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and of course with lower-case initials, slave-cunt.

this slave is so lowly as to be unworthy of any name, not even a number. it is only referred to as “slave” and if a Superior requires it’s attention They will address it with a crack of the whip across it’s shoulders or any other conveniently targetable slave flesh…

eg “Lick My boots, useless slave

Whirrrrrr CRACK!!!

this slave is so lowly as to be unworthy of any name, not even a number. it is only referred to as “slave” and if a Superior requires it’s attention They will address it with a crack of the whip across it’s shoulders or any other conveniently targetable slave flesh…

eg “Lick My boots, useless slave

Whirrrrrr CRACK!!!
I might need to reevaluate the Mercy shown to My property after reading this!
this slave understands the lash is a far better teacher than mercy for slaves like that linkie, Sir. And best keep it chained, Sir, linkies are born to run!
I have no fear of My property running off as it is an obedient and most servile of creatures.
As a former linkie, it still lusts for the hunt in its slave heart but is far too submissive to entertain such thoughts unless I order it to.
The hunt has been an internal one since I took possession and branded it forever from the purchasing block.
It has been a fun experience breaking and Training this meat under My lash.
A collar and cuffs both on wrists and ankles are always at the ready for an attaching chain as is the clitoral hood piercing that now adorns it’s bared mound.
And it has also undergone conditioning to remove its’s former identities, both in name and titles of female, etc.
it is nothing more than cunt now.
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