St. Louis Cardinals start their season 3-27.... No, it is not 'cricket'!!!
27 for 3 would cause no joy in a cricket match, either... unless you were the team bowling.
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St. Louis Cardinals start their season 3-27.... No, it is not 'cricket'!!!
This doesn't seem quite as bad as this (crossing the Atlantic was more, shall we say, "adventuresome" then too).The explanation seems to be that the same plane had flown from LondonCity to Edinburgh the previous two days,
and the pilot was accidentally given the flight plan for that trip instead of the Dusseldorf one.
I am no authority on European politics but it seems to me that being in the European union is taking away British sovereignty. I have seen other countrys forced to take in so called refugees who destroy local culture with their demands that locals change. It is happening here in America also but we are fighting against it. The damn liberals want to give OUR country away to illegals. I hope Great Britton keeps her majestic sovereignty.
A well written piece. Tree has a PM thread that invites political discussion (few agree with me... that's OK). This would be better off the main board. PM me...Hi. I don’t want to start something, but I think it is worth keeping some things in perspective.
The Republican Party had its origins in the “free soil” movement, which was both anti-immigrant and racist as well as being anti-slavery. The primary concern was that both immigrants and slaves drove down wages, no matter what “cultural” arguments were advanced.
“Illegal” immigrants are here because they are cheap to hire, like H2B temporary workers who are supposed to take jobs no one else will. Employers like Trump are attracted to this. Trump’s golf clubs have recently purged long-time undocumented employees (we were SHOCKED, SHOCKED to find that people who have worked for us for 15+ years were here ILLEGALLY!). Trump properties employed Polish H2B construction workers because, well, you know, union scale in New York is ridiculous. Trump is the most hypocritical, but he is far from alone. The kinds of jobs (farm work, slaughter houses, dishwashing and other restaurant work, construction "laborers") that employ illegals have unattractive wages because of economics, and are also undesirable from a physical effort point of view and would be hard to fill anyway and have high turnover because the work is both dead-end and strenuous.
The “culture” has changed markedly in the last 60 years. FDR, the master politician, once said that “Jews need to realize that this is a protestant country”. Indeed it was. The “mainline” denominations, especially Anglicans, Presbyterians, and Methodists dominated. “Evangelicals” were a distinct minority. Atheism and agnosticism were publicly loathed and confined mostly to the same kind of closet that held homosexuals. Sex (like our site here) was, shall we say, frowned upon, as was divorce, and extra-marital affairs also had a closet.
Pius IX in his 1850’s “Syllabus” of errors condemned the entire Bill of Rights in the American Constitution. Pius XII’s Secretary of State Ottaviani said “only the truth has rights” (which of course would exclude all Protestants, including evangelicals). Benedict XVI said in reference to the strictures of Humanae Vitae (the birth control/abortion encyclical of Paul VI), “Catholic politicians, take note”. I read that to say that he expects the politicians to vote in laws affecting everyone that conform to the encyclical (which if you read it is both intellectually dishonest and self- contradictory). This same Ratzinger as a Cardinal signed a letter (in court files) ordering a Wisconsin bishop not to report the notorious pedophile Miller (who went on to abuse over 100 deaf kids at a school) to the authorities because of his “young age”—the hell with US law, in other words.
This says to me that the Catholic Church feels it is above American law. It also raises the traditional cultural question in the United States since Irish, Italian, and Polish Catholics like my grandfather stated to come in large numbers, and that dogged Kennedy back in 1960 (in the “old culture”): namely whether a Catholic would owe his first allegiance to a “foreign power”. I will point out that today, even after the death of “Nino” Scalia (one of his sons is a priest), a voting majority of the Supreme Court is Catholic.
I grew up in Arizona (in World War II the regimental combat team formed from the Arizona National Guard was characterized as "Spics and Blanket-Asses"--it fought in the Pacific under MacArthur), and attended a (now defunct) minor seminary in high school. I knew a lot of Hispanics. I didn’t detect anything “unAmerican” about them. As people like me leave in disgust, the Catholic Church is becoming increasingly Hispanic, and instead of Ireland providing priests the new source is subSaharan Africa. (Perhaps that needs to be investigated?)
The atomic bomb was built by (mostly Jewish) emigre scientists. Isidore Rabi at the Radlab at MIT that made American radar superior was both Jewish and foreign born. If you read the scientific literature you will see that most of our scientific and engineering workforce is foreign born (Chinese and South Asians, but a significant number of Europeans and Middle Easterners). The dynamism in this country is not in traditional white rural American. Automation has destroyed jobs there, and rigid traditionalism and the lack of respect for education only worsen the problem. Since World War I, jobs and people have been streaming out as farming has become mechanized (which is one thing that helped win both World Wars—labor productivity).
There are lots of kooky Congresspersons, from both parties. Some of the weirdest are religious ideologues. The lone vote against war in 1941 was cast by Jeannette Rankin of Montana (who was a socialist). You can imagine some cultural stalwart of a rural white guy saying “I told you it was a mistake to let ‘em vote”). The Equal Rights Amendment was defeated in part by fear of "unisex bathrooms". Now they're common (they have locks) largely for economic reasons.
When I was in grad school, farmers used to work nights as janitors. One was an old tobacco farmer, a nice guy, uneducated but not unintelligent (but you could smell him coming). He told me that the state used to hire farmers and their teams of horses to build roads (think of the jobs destroyed since they stopped doing that). He was in awe when I used a keypunch (those things, like mechanical calculators, are in museums now). He also thought they might have changed the weather when they went to the moon.
The issue you raise is in my opinion a scare tactic that politicians use to buy votes so they don’t have to address real issues.
I was told not to post politics here. I am not even sure who started this post.A well written piece. Tree has a PM thread that invites political discussion (few agree with me... that's OK). This would be better off the main board. PM me...
Fear not and forget about it!I was told not to post politics here. I am not even sure who started this post.
I was told to go to YOUR pm. The guy said nobody agrees with youFear not and forget about it!
But I do !!!!~!~I was told to go to YOUR pm. The guy said nobody agrees with you
I was told to go to YOUR pm. The guy said nobody agrees with you
Then ask..............and write............But I do !!!!~!~
I'll add you to it!But I do !!!!~!~
Mars, not just for bars
So this is cool, turns out that Mars had rivers, really big ones but it doing so means the current models of how Mars climate changed are wrong. See now you know the kind of stuff I talk about over cake.
Yeah, the minerals show there was water (if our understanding of the ways minerals form is complete), and there is definitely buried ice. One theory I read says that the now thin atmosphere was once much thicker, but was blown off by a collision with a large object (Mars is markedly smaller than earth). The new lander is supposed to sit there and look for "Marsquakes" to try to characterize the interior. Venus has a thick atmosphere full of greenhouse gases and is hotter than hell. Apparently there is an angry cabal of planetary scientists who complain that NASA has gone to asteroids, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and even Pluto and the sun (Parker probe, very clever, has to orbit at 430,000 mph and has fancy heat shields made of "new age" materials to protect the electronics, and can only stay up by "rotating" around both Venus and the sun, like two people playing catch with slingshots), but there hasn't been a Venus probe in decades. I'm not sure why. I assume an actual descent into the atmosphere would be a short-lived suicide mission, and maybe the atmosphere makes an orbiter less effective at detecting what is going on. They should be able to come up with ways around both problems, however. Also, it is far more accessible. You don't have to wait years for the right orbital alignment, and it doesn't take long to get there.
Yes, it is called the Carrington Event for the British observer who was observing the sun and recorded it!In 1859, the northern lights went very far south (the sky was green) and the telegraph shorted out. A huge solar flare of charged particles had hit the earth, but no one understood that. (There was another one in 2012 that hit the earth's orbit, but this time the earth wasn't there, according to the SOHO satellite).
In 1958, Eugene Parker proposed that a steady stream of plasma (a hot gas of charged particles) from the sun hits the earth--the solar wind. People publicly wondered what he'd been smoking. However, he was proven right, and he attended the launch last year of the "Parker Probe" to sample the sun's atmosphere. (The photo I have of him in his wheelchair at the launch at Cape Canaveral is too large to fit.
The current theory is that Mars lost most of it's atmosphere due to solar wind.Yeah, the minerals show there was water (if our understanding of the ways minerals form is complete), and there is definitely buried ice. One theory I read says that the now thin atmosphere was once much thicker, but was blown off by a collision with a large object (Mars is markedly smaller than earth).
So, not exactly a great place to move to. Climate change, loss of atmosphere, the whole place is just going to entropy.The current theory is that Mars lost most of it's atmosphere due to solar wind.
Earth's molten core produces a magnetic field that protects us from most of the material streaming off the sun. But, Mars' core cooled long ago and it lost its magnetic field, allowing the solar to strip off the atmosphere. Infact, it's still losing atmosphere.
But think of the mining possibilities!So, not exactly a great place to move to. Climate change, loss of atmosphere, the whole place is just going to entropy.