are you going to create some moments-before-nailing pics? That's a personal taste, but I find the moment when condemned sits or lays down on the cross one of the most intense parts. Anyway - thank you for these and it is good to see you posting once again. Also - looking forward to your next crux Andaroos.
"Crucify her! Crucify her! Crucify the traitor!!"
"Die, whore! Die!"
"This slut from Nothibel betrayed us, great nation of Andaroos! She has to pay!!"
"Andaroos will crush Nothibel, this is our last warning!!"

She knew it was a dangerous mission.
She knew being a spy for the Kingdom of Nothibel would lead her into a deathtrap.
She knew that if she was caught, nobody will help her.

But she had to do it. She had to sacrifice her own life, for the Glory of Nothibel.
Even for the worst.

It's been a while since I did some crux pics, (since Elimy series), and for once, I choose to work a bit on the via crucis, for once. Hope you like it!

This via crucis scene is wonderful! The victim carries her whole cross which I think, sometimes, is easier than carrying a heavy crossbeam by itself. I can imagine an incorrigible victim swinging the end of a heavy crossbeam around to menace soldiers, executioners, or taunting civilians who get too close. After all, what has she got to lose?:eek:

Dragging the end gives more stability, I think, and some of the weight is transferred to the ground. Lots of variables, though. Which is heavier? Carrying the heavy end of a complete cross across one's shoulder, or just the crossbeam across both shoulders?

Carrying the complete cross is more visually powerful, I think. As is nailing the victim to the complete cross on the ground.

Ah, anticipating what is to come --

At the place she will die the exhausted victim drops the cross to the ground. She herself drops to her knees, or perhaps rolls over onto her side. Glad for the temporary relief, though her terror rises anticipating the horrendous pain to come.

No longer ashamed of her nakedness -- she hasn't worn clothes in days -- she rolls over onto her back, even carless that her legs are open. Ah, the morning sky is so beautifully blue today!!! A cool breeze provides slight refreshment to her hot, sweaty skin. Crude comments from spectators make her aware again of her nakedness. She closes her legs and rolls over onto her side, suddenly feeling so violated, so humiliated, so exposed.

Her executioners position the end of the upright near the hole in the ground in which the cross, with her upon it, will be raised and secured. Bags of nails are dropped at the crossbeam and the far end. She hears the heavy clanging of the nails together inside the leather bag. Men approach carrying hammers and rope. Screaming and kicking she is stretched out over the rough wood. Ropes secure her, then nails are placed, and the hammers fall.

As the cross is made upright and steady in the ground she hangs in utter agony, screaming, gasping, struggling.

She looks down from her perch, watching the executioners step back to admire their work, looking up at her writhing nakedness. A few dirty comments then they leave, for the next victim is approaching and they have work to do.

The crowd quickly gathers, kept at the allowed distance. The women look impassive as they observe one of their own sex so shamefully displayed. The men, especially the younger, are in quite an excited state -- as she can see from their bulging erections. Where are her friends, her family? Will she see them at some point? She both wishes it and dreads it.

Ah, but now her muscles are cramping and she reflexively begins to "dance on the cross." There is no need to learn the steps -- the body simply knows what to do.

She and the cross are now one. Her mind is still active, though suffused with the horrific pain and humiliation of one crucified. She stares down her body, between heaving breasts, across her tensed abdomen and her sweat-bejeweled pubic hair. Her bent thighs are quivering. The dance requires them to part now as she struggles. She stares at the heads of the nails through her feet nailed side by side to the upright. Now, the next movement, to push up and out. As she does, fresh bolts of searing pain flash up her legs. A new round of shouts, jeers, and lewd comments from the crowd as a few more square inches of her naked body are revealed. It's just a pussy boys -- calm down.

Pushing skyward she stares along her arms and at the heads of the nails through her wrists, more throbbing, searing pain as she pulls on them. Soon her thighs cramp and she drops down, heavily, suddenly. She nearly faints from the pain.

How ironic, she thinks: I carried this cross all that way over the rough and stony ground; now it carries me a few feet up into the air! To dance for these jeering assholes!

Sorry -- didn't mean to write so much. Just hard to stop once started.
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This via crucis scene is wonderful! The victim carries her whole cross which I think, sometimes, is easier than carrying a heavy crossbeam by itself. I can imagine an incorrigible victim swinging the end of a heavy crossbeam around to menace soldiers, executioners, or taunting civilians who get too close. After all, what has she got to lose?:eek:

Dragging the end gives more stability, I think, and some of the weight is transferred to the ground. Lots of variables, though. Which is heavier? Carrying the heavy end of a complete cross across one's shoulder, or just the crossbeam across both shoulders?

Carrying the complete cross is more visually powerful, I think. As is nailing the victim to the complete cross on the ground.

Ah, anticipating what is to come --

At the place she will die the exhausted victim drops the cross to the ground. She herself drops to her knees, or perhaps rolls over onto her side. Glad for the temporary relief, though her terror rises anticipating the horrendous pain to come.

No longer ashamed of her nakedness -- she hasn't worn clothes in days -- she rolls over onto her back, even carless that her legs are open. Ah, the morning sky is so beautifully blue today!!! A cool breeze provides slight refreshment to her hot, sweaty skin. Crude comments from spectators make her aware again of her nakedness. She closes her legs and rolls over onto her side, suddenly feeling so violated, so humiliated, so exposed.

Her executioners position the end of the upright near the hole in the ground in which the cross, with her upon it, will be raised and secured. Bags of nails are dropped at the crossbeam and the far end. She hears the heavy clanging of the nails together inside the leather bag. Men approach carrying hammers and rope. Screaming and kicking she is stretched out over the rough wood. Ropes secure her, then nails are placed, and the hammers fall.

As the cross is made upright and steady in the ground she hangs in utter agony, screaming, gasping, struggling.

She looks down from her perch, watching the executioners step back to admire their work, looking up at her writhing nakedness. A few dirty comments then they leave, for the next victim is approaching and they have work to do.

The crowd quickly gathers, kept at the allowed distance. The women look impassive as they observe one of their own sex so shamefully displayed. The men, especially the younger, are in quite an excited state -- as she can see from their bulging erections. Where are her friends, her family? Will she see them at some point? She both wishes it and dreads it.

Ah, but now her muscles are cramping and she reflexively begins to "dance on the cross." There is no need to learn the steps -- the body simply knows what to do.

She and the cross are now one. Her mind is still active, though suffused with the horrific pain and humiliation of one crucified. She stares down her body, between heaving breasts, across her tensed abdomen and her sweat-bejeweled pubic hair. Her bent thighs are quivering. The dance requires them to part now as she struggles. She stares at the heads of the nails through her feet nailed side by side to the upright. Now, the next movement, to push up and out. As she does, fresh bolts of searing pain flash up her legs. A new round of shouts, jeers, and lewd comments from the crowd as a few more square inches of her naked body are revealed. It's just a pussy boys -- calm down.

Pushing skyward she stares along her arms and at the heads of the nails through her wrists, more throbbing, searing pain as she pulls on them. Soon her thighs cramp and she drops down, heavily, suddenly. She nearly faints from the pain.

How ironic, she thinks: I carried this cross all that way over the rough and stony ground; now it carries me a few feet up into the air! To dance for these jeering assholes!

Sorry -- didn't mean to write so much. Just hard to stop once started.

Nice writing... reading it is like a wet dream :p
Nice writing... reading it is like a wet dream :p

Let me second that Barb...god I'm so, so...eroticized by the images and the writing. I'll be thinking about carrying that cross all during dinner later today.

"Roxie, Roxie, did you hear me dear?"

"Umm, no mom. Sorry. Guess I was somewhere else for a minute..."

"Bet I know what Roxie is thinking about!"

"Trust me Sis, you don't." (I have a younger sister...who thinks she knows me. If only Sis...if only...):eek:;):D
Great text, Shevak!

And thank you all for your comments!
A few infos for the future: Sadly, this picture is not a "coming soon" picture for Andaroos 4. Yes, I will do this next chapter in a short future, but I'm working n a totally different project for now (I love you all, people, so tis is a spoiler: it will be the story of a jogger, being captured by a redneck. Various beating, hanged by her ankle, etc...).

This Ana Maria picture is a testing for the future of Andaroos, and I have planned to do, at least, 3 more chapters for this series. Two of them may have a crux scene. If you are a good reader, I think you alrezady guessed that the last one will have the best, the most detailled and the best crux scene ever! :p

I like to change the subject of my stories, that's why I worked on a totally different project, after the release of Andaroos 3. After the jogger, I may work on a post-apocalyptic one (that I started more than 1 year ago , but stopped because of technical reasons.), but I want to say something:
Be sure that Andaroos 3 will not be the last chapter of the series, and Sofia (Andaroos 2) won't be the only crucified girl!.
I love your stories and they are really not expensive: Is there a possibility to pay them by other means that by credit card? Thanks for your work.
For heavens sake, don't apologise, Shevak

My verdict is :clapping: to you and :clapping: to SJ! :)

Thanks Wragg. SJ's work is so awesome it just inspires all sorts of scenarios!!! I just hope he plans to give us more images of this gal.

I'd love it if he'd give us a nailing scene, followed by an elevation and hanging. :D

One can only hope he has the time!
SJ, you wonderful, talented man!!!!! I just love you and your marvelous images!

Few artists are capable of capturing the raw, brutal, realistic, yet highly erotic components of crucifixion as you are. Your victims are suffering in the most horrible manner -- nailed naked to crosses -- yet they exude such a wholesome beauty and refinement that no matter what their state of guilt you can't help but feel sorry for them. My body aches for them...to be with them...oh, how can you instill such strong emotions in me????!!!!!

View attachment 236516 This most recent one, especially...just leaves me a breathless, quivering, moaning slave to your talent!!! A view I personally love for how it displays both cross and hanging victim so completely...Bravo, maestro!!!!

I am soooooo completely horny as only a crux gal can be at this moment!!!!!!

Wow! Roxie, you seem to have been on the verge of having a crux orgasm here. Call it a crux-gasm! Hey, I've been there, especially with this thread.

The emotion in your writing is so, well, stirring! ;) Hope you keep on expressing your crux-gal feelings so exuberantly!:D
Will this be in Andaroos 4? I already have my $10 ready...

Sadly, this picture is just for testing purposes, and I didn't have started the developement of Andaroos 4.
But I already wrote the story, so don't worry, there willl be a chapter 4, and a 5 too.

And when I was writing the whole story, I had some idea for developing more the Andaroos universe, so it's not that impossible that you see a Chapter 6 and 7 ... ;)
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