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Some Sketches

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Only 10 hours? Why is she being treated so well?
I wonder if the ancient Romans were wise enough to foresee precisely how long someone should be dying.

And as for treating the victim, there was no possibility to prolong the agony if the body was too weak, even giving water and so on.
You could only be sure how to shorten the lifespan of the crucified.
Passion Play in the City: the trio.

The parish of St. Francisc prepared the realistic Mystery, more than a theatrical performance. So, it took three to recreate the crucifixion of the Messiah. Mixed sex was simply a matter of statistics. Thorns were real and nails were real, as well as whips. And no loincloth was allowed.

Passion Play of Dorina

This cameral spectacle, organized by an amateur theater for Budapest television, could only be viewed from the stairs and from the balcony on the southern elevation of the Szent Erzsebet Church. The church was built on one of the hills overlooking the city and the entire cityscape visible from its terrace was the background for the crucifixion scene. Initially, Istvan (40), the theater director, was supposed to perform. However, the troupe was plagued by bad luck: the actor who was supposed to play the Messiah broke his arm just a week ago. His wife and deputy, Dorina (39), took it upon herself to find a replacement. She called all the friendly theatres and familiar actors, but finally gave up and, going to bed the day before the performance, decided that she had to cancel the event, despite the interest of the city authorities and the capital's television station.

That night, however, she had a dream that shook her up so much that she didn't know what was happening to her for several hours after waking up and drinking two cups of coffee. She never told anyone any details, except that in an interview with The Budapest Sun a month later she mentioned that it was a prophetic dream and that it helped her make this decision. And the decision that Dorina made was very brave: when she arrived at the performance venue before 3 p.m., to the complete surprise of her colleagues, she announced to the theater and film crew that she would replace her husband.

And so she did.

When some of her friends tried to protest and dissuade her from this intention, she firmly asked not to apply any leniency towards her, and suddenly threw off all her clothes, and placed a wreath of thorns on her head before she stretched out her hands to the soldiers. And when, still unconvinced, they tied her hands behind her back, she stood before the church doors waiting for the bells ringing at 3 p.m. Being asked about her loincloth she replied that there was no such thing in an ancient Rome, and pushing the door with her knee, she went out into the square in front of the church and went down the stairs to the terrace in front of the gathered audience. She stopped by the prepared cross and turned to face the people, blushing with shame and at the same time nodding her head calling the rest of the actors.

The soldiers and executioners followed her down the stairs, full of doubts, but it was too late to retreat.

"Crucify her! Crucify her!" came the cries of the appointed extras from the crowd.

And so they did.

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I used AI enhanced for this sketch ;)
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Circus Maximus

Agnes looked around at the audience, too terrified to cry. A quarter of all the residents of the city had come to watch her and her husband die.

She looked at the sand of the arena and her teeth began to chatter with fear. They had not been warned of the death they were to die, and the sight of the crosses lying in the arena terrified her to death. How was it even possible that the procurator had passed such a cruel sentence? After all, they were citizens and had not committed high treason! Why should they die such a vile death, intended only for slaves!?

She still watched with disbelief in her eyes as the executioners stripped her husband naked. No loincloth was granted to him. And then she felt the soldier standing right behind her put his hands under her tunic - one in front, the other behind, brazenly and deliberately touching her buttocks and genitals. She looked at him in despair, with a face red with shame, wanting to protest, but terror choked her throat and only tears flowed from her eyes. The soldier grinned and unceremoniously lifted her robe up, exposing her vulva and breasts to the gathered spectators. For a brief moment she saw nothing, her face covered by the tunic pulled up. She heard only the chorus of laughter and applause from the audience and, completely losing control of herself, she began to cry loudly and fell to her knees, urinating.

But in no time she no longer remembered either her terrible shame or the unjust sentence, nor did she even remember her own name, writhing in pain and screaming at the top of her voice as thick, rough, rusty nails were driven into her arms and legs without the slightest mercy. Nails on which she would hang for the next twelve hours before the executioners mercifully lit a bonfire under her and her husband's feet after sunset, the heat of which would slowly burn their legs and crotches to coal, providing them with the most horrible and inhuman suffering in the last hour of their lives.

I used AI enhanced for this sketch ;)
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One wonders if the death penalty would be a deterrent if it was carried out this way...
Circus Maximus

Agnes looked around at the audience, too terrified to cry. A quarter of all the residents of the city had come to watch her and her husband die.

She still watched with disbelief in her eyes as the executioners stripped her husband naked. No loincloth was granted to him. And then she felt the soldier standing right behind her put his hands under her tunic - one in front, the other behind, brazenly and deliberately touching her buttocks and genitals. She looked at him in despair, with a face red with shame, wanting to protest, but terror choked her throat and only tears flowed from her eyes. The soldier grinned and unceremoniously lifted her robe up, exposing her vulva and breasts to the gathered spectators. For a brief moment she saw nothing, her face covered by the tunic pulled up. She heard only the chorus of laughter and applause from the audience and, completely losing control of herself, she began to cry loudly and fell to her knees, urinating.

View attachment 1547462
At this point neither hers or husband's imperfections a bother to her. They were about to suffer the indignity of the cross for the crowd's entertainment.

It was a light sentence as they were mercifully burned to death after only twelve hours crucified...
One wonders if the death penalty would be a deterrent if it was carried out this way...

At this point neither hers or husband's imperfections a bother to her. They were about to suffer the indignity of the cross for the crowd's entertainment.

It was a light sentence as they were mercifully burned to death after only twelve hours crucified...
The executions in the circus, however being easier to be watched by the more numerous audience, often took no more than few hours, because the people wanted to see the agony of the convicts from the beginning to the very end but they didn't want to sit all the day long, having only the cold dry provisions, and they for sure preferred not to sleep in the circus...
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