Something different
Defiling the sacred grove.
Machteld, priestess of Ludana, she made and kept a vow of virginity,
to become one at twelve and eversince.
Thirteen year have passed since then, her mentor died last year from illness.
Two more years before she could choose a husband and swear in and teach a new virgin acolyte.
Every month when she bled, she had to leave the sacred grove to keep it clean.
During that period, she had her camp at the edge of the grove next to the river.
Men came in the night, took her prisoner and brought her back into the sanctuary.
They raped her, they nailed her to this construction.
Now the semen flowing out of her and her blood polluting the holy grove,
she had tended as they left her to die.
Pain and thirst were her companions as long as she kept breathing.
By the time the villagers would investigate her absence,
they would find her defiled corpse desecrating her grove.
Her tribe would be disheartened by this all.
As a result, in the coming war the morale of her warriors,
would be diminished on the battlefield.
At least that was the idea.