Concerning elections and strange - hm - maybe "rather alien" behaviour in an "USA - election video" from a German point of view:
Could you please enlighten me in my confusion and bewilderment about this video?
1. a) What exactly is this lady "Paula White-Cain" doing here in this video concerning the election in the USA?
1. b) Did she really hold a speech when Donald Trump was inaugurated in 2017?
2. Who is that guy running around aimlessly behind her?
3. Why does he have a towel on his arms?
4. Is there any connection with the 42-towels in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"?
5. Is this a prayer or witchcraft and in which languages?
6. If it is witchcraft, maybe the lady is only successful when a virgin is sacrificed to her "God / Lord of the Flies"?
(There is an explanation of this video in the German TV station "n-tv" ...
US-Präsident Trump hat unter den evangelikalen Christen viele Anhänger. Die erzkonservative Predigerin Paula White-Cain betet auf ihre ganz eigene Art dafür, dass er die Wahl gewinnt. Ein Video davon wird in sozialen Netzwerken millionenfach geklickt - und das bei weitem nicht nur von Trump-Fans.
... and this TV-station's news are usually only about stock exchanges and shares but I still do not understand this "alien" behaviour of some so-called "human beings" ... )