San Rafael induction and Interrogation Center, outside Block C, Friday, February 21, 3:10 pm.
Returning from San Rafael’s VIP retention section in Block D, Capitán de Policía’ Sergio Perez came upon a Nissan X-Trail SUV bearing the blue and white livery of the Neuva Valencia Departamento de Correcciones parked outside the entrance to Block C, its driver casually leaning against the vehicle smoking a cigarette.
Already in a bad mood following his visit to the cell of Secretary of Commerce, Felix Gomez, whom to Perez’s disgust had apparently converted his cell into his own private bordello while his loyal wife Eva, in order to secure his release, was forced to prostitute herself in the service of Presidente Mendoza.
Noting that the Nissan was parked in a forbidden zone, Perez chose to take his bad temper out on the hapless driver. “You there! What the fuck do you think you’re doing? You can’t park there! See the sign prohibiting it? Put out that damn cigarette and get the hell out of here before I have you arrested and thrown in a cell!”
As soon as his three assigned assistants had joined him at Bárbara’s side, Zúñiga put his plan into action. Leaning close over her face he declared, “Last chance, Señorita Morales! Confess!”
And on cue, as agreed, she promptly spat in his face.
Faking rage, he balled his fist and slammed it hard into her belly, causing her to cry out and gasp for air, the wind knocked out of her.
“Don’t just stand there!” he railed turning to his team. “Get started, Rodriguez! Cloth over her face. On my signal a steady stream of water poured upon it for a period of twenty seconds … enough for starters. We’ll draw out the time by an additional five seconds each time we repeat it!”
She squirmed about as if in protest, but went rigid soon as the cloth was draped over her face, the fabric involuntarily sucked in and out of her mouth and nose as she struggled to breathe.
A stream of water began to flow continuously from a jug held over head, seeping into and soaking through the cloth.
Within seconds, she’d begun to gag and convulse, as the terrifying sensation of helplessly drowning took hold of her consciousness.
Zúñiga watched with an air of detachment as excess water drained out over her cheeks, welled in her ears, wetted her hair and plastered it to the surface of the board beneath her head. And as her restrained body squirmed and shook, in so far as the straps that bound it to the board allowed, he noted in particular the manner in which her hardened nipples, like buoys at sea, stood proudly erect upon the jiggling flesh of her breasts.
“Enough! Let her breathe!” he commanded.
The wet cloth was removed.
She gasped, expelling water and gulping air, eyes focused on him imploringly.
“Again! This time for 25 seconds!”
The process was repeated. And then repeated again for a full half minute.
“Had enough yet, Señorita Morales? Ready to save yourself now, or do you wish that we continue? All you need to do is confess your crimes. Be sensible! Sign the damn document!”
A prolonged bout of coughing and choking delayed her response. But when she was finally able, she shook her head from side to side and croaked, “No!”
“Continue? Or would the Teniente Coronel prefer that we subject her to the Parrot’s Perch? If all else fails, that nearly always ….”
Zúñiga cut off his the hulking assistant in mid-sentence with a withering glare. “No, Rodriguez. This is simply not working. She’d rather die than break under torture. That’s evident enough! I’m convinced that we need to try a different tack … more of a soft touch … a plan that I’ve been developing which just might get results. Release her! Get her on her feet. Then remove your shirt and allow her to cover herself with it. I’m taking her away from here!”
“To where, Teniente Coronel, if I may ask? And what plan is that? I’ve not been informed of any plan!”
“Away from here, Rodriguez! She needs to be taken elsewhere where different methods can be applied. Exactly where that may be is no concern of yours. And as for your lack of knowledge of my experimental plan, it’s because it’s new! But I can assure you that it’s been presented to the Ministerio de Justicia just prior to this session, and approved by Juan Cabrera himself! Now stop wasting time, do as I say and be quick about it.”
“Yessir, but this is most unusual and I intend to check later with my superiors here at San Fernando.”
“As you please, Rodriguez. But, for now, you and your men do exactly as I say!”
“That’s it. Steady now. Got her? … Good! … keep her upright … now out in the corridor … and to the side entrance … I’ve transport waiting outside.”
The White House, Friday, February 21, 3:50 pm
National Security Advisor, Jake Merriweather, rocked back and forth on his feet, hands clasped behind his back as he waited for the President’s taciturn outer-office ‘gatekeeper’ to admit him to the Oval Office. He found the woman’s haughty officiousness to be more than mildly annoying. He had an appointment for a specific time, but yet he’d been cooling his heels for more than half an hour. And no explanation was offered other than a terse, “Madame President is occupied.”
Eventually, she looked up from behind her desk and with a dismissive wave of her hand sniffed, “You may go in now. Madame President and Chief of Staff McDaniels, are expecting you.”
“Good afternoon, Madame President,” he said as he entered .. adding with a nod in the direction of her Chief of Staff, “… and Claire.”
“Afternoon Jake. Sorry to have kept you waiting.”
Although the two of them probably thought he wouldn’t notice, the reason why he’d been kept waiting was all too apparent. The Oval Office had acquired what he knew to be the unmistakable scent of female sexual arousal, not to mention that both women looked flushed and that the buttons on MCDaniel’s blouse appeared to have been rather hastily secured as one had been missed causing the front to gap revealingly as she waved him to a seat opposite her on one of the Oval Office’s paired facing sofas.
“What have you got for us this afternoon, Jake?” the President murmured as she leaned back, cross-legged, against the forward edge of the Resolute Desk.
It was only then that he noticed she had her skirt on backwards.
“Well, Madame President, “I believe I can report some significant progress on our efforts to deal with the ongoing crisis in Nueva Valencia.”
“Enlighten us.”
“We have a clandestine operation to rescue Morales ready to go with significant assets on the ground in San Rafael. It’s just a waiting game now. Soon as we get the go ahead from Zúñiga, we give our people there the green light.”
“Who’s in charge there, if I may ask?”
“As Commander-in-Chief, you have every right to ask, Madame President, but security protocol requires that I only give you her code name.”
“Yes, it’s a ‘her’. Some of our best field operatives these days, I suspect you’ll be pleased to learn, Madame President, are women.”
“Really! What’s her code name then?”
“She goes by ‘dark shadow’.”
“Sounds almost sinister.”
“Not to be trifled with I’m told.”