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Stories by Crassuswild

Go to CruxDreams.com

The Guards order the sweating slaves to raise the cross. They glare reluctantly at the great crux and its vast groaning burden. They drag the end level with the brick lines slot Daxter moaning in pain with each movement. With rope and muscle the cross raises into the air Daxter howling with fresh agony as the iron spikes start to take his body weight.

The slaves pulling on ropes hoist the burdened cross up setting the vertical beam into a slot in the prepared ground. Each cross vertical beam had a small platform-jutting out from in through which a hole had been fashioned. Daxter screams in pure agony now, his entire body weight hangs from the nails in his wrists. His legs twitch out in a desperate attempt to find perches. Daxter howls in agony, crucified.

Daxter goes mad with pain and panic twisting and jerking in a desperate attempt to shake him from the cross. To no avail. Daxter vomits and it runs thickly over is muscular belly.

Daxter crucified with the rod in his ass his huge cock swelling and getting hard, the foreskin working its way down his cock hard and throbbing before the gaze of the crowd. The soldiers ensure that the sedile has held firm in its allotted slot and that the big mans ass has not slipped from the wooden prick.

Liquid vomit running off his chest. Raised into the air the great cross drops into the slot the impact jolting the wooden frame and the spiked flesh. The crowd applauds the slaves who shake the sweat from their eyes and drink water from skins.

He pleads and screams and cries for his “Mamma”. Panting the Romans stand back to admire their work.

The crucified man twists and jerks and writhes, in total agony the nails biting into the nerves of the wrists and ankles and the invading rod up the arse. He tries to scream but the breath is stolen from him. Daxter strong and powerful pounds his limbs against the wood trying to pull them free despite the agony roaring between his teeth until he runs out of air, his face totally distorted by the pain his hard dick root like before him jerking and squirming screeching in agony.

Daxter does the dance of the cross. The crucified when hanging by spiked wrists have their arms in a V position and hanging from nails that grind against bone and nerves the agony of this is beyond imagination cramp must eat their forearms and knot their shoulders. With their arms raised they also find their pectoral muscles are frozen and with panic they realise they cannot expel the air from their lungs. The crucified has to push himself up on the nails through his ankles fighting the agony. Bending his arms and straightening his legs the man slides up the sedile stuffed into his ass. With the legs straight and the chest relaxed the crucified is able to breathe gasping air in and out, screaming and exchanging snatched words with their families or tormentors before the sheer agony in their ankles and the cramp in their legs becomes unbearable and they slide or fall back down their rectums rushing down the poles and impacting on their prostates and they are again hanging from their wrists. This painful process is repeated again and again until all strength is gone and they asphyxiate. The sedile the humiliating seat inserted into all of them is designed to stop the victim sagging to far down the cross ensuring less strength is needed to breath and ensuring the victim can survive his torture for longer. The sedile is also political the victim has to ride the rod, has to slide his rectum up and down the pole of a roman cross, has to ram his prostate in order to breathe. The victim is literally fucked to death by Rome the ultimate act of humiliation and submission to the state.

Despite his pain the victim sports an erection displaying all that the gods have blessed him with before the gaze of friends and enemies alike. The crowd shouts and mocks adding insult to his misery. His cock engorged with blood stimulated by the sedile on the prostate.

I look at Daxter as he pushes himself up to breathe the rod sliding up his ass, he sees me and tries to shout his face twisted with rage and pain but fails he slides down again the agony in his ankles to great for him. The sedile rams his prostate again and his thick boner seems to bob with his fluttering heartbeat a thick drool of precum oozing from the mushroom headed dick. Flies start to gather buzzing about the crucified man adding to his torments Daxter tossing his head in an attempt to drive them off. Each movement causing fresh agony.

A sign declaring him a murderer is hung above his head.

Daxter is a strong man despite his house slave status his owners sent him to the gym to enhance his appeal a habit he continued in freedom. His muscle in his arms and thighs are thick and powerful his strength should ensure he could live on the cross for days.

Daxter starts an agonised panic weather from his pain or realisation of his approaching death who can guess. He starts to twist and jerk trying to pull himself from the spikes that impale him and the rod in his ass almost oblivious or relishing the excruciating agony this must cause him. He roars in pain standing on raised legs trying to twist the rod from his ass and pull the nails through his wounds. His whipcord muscles spasm under his hairy flesh now dripping with sweat. His stalk like cock waving before the mocking crowd. He tries to wiggle the sedile from his rectum but fails and ultimately fatigue overwhelms him and he slides down the weight of his body returning to his nailed wrists.

His skin goes pale as the shock bites in his tear red eyes dark in their sockets.

Daxter had been crucified for a little over an hour spasmodically jerking up and down to gulp breath in and out of his lungs when the constant impacting of the sedile on his prostate became too much for the crucified. Daxter his face red with shame groan and screwed his eyes tight shut as his scarlet cock started to judder and suddenly erupted with thick gloopy spunk. Ejaculate in thick yellow white ropes splattering into the dry earth and down the muscular thighs of the prisoner.

The crowd roared with laughter and abuse while dubious physicians gathered up the primeval magical goo.

Daxter pushed himself up to breath his thick cock still twitching his face wretched with shame, humiliated before all. Sinking back down the sedile’s impact caused a fresh ejaculation, streams of cum drooling out of the cock until his heavy balls were exhausted and yet still he must breath and ride the pole causing the wretched victim exquisite torture off sensitivity to his existing agonies.

I make sure that I look the crucified directly in the eye sneering letting him know that I have enjoyed his humiliation. Daxter. If Daxter notices he is to mad with pain to comment.

Daxter starts to spasm and twitch as his nervous system becomes overwhelmed by the agonising stimulus it is receiving. The big main groans spittle flecking his beard. Flies buzz around him now fascinated by his blood and semen. He shakes his head trying to drive them from his face. The sun is at his strongest at the moment and it mercilessly burns his naked skin his face and shoulders burning pink and the tip of his erect cock frying in the solar glare. I drink from a flask of wine and water and makes sure the parched Daxter sees me doing so.

The big man rocks has head from side to side trying to lap with swollen tongue the moister from his bloody sweaty broad shoulders

Daxter enraged starts to try and shout abuse at the crowd his lack of breath prevents us from hearing but the guards see fit to unleash three strokes of the whip across his powerful chest and the big man sinks down on his sedile sullen and resentful his face a mask of pure hatred.

The big man continues to push himself up with his powerful but cramp knotted legs to gasp in breath the wooden prick sliding up and down his ass. He shakes his head trying to drive away the insects that buzz around him.

The crucified man starting to shake and twitch makes a heroic effort to stand on his nails and free himself of the rod in his ass but his powerful leg muscles visibly cramp and he falls hard down the rod. Daxter lets out a pitiful groan and ejaculates again the mob laughing as the great cock bobs and weaves dollops of off white cum dripping from the sun burned swollen dead.

The sun is as its most powerful and my slaves gather round the canopy of my chair and they share water while I sip watered wine hoping Daxter can see this. The sight of the cum dripping from the great cock excites me and my own cock so hard for sum time needs relief and I have my slaves draw the curtains of my canopy and order Lonzo his hand through the curtain to work my inches. Though the plebs cannot see this the man on his cross will be able to see in and see how I am enjoying his naked suffering. Lonzo has a practiced hand and I am soon shaking and squirting into the handsome slaves hand.

I sit back and watch the crucified gasping in the heat.

It is noticed after a while that Daxter has stopped pushing himself up on his nailed ankles this could be fatigue (unlikely as he is a powerful man) or a desire to end his agony and suffocate into oblivion. The guards have noticed this and with a world-weary expression plastered over their rough wine stained faces they initiate the final stage of Daxter’s misery. The two slave place ladders at the back of the cross and climb they loop ropes around the crucified mans arms and with straining muscles draw the big man up until his shoulders are level with the crossbeam. The relief on Daxter's face is evident as the pressure is taken from his nailed wrists although the ropes must bit into the tender flesh of the arms. Fear however shudders through him as he has witnessed enough crucifixions in the past to know what happens now.

A third slave encouraged to speed by his straining companions detaches the blood and shit soaked sedile from the cross and slides it from Daxter’s Anus. The slave is young and cheeky and makes a show of buggering Daxter with the rod first quickly pushing it in and out of the crucified man like a jackrabbit on heat much to the crowd’s amusement and Daxter’s obvious shame. The anger of the slaves holding the big man up soon ends that pantomime

The rod is slid from his ass and Daxter’s face is lined again with the ecstasy of relief and stubby wooden block is reinserted into a second hole further up the cross just bellow Daxter's dangling balls. The great cock starts to flop. Once the new sedile is secured and the guards give them the nod the slaves gratefully release their ropes and allow Daxter to slide back down until his naked buttocks rest on the platform. The new platform being higher means that Daxter needs not push himself up and down to aid breathing although the breaths he can take are rapid and shallow the great chest twitching like a fish landing on the bank. This is not Rome’s mercy and Daxter knows it. He starts to plead in panic.

The executioner approaches the begging crucified man spike and mallet in hand. The Roman makes a point of showing Daxter the metal spike, the great man his blood shot eyes as wide as saucers starts to sob much to the amusement of the mob who start to bleat like sheep.

The executioner takes hold of Daxter’s great dick and pulls it taught along the sedile Daxter tries to pull away trying to drive his knees together in a vain attempt to protect his private parts. He jerks his hip and causes himself fresh agony in his impaled limbs.

The executioner pins down the tip of the crucified mans cock who yelps in fear and watches with morbid fear as the mallet is raised. The executioner drives the needle sharp nail strait through the penis and into the wood fresh blood spraying into the air.

The cock nail is always used; it is used by the Roman’s to ensure the convict really suffers. The new sedile stops the victim suffocating when his strength starts to fail and the nail secures him to the platform and prevents him pushing himself from the sedile to a speedy death and a release from his agony. He of cause and still do this but in doing so shreds his dick and Rome ensures its victim does not die a man. The symbolic end to the criminals corrupt heritage. The penis nail also ensures fresh humiliation and agony for the victim. The perfect torment. Daxter is in a way lucky that he has a thick cock; less well-endowed men get the nail driven through their cock and balls.

Daxter howls and howls the attack on his manhood appearing to be the worst indignity inflicted on him fresh blood dripping into the baked earth. He tries to push himself up on his ankles the long cock sliding up the nail but is trapped by the nail head. In total agony the big man slumps down on the cruel seat. All he can do now is sit and suffer the great man pinned and shamed and he looks at his tormentors through lined eyes.
Great one crassus as usual


Oh my god! P P P Pain explodes in my arms, MY A A ARMS My feet on fire. Cant breath F F F Fuck my arms MY ARMS, MY FUCKING ARMS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Need a shit; no it’s the rod Too m m m much. It hurts real bad ooooooooooooooooooooooh Falling, not falling, want to f f f fall, HELP ME! Oh god oh god oh god god god​

Arms on FIRE, cant think Can’t think only pain Only the pain Cant breath Don’t breath Only prolong Obey the State Have to Gonna stand Oh shit he is gonna stand F F F Feet hurt real bad cant stand, Have too! NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo Hurts to bad…

Wow. That was horrible, thirty seconds, only in Mariuz for thirty seconds and it was an eternity, terrible crushing pain in my chest, my ass on fire, but the arms and ankles that was something else! Socking, electric agony, roaring up my legs and down my arm, the wounds hideous as they arm pressed against the nail. I am shaking and I down a third of the bottle, but I am horny, cant wait, I thumb my cock from my shorts and start to work my inches under the foreskin, I breathing is fast as each joyous wave rolls up from my wet cock. I don’t take long and I cum, white jets vomiting from the purple tip, fuck its gone on the carpet, my cock throbs and is spent, sticky cum pooling on my now hairy belly, I look at the five figure shifting on their crosses.

“Thanks guys” I gasp.

I pull my sorts up high to catch the worst of the semen, which soaks into the fabric, and I shuffle my cock going on the slack to the bathroom.

I luxuriate under my shower, enjoying as the warm water washes the semen, sweat and spilt wine off my skinny body. I enjoy letting the water flood my mouth, spitting it against the shower curtain, thinking how much Stephen would beg, plead to be allowed to quench his thirst, I soap my cock and balls, doubt anyone would be impressed with them if I was hung on a cross. Unlike Reggie and his massive member, sexy fella, what a pity, mind you he would probably split me in half if he used it on me! Pity he is such a homophobe! Still at least I am bigger than Lee with his shrivelled warty contributions, thinking about them makes my own cock climb back into life, I close my eyes and imagine running my soapy hands over Mariuz strong hairy body, feeling the thick body hair run between my fingers, imagine those powerful hands on me, so strong, I imagine him on his cross imagine him at my mercy, to be able to do anything to him and for him to be unable to resist. I thrill at this thought to have such a powerful example of masculinity at my command. Or his son, pale and beautiful Adamsi, I imagine kissing his sensitive looks lips, imagine his goatee beard tickling as he did so, imagine that fresh ripened cock hard in my mouth, imagine his groans of pleasure rather than of pain. The water runs cold over me and I realise that I have been lost in thought, I have drained the tank, I shiver and grab my robe. I grab the wine bottle and neck another swig. I pad with wet feet to the kitchen and cast a glance at the TV; the camera continues to pan across the crucified. Time has past and they no longer thrash, no longer dramatically struggle but have each fallen into a rhythmic pattern, each needs to take their weight of the terrible spikes through their arms and so each struggles to stand on their nailed ankles before falling back down when the pains in their legs become to great. I can hear their moans; each individual voice mixes with the others so it appears that there is a continual low rumble of desperation and misery.

In the kitchen I realise I am hungry; I have not eaten all day. I stick some not overly fresh bread into the toaster and wait for it to toast and pop. I wonder if the crucified are hungry, I realise I have no idea, do they get a last meal, if they do are they calm enough to eat it, do they starve themselves in an attempt to shorten their wretched lives?

I spread the margarine on the toast and much it enjoying its simple flavour and a feast no doubt for the crucified that burn energy as they struggle on their crosses and don’t replace the calories.

I do some chores then return to then return to the sitting room, the television and its five unfortunate start turns. The men have been on their crosses for hours now, each being slowly tortured to death.

One can only imagine how it feels, only imagine because I am such a coward. To hang experiencing such torture and knowing the only release will be death the most terrifying thing we must all face.

Its late now and I consider going to bed but I decide to hang on for the “midnight mercy” I wonder who will get it. Who has impressed the voting public? The commentator burbles on. The idiot is thrusting a microphone into the faces of the crucified and asking them why they deserve the States Mercy. “So Lee Bower are you sorry for your crimes?” the junkie looks awful and his quivering jaw is unable to articulate any words, he is as pale as milk, his cock now soft from loss of blood it is as shrivelled as a pine cone but from the look of agony on his face I don’t think he cares.


“So tell us why do you deserve an end to your justified punishment?”

“NNNNNnnnnnarrrr n n no NO MORE…. AAAAAAGH PLEASE!”

It’s the best he can manage but it sounds heartfelt, a desperate plea from a desperate man. “So if you think this criminal deserves an end to his suffering contact the number at the bottom of the screen.

“So Reggie Elton is the cross as bad as you imagined?”

“S S STUPID FUCKING A A ASSHOLE!” bellows the crucified man and quite right too that commentator really is a twat!

“Reggie Elton why do you deserve an end to your justified punishment?”


“Well now if you think that less than constructive appeal won you over then dial the number at the bottom of your screen.”

“Stephen Clunes how does it feel to die with the scum of the earth”


“Stephen Henry Clunes make your appeal”

“AAAAAAAAAAAAGH I I I AM S S SORRY” he sinks down and they wait for him to force himself back onto his lanky legs “S SO SORRY PLEASE AAAAGH I I LEARN… LEARN learn” his voice trails away, he looks confused.

Again add a 3 to the number at the bottom of your screen to vote for crucified number three.

“Mariuz Venshu how does it feel to have led your son to the cross?”

The big man stares ahead in silence. His muscles ripple under his hairy skin, his cock still hard.

“Mariuz Venshu why should you receive the ill deserved sympathy from the people?”

He looks ahead with bloodshot eyes but remains silent then suddenly as the idiot is about to move away he suddenly barks “V V VOTE mmmmmph SON!”

“Adamsi Venshu, a ringing endorsement from your father do you agree should you rather than your father receive the midnight mercy and if so what kind of son wants his old man to suffer in his place?” Adamsi tries to raise his head his harrowing face emerges from the ropes of wet hair, his eyes are red rimmed and his lips turning blue, his body looks contorted and his cock soft.

“P P PLEASE we weeeeeeee d d d DON’T deserve t t t this… this is wrong… we t t tried to leave we…“ Realising the next statements could be treasonable the commentator with draws the microphone from his shaggy locks.

“An undesirable bunch but which of these vermin deserve your vote to grant them midnight mercy?”

The men continue their struggle on their crosses, while the population of our great isle cast their votes. I check my emails and pretend to the like minded that I experienced feeling of crucifixion for my longer than I really could. I gossip with email chums, discussing our favourite from the crucified, hottest, the dog and checking the previews for tomorrow’s executions.

At last the commentator comes onto the screen, behind him the crucified men continue to torture themselves in their desire for air and in the constant search for a less painful position.

“Ladies and gentlemen the lines are closed, votes are cast and counted. The suffering of one of these contemptible filth is about to be ended as they receive, midnight mercy!” he turns to face the men on their crosses, they pay attention despite their terrible suffering, this could mean the end to their pain.

“Prisoners the convict to receive midnight mercy is…”

There is sudden dramatic music with a tick tock beat and the screen fills with the face of each of the condemned men.

These pauses in reality TV results are getting beyond a joke!

“Reggie Elton!”

That was a surprise his gang must have had his number on speed dial!

The camera focuses in on Reggie and you can see the relief in his haggard face “thanks man” you can hear him say. His head falls back against the upright and he sigh out his big chest deflating.

“N N NO ITS W W WRONG its M M ME! AAAAAAAAAAAGH! Me you fools AAAAAAAAAAAAGH RECOUNT! RECOUNT!” screams Stephen his last hope shattered, he protests until he no longer has he air and he sinks down on his cross.

Mariuz tries to catch his son’s attention but the youth’s head hang forward and he does not turn, his thin chest rises and falls.

“Reggie Elton you are to receive midnight mercy, do you accept this boon?”

“Yes man… thanks” whispers the tortured man

The commentator withdraws. Reggie sinks down on his cross, his eyes closed, teeth clenched.

“I’m Sorry mum” he suddenly says his voice calm and deep.

The idiots voice over blocks him out “midnight mercy in three, two, one NOW!”

There is a hum of power then suddenly there is a brilliant light that envelops Reggie’s cross. He goes taut and appears to turn negative the light is so intense; Reggie shakes violently as the power from the cross is conducted into him. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!”

His last scream echoes about studio and his charred corpse sinks down. You can hear the others coughing from the stench.

The suffering of Reggie is over he has had the midnight mercy.

Unless death intervenes the others will now have to suffer until 5.30. Tired I go to bed. I remove the hyperlink kit and shut down the over hot computer. I give them a final look, Lee bone thin and twisted his eyes wide and mouth open, small cock waggles between his emaciated thighs, tattoos defaced with dried blood.

Stephen shouting and barking his smooth body going red under the harsh studio lights.

Mariuz struggles now his short frame stretched beyond endurance, his resistance failing, his grief consuming him.

Adamsi, weeping, head down, thin and pale, slowly rising and falling on the spikes that hold him.

“Night all”

I awake early. My morning glory disturbing the sheets. I look at the time 4.48. To early to get up really but I know I will. I will watch the hour of the crucified, I wake up this time most days, I am becoming obsessed!

I switch on the TV and computer then head to the kitchen for coffee. I settle on the sofa. I take in the scene. Lee is obviously dead. His arms are far to long, sometime in the night they must have dislocated, popping apart with fresh torment for the cadaverous junkie. His arms no longer working properly he would no longer empty his lungs, which would have filled with fluid, and he would have slowly drowned. I watch the highlights on the computer Iplayer and the popping of the arms and Lee’s final struggles are shown on a loop. Not interesting I have seen it so many times.

Reggie’s burned black corpse remains on his cross, its cock burned crisp in the upright position.

Stephen is raving, although his fingers are turning black and his breathing shallow he chatters on and on, “ m m meeting set for t t t tomorrow… deal! C c c clinch the deal… wheres the.. AAAGH where’s the…? Phone me! AAAAAGH”

The cross has driven him mad, perhaps his broken mind means he can escape his physical suffering. His body still looks strong, the muscles moving under the skin, he can still stand on his spikes and sink lower again, his limp cock flops between his legs, he could last for hours yet. But the real Stephen is gone, broken by the cross.

Mariuz is also strong although you can tell he has suffered much, despite the tan he has gone pale, his face looks sunken and lined with grief, the spikes hare pulled through his flesh ripping up between the bones and he is coated with dried blood although ironically he can stand on his ankles easier now. He still jerks up to breath and then crashes down. His chest looks stretched, his knees distorted. He makes no sound his throat to dry, to hoarse. His skin is dry as paper. Blood loss has softened his cock, but he sits on his prick seat and although in terrible pain is not close to death, if left he could probably last for days.

Adamsi is very still, his unshaven jaw rests on his collar bone, his arms are stretched and the left arm looks dislocated, his lank hair is still it hides his pale torso, you can see the outline of the ass rod under the skin of his groin. He still breathes but it is shallow and gasping, he no longer stands to empty his lungs so has to seat on the cruel seat and gulp down what little air this purchase provides. He would die soon anyway.

Figures appear in white chemical suits their faces masked and their eyes goggled, they are gloved and booted. They are pushing trolleys littered with iceboxes and surgical instruments. “It is time for these criminals to offer to society a more positive return for the crimes they have committed. A chance to aid the sick and the infirm. It is time for the harvest.” Drones on the now rather tired sounding commentator. It is the end game; the crucified have to be dead before six when the broadcast has to end and kiddie friendly viewing starting again.

It is the end for the crucified, but not an easy one.

It was decided that the organs of the crucified should be harvested and used for transplants, I don’t know how many are in a fit state to be used after hours of crucifixion but that’s what they say. It’s probably just a suitably gruesome way to despatch the crucified.

A white figure lines up before each cross with a scalpel in hand

Mariuz says something in his native tongue but his son does not reply.

Stephen chatters on oblivious. The white figures advance and their surgical knives glitter in the studio lights.

The three men suffer the knives slicing into their bellies cutting through skin, then fat then muscle, their stomachs are pulled apart and blood sprays over the white suited State surgeons. Mariuz hairy belly is pulled apart and skilled hard thrust into his living body. The big man roars with pain ass he is gutted his entrails dragged out steaming despite the heat of the studio, liver, kidneys, spleen are removed while Mariuz is still alive, he is dead before they remove his heart.

Adamsi struggle slightly finding new life as his guts are torn apart but dies suddenly as his intestine is cut. He dies in silence.

“Don’t like it… Don’t like it “ protests the insane Stephen as his belly is sliced into and he is slowly disembowelled and the surgeons removes his vital organs. He dies with a confused look on his face.

The blood-splattered surgeons push their gore-covered trophies away and the camera pans back. Five dead men. One twisted and distorted. One burned beyond recognition and three gutted. I try to remember them, their feelings, their fears but I feel nothing.

The screen fades to black.

White letters appear


And I do.

Stephen's death is etched in my memory... very well.
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