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View attachment 438658

As Pansius raised the lightweight cane with his limp wrist to try to inflict some punishment on the giggling slavegirls,
his toga slipped and the hem of his tunic lifted to reveal his - er - small but perfectly formed assets -
in spite of being naked, tied up and smarting from their thrashing by Brutus, the slaves couldn't stop laughing :p :p :p

And they soon regretted their laughter! :eek:
Eul.: "this slavegirl must admit, 'Every Girl's Guide' has been somewhat neglected lately,
though there have been good examples for slavegirls to follow on this thread."

those do not, end up like this:


Yes, I think that's the only reason the whipping-girl is allowed a loincloth
in the coffee-grinding scene - so she can tuck the whip in it while she's refilling the mill with beans.
It obviously doesn't hide anything!

So linkie, you led us a merry dance as we hunted you through the Forest,
now you're our thrall, we offer you to Óðin on our forefathers' runestone.
Blacksmith, bring the branding iron, mark her with Óðin's rune!
walk begins

Thank you Willy. That will be all.

Now kindly step back against the wall mademoiselle. Would you like a blindfold or perhaps a last smoke?

No? Very well. I've been called worse. I should have expected as much from these insolent French! No manners at all!

Ready men! Prepare to fire!
Found this in my archive recently.
Nice pic. I don't know what fate they are facing, but the girl on the left is seeking some comfort, some human contact to take away the fear and helplessness. Eyes closed, she leans forward, lips parted, her ample body swaying into contact with her partner.
The other girl is not sure. She leans naturally towards the first girl, bodies touching gently, but her face suggests that she hasn't yet decided how to respond. Has she ever kissed another girl before? Has she ever been bound naked? What will she do?
It reminds me of this one. Two slaves, helpless, yet enthusiastically finding solace in each other. Gentle lips touch, the taste of another slave, finding comfort pleasure wherever it can be taken.
Found this in my archive recently.
View attachment 442036
Nice pic. I don't know what fate they are facing, but the girl on the left is seeking some comfort, some human contact to take away the fear and helplessness. Eyes closed, she leans forward, lips parted, her ample body swaying into contact with her partner.
The other girl is not sure. She leans naturally towards the first girl, bodies touching gently, but her face suggests that she hasn't yet decided how to respond. Has she ever kissed another girl before? Has she ever been bound naked? What will she do?
It reminds me of this one. Two slaves, helpless, yet enthusiastically finding solace in each other. Gentle lips touch, the taste of another slave, finding comfort pleasure wherever it can be taken.
View attachment 442037

Some soft-hearted person has wasted a perfectly good cloth by placing it under these two undeserving slaves.
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